Tell me about totally covering armor/combat suits, Veeky Forums.
Tell me about totally covering armor/combat suits, Veeky Forums
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>leaving an exploitable soft point in the armor covering your most critical organs
What you posted is not nearly covered enough.
To be fair, there's some value in looking at your victims eye to eye as you incinerate them in holy fire.
What's up with the random fur?
We posting bodysuits, vaguely armored or otherwise? Because I'm down for that.
It's a Guardian from Destiny. They do up their armor in all sorts of ways just to look cool; this dude is probably a concept for one of the Iron Wolves who had a heavy Not!viking thing going.
Like says, that's a character from Destiny, which is basically a high fantasy setting but with space ships and guns.
Holy booty
I've always had a soft spot for protective suits that have a distinct look. Industrial PPE for example.
Because the main point of Destiny is to make your character look as good as possible.
Yes please. I need them for REASONS.
They are things of the past when magitech civilization thrived and ruled over the world. Very nice things of the past.
Man, I never really thought about dead space like that. He really is just wearing really advanced workplace PPE.
Wouldn't they be very uncomfortable and bad for hygiene? Like you'd get all sorts of skin diseases and infections and shit.
Fucking love Hellgate's designs my dude.
Oh how I wish it wasn't such a massive failure.
For what it's worth, Hellgate: London was the progenitor for Borderlands and the games inspired by it. Without Hellgate, we wouldn't have Destiny, the Division, or Anthem.
samus dot jpg
Something something warframes.
We need more body covering armor environmental suits.
But how else will we know she's ready for the dick?
that is 90% exposed flesh
Agreed. Preferably faceless.
Shame Destiny is such a pile of shit. The lore and aesthetics are cool.
Destiny 2 shit the bed on multiple fronts. Now it'll have to contend with Anthem this year.
What's Anthem all about?
I know some Vanyu booty when I see it.
Super-short version: Anthem is Bioware/EA's answer to Destiny and The Division.
You live on a dangerous planet in a city protected by walls. You play as a Freelancer who has access to multiple Javelins - armed and armored exosuits that you can outfit with different abilities. Expect plenty of soft sci-fi and flying like Iron Man.
Destiny has a lot of issue but we're talking about the company that allowed ME3 to be released the way it was so......
>Expect a Free to Play game that cost $90 for 'full' version and has everything locked behind loot boxes with no meaningful RPG elements.
i loved the shit out of the feeling and the story and the setting. it was the bugs that killed it and somehow the koreans fucked the reboot beyond recognition.
>Bioware has finally realised that they're not good at stories anymore and so is making a game about iron man jetpack adventures
I'm okay with this. Hopefully they won't fuck it up by dragging the worst elements of RPGs into it like Destiny did.
please have a melee class
>it was the bugs that killed it
it was also incredibly unbalanced at launch and jusstt before the Beta ended they stripped out all the humor and personality from the NPC's
>female shopkeeper used to flirt with you
>Chief scout dude was clearly mentally damaged
I think the elder and his ramblings about Gorilla Grodd made it into final game but thats it?
>46 minutes
Ain't nobody got time for that
What "worst elements"?
its basically a sci fi setting with a literal 5 percent fantasy aesthetic
You bring up ME3 when there was just last year a new Mass Effect game that got released that very effectively killed the franchise for the foreseeable future.....and you bring up ME3 instead?
You've got a point about Anthem though, I don't trust EA to make a game and just a game, now everything they make is a "service" and is meant to generate more money after the initial purchase, so fuck those guys.
You ever look at a game and just know its going to fail? this trailer gives me intense titanfall vibes. if you are so uninspired you have to steal core concepts from other games then slap one new mechanic on it why even waste your fucking time. Every single blockbuster game is revolutionary and different at its core. Why offer me a grape when I can choose an apple or a banana? Offer me a fucking stick of beef jerky or something you butts, anything else but more fruit. At least give me a fucking shitload of grapes
I just want a future setting where men and women are forced or tradition-bound to wear full-body, masked suits constantly except in rare private occasions.
Is that possible?
To be fair titanfall is pretty unique and was really fun.
Meant to say Andromeda but I guess I've earned my dunce cap so I'll accept it
Sand People in Star Wars are that. I guess Krieg Korps from 40k are basically that.
Ah I see your a man of taste good sir
Good taste in BUTTS
You cannot lie
Honestly I prefer the look of this Templar armor though.
Titanfall came out before CoD's exosuits
it at least came up with some innovative mechanics for movement and titans, unlike the big titles
damn, another good idea into the trash
>Warframe, made by EA
Another interesting premise being flown directly into a dumpster.
>Become a templar today
>you must have a FINE ass to join
>must have birthing hips
Warframe wasn't exactly a million dollar idea when it was first pitched, for all we know Anthem could turn out to be great. It won't, mind you, but it's still a possibility.
> Without Hellgate, we wouldn't have Destiny, the Division, or Anthem.
Is that supposed to be a point in its favor, or against it?
Bioware Edmonton - the A team - had apparently been working on Anthem for the past 4+ years, while Andromeda was spiralling into the dumpster.
I think the point he was trying to get to here, is that Hellgate was doing things no one had done before. While it had some.....quality issuess in terms of execution, it did however raise the idea that you could mix a FPS with an RPG and that certain ARPG gameplay mechanics can be toyed with in a different light. So Hellgate can be seen as a kind of experimental step of mixing genres that weren't normally combined.
It's still under EA, which means enormous pressure to include tons of ways to milk as much cash out of people as possible even after buying the game.
>it did however raise the idea that you could mix a FPS with an RPG
It's like you've never heard of Deus Ex!
not even remotely and the idea is horrific
t. HAZMAT tech
Such a shame Warframes are just drones/robots. I could imagine a female operator slipping that suit on and it's delicious.
Shit m8, I headcannoned a way they could have sex in the suits and feel it. Nano-polymer lattice that can thin itself to the width of a cell membrane while maintaining surface strength and direct-electro nerve stimulation
If you read Mass Effect lore, it's also heavily implied Quarians don't usually take the suits off for sex except in rare occasions/for procreation, and it's outright stated they have neuro-stim programs for masturbation at the very least
I have, and I played it. It is very much more rpg in the first person perspective, than a first person shooter with some rpg elements ala Shadow Warrior (the new one) or Bioshock. Neither game has skills that you put points into that make you less shit at shooting with guns, it's presumed you already know how to do that.
Also why not just go with System Shock, or does that one not count?
I'd like to think they'll eventually change/add to the lore so that Tenno can be individual frames as well as puppets for operators.
they can always have remote sex via the tenno bodies
>teenagers experimenting via remote mind controlling roboforms
>it's another Warframe players are assblasted because they don't understand their own lore episode
Operators were always canon, the hints were always there. Get your head out of the sand, just because you got an erection from your fanon doesn't mean it's real.
Is dat ass natural or genetically engineered?
Make it BIG!!!
not trying to advertise, i just love this guy
I hated the fuck out of the fact that all armor was class specific.
I also hated the fuck out of the fact that the deadliest character build was the offensive templar dual-wielding those silly electric bubble guns.
SS1 is very old, and SS2 is a living, breathing argument against RPG elements.
Female version pls.
this thread needs some toku