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That Good Chaos Feel

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Does anyonne know how large pic related is? I seriously want to use it as I love that goofy snail-larva but I don't think that it would fit on a 50x50 base, even if I got creative with cork. However if it does fit on a 100x50 base it would make one hell of count-as Gorebeast Chariot.
I will definitely swap out the rider for a human devotee of Papa Nurgle.

Roleplaying as a Skaven soon, has anyone got a list of mannerisms and phrases Skaven often use?

Where is it written that valten was actually killed by todbribger?

White Dwarf 302 and Darkness Rising.

Spell it

Karl Franz despairs about having to relinquish his emperorhood to Valten, Esmer and Todbringer tell him to wait three days and his problem will be solved, after three days Valten is found murdered with a huge skaven symbol painted on the wall (which is something no assassin would ever do),

Repeat verbs and pair adjectives. Run-run. Most merciful-magnificent of lords.

If you want to RP as a typical skaven you should whine a lot, grovel in front of your superiors and bully your underlings. If you fuck something up you should also cry shamelessly and blame someone else. Don't forget to squirt the musk of fear and run at the first sign of danger.

So much for "pure and honest" Franz

Great tips thanks

I thought there wasn't even a body, just a warpstone knife, and the symbol, and those knowledgeable going "omg this must have been the work of the best assassin ever!"

looks to be a 100 or 120mm long base to me

If you intended to use it as a palanquin for a champion of nurgle you may just use the space it takes inside a unit as filler, I doubt people would have problems; especially perhaps if you add stuff behind him like, I don't know, festive nurglings or a pair of plaguebearers as some kind of twisted bridesmaids.

Oh, also, every skaven but you is incompetent, and you are the greatest skaven ever. But no-one sees that. Read the THANQOL books for inspiration, there is a reason he became a table top character.

Np. What's your campaign going to be like?

Backstab a lot. Most of Skaven relations are based on personal simpathy and how high the chances are to scam/trick others and get away with it

That should fit on a 100x50mm base I think.

Also chitter a lot to yourself. describe all movements as sudden and never sit still. Skaven are bundles of barely repressed energy. Make sure to gnaw and eat everything everytime you can. Skaven are extremely ravenous. Make sure to describe how you steal food and minor trinkets from your teammates until they beat you up. At that point grovel and laud them as best you can, play the victim and plead for mercy so much that they won't hold it against you out of pure amusement or scorn. Also evrything you have is filthy and stinks something awful. You hate cleaningness and like to smell and revel in filth

I was actually thinking of using it as Daemonic Mount. However. As I need to build me some Gorebeast Chariots I might aswell use it as that. I have after all been playing with the idea for quite some time to use something like the picture as my Nurgle Daemonic Mount.

Neat, and if not I could probably make it work by propping it up on cork.

Oh hey, the frogposter is back from the last time he got banned for shitting up the generals.

Could a lore nerd help me out here?
There were colleges related to elementalism in 1e wfrp, and I understand they were retconned out with 2e out right saying none ever existed. However even with 2e saying no other colleges of magic ever existed aside from the ones in Altdorf, Sigmar's Heirs states that there is a legally chartered College of Sorcery in Hochland.
Is this supposed to just show warhammer fluff conflicting with itself or is there more to it?

Thanquol was a special character before he appeared in a book.

The real and official colleges of magic are in Altdorf, yes. Yet almost all major cities in the Empire have at least one wizard tower that works as a small scale college. Hergig has one, but also Middenheim

I always figured that they just faked his death, since Luthor Huss immediately started travelling the Empire proclaiming that Valten was gone but would return when the Empire needed him most.

In any case, Valten surviving the Storm of Chaos was ironically in the best interests of no one at all and even Huss would have realised that if he valued the unity of the Empire the best thing for Valten to do would be to fuck off somewhere and keep out of the way for a while.

Try the Tilea and Estalia works.


The really annoying thing about this is that the Skaven fans were like "OH YES THIS IS AWESOME!" and the rest of the Imperial fluff just ignored it happening.

It could have been deep and spoken of the lies that man tells to hold onto power, instead its just "status quo, Skaven are cool"

Well of course.
You also have the fact it was written by Gav, so for all we know he didn't even consider the greater ramifications because it's not elf related.

Gav is an absolute cunt and always has been.

Franz is a political realist. Even if he wanted to hand the title of Emperor to Valten, there would've been not just Electors who would've chafed being commanded by a mere peasant, but whole swathes of nobility.

Please don't frogpost on Veeky Forums.

To be honest Valten would've refused anyway

Well wait, was anything written about Franz and Tod after talking about it? Because it would be interesting to see how he'd react to that sort of solution.

It was a really interesting bit of political intrigue that just got a shit ending and then cast aside because the writer didn't give a toss.

>I get Hellebron and Morathi have a hatred for each other, but how do they get civil war level opposed?

Well, they're two of the most powerful people in the entire Druchii kingdom. In Malekith's absence, they are LITERALLY the most powerful people around. Plenty of druchii legitimately believe in either orthodox druchii beliefs or are eager to not have to hide their Slaanesh worship any more. The greater expanse of the noble families would probably fall in according to whoever promised better shit and seemed more likely to win.

Why not?

Children of the Horned Rat has a whole section on this that you should read. If you can't get the .pdf I'd be happy to post some screenshots of the section, but it won't be pretty.

The most idiosyncratic thing about Skaven that most people notice is their speech. Skaven talk in staccato bursts, and tend to double up important nouns and verbs for emphasis or due to excitement. Long words are going to be eschewed in favor of short ones unless they're trying to flatter someone important. Other races are always "things."

For example:

"Go to the store and steal some milk. Make sure to kill the guard there."

Might become

"Go run-scamper, take-take milk! Sneak-kill the man-thing!"

Because he's probably a fragile cunt.

Very little canonically, though:

*Estalia is still technically feudal. It used to be one kingdom.

*Estalia broke up while being invaded by the durkas. After they were driven into the sea, the kingdoms were never reunited.

*Magritta and Bilbali are the two most important kingdoms. Magritta is a very powerful trading-based economy. Bilbali enjoys good relations with Bretonnia and they see eye to eye on a lot of matters of knighthood.

*Estalia is home to the highest church of the Myrmidian faith by virtue of the High Priestess headquartering there.

*Estalians and Tileans hate each other, and REALLY hate people who mix them up.

*Estalia has a strong dueling culture. Diestros attend schools in the matter of swordplay and learn it down to a science.


Could we not have had a Happy New Year edition user? Or Happy Pie Day or some shit.

No. Sentimental homo.

just finsihed assembling 40x mantic zombies and the sprues have ridiculous amounts of heads and arms left, I'm thinking of using some of the hands as a unit filler(sticking up outa the ground with some old tombstones) , what else could I use it for lads!

Which mods would I need to play this on Tabletop Simulator?

I haven't played in years and feel like an absolute brainlet.

Could someone tell me if this is a legal formation?

ye mang, page 103 forward of 8th ed ruleboook states monstorous cav are treated as cav except for 2 minor rules, thus allowed.

Yeah, but no "Look Out Sir!". They are diferent trope types.

Frogposting is an emblem of shitposting, and you can generally judge how bad a board is by the amount of frogposters it has.

It's a stale meme that really only carries on because it being such a stale meme has become a meme of its own.

I remember back when frogposting was just a stoner comic on /co/ people posted because it was so strange and feel good.

It'd be like if suddenly Dwarf Fortress became famous to everyone on the internet for symbolizing the far left and hippie flavored trolling. An ultra niche nothing that had nothing to do with the result.

Pic unrelated, but why don't we come up with more creation tables?


That is our only one.

Daemonic mount goes on a 50x50mm base.

Trying lists for new purchases. Nomad greenskins 2500pts:

+Lords 592pts+

Orc Great Shaman [234pts]: Lore of da Big Waaagh!, War Boar [24pts], Wizard Level 3
. Magic Items [45pts]: BRB - Talisman of Preservation [45pts]

Orc Warboss [358pts]: Shield [3pts], Wyvern [160pts]
. Magic Items [80pts]: BRB - Armour of Destiny [50pts], BRB - Potion of Speed [5pts], BRB - Sword of Swift Slaying [25pts]

+ Heroes 540pts+

Night Goblin Shaman [110pts]: Lore of da Little Waaagh!, Wizard Level 2 [35pts]
. Magic Items [25pts]: BRB - Dispel Scroll [25pts]

Orc Big Boss [209pts]: Battle Standard Bearer [25pts], Shield [2pts], Spear [2pts]
. Magic Items [35pts]: BRB - Enchanted Shield [5pts], BRB - Talisman of Endurance [30pts]
. Orc Boar Chariot (replaces one crew) [90pts]
. . Orc Boar Chariot [5pts]: One extra Orc Crew [5pts]

Orc Big Boss [146pts]: Great Weapon [4pts], Orc Boar Chariot (replaces one crew) [85pts], Shield [2pts]

Orc Big Boss [75pts]: Shield [2pts], Spear [2pts], War Boar [16pts]

+ Core 611pts+

Forest Goblin Spider Riders [75pts]: 5x Forest Goblin Spider Rider [65pts], Musician [10pts]

Forest Goblin Spider Riders [75pts]: 5x Forest Goblin Spider Rider [65pts], Musician [10pts]

Goblin Wolf Riders [70pts]: Musician [10pts]
. 5x Goblin Wolf Rider [60pts]: 5x Shield [5pts], 5x Short Bow [5pts]

Goblin Wolf Riders [246pts]: Boss [10pts], Musician [10pts], Standard Bearer [10pts]
. 18x Goblin Wolf Rider [216pts]: 18x Shield [18pts], 18x Spear [18pts]

Night Goblins [145pts]: Musician [10pts], 3x Night Goblin Fanatics [75pts]
. 20x Night Goblin [60pts]: 20x Hand Weapons and Shields, 20x Short Bows

+ Rare 365pts+

Doom Diver Catapult [80pts]

Giant [200pts]

Goblin Rock Lobber [85pts]

+ Special 392pts+

Night Goblin Squig Hoppers [60pts]: 5x Night Goblin Squig Hopper [60pts]

Orc Boar Boy Big 'Uns [227pts]: Boss [15pts], Musician [10pts], Standard Bearer [10pts]
. 8x Orc Boar Boyz [192pts]: 8x Shields [16pts], 8x Spears [16pts]

Trolls [105pts]: 3x Troll [105pts]

/co/ didn't even exist when Feels Good Man became a meme and Sad Frog became a meme the same year /co/ was made. No one ever posted Boy's Club on /co/, only on /b/ in 2004 and 2005, maybe 2006 at the latest.

Stop being mad because she lost.

In 40k, there's a lot of room and encouragement to create Space Marine chapters, Tyranid hives, Imperial Guard regiments...

WFB has a lot less - there's still room for creativity, no doubt about that, but it's harder to make up a new Empire Regiment when state troops have well-defined colors, and there's not going to be a new High Elf kingdom to create a colorscheme around. You can have interesting bands of Chaos Warriors or Orcs or Goblin tribes, but it'll never get as crazy as what you can pull off with Chaos Space Marines or the insanity of Orks. It can be done, but it won't be as flashy or really have as many options.

You still could make - and I'm surprised it hasn't been made yet - a table for a mercenary company, and all the color and equipment and flavor that entails.

>No one ever posted Boy's Club on /co/, only on /b/ in 2004 and 2005, maybe 2006 at the latest.
I didn't say it predating Pepe becoming a meme in general, I meant before frogposting as it exists now.

I was here in 2008 before frogposting became a symbol for the clusterfuck that was the last two years. /b/ has never been my board, and I have seen the comic posted many, many times in my years on /co/ long before the 2016 shitstorm.

Nah, its pretty easy for Fantasy.

Herd Creation Table
Knightly Order Creation Table
Incursion Creation Table
>Dark Elves
House Creation Table
Clan Creation Table
>High Elves
Nobility Creation Table
Temple Creation Table
>Ogre Kingdoms
Horde Creation Table
>Orcs & Goblins
WAAAGH Creation Table
>Vampire Counts
Aristocracy Creation Table
>Tomb Kings
Dynasty Creation Table
>Wood Elves
Glade Creation Table
>Warriors Of Chaos
Warband Creation Table
>Chaos Dwarfs
Clan Creation Table
Militia Creation Table

You have a good point and I stand corrected. Won't really ever be as balls to the walls as some rolled up 40k regiments and armies can get, I think.

But does Bretonnia even have Knightly Orders? There are a few throwaway lines about Myrmidia's Order of the Spear being in places in Bretonnia, but they don't seem to form orders like the Empire does. Which is sad, because they sorely need things that stand out.

princess is never unrelated.
>she will never pet you.

>Knightly Order


Fantasy will never be this kino.

Sorry, I don't really know much about Bretonnia to be honest.

There was nothing impressive about that. GW is doing a cheaper version of Emperor Text To Speech to advertise.

Actually, I take that back. Them possibly bringing back Skullvane Manse would be pretty cool.

Might be better to rephrase it as a 'Lord's retinue.' The knights they'd fight alongside, the levies of peasant troops - all the stuff you might find in a Bretonnian army fits nicely under that title, more or less.

Does anyone have pictures comparing 6th ed and 8th ed Dark Elves Warriors?

Google is full of TW:WH2 pictures but I failed twice finding an image of an old warrior beside a “new” one.
I need to see which parts there are responsible for them having seemingly different styles.

Check the Warhammer fantasy wikia - if there's one thing it does well, it's keeping a record of most of the models of various types of units each edition.

Is it possible to play Fantasy Battles using recast miniatures ?

You could play it with bits of paper if you really want.

Be brave and keep the spaghetti hidden.

Download the books in the OP for those editions. They should have a model section.

Any of you dudes know where I can find a 32mm square base?

>Nomad greenskins
>Night Goblins
really makes you think...

Looks like a fun list, a fitting choice for greenskins, that said, here's some nitpicks if you want to make the list more competitive:
>Mounting Lords/Heroes in Chariots is rarely worth it, as they pay the cost of the chariot, but replace it's rider, still, in your case, getting some Chariots and leaving your heroes in a Boar unit is usually better
>Weak magic phase, you have neither the power of a level 4 wizard to keep up with your opponent nor a fuckload of cheap shamans to fling spells
>Lack of infantry, in the edition which is all about who has the bigger horde (8th)
Would play and share a drink against/10

Replace it with minor noble house, there's pretty much infinite smaller noble houses, you can go nuts with the heraldry and colors

I don't think anyone makes that. You may want to check the size again, 32mm is only for hexagonal bases.

In general I'd recommend Reaper. They make cheap bases in all the sizes in various kinds, and when you spend $40 they give you free shipping and a free mini. I tend to fork out for paint at the same time.
But there's also Proxie Models if you prefer Amazon.

Is it possible for High Elves to have spies among the Dark Elves, or vice versa? Or is it too easy to tell each other apart, even in different clothing?

Dark Elves do.
I wouldn't be surprised if High Elves had some.

Thx, but I mean an actual side-by-side comparison in one picture. Looking at differenz picures is… possible but makes the task much more difficult.
(It's not that I wouldn't have all the books already.)

Check out Alith Anar.
>There was nothing the Shadow Warriors would not dare. It was said that Alith Anar once danced in disguise with Morathi at the court of the Witch King before stealing the Stone of Midnight from her treasury. He then outwitted the Witch Elves sent to hunt him down, tricking them into drinking poison mixed with blood before escaping into the wilderness.

All Elves look the same under their armor

I always read things about how the warhammer world is 2 or 3 times the size of the real world, what's the basis of these claims? I can never find a source.

So, should we make a new general?
That's what got the frogposter to go away last time.

Why, because frogposting is universally done specifically for the purpose of pissing people off on Veeky Forums.

Don't forget the politics! Like
says, people who post frogs do so almost entirely to dredge up political arguments, like "Stop being mad because she lost."

One google search later
>Just flicking through the 6th Edition Tomb Kings book and noticed it had a map of Nehekhara. With a scale. Oh dear, I’m betting you’ve guessed what’s coming...

>The distance between the Great Ocean and the Gulf of Medes at the closest point, appears to be approximately 1,000 miles. Grabbing the nearest map I have of Warhammer World (the WQ role-play book, believe it or not) I estimated the distance the poles are apart. By my best guess, there’s about 20,000 miles between them. I do realise there are other maps with scale, but I’ll assume that this is the correct one for now. >A pencil, a calculator, my old A-level physics book, back of an envelope and 15 min later I give you this:

>The Warhammer World (assuming it’s a sphere.)

>Diameter (poles): 12,732 miles
>Circumference (poles): 40,000 miles
>Surface area: 509,295,818 square miles


>Diameter (poles): 7,899 miles
>Circumference (poles): 24,819 miles
>Surface area: 196,017,163 square miles

Thanks user!

I'm aware of the chariot-mounted characters' weaknesses, but I find them just too cool to not use. The richest bosses gotta show it off. Plus they can be used on foot in different lists, whereas riding ones can't.

I find it rather hard to fit both wyvern and a lvl4 in same list, so I made a compromise. This seems to be the way did it in Da Warpath back in the day.

I've yet to buy any proper infantry. I'm very picky with my aesthetics and can't find those classic pre-6th edition orc boyz anywhere. I'll include them as soon as I can though.

There's a few different sources for the fact that the Warhammer World is larger than earth, like the WFRP 1e core book and WFB 3e rulebook, but there are probably a bunch more.

GW very rarely adds a scale to their maps, but the few that do have one bear out the larger scale quite nicely. Pic related.

I see that, but the fan supplement from GItzmna's gallery which is taken from a variety of sources, give's a Marienburg to Nuln distance fo something like 500 miles. Which if applied to the Empire, gives a much smaller than real life size for the empire

wait if it's a sphere how come the diameter is greater but the circumference is smaller?


nigga what

I'd recommend going onto the DE forums, every army has one but I don't know which is theirs, and asking.

Does druchii.net still exist? I hope not, those fuckers complained to Gav so much about the DE book that it was buffed in WD.

Does anyone know where to get a quality runelord on anvil of doom?
I'm know where to get ironbrow but want to know if there are better alternitives.

Are there any good bretonnian novels?

It's kind of hard for an illiterate nation to write good books, so no.

Has anyone here done a naval campaign/game for WHFB or Mordheim? I am interested in drumming up interest in a piratical campaign at the LGS, if only as an excuse to get to terrain-building.

The General's Compendium, 2003, has boat rules. There's a scenario in White Dwarf 300. The first published Warhammer scenario, the Magnificent Svenn, has a boat as part of the battle.

For other (fan based) ideas, there's the Corsair rules, and my favourite, Flagship Games' Pirates!, which was originally written so that they could play naval WHFB campaigns.

Official GW model, or a proxy?

Plenty of proxies, recasts for Fantasy are rare, and legit GW is usually very expensive for squatted or powerful in AoS things.

Several short stories which are a bit hit or miss, and a short series which always sounded like Warhammer Witcher to me.

I can get the official ironbrow model but am wondering if there is a better quality proxy.

Eeeh. The ones I've heard about can be somewhat hit and miss - it's either really great just because Bretonnia, or rather bad because of the ways that it can mess with lore.

Generally Bretonnia does not seem to have the most lovingly crafted stories, written by writers who genuinely care about Bretonnia. The only short story I can earnestly recommend is Who Mourns a Necromancer, and that shit is barely Bretonnian, really. It could easily have been set in the Empire.

Flagship Games Pirates? Corsairs? I'm interested, do tell more. I know there's the Sartosa campaign module on TBMF but those sound cool.

It's said that Morathi masturbates to the memory to this very day.