This year is off to a good start
Outsider Thread
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Last line has a typo btw
now we know why we used to wait for so long
Are they all suppose to be this thirsty?
I thought they didn't have human libidos, because gender ratios were so extreme.
Or is the proximity of a male what gets them going, because it's a rare opportunity?
Well, that looks like the look of Beryl about ready to devour it all again
To be fair, Beryl is an oddity and a xenophile, and this might be a legit or diplomatic and not sexual compliment
pic from 20 years ago
>one shows affection
>entire race is thirsty
The reading comprehension of Veeky Forums everyone
Jesus christ Beryls face though
Xeno-fags are just delusional.
funny how one of them still isn't introduced
>aroused by console use
To be fair, the entire Dunmer race has a reputation as sluts thanks to one queen who hopped on literally every cock she could get out of a man's pants.
>there are more examples than that. too busy to go look them up. necrophiliac alchemist in skingrad in oblivion for example.
There is also a Morrowind quest where you have to track down a woman where massive whore is implied.
Oh man, she's got it bad.
This entire page is one big "There's totally not going to be enemies at the jump point guys. Seriously. I swear."
>If I didn't kill her, I'd have to kill a new man every week
That middle one is clearly an early Beryl design
Post the link to the comic, OP:
as it's impossible to jump near gravity wells, and as this system seems to have a huge asteroid belt, I don't think a menacing enemy arrival is likely.
It's probably just a case of Arioch spending months making a map that will only appear once in the comic.
He's probably blowing most of his time making more art for that space rts game on steam he made.
Everything is impossible until it's done.
idk, she reminds me of a princess that's going to be introduced later, but i can't find the insider/forum page right now to confirm
He’s gonna go on this grand elf journey, only to find out his people sided with the bugs. His paradise comes crashing down when they take him as a war prisoner.
It strikes me as either "I know you're a spy for sure now" or pure thirst.
She's a naive xenophile. She'll not suspect a thing. That's Tempo's job.
I'm still betting that the bitchy blue-haired admiral will end up being the main villain of the story somehow.
Dat 'strategic entry port'...
Engineering - engines ahead, full thrust!
That's the main torpoedo launcher of a Klingon bird of prey. It's strictly for exit purposes, not entry!
>Are they all suppose to be this thirsty?
>alien is impressed that a completely uninvolved alien has learned how to press a button
>clearly wants his dick
Man, with the way you jump to conclusions it's a wonder you don't break your neck.
>that old school 3D spaceship
>that old school shading
Oh man.
Reminder that beryl is like, 9.
>It's strictly for exit purposes, not entry!
That's what they all say, until the command is 'Ramming Speed!'
But if A = B then B must = A.
It's logic.
what game?
>a member of a race = a race
That's not funny even as a joke.
No that's definitely Beryl. Her Tempo and Fireblade are based on the science/intel/military advisors from MOO2. That's where the armour colours come from too.
So how many comic pages did we get in 2017 compared to 2016 and previous? Do you think 2018 will be any better or will be return to the dark ages?
Stars in Shadow (aka the reason why the comic is so slow) seems to be coming along well, but to be frank it's an MOO2 clone. We've had a lot of those, far too many and most of them were terrible. Can't work up the energy to check out Jim's game.
the fucking facial expressions in this kill me every time.
Have I missed something?
Pretty sure he's wrong and Beryl is 14.
Yeah you're right. Still basically a kid though.
>implying she isn't a sleeper mizol spy
-1 would just be quirks. They'd have to be very low level things. Stuff that's basically an RP only problem, but might come up.
Oh hey.
>easy to read
I'm reading thirsty from her expression, and GURPS says I'm probably right.
>-5: Xenophilia
No shit?
In game terms it means being fascinated by aliens and alien cultures. Not the sexual fetish.
Oh, it's possible indeed, it's just that you bump back to hyperspace or tear the barrier and end in hell.
Unless Earth has become a matriarchy, I don't think people would choose bugs over space babes, no matter how cool mandibles look.
It CAN mean fascinated. Congenitally Thirsty for pink dick is a valid interpretation of the quality.
>Unless Earth has become a matriarchy, I don't think people would choose bugs over space babes, no matter how cool mandibles look.
Wasn't the plan and the whole reason his ship was out there that Earth was just going to sign on with whichever power they could contact first?
No, the point was to figure out which side was winning, and then jump in with them if i recall correctly.
I thought that the mission was to sign on with whichever power they could contact first, but with the people undertaking the mission understanding that they had to pick the Loroi because the bugs were basically a slow motion death sentence.
His wasn't the only scout, there were like four more.
Of course, just bumping into the Loroi or Clicks wasn't going to be the end-all, a whole alliance has to be formed and all that.
Humanity might side with the bugs just to get the tech and industrial base going to jump a few tech levels, surely a few scouts thought that way when the Orgus revealed the bigger picture.
“Falls Asleep Anywhere” is cute.
Yeah, top tier waifu. Although Fireblade has some weapons grade A Cute qualities for Tenderly Loving further on.
>you will never be able to soothe the space PTSD of your alien psychic juggernaut waifu due to your lack of sensitivity to her broadcast flashback dreams.
Enjoy getting set on fire in your sleep.
Nobody loves ticking time bombs, yes.
It's a solid MOO clone. Worth getting if you like that sort of game, but not worth getting if you're already burnt-out on the genre. I have no idea how well it's selling. If it's selling well then there will be an effectively endless number of DLCs for him to work on.
Lies and slander.
Fireblade best waifu.
Maybe she thinks he's just another Umiak trick and is dutifully waiting for him to reveal it and protect everyone by being ready for him to make his move.
>maybe she eventually stops caring if it's true
It will still take time for the effects of any alliance to trickle back to Human space. If they let them know where it is, which I assume was the plan since Jardin mentioned it on the map.
>story starts out with human being asked if he needs to fuck someone to cool off
>basically 20 years later and it’s obvious there won’t actually be any fucking in the comic ever
>and yet a growing harem still cozies up to him
I’d make a blue balls joke, but the alien men already have them. What’s the point anymore?
I'm spoiled by double page releases.
I really wish I had the willpower not to buy this.
It's very derivative, but otherwise okay.
Talon still best girl.
I bet behind one of those redacted is "Lecherousness at quirk level" or something.
I don’t remember that one.
No, the rules clearly state that you have to take nymphomaniac or similar qualities together with xenophile if you want to jump on every alien dick.
Is she really that powerful without her amplifier?
Best waifu nonetheless, even if spiral broken english is cute as fuck.
It's comfy, and not that hard. not very polished either.
They are mature at 7 if I recall well. She could be a milf for all we know.
She is. Her daughter is 6 years old .
>not Tempo
Weak shit.
>Jim started the comic as a space elf harem just like his animes
>comic's been running so long that he's matured out of his horny teenager phase before the harem's even fully introduced
It just ain't fair
It's pretty much Master of Orion 2, without Elerians.
I like it mostly because humans are pirates/mercenaries in old spaceships which date back to when they lived on planets. Love the worn in look of their ships.
He didn't stick space elves into his space game and he doesn't want to mod space elves into Stellaris either
Does Jim even like elves anymore?
Stellaris has space elves built in though
AND multiple space elf mods
Don't forget that humans are telepathically invisible/can't be mind controlled or whatever. Means the Loroi might actually kill them all on principle, to deny Umiak perfect infiltrators.
It would be nice if humans had some additional mechanics to make them really feel like the desperate scavengers and mercenaries they're described as being in the flavor text.
>ay lmao
user, haven't you heard?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this?
no. Do it yourself you lazy shitter.
Thanks man, i've been trying to remember the name for this since forever.
Humanity, at an early interstellar stage, bumps into a group's of alien refugees fleeing a massive space amazon psychic elf/ transhuman superpragmatic space bug total war. MC's ship was one of many sent out on a first contact mission. Witnessing a battle between the belligerents, they were ambushed by a third party. Alex is the only survivor as far as we know, he was picked up by the spplotelves. The plot thickens when it turns out that humans may well be the only species immune to the space elves telepathy. After a fairly rough reception, he's finally been acknowledged as probably a real diplomat and not some sort of space bug clone trick. He's being hustled back to the sector capital, away from what turned out to be the frontline of the two empires.
He's accompanied by a military scholar, a psychokinetic bodyguard, and a not!spy/commisar.
That does cast Fireblade in a new light, as that would definitely be cute.
I hope Fireblade gets some character development, but thinking about the length of time required for that to happen at the comic’s current rate of publication is slightly depressing.
Human infiltrators into telepathic societies would be detected precisely because of their innate telepathy blocker, even if they were in blueface.
I think the implication would be that they can freely lie, cheat, etc. without being ousted as such.
Though, that's not actually infiltration, more like diplomatic sabotage sort of thing.
That wouldn't benefit the Umiak for obvious reasons, but they could use more client race worlds as industrial bases.
New to the series, how the hell do you have that much info? Insider lore?
Lore dumps on the main website. All kinds of stuff can be found
Also check the forums since the author posts info dumps there as well
>Loroi mature at 7
>Beryl's kid is 5 or 6
>Beryl's daughter is a rebellious teenager who may or may not be going through some kind of adorable goth phase
If I remember, Arioch first said that humanity's quick advancement relative to the established races would give them an edge, but eventually retconned that. Is there anything else in Earth's corner or is it just 'wait and see'?
It's still that, but scaled back to less cringy HFY levels. Humaniti will help the Loroi get over their weird hangups about social cliques even unto R&D.
Also it's unimportant in the long run since the story itself is only concerned with boy meets cute aliens.