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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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How does your Jumper celebrate New Year’s Eve & Day?
S2E1 of Overlord is out.
You should practice safe sects. Then it is good.
Ah, that new year smell.
What's the strangest sort of thing your Jumper can detect?
Thanks to Supernatural Jump.
I took Synesthesia from My Hero Academia, so I can smell colours and see sound.
It's not, like... I'm really SEEING sound waves, though, that's not how synesthesia works. Rather, I'm hearing the sound and then that information is getting passed to my eyes and nose and sense of touch and all that additionally.
So in terms of usefulness, it's more about bringing more attention to things I might have already been aware of on a subconscious level, and allowing me to experience things in a new way.
It's more "fun" than "useful".
New items for almost everyone.
Restriction removed for some capstones as those are not physical incompatible.
The best time to dance.
Also snoopy telepaths, usually when they burst into flames. No matter what I think.
Soon to come, the ability to sense forged money, untermensch and the innocent.
Shilling over.
So can you taste the rainbow?
It's a new year, everyone. I hope it's going well for you so far and I hope it continues to do so. With every new year comes new events.Things change, and people come and go. This time will be someone going. While this kind of message may be long and seemingly unnecessary, it's important for me on a personal level. I've decided to leave the thread community, this time in full. At most, I may lurk the thread or IRC, though my involvement in Jumpchain will likely go back to what it was when I discovered this place, monitoring the uploads folder. My claims are dropped, including previous jumps I've already made, so feel free to take them up if you wish.
You may also notice that I've attached a pdf. This is the latest WIP of Lazy Dungeon Master, which I will not be finishing. I would very much like someone to take up the task of finishing it, whether that be by finishing this copy or by using it as notes and ideas for a new one. At the bottom I've listed a few setting details I felt might be important and planned on putting in the actual document, as well as chapter citations for most.
I've had a fun time being with you all, but I'm afraid that time is over. May you all have a swell 2018.
Won't that leave you a bit overwhelmed by all the crossed signals if you entered anywhere halfway extravagant? Like a rainforest in a rock concert? Or a battlefield?
Farewell. Good fortune in future endeavors.
How come you’re leaving? Which Jumps have you claimed?
SOrry to hear about that. What claims did you have?
Seeya, Tam. As someone who's accepted that the next month is one too busy to do much more than lurk again, I think I sorta know the feeling.
It's sad but have a happy new year and I hope that you will come back sometime in future.
Toggle perks are very important when you take abilities like this. I think I have like three now that are based entirely on my own personal usage (ie, they're perks, that I can use at any time), from Traveller's Gate, X-Men Evolution, and Young Justice, respectively, in addition to a couple items which can also act as toggles. I have toggles behind my toggles!
Anyway, yes. In fact, I usually only turn it on when I either want to experiment, or actually want to lose myself in a sensation. It's fun!
I can!
Skittles are actually a poor substitute to the real thing.
Goodbye, Tamerai! I wish you much love and happiness whatever you do. Thanks for hanging out with us all here in this little corner of Veeky Forums.
I rolled ciel nosurge and I'm currently watching the english playthrough on youtube (pretty boring i have to say, not sure how much more I can take even at 2x speed).
I still have no clue how song magic even works, the wikis are pretty confusing does anybody mind shedding some light?
I took vocal emission range and magical languages from the jump plus picked the incarnate race, practically what should I be able to do?
I can't remember the exact text for that quirk, but it is a quirk. Since it's not real synesthesia, instead being a literal superpower that bares a resemblance to it, you may very well be able to actually perceive colors with your sense of hearing. Like, your eyes get gouged out and you can still tell the color of someone's shirt.
Ah, too bad. We'll miss you.
Besides LDM, I had claimed and worked on a jump for Tremors, The Thing, and Kerberos Panzer Cop, but they never went anywhere and it's been a while since I claimed them. Of the jumps I've made and finished, I've only made Shokugeki No Soma, Cabin in the Woods, Generic Video Game developer, and Dragon Ball AF.
You will be missed Tamerai. Hope everything is ok, and have a Happy New Year.
Good luck. You will be back. They all come back.
Good luck, and hope that shit goes well enough for you that you don't wind up being forced to come back.
Jumpers, when did you first kill a man? Was it deliberate or an accident? Was it self defense or did you just decide that that person must die?
>Shokugeki No Soma
Damn I guess we won’t be getting an update for this jump. We’re sad to see you go Tam. Hope you can return someday.
I don't kill men
Only communists
Battle through the heavens. They gave me no choice as they were attacking innocent non cultivators.
I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
>Want to companion all of Nazarick
>Not enough pods to even take all the guardians and no canon companion purchase
The perk doesn't really specify either way. What's more, I tried to look up information on the wiki about it, and there's basically nothing. Nada. Not a thing. I'm not even really sure it's a canon perk. So, since I only have the jump itself to go off of, and a general description of how synesthesia works in real life (which is an actual thing, as opposed to other quirks, which are... like... shooting bone bullets from your fingertips or other crazy stuff), I just went with that, partly because it's based off of the only source of information I can find, and partly because that's how I'd rather it worked anyway, because that sounds more interesting to me, if the additional sensations I find are somewhat based off my own interpretation and unique to me. Like, if you look up stuff about people with synesthesia, there are actually quite a few similarities between people's perceptions! But, like, at the same time, there will be some differences, like people will argue about whether or not the word "Sanskrit" looks more green or purple. And I think that's really fascinating, that it's based on your own perception and personal body chemistry.
And purchasing this as a quirk is still superior than, say, just fucking around with my own biology until they bleed over, because most people's synesthesia is somewhat limited, it's just like an additional add-on to sight or hearing, whereas mine encompasses all five of my senses to full effectiveness, and I find the idea of that really cool. It's like a personalized sensatorium that's made just for me.
... but, I mean, if you can find it in the manga somewhere something that defines it specifically, and it says like, "She can taste the colour blue, even without seeing it!", and tell me what page I'd find that on, then I guess I'd have to accept that as canon.
I don't see it as a big deal either way. But I do prefer to go with the thing that has more of a basis on available information.
I shot a man in Reno 'cause his humor was too dry.
Grab Reinhard's Briah?
If I remember correctly you can get them to come along if you complete the scenario.
He did say he was dropping past jumps he made too so someone can update or remake it potentially.
Get a couple pods, be one of the 42, switch them out every other jump or so.
I'm refining a prototype of a machine to do that for me.
It is one of the OC quirks, yeah. I just figured that, since it's tier 2, it should have its effectiveness boosted from just "normal" synesthesia for all your senses up to something like "losing some senses barely slows them down."
>Jumpers, when did you first kill a man?
infamous,I was a police officer so it was good to happen eventually
>Was it deliberate or an accident?
A accident,
>Was it self defense or did you just decide that that person must die?
neither, I did not intend to kill Him, there was so God damn much paperwork.
okay because the question specifically asked for the first time,sorry for my Confusion.
>This Machine Kills Facists
>Using a slogan co-opted by liberal commie pinko hippies
Nah, that's not what I mean. You understood them correctly. What I meant is, the USA has a lot of police-related deaths ending up in the news, so your own circumstances were topical to things happening IRL (a sentiment which can be shortened to the phrase "current events").
I think it was infamous. I took serial killer drawback and they went all joker on me. Eventually it came to a point in my final year where it was let hundreds die or take them down.
I tell myself it was an accident but i had toggle on. Still, fall from that height and the body was practically jello.
I still have the camera footage. I told gardevoir to stay back but she shows in frame right before they fell off the tower. Timid nature means shy, right?
I think that shows up in that weird political jumpa few threads back. Liberal squad something.
Anonymous you stop talking crap about The greatest artists of all time right now!
I said it was co-opted you degenerate fucking retard.
He is not wrong though. Fucking whiney liberal faggots (and I dont mean gay people) coopted it.
I mean, when you think about it, that's still kindof the case with mine? It's just... the senses that I get from mine... aren't "normal".
Like, say I was blinded. I can't see anymore. But I can hear, and I can touch! And my brain still understands how to interpret visual data, it's just that my eyes aren't able to transmit it to my brain.
So, my hearing and sense of touch transmit their senses to my brain, and because of the bleedover, that also gets interpreted as visual data. But it probably looks really WEIRD, like, I don't "see" a wall, I "see" a blotch of colour radiating from where my hand touches it. When I hear your voice, I "see" the sound waves radiating out from your direction as if they were geometric symbols with colour and "feel" them as if they were fabric brushing past me.
I can still interact with the world, even with one or two senses missing, but as that happens, the "world" that I "see" becomes more alien in comparison to the one you do.
Because these sensations are constant, ie, they don't change over time, I may even become familiar with these sensations over time, such that I can recognize certain geometric symbols as "a wall the sound waves of my footsteps are bouncing off of", or "a monster that is getting ready to attack me", and so I am not helpless.
But these sensations are still unique to me, it's difficult for me to describe them to someone else who doesn't experience them, as difficult as it is to describe the colour blue to a person who has always been blind and has no concept to it. These sensations are a product of my own interpretations bleeding over into other senses.
I think that's how I interpret it.
I can still keep acting if I lose a sense or two. It's just... different. Very different. And it probably takes a lot of getting used to; it's not something that I become an instant master of, just because I took the perk.
And that kind of thing is fascinating to me.
Hang on, Woody Guthrie wasn't a liberal commie pinko hippie?
Parties, thanks to CATastrophe.
Ah, that makes sense.
>it's not something that I become an instant master of, just because I took the perk
Well, if you take an origin besides drop-in, then you'll have had the quirk since you were a small child, and that'll probably go a long way towards helping you master it. Just something to consider if you're concerned about it.
reminds me, saw some raunchy art using that last week. Was good art-wise but holy shit trying too hard.
also it was futa, so shit by association.
(you know which one)
That wouldn't allow for imports nor offer the same kind of fiat protection, even if Reinhard's resurrection abilities are good, they are not absolute. Specially without someone like Mercurius helping
You only get Momonga in the scenario + a copy of the staff. A scenario to get the tomb would be cool, seeing that we have similar scenarios in other jumps to gain a large group to come with you. Honestly, seeing that we have gotten 3 extra volumes and there was still material that could be added, an update would be nice.
That wouldn't be as fun as traveling with the Tomb.
>Arguing about politics with a poo-eating retard in a self-insert fanfiction thread on a nerd games board on a website created for enthusiasts of Bhutanese shadow puppets.
Happy New Year, everyone!
So he was a children's entertainer that glorified violence.
That man war truly ahead of his times.
user, we're all trash here.
Tera is just at the bottom of the bin.
Have you spread the wonders of VR over other worlds ruining them in the process?
>That wouldn't be as
Well here is what you can do. It is what I am doing just I dont use nazarick.
Get a chunk of land that follows you,
get that perk that lets you grab property and turn it into a cube then place it elsewhere.
Move nazarick on to the property you have that follows you.
Now go to stargate atlantis and import it as a city ship you can bring a property in like this.
Next go to the jump that lets you import the ship as a pirate ship, I think its uncharted waters. Along with the powef to take anyone you want with you so long as they dont leave the ship.
Now you have a bigass space ship and can take the tomb aith you along wirh its inhabitants provided they dont leave the tomb.
No, Tera's at the bottom of the hole the bin covers up.
You don't know the way
I'm weirdly okay with cute anime girls having masculine voices
I thought we agreed and signed that OAA was at the bottom of the bin.
Oh, why are you always digging that back up?
it's a Complement really,you know you a real Jumpmaker when you have a dedicated shitposter.
How do you deal with time-travel?
Let's take for example Flashpoint in arrowverse, what happens to the jumper experiencing it?(assuming he possess no time-travel related perks)
Does he remain in the "main-Story" timeline or does he drift off to an unknown one?
"Why is the shitposter shitposting?" That's a question you actually asked. Wow.
Don't you have a wip for tremors? Would you mind posting it?
Depends on how time travel works in that setting. For those of us not familiar with the Arrowverse, how does it work there?
Not anymore, I'm afraid. It was on a previous computer.
Was it based on the movie, series, or both?
Give it a few years for voice modulators to be perfected
Both, though I hadn't seen the series and was using the wiki for some details.
I like it better this way
So can a Mother Box combine with a Green Lantern Ring by itself or would I need to get some other method to combine them?
>Not liking feminine voices for your your female(male) avatars
So guys, I'm looking to jump to Tales of Demons and Gods, and I'm wondering if I spent the majority of my cp on imports for my Demon Beast Souls, can I get recommendations on what monsters in jumps to use?
For anyone who doesn't know, Demon Spiritualists from Tales can absorb and use demon beast souls to basically undergo a transformation that turns them into an anthro with powers based on said souls. There seems to be a power limit as far as "deity" class goes, so nothing really, really powerful.
Yeah, background memories are great that way. Most of my familiarity with Irken technology came from background memories.
Anyway, that still wouldn't make me a master, but as an extended "tutorial" it goes a long way. And, I mean... I guess technically speaking, I'm better than anyone else at it by default, just because how many people do you meet who have full tilt synesthesia like that?
The Ultimaguil Machine World I've got following me makes use of augmented reality. Does that count?
Since it's kindof a cyberpunk dystopia otherwise, this is really important for making it look nicer than it actually is.
VR isn't really something I hold much interest in spreading around myself, but the technology does exist in an infant stage.
I'm more into creating a sortof layered reality, as opposed to a whole new reality you can escape to. Like... I dunno, less SAO, more Megaman Battle Network...? Does that make sense...?
>Not meeting Kanna Kamui and feeling your jaw drop as she recites the 14 words in the deepest African American voice you've ever heard.
Haven't found anywhere I can torrent or rip it so no clue what any of that shit is, my man.
>Haven't found anywhere I can torrent or rip it so no clue what any of that shit is, my man.
the novel is literally free to read in english
Same as every other holiday.
Type "read tales of demons and gods online" into google. It's the first option.
Sorry dude, we already have a jump of that.
That is actually a pretty cool combo.
You could probably fuse them on your own, but don't expect anything spectacular. That "Mother Ring" thing that turned Hal into the God of Light? Not really a Power Ring or a Mother Box. It was made from Darkseid's personal Mother Box, with all the custom super-tech he built into it, fusing with the Central Power Battery on Oa. You're going to need those if you want to get the crazy super power boost.
Way he’s describing would be through use of the Speedforce which allowed Barry Allen to timetravel back to his childhood to stop his mom’s killer (Reverse Flash). This caused an alternative timeline. Everyone on Earth 1 was affected, however Earth 2 wasn’t.
read his post again my man
It isn't a very good read, unless you are new to xianxia.
>I could stand the repetitive plot, dumb enemies and plot holes but couldn't handle the annoying romance. The main love interest is one dimensional idiot. She has no personality at all and it makes you wonder why author wants us to give a damn about the stupid pedophile love. All the other female love interest are idiots as well who fall for him due to stupid reasons ~_~ Believe me the romance in this series will kill you.
Go to generic xianxia or monster hunter, I suggest monster hunter for the bigass creatures or even pokemon.
>When you try to pirate it so hard for no cost you don't find it's easily and legally available for no cost
The Breed of Calamity from the Fate series. Should make you very fluffy.
Quidian or WW? where does /jc/ stand in the controversy?
Huh, that seems pretty cool. Specially the Atlantis part, I didn't know that we had an option to import properties and turn them into space ships. Although there is also Mortal Engines jump.
Yet I'm not seeing the part where you can add new people to the crew of the ship in Uncharted Waters