As I explore more rules, I get more and more blown away.
The Joan death squad is already sexy as it is. What I didn't realize is the +3BS and +3WIP for a 5man core. Thats.... disgusting.
Grayson Cooper
Too early to build hype yet. Swe those logos? They mean bigger events and teases.
Hudson Gray
Also pretty much the nist expensive pain train in the game.
Isaac Perry
March, May, August or November possibly
Nathan Hall
Those bastards
Landon Flores
Remember the WIP is only for technical weapons (of which the Joan train has none) and discover rolls. Doctoring, resetting, etc don't get any bonus.
Joseph Collins
Yeah, absolutely. But Jesus I think it's worth it. 5b HMG with base 17bs on a hosp.... ffs. Or de fersen hacking with 17wip. Gross.
I think to beat hacking against him fersen needs to hack aggressively since trinity gives him SWORD 3. Otherwise there's no defense lol.
John Perry
Ahhh. Great point. The discovery does help significantly though.
Chase Cruz
>de fersen hacking with 17wip Nope. Hacking isn't a BS attack or a discover roll.
That's actually quite important, because hacking can really fuck over the Joan train. Even with fairy dust giving everyone firewalls, an assault hacker can still give the team trouble. And like all hackers De Fersen lives in fear of taking a Redrum to the face.
Ian Gutierrez
Why not use a Sukeul?
Jason James
So what is the controversial thing in March?
Ariadna blows up?
Joshua Perry
One can only hope.
Aiden Ramirez
Uuh, be still, my beating heart
Jayden Gutierrez
I see, yeah. I thought it might be a bit too good to be true heh.
So what is the strategy to dealing with hacking threats? Does De fersen go aggro with Trinity and try to just out right kill the hacker? Focus on killing repeaters? The list is a major high risk, high reward, but hacking will kill it real quick.
Robert Fisher
So if Im wanting to catch up on fluff, starting from square one, what's the best way to do so? I spent my hobby funds on units, so buying physical books are out for now.
Aaron White
See the RPG book linked in the OP. Also the human sphere website for unit fluff.
Colton Morales
Sweet thanks
Thomas Baker
Killing the hacker is usually how to do it, or just keeping them away with other threats. Don't letDe Fersen near KHDs, they're hunting for him specifically and Trinity alone does not put him on their level. Using him to kill off AHDs is a decent plan though, they're lower risk but generally inconvenient for the whole crew. Mind you, often the best way to stop a hacker is just to pump lead into their chest from out of range or with an unhackable. Busting repeaters vs killing hackers depends on a lot of things like how many of each the opponent has, where they are, etc. Either can be the right choice depending on context.
Noah Bennett
Oh jesus christ you people are fucking dense. I have ran a list with a gao-tarsos with hmg, with the fucking intention of using parachutist or AD combat jump.
While that model was in my list, there have been time, when i see my opponent deployed in a way that will either prevent me some using my range band effectively or they would have difficulty with a arm3 symbiont armour model. I have deployed him normally. In addition, when i have deployed him normally, because of the reason above or simply because i feel like it, i can add a smybiomate to it. Holy shit.
Adam Walker
Has CB indicated that they are going to slow down Infinity releases since they are dedicating more to Aristeia?
Chase Hall
I hope not. I like Infinity but Aristeia is so very much not my cup of tea.
Jonathan Sanders
Doesn't look like it. Soldiers of Fortune comes out in February and we already know so does Bit & KISS.
Matthew Kelly
I see. I definately prefer just unloading into them. B5 hmg? Yes please. A lot will depend on the terrain, too. I'm concerned about not having a good shot angle on a hax. Does fairy dust keep the others pretty safe?
Logan Clark
what is soldiers of fortune?
John Ramirez
First Aristeia expansion.
Jackson Peterson
I'm thinking it's "Ariadna blows up Neoterra"
Asher Ross
More like "Ariadna blows CA like the filthy traitors there are".
Chase Taylor
I wonder if they will make package deals like for Wotan campaign for the next BoW event. Whatever your take on Wotan is, the packages did get a few people into the game.
Liam Murphy
On the eighth day of Christmas Corvus Belli gave to me
Eight Mavericks humming Seven irmandinhos Six nikouls FIVE NEW LINK TEAMS Four new brawlers Three Jaegers Two Sapper Zouaves And a cartridge for my combi
Michael Cruz
Apparently you did go full retard, no Lt and 11 units is worse first turn than just 10 units. The Interventor is your only and an obvious choice, ditch the Morlock and turn one of the Alguacils into a Stempler for Stempler things and to be able to take advantage of the Transductor sniffer.
I would have tried to fit an EVO bot in for further defense for the TAGs but Iggy doesn't care about hacking and is short lived anyway so probably not worth it.
Fairy dust is awesome, especially on solid BTS units. The most common hacking ARO is Carbonite because of its +3 to the attack and DT ammo, FD imposes a -3 thus nullifies that +3 and gives your knights a 9 BTS vs 13 damage DT if they fail to win the reset roll with their solid WIP. But they all have martial arts so they can mostly just stealth their way through.
I just did a little bit of research vs FD'ed Hospitaller doing a Reset and the best ARO hacking is done by Custodiers using Icebreaker winning 22% 15WIP AHD using Carbonite 21.67% Zoe using Stop! succeeding 21.25% WIP14 AHD using Carbonite 19.96%
On a normal roll because your knight is busy shooting someone else: Custodiers using Icebreaker winning 35% Zoe using Stop! succeeding 32.50% 15WIP AHD using Carbonite 30.20% WIP14 AHD using Carbonite 28.40%
For perspective, a Bandit AHD(WIP12) ARO using Carbonite on a normal roll vs a Hospitaller with no FD succeeds at 45.42% WIP15 AHD using carbonite is 54.09%
Isaiah Scott
It still benefits discover rolls.
Aaron Roberts
It helps that martial arts gives them all stealth, so hackers aren't really that big of an issue unless you fuck up and put the train somewhere a hacker can get wit in range of them without eating a few spitfire/multirifle/combat shotgun shots.
Jayden Cook
First mini of the year done! Only like 50 to go. I'm slightly getting the hang of blending, hoping to improve more this year. What are you guys painting?
Jacob Wood
Don't have a camera handy but working on my Nexus. They're the workhorses of the OCF and I'm glad we got a mini for them finally.
Jonathan Wilson
Nice work! I like the general grittiness. I have a Kriza Borac half-painted at the moment.
Carter Miller
"Welcome to Bourak. Here you scrub your ass with sand, everything's gritty.
Also here's your rifle with shotgun attachment, Quran, and medical license."
Isaiah Powell
Looks pretty good. You've got the browns and greens down solid. As well as the skin. That one Naffatun is one of my favorite line troop models. I would say that you should think of new colors for the hair. That de saturated grey for highlights isn't working to well imho.makes it look too much like stone or at best an old hag. Usually when people highlight black hair they use a blue grey color, you should look into that from a tutorial or something. Also try hiding the edge of the metal bar the mini connects to the base with some green stuff so it not as obvious under basing. Or just hide the line with grass or tuft
Christian Phillips
I like this headline
Josiah Cruz
With what? CA tech they were given for being traitors?
Jason Peterson
Finally finished the rest if my muyibs. The 3 ladies in the back are next.
What are you guys working on?
Nathaniel Gray
Hmmm. Im confused. Doesn't the AHD get rid of defensive programs? Does deFersen even have access to Fairy Dust?
Noah Johnson
I've been trying to find the rule on fireteams again that talk about the skills applying to all, but not having any luck. Can you reference it?
Does the MA3 apply to all during the active turn so that I could use whoever with stealth rather than a specific model?
Oliver White
I really dig the colour scheme. Looking good!
Thank you for the advice. I went over the grey highlights with a dark blue glaze. It looks a lot better now.
Jayden Kelly
He worded that poorly. They all have MA, thus they all have stealth.
You're thinking of KHD ignoring Firewall mods(thus Fairy Dust for Ferson) but they have no use outside nuking hacker brains and impersonation.
I refer to that site all the time. Your only sources of Fairy Dust in MO are Fusis, Order Sgts, and the EVO bot.
Noah Watson
Rip. They certainly do. I was looking at the wrong section when I went to check, so that's my bad haha. That definately makes things feel a bit safer
Right yeah. That's what i was using to check.
Gavin Moore
They have specifically said they will not be.
Great news for me, love Aristeia and Infinity.
Luke Miller
>Ariadna blows up? How would such a wonderful thing be controversial?
Jace Davis
It would upset Poles for destroying their favourite faction.
Yes, I know they're Poles.
Leo Phillips
Ariadna has very few Poles and is in fact Russia-dominated... I'd think Poles would be against it considering the bad blood between them and Russia.
Leo Howard
Has anyone played the RPG? How is it? I don't really have the commitment to play Infinity these days (my local peeps do NOTHING but run leagues and I can't really commit to that many weekends all year) and I'm curious if the RPG is any good.
Connor Bell
Here's bolt now
Julian Ross
Poles play Ariadna because muh realistic trrops and muh spam.
Jeremiah Barnes
The core dice system is fun and I love how they give special abilities through skills.
The keyword system is useful for having a bunch of different weapons with all kinds of abilities.
It unfortunately has tariffs and psyops which are lame. The chargen is also a bit much.
Michael Hughes
>It unfortunately has tariffs and psyops which are lame.
Could you explain?
Poles aren't hung up on realistic troops I'd wager, it's just that one crypto-Slavic shitposter that hangs out on these threads.
Jose Smith
Not him, so I can only tell you what they are. Tariffs are a component of item cost. Cost is X + YdN, where X is a flat number and N are the 1, 2, 3 x blank, Effect d6s that the 2d20 system has. The Tariff is how much is added to the cost on an Effect. If it has no Tariff, you've effectively got another blank spot on the dN. Example: Powered Combat Armour is 13+2dN, T3. An effect on one of the dN adds 3 to the price, so maximum price is 19 (minimum is always the base price, because of the blank faces on the dN).
PsyOps is just the social combat system, which is very similar to the physical and digital combat systems.
Blake King
Your explanations of tariffs don't make any sense to me, but I don't know the system. Are you saying that the cost is random? That bothers people?
Ethan Nguyen
Need a little help here. pic related is the core of a list that I really like but I need a hand finishing it off. can you help?
I'm debating on putting a Malignos forward observer in that but what do you guys think?
Noah Hernandez
Cost is a base number plus a certain amount of variance. That variance is the dN. A dN is a d6 marked 1, 2, blank, blank, blank, Effect. The Tariff sets the value of the Effect face.
Purchasing things is kind of like combat. First you make a check to see if you managed to find the item (difficulty based on how long you want to spend looking and what you're looking for) (effectively a to-hit roll). Then you roll to see how much damage your finances have taken (determining the Cost). If the cost is less than your Earnings (financial armour), then you just get the thing without having to worry. If there's some Cost left over after subtracting your Earnings then you apply that to your Cashflow (financial HP, has no major effect until you run out or lose a lot in one go). If you're out of Cashflow or lose 5 or more in one purchase, then you have a Shortfall (financial Wound), which causes problems like a physical one would.
>That bothers people? I guess. It's meant to model the fact that people don't sell the same item for the same price all the time.
Blake Roberts
What mission is it for? Malgnos FO is pretty good but if you're going for the scrote at top of 1 as your intended goal the Boarding Shotgun is nice too.
Adam Perry
The #1 thing you're missing is cyberware defense. Put in some hackers so you have a way to fight back against electronic attacks. I'm also personally not a fan of loading all my heavy hitters into a fireteam but that's me, it could very well work for you. Other than hacking, an infiltrator or AD unit that can stall units while your fireteam closes to close/medium range would be helpful.
Blake Brown
>Put in some hackers so you have a way to fight back against electronic attacks.
He's got an E-Drone in there. Throw up Reboot or whatever that EVO program is, and upgrade one of the batroids to the K1 combi + tinbot loadout and he'd be golden.
Christian Peterson
it is just a learning list so nothing specific. I am trying to learn how the samaritan can do solo while also learning how to use the unidron defensive link team. I'm leaning toward two Nexus Special Operatives as I prefer the E-Drone over the Nexus hacker.
other than that, I am just making a list to learn the sectorial.
Nathan Adams
One thing that can be nice is to have the Nexus Hacker in the fireteam so people can't sneak by your repeaters with Stealth.
You could also use the 5 cheap orders in Onyx (2 Ímetrons, 2 Ikadrons, 1 R-Drone) to give you that order volume.
Jacob Robinson
Ah fair I forgot that was the E-Drone's specialty, I only ever used the Q-Drone. I mostly took Nexus hacker LTs because they were cheap and I wanted to squeeze more fun CA toys into my (vanilla) lists.
Ryder Carter
I only have 1 ikadron, 1 imetron and the only drones I have are my favs (e-drone and q-drone w/HMG)
Juan Cooper
after looking at the unidron with tinbot I made this list. what do you think? not mission specific, just learning the models
Isaiah Cruz
Solo Rodok probably isn't that useful; I could see running the ML Rodok solo but not the boarding shotgun profile, he's too hard to get places.
Also, it helps to have the Ímetron in your biggest group because he's equipment, not a trooper, and you can't move him between combat groups. You also probably don't need too many orders on the Q-Drone because the HMG is best used as a reactive piece.
My suggestion is move the Q-Drone and Ikdaron in group 1 to group 2, move the Ímetron in group 2 to group 1, delete the boarding shotgun Rodok, and add another basic Unidron, and possibly a Slave Drone if you've got the points.
Aaron Young
Oh i like how the list looks and thank you for the info on the imetron. I have not used one yet which i why i was placing him in the wrong group.
Tyler Myers
Let me be specific. I added the unidron FO as i do not have the rodok with missile launcher
Kevin Powell
Wanna re-post your list? That's what I'd suggest, as well. I've got a lot of mileage out of running extra fireteam members, so I can keep the fireteam topped off at 5 for those scary aros.
Daniel Butler
Does anyone have any handy compilations of open source laser cut terrain? I'd like to make use of the laser cutter I have access to.
Parker Martin
here is the list.
Colton Bennett
Dammit. Move the imetron to group 1 and that is the list.
Daniel Rodriguez
Looks good for getting started.
Isaiah Myers
Why didn't anyone mention the Jotum was such a lanklet with just big plates bolted on to make himself look scary? Jotum is a pufferfish.
Logan Collins
more like
>PanOceania glasses Ariadna. "We thought about it first,totally."- says The Jade Emperor
Colton Scott
nigger its new years what the fuck
christmas is over ,shit
Chase Brown
The PanOceanian nation lacks the stomach for total war and the subjugation of a people. Yu Jing is the greater threat.
Luis Sullivan
The twelve days of Christmas start on Christmas day. >In most Western ecclesiastical traditions, "Christmas Day" is considered the "First Day of Christmas" and the Twelve Days are 25 December – 5 January, inclusive.
>PanO writes back-room contract with Yu Jing for flattening of Ariadna
Dominic Phillips
I dunno, just tell them Pakistanis are there and the Indians will genocide them no problem.
Lucas Brooks
I think that the Pakistanis might actually be part of PanO. At least the Punjabi ones.
Connor Lewis
One could only hope.
How are you deploying it? We're you being a kumquat? I bet you were.
Jeremiah Walker
What if Infinity was an RTS game? What would the unit dialogue lines be? Trained:
Activating Special Ability: : (Description)
: (Description)
Taking Damage:
Near Death:
Repeatedly Selected:
Logan King
Trained: From the blackest of the ebony depths of the Stygian void of space, I arrive.
Selected: M'EI
Movement: On ill-fated, black winds I must away
Attacking: I shall grant you the cold, icy, Hadean embrace of sweet eternal death!
Activating Special Ability: Space Vampire Kung Fu: (Martial Arts) "Congratulations, you've made me use half my full power!"
Erratic Movement: (Mimetism) "The darkest of shadowy obfuscatory shrouds will conceal my form from the gaze of the foolish, oafish, churlish enemy.
Taking Damage: Your feeble attacks will never end me, brief mortals!
Near Death: Pain is for those lacking euphoria!
Repeatedly Selected: "I did not jack Darth Maul's style! I came up with this on my own! My Grandma says I'm very creative!"
Juan Long
Why on earth would you waste the chance to make a damn good turn based strategy? What I'd give for a total conversion mod for xcom...
Blake Diaz
I'd rather have extensive campaign rules so we can play out XCom-style campaigns on tabletop...
Luis Robinson
What if Infinity was an RTS game? What would the unit dialogue lines be? Trained: BRAAAAP!
Selected: BRAAAAP!
Movement: BRAAAAP!
Attacking: BRAAAAP!
Activating Special Ability: BRAAAAP! < BRAAAAP!>: ( BRAAAAP!) BRAAAAP!
Taking Damage: BRAAAAP!
Near Death: BRAAAAP!
Repeatedly Selected: BRAAAAP!
Luke Gonzalez
Actually most Poles play Nomads.
Charles Cooper
nomads and stell phallus are the most popular factions. Haqqislam was very popular before n3. Very few people actually play or played any for of ariadna. I know some people tried out US Ariadna, but it was deemed boring and unflexible. There is probablly more yu jing players then ariadna in Poland right now.
Wyatt Brown
We got a few ideas here: I think for units with mottos the motto would be great for Trained or Selected.
Trained: >In Omnibus Princeps.
Selected: >Aquila Guard ready. >The elite is here. >Officer in the field.
Movement: >I lead from the front. >Nothing can hide from me.
Attacking: >On my command! >They will not escape my sight!
Taking damage: >Officer under fire!
Near death: >Aquila Guard down!
Repeatedly selected: >Watch the coat, I just washed it.
Ryder Martinez
Trained: Guarda de Assalto, pronto para servir. (Ready to serve).
Selected: Sim? (Yes?)
Movement: Avante! (Forwards!)
Attacking: Fogo! (Fire!)
Activating Special Ability: : Lançar granadas! (Launch granedes)
Taking Damage: Droga! (Damn!)
Near Death:Socorro... (Help...)
Repeatedly Selected: Pare de clicar em mim, você não faz nem ideia do que estou lhe dizendo. (Stop clicking me, you have no idea what I am saying.)
Cooper Perry
I mean when actually assembling the thing. Before slapping on the armor plates it is just as skinny as the Seraph.
Jose Young
When are they getting new models? They are the only thing in the sectorial that needs a resculpt and buying them like this would feel wrong.
Nathaniel Jenkins
Yeah, it kind of looks like they wanted the mini to reflect the in-universe design: Squalo base with extra armour. In practice it makes him awkward to build, as the plates often have very little surface area connecting to the body. I'm glad they changed TAG design a bit with Seraph and Stingrays to make them more compact and easier to build.
Henry Stewart
They still haven't released Regular Hacker and the Montesa blister is old as fuck as well.