>A hyper-fertile love goddess begins giving birth to other love goddesses threatening to overturn the delicate balance of the gods
wat do
>A hyper-fertile love goddess begins giving birth to other love goddesses threatening to overturn the delicate balance of the gods
wat do
Divine birth control.
>so you gonna use the holy cross as an IUD Satan?
Every god gets a new harem
Get jiggy with it
The god of Famine and the god of Wisdom decide that anyone who has too many children without adequately planning for them, will suffer consequences of low intelligence and too little food.
The new love goddesses have little time to be worshipped when they are sucking cock for pay, and end up as little more than celestial prostitutes.
Genuflect and marry one of them
Institute a one-child policy amongst the divines. Alternatively, do nothing since we're mortals and the gods are miles above us (figuratively and literally).
The divine births are speeding up!
Oh no! Some of the new gods are also birthing new gods now.
Spray and pray
We must track down the source of their seed.
"Famine for you!
And famine for you!"
"Oh you better believe there's a famine just for you!"
>overturn the delicate balance
In what favor, love? Any faggot on this site can tell you love harms just as much as it helps.
Got to lock the shit down
Nigga are you just pretending right now?
assuming this is a setting where gods are empowered by worship, they become proportionately weaker as followers split and worship one of the many love goddesses.
SMT Strange Journey?
The only solution is to end all mortal love and starve them of worship until they're forgotten.
Marry them off to mortals.
Friendly reminder to please fap before posting on Veeky Forums
Do nothing. The love goddesses will just compete with one another for the god with the most power and he'll play all of them and there will be a lot of huffing and puffing but they'll all turn on each other and end up with lesser gods who will treat them like the valueless pretenders they are or a bunch of cat demigods and withered roast beef demigods between their legs. The problem sorts itself out.
How are they not dead already?
I got this guys.
Hijacking this thread: I have a cool idea for a prehistorical campaign with a "light the first flame" theme absolutely and intentionall ripped off Dark Souls, but I have no idea how to pull off the prehistorical feel with all the cool shamanism and stuff while avoiding it looking like a bad generic post-apocalyptic setting
Avoid ruins and have a lot of majestic old growth forests with titanic trees or something like that. The closest to ruins or suchshould be cairns. Maybe have cave exploration with enchanted cave paintings
For set dressing, add Mammoths, a coming winter, and ape-men.
Balance them out by creating incarnations of PURE HATRED.
Also, since love and hate both come from passion/obsession, throw in some beings of pure apathy, too.
I really want a Dominions roleplaying game.
>literal divine cancer
This would be a good back story for some of the more malevolent beings in a fantasy setting. The further down the line they go the more twisted, inbred, and deformed these "gods" become until you are left with races like goblins. By nature they are dimwitted, constantly reproducting, and consume resources like a plaque of locusts. They are sturdy and magical to a degree but due to a lack of intelligence cannot incorporate any of their gifts save for a few elders/medicine women in each tribe.
>god of hate just kidnaps some of these love goddesses and corrupts them into hate goddesses
>not giving love and hate the same deity
Plebeian as fuck
too much caster supremacy
Create a god of carnage and war, whose sole purpose is to wipe the celestial slate clean.
Talos is unavailable currently due to his vacation, but Khorne can pencil you in for Tuesday. If that's too soon, Rallos Zek has an opening on the twenty fifth.
try to pull out occasionaly
Depending on the setting, the power of the love goddess will divide between her offspring as they compete for love-based worship. At a certain point you would end up with a bunch of outsiders with a divine spark but no worshipers to give them power.
Each new love god/goddess is given to an existing god as a spouse, love is infused into every aspect of the godly realm for the setting and the world becomes more peaceful.
fuck them hard enough they have to take naps
>create Goddess of Weather, Coastal Waters, Emotion, and Romance.
>players turn her into the goddess of constant fucking
Fucking is fun. Creating cold breeze is not.
>t. Someone that doesn't live in Florida
Story time?
Satan's cork. She just swells up with cramped goddesses and rolls away.
>too much caster supremacy
just use 3.pf then
Beat them with the power of Gay
There is surely more than one planet in this plane, is there not? Have them lord off some other worlds, make the concept of a goddess of love a common universal constraint for the more interesting worlds.
Because your life is not the same as all mortal life. It's a start though I guess.
Anyone can be empowered by gems or pearls in order to cast magic. Or 50 female virgin sacrifices
How much magic can you get by sacrificing the entire Veeky Forums?
It has to be female virgins. So not much.
Even the amazon matriarch faction sacrifices female virgins [/spoilers]
Cast FATAL and stop them all from continuing at the cost of everything else
I'm sorry? The goblins have god-like ancestry?
Jack off before posting on Veeky Forums dammit.
Jacking off while posting makes for the most fulfilling experience
Seems like using the Great Mother as a combat unit kind of defeats her purpose compared to giving birth of legions of titan soldiers.
More importantly, does she spawns monsters and titans ingame? I know heromods in previous Dom games changed Mother of Monster pretender so she would spawn units occasionally depending on Growth, Luck and Magic scales.
Make it into a harem anime. Preferably hentai, but ecchi can be tolerated if the budget is larger and you get superior actors and artists.
Since we will get the henati later from the less talented artists doing "homage" work...
Underrated post.
Great Mother does not in Dom5. Mother of Monsters and several others do have the ability to spawn monsters.
If gods can just make arbitrary decisions like that, whats to stop the goddesses of love from likewise 'deciding' that all the gods love them too much to make rules that penalize them, and will do everything that say because they are so lovestruck?
Nothing, by the time she finishes they will be a bunch of powerless divine sluts and will be consumed by the divine food chain
Because what tends to happen with love potion plots when pantheons are concerned is that gods who try to pull that shit tend to get stuck on some sort of divine rape dungeon because gods want to control things they love.
Divine love is further complicated by the fact that gods want to shape things they love into their own image.
Also, some gods are more powerful than others and have different affinities. Wisdom and Famine cannot be defeated with love. Love gods tend to be weakest of the bunch as seen from the influence it has on the world of mortals.
Offer to the gods I will slay the others to bring balance, siphon off the energy of the dead gods, gain my own godlike power and kill the rest of the gods to become one.
Its more along the lines that the Gods enforce the same rules upon mortals as to themselves, or rather, that the rules imposed on mortals are a reflection of the rules imposed upon gods.
If you have too many babies without family planning prepare for a really shitty time.
There's not a great deal to tell. I just mentioned that there was a military order of her followers that fought in the name of preserving the joy and goodness of life, basically do-gooder knight errants.
The players decided that these knights spent their time busy with orgies, and I had to respond in turn by making it clear that their members had been through some dark shit, wars, etc.
And then my player made a cleric of this goddess and it all went to hell in a handbasket when the cleric had taught his sons the value of hot chicks, true love, and lots of sex.
Start seizing the gods of reproduction by assigning them as wives to the other gods
Get back in line kid. I've been working on one for a while. You could just ape the dice rolling system and stats 1 for 1 (roll 2d6 + attack vs enemy 2d6 + defense, if hit roll 2d6 + strength 6s explode - enemy protection, etc.) But it would probably be easier to use a different system or make something simple, which is what I'm mostly looking for.
Only because of Gods. The magic in Dominions is more powerful when it belongs to super powerful titans, giant monsters, huge godly entities and otherworldly creatures. I like it because Wizards are less rando people with magic powers and more something directly related to having the same power as the Gods and Titans. The paths in the game itself are pretty cool as well, really captures the "magical thinking" of people in the past more or less.
This thread belongs in the
I report the fetish thread/punch my DAM for thinking Veeky Forums has any worthwhile ideas.
Actually read the thread, this is a fairly decent thread.
I read the thread, it's nothing but shitposting about LOL DANCING FERTILITY IDOLS
>plaque of locusts
>Get back in line kid. I've been working on one for a while.
Not how it works faggot. Post or stfu.
To be utterly honest, Our horndog of a Wizard is probably behind this which is why we were sent to resolve this. Our Paladin was probably asked to do this as a favour to her very chatty solar patron.
We make him infertile and let him go on his merry way.
Not before the Sorceress and Paladin have adopted a baby love goddess each though.
You do realise that Eros, Cupid, Freya, the Mesopotamian Love Goddess I forgot her name, all were love and war domain?
Ancient civilisations were way ahead of you here.
>After a while we wanted to make a game we could finish again
>After canceling DoE
I'm ok with it being weighted towards mages. Magic is the power of the gods in dominions.
With it you can
>Create a vortex of blood that draws people in from across the globe to increase your blood sacrifice pool
>Cast "utterdark" which causes the entire world to go pitchblack, evil ghosts called "shades" attack every province. The living need torches to see because that's how dark it is. All plant life begins to die from a lack of sunlight, causing a mass extinction of nearly all life
>Cast a spell that makes perils of the warp a global annoyance for all mages
>Cast a spell called "burden of time" which causes everyone to age decades in a matter of months.
Yeah, but PC mages would just be the shit bags tossing Fire Flies until some glamoured elf puts a hole through their face. All the spells you listed are what you get after many mage-years of researching and a nation's GDP worth of gems and boosters.
>imprison them all with a god of death
That will probably result in a couple of twisted monstrosities but the strain should greatly reduce the love/fertility goddesses powers of conception.
All it really means is that both Fighting style characters and more traditional support mage characters use the same magic, just in different ways.
The most powerful units in Dominions are guys specifically with magic that buff themselves up so they move twice in a turn, are impossible to hurt, and deal AoE damage and cause fear from magical items and effects.
Please no frogposting on Veeky Forums.
Isn't there a real world myth about goddess of death who had feud with goddess of fertility and promised her that Death will take the life of every human Fertility creates. Fertility replied that for every life that death took, she'd give birth to two more. Or it was reversed and with monsters? Two new monsters for every slayed... I don't remember.
What the actual fuck
Some guy made up fake porn godesses of constantly fucking to pretend he actually found something.
Everyone fell for it up until 1990 when he was already dead.
>all the single ladies
You mean single mothers
This, you just have a new class of gods who are basically a communal version of Kairos; a capricious harem caste of goddesses who's collective whim dictates the tenor of heaven itself.
Let it happen until there's a love goddess for every man who wants one.
With love goddesses, spraying is praying.
Assuming you don't fail at casting the spell and end up having your dick loop around to fuck your own ass or becoming cursed to spend the rest of your life shouting "Incest is best!"
>And then my player made a cleric of this goddess and it all went to hell in a handbasket when the cleric had taught his sons the value of hot chicks, true love, and lots of sex.
Shouldn't it have been their mother's job to tech them that? With hands-on instruction?
>Shouldn't it have been their mother's job to tech them
Murdered before she could, unfortunately.
Fine you want to divide your sphere of power go ahead. Your now the loving mom goddess and your children will take precise aspects of love.
This, basically. If you split your worshipers, you split your power base. It's not all that catastrophic, and we get a billion smoking hot 1/16th sex goddesses running around bettering the world.
Only one thing to do. Get in there and fuck.
The beginning of a sexually repressed religion with common vows of chastity among the clergy is the only way to weaken the love goddess spread.
>Behold the Goddess of Breakup Sex