Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Make sure to support your friendly, local guardsman!

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>Daily Painting Video

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Those guardsmen look a little

>Make sure to support your friendly, local guardsman!
Looks at image.....wait a second!

Nth for square bases


Nth for fuck Forgeworld shit!

Square base master race 4 lyfe
Fuck the round eyes

Starting esher gang tallarn based regiment. Its awesome looking.

The kits came with bolter combi needlers. Built them into inquisition acolytes with bolters and needle pistols. Seems like a decent way to valkerie in some cheap firepower since leman russes are more than adequete for heavy stuff.

Why does he wear the mask?


You're right! They've got a black guy! BLAM THE WHOLE SQUAD!

>tfw you don't care about FW stuff being broken/cancer/OP becuase all you do is paint anyway
feels good

Gentlemen please, these are Good Guardsmen serving the great golden and 4 armed Emperor.

I found five old metal scouts with bolt pistols and combat knives/chain sword things. Is there any use for them like this?

>4 armed Emperor.

Stupid plebs, Sanguinius isn't the Emperor.

*bans you from the flgs*
*sniffs the fresh air that was blocked from your presence*

>TFW You're a fucking idiot if you think FW is anymore broken than what GW produces

Why would I go to a game store if all I do is paint?

Like it or not, Russ will be the next primarch to be released.


I smell heresy!

My personal theory is that they'll release Lion next, with the option to build him as Luther within the kit.

I'm sorry you're poor user.

>Lion El' Jonson not sucking a million dicks

blood angels melee screens

why are krieggers so comfy?

Because they have the cutest girls

>4 armed emperor

Makes me think of Gilgamesh in final fantasy 9 for some reason. Now I want an Arabic, Shamshir and Scimitar wielding GSC

>no mask
At least post one.


What are your new Years resolutions anons?


Purge more

BT neophytes

Actually paint my models

Get my backlog painted.

Find a way to get squats back.

How would you react if GW chose to make the two lost primarchs somehow relevant?


If they actually do something interesting then fine.

I suspect with the current writers it would be something lame.

nah they would've announced him when they put out the DA codex

play at least one game

They have already jumped the shark nothing is out of bounds now.

You'll belong to an elite group on here at that point.

To stop painting different guard regiments and finally settle on one.

>I suspect with the current writers it would be something lame.
At first I'd shit my pants they're actually revealing them. The story that would follow with them will probably be shit though.

This one hits close to home

leave them gone. Give the tau demiurge minis and rules for 40ks space dwarves.

It's there so you can make your special snowflakes, successors of a lost legion. If it doesn't bring something interesting, we would have lost a fluff possibility (albeit a 'cheap' one) for nothing

To finish painting atleast 2000pts of my 6500pts of dark eldar instead of just playing with primed plastic. Progress so far;

2 Archons (120pts)
1 Venom (95pts)
1 Ravager (155pts)
2 Sslyth (62pts)

As someone who has spent 2 years painting his army. I feel this.

First is to actually have an army at some point and not just a bunch of sprues or unbased, grey minis.

The second is to learn how to paint.

We have a better chance at getting the squats back than GW doing anything with let alone adding more Tau auxiliaries.

I promised my fiance that I would finish painting my entire 2000 point death guard list before I bought any more models

Unbeknownst to her my rapid insertion cadre arrives on Friday

I have this week off

I work best under pressure

Look up Duncan on youtube. He's a good source for table ready paintjobs.

Is Seras a perpetual?

yeah that's the sad truth. Tau have gone from being the commie federation to purely mecha bullshit.

The plastic primarchs are all GW units and they are far more broken than any FW shit, especially Girlyman.

Are these acceptable guardsmen? I like them a lot more than cadians.

Looks good from here.

The two new primarchs setting up a non heretical emipre or idk, just fucking up the etherals and taking control of the Tau would be interesting.

Nothing, it's too late for them now.

Anvil Industry is a great website for custom guardsmen

Put some next to a Cadian and we'll tell you

The entire point of those is they are 3rd party guard.

Seems like you could just use kasrkin or scions with GSC heads to get the same effect.

Finish Boshin War minis.

Tau were made to be mecha bullshit from the start to appeal to the Japanese market.

But isn't the meme that Japan only buys guard because of the military otakus?

>At first I'd shit my pants they're actually revealing them. The story that would follow with them will probably be shit though.
Yep. At this point the mystery is more interesting then whatever they're likely to reveal.

>Post a picture of yourdudes.
>Other anons then post a picture of theirdudes and the reason they will fight yourdudes.

I don't really like modern scions. Look like chaos boys.

I gather but I was curious what tg thought


Try Kasrkin.

Yes, but the point is you could make an entire army that looks like them. GW only sell what ... one box that doubles as both a 5 man command squad and 5 man squad?

As awesome as they are, non-pose-able minis suck ass.

there are probably more weebs buying tau in america and europe than japs buying tau

And god bless them for it, all of the ghostkeel and smaller battlesuits are awesome and have exceptionally good models

shame they just seem to be pumping out bigger and bigger battlesuits now instead of more cool small ones.

Is that 2000pts?

I've got an old Celestine and 20 sisters (6-7 of em special weapons) and considering making 1500-2000pts but haven't looked at sisters since 7th when I'd need 6+ Rhino hulls and fuck that.

Those are cool. But for one those are OOP. Also I just want my dudes to be guardsmen not glory boys.

If I was gonna buy OOP storm troopers I would buy the ones before them.

> tfw can decide to start a CSM warbard that's either Malice or Undivided

Dubs decide which I go with.

I'm still waiting for a T""au battlesuit made up of 5 other battle suits, can choose to unit or split them in battle for different profiles.

You're obviously following that false prophet with the mutation.

yeah seems like it


Personally undivided, but your gonna have a hard time either way considering rules for both don't exist.

I don’t remember when the storm surge came out but I thought the ghostkeel was the last battlesuit released?

Regardless the latest tau battleforce was completely small battle suit focused and made it affordable to really focus on suits

pick a side you milquetoast centrist, you'll actually get some minis from this decade that way

holy shit those yours?

More like 1300-1500 ish.

Also this is not competitive at all, just that the models I already painted happened to be able to be fielded as a legal army. (Appart from dual celestine).

An Inquisitor leads a detachment of holy sisters against the warp tainted Legion of the Damned

Yep. Those are my post-5th armies.

The Tau is actually MUCH larger now and there's a fair bit more guard.

Need to take updated photos.

Not Malice

You'd still need 6+ Rhino hull.
Typical non-retarded SOB army have 3-4 repressor, 3-4 Immolator and 0-2 rhino.
No exorcist needed anymore though. (Actually they are among the worst unit of the game atm).

>buying into the cult meme
The best legions don't sell their soul.

What's the source on those Sentinels?

The best legions don't have autistic retards for primarchs

>rich enough to afford a knight army
>paints them boring tacticool gray instead of making them brightly colored bretonnians

I would say Malice, but at that point I have to wonder what theme someone could use with them? How could you make them "your dudes" when their is already a warband devoted to it?

Dust Tactics

Great Horned Rat.