>Player spergs out about adventuring guilds and absolutely refuses to go along with the idea
Should I kick him out of the group for not being a team player? How does Veeky Forums usually solve this situation?
Player spergs out about adventuring guilds and absolutely refuses to go along with the idea
Other urls found in this thread:
Build a more convincing world instead of just apinig your isekai waifubait shows.
By saging bait threads
By not including adventuring guilds.
As bad as OP's shitty spam is, I actually have to side with him on this issue, because you are legitimately a retarded asperger.
You not understanding adventuring guilds and doing your best to present your backwards opinion has reduced you to a laughing stock.
>mom I posted it again!
Let them roleplay outside the guild. Have people offer them less more the same job, have them treated like scabs by the rest of the adventurers, and have to deal with the ccassional mobster hitman.
t. skubfag
Look, you need to present a reason for there being an adventuring guild. That's all I'm saying.
It works really well for megadungeon-type stuff.
I doubt the player would care so much if it wasn't just haphazardly tacked on as a "Don't think about it" anime bullshit thing.
There is no player or game. The OP has invented a scenario to beg for (you)s I've personally never encountered an adventuring guild, and it's not the first lazy anime cliche I would expect to see in a game.
>you need to present a reason for there being an adventuring guild
Medieval society.
You are either a peasant, townfolk, fedual lord or a monk.
Majority of people don't travel far from the place they were born. Also most of human history is based on someone verifying your identity.That being said this all leads to people being wary of travelers and foreigners. You don't know them, you can't trust them.
Why would you let a random person you don't know enter your village or home?
Also you want to earn a living. You as an adventurer aren't part of nobility, nor part of religious order. You don't get "hospitality rights". Also you aren't a man-at-arms or city guard. You are always traveling around and nobody wants to hire a person who will be gone in two weeks.
Also nobody knows you and won't hire you for adventuring jobs because you don't have anyone backing your story up.
Adventurer's guild gives you identity, credibility, it also gives a history on how efficient you all are at your job and proof that they should hire you to solve their monster problems. It proves that you aren't a conman that will take the money and run for the hills.
Enough reasons?
Basically you are playing a mercenary army that gives a lot of personal freedom to its members and instead of going in large numbers it works in squad based manner with centralized headquarters.
Why is OP posting a new "muh adventuring guilds!!" thread every time the last one he made drops from the board? He's been posting these non-stop for near a month now. Probably longer since I might have failed to notice them before then.
>he uses adventurer guild
kys yourself famdesurinodong
The idea of there being enough "adventuring jobs" to sustain a number of adventurers large enough to be able to found such an organization without any apparent in-setting justification breaks my suspension of disbelief so hard you can hear it shatter.
You fucking faggots need to STOP
you don't play rpgs.
>Implying there is more than one guy who gives a single fuck about this.
Fine, so your world isn't dangerous and isn't filled with dangerous mysterious monsters and magic and shit. If that's how you prefer to play so be it.
That fucking faggot needs to STOP then.
Man, that picture makes me miss my childhood. Bullying girls was so much fun.
>adventuring guild
Oh, your handler let's you play tabletop? How adorable!
You can do it in real life if you're not ugly. They might even have sex with you.
Just convert to Islam if you want to beat women.
>You can do it in real life
My childhood was real life, mate.
My bad, I meant as an adult.
Believe it or not, even in your typical D&D world, most monsters have better things to do with their time than go around tormenting villages for fun. Goblins spend most of their times doing goblin things in goblin villages. Rust monsters are harmless because they don't care if they're fed priceless armor or climbing pitons. Drow mostly just murder-fuck each other in the Underdark. Dragons want to sleep and be left alone. Kobolds hate everything non-kobold or dragon but explicitly want to just be left alone and won't bother you if you don't bother them. Creatures like ankhegs and bullettes and even gelatinous cubes are just animals looking for food and are just as happy to find that food in the wilderness as they are in some poor sap's backyard.
Your average person in your average fantasy world is born, lives, and dies without ever having their lives seriously threatened by monsters or magic.
You could, but why would you want to? After a while women just become shit for any purposes that don't include sex and sex just isn't really my thing.
Trade guilds are essentially unions in a world without easy arbitration and representation. They throw their weight around to protect the efforts of the guild members, including proprietary information and their ability to trade and travel easily, as well as to connect tradespeople to those who want to hire them.
An adventuring guild would ensure that adventurers are who they say they are, that contracts are fulfilled, that those plundering dungeons and lost keeps are given a fair cut, that taxes are reasonable (if collected at all given that their going in those places at least partly pacifies them--a public good).
In any setting where you would be using the D&D rules an adventuring guild makes sense.
Also kings and lesser lords presumably have soldiers to fight their enemies, including monsters.
That too. In a world with enough monsters for their presence to be known and accepted, your army trains to fight those monsters.
Yeah tell me about it, I've been grinding through hoes until the last couple months I met a girl I actually really like, who I can discuss shit I like to talk about with, and whatever. Totally surprising but I like it. I'm working on getting over the 'women are sexy meat' idea because of her.
So okay, if yours is a world where heroes aren't needed, there won't be organizations around them. If that's how you prefer to play, carry on. Not everybody does that though.
Just how many level 10+ wizards and shit are you gonna get trained up?
I'll see you after you're married when she suddenly becomes a basic bitch, fat and you have to pay 50% of your income just to get rid of her.
Is this enough to make dino ramp good yet?
I think so...
>Just how many level 10+ wizards and shit are you gonna get trained up?
Why the fuck would an "adventurer's guild" be more able or inclined to do that than a wealthy, powerful king with various uses for skilled wizards?
So given all of that, what scenerios can you give that would make an adventurers guild not stupid then. Cause you can tell us why it won't work, but aren't giving ideas as to how it can.
Adventuring is how Wizards become skilled. Once they become locked down somewhere they've plateaued.
Look we could have an interesting discussion if OP wasn't a faggot but unfortunately that's not the case. I'd be willing to talk about it somewhere else though
Active army is a drain on resources. Both supplies and money. Neither magically grow on trees of infinite supplies. Also medieval army was based on feudal duty. Feudal duty stated that you had serve your lord a specific amount of time each year. That goes from men-at-arms, to sergeants, to knights, to nobles, to dukes toward the king.
Once you served a set number of days your overlord should give you a good reason or enough money so you stay. Because you have your own province to work on. And your own family to feed. And get everything done by the time of winter. And all men working under you have same mental process and same problems in life.
Adventurers are people you can hire so everyone else that works for you actually spends their time working. also you can hire new adventurers. You can't replace your troops, knights and peasants that easily.
Oh for the love of Christ this is your 3rd thread today, fuck off
It's more-or-less a secondary sort of middle class alongside merchants. Which isn't always going to make sense for a setting, but for all the "very D&D" settings like Greyhawk, FR, Dragonlance, etc., it's a pretty natural extension alongside everything else. There'll always be something fucked up happening in those worlds in a way where you pretty much have to hire out a third party to look into things, even if it's not a world-rending threat.
It most certainly is. It's just that when the first human communities formed the fact that the world is more dangerous meant that the need to protect the community was stronger leading to a culture where the military patrols more regularly and is better trained/equipped/organized to be able to take on bigger threats. The implication is that if the players really were the only ones capable of taking down that dragon, they would have been offered a military job long ago (either as a commanding officer, a spec ops team member or a freelance contractor) making self-organizing unnecessary for adventurers.
Kill him.
Not his character.
If we accept the asumption that study and research don't lead to improvement in skill, why would killing monsters for the king be somehow less educational than killing monsters as a member of an adventurer's guild?
For a static institution supporting the varied sentai teams adventurers tend to be portrayed as you need a big megadungeon that actively spawns monsters or has a constant fresh influx and a reason for that influx preferably.
>Gate to Hell
>Living in an MMO
It has to make all classes necessary, provide questfodder for an extensive amount of time and the effective use of regular military should be prohibitive.
Rape, usually. Of the actual player and by the whole rest of the group.
Most fantasy as written is socially the early or late Renaissance with mysterious lack of civilian technologies and guns.
Freedom of movement is not an issue in that time period.
Where are the mods?
A lot of these adventurer guild containing settings contain the assumption that there are special people with class levels and those only mingle with people of their kind in small teams preferably without doubling down on a class.
Mercenaries, we're talking about mercenaries.
Except instead of stabbing other soldiers in a pointless war they get to stab monsters.
But do you know why states didn't bother to keep standing armies, it was a possibility a few did it, because it's not worth it. They didn't need troops all the time, so what's the point? They'd rather have money to buy mercs or fancy booze with than well drilled troops when they don't need them.
But if there are bloody monsters everywhere why wouldn't they keep well drilled troops around? It becomes a practical necessity. And if they aren't around enough for it to basically be necessary to keep a permenant standing army then adventurers would probably operate closer to mercenaries.
Mercenaries kept in work by traveling all over, there's always someone fighting some stupid war somewhere.
The traditional adventurers guild doesn't work with this because it's sedentary, it's a building. If your building is in London, doing contacts in Estonia is going to be a right pain isn't it?
I generally think that "adventuring guilds" are a shit idea, especially when it often can be refluffed into "exploration guilds" or anything like that in most settings. Or a mercenary guild or whatever kind of guild that would be more fitting.
Only wealthy eccentric victorian big-game hunters and explorers can afford to title themselves "adventurers" as some kind of career.
That said, if your player is sperging out over it when you've presented it as the premise of the game, and he's refusing to accept it after he's made fun of it for a while, you should just boot him. He's clearly too autistic to play with and allowing him to say would just be an entry drug into harder autism down the line.
Why did you post this picture? Seeing an anime girl getting beat up is sad.
They deleted my thread
Veeky Forums doesn't have any mods, we operate entirely off of the automatic system that deletes posts after a certain number of reports.
Like most boards since moot left then.
Is that true? What's the minimum amount of reports it take to delete a thread?
>since moot left
I see you weren't here for the entire year before moot left where several tripfags (namely ones like chandere, NiceDaemonette, and virtualoptim) constantly started flamewars, made giant troll posts, and otherwise shitposted with impunity.
I reported all these shitty bait threads, what the fuck are you guys doing?
Neither of us are into marriage. I mean people make it work, not every situation is the worst possible situation. I've learned that staying away from real emotional attachment is a fear based response, and I don't like acting certain ways because I'm scared. Ymmv
>be an adventuring band
>find a fuckhuge cavern thats dangerous and full of treasure
>obviously, the first thing to do is tell a big group of people about our find
>but not have them accompany you to this dangerous place, nope, let’s all go in at different times in groups of 5
Careful not to cut yourself on all that edge
Because random assholes who get themselves up to high levels are more common than them being professionally trained to do it. Fuck if the king could just pump out high level warriors and mages and shit, why doesn't his kingdom rule the world?
>If we accept the asumption that study and research don't lead to improvement in skill
Are we not talking about fantasy tabletop RPGs? Where this has always been a core conceit?
>I am incapable of thinking outside my own narrow mindset and can only represent people other than me as illogical
Thanks for clearing that up.
What would be some interesting reasons for Adventuring Guilds to form?
To help solve problems that the city can't handle. You either have to hired an army or a group of highly train adventurers.
No u
>country is at war, thus military is spread too thin to deal with domestic threats
>a surge of monsters has begun, thus previously tame exploration/development have become lethal
>a recent cataclysm has opened a passage to the not!Underdark, there's a need for supplies, skill, and information
I love how having guilds for any other profession is fine, but if you have one for adventurers/mercenaries it's just absurd. Sure we don't need three threads about this topic, but the idea isn't so weird that you can't suspend your disbelief and play the fucking game.
Player doesn't want to play in the world... boot them out. Simple solution to a simple problem.
>adventuring guilds are just from anime
It requires trained specialists to understand monster behavior and monster-specific tactics.
First thing, nobody would call it literally the "Adventurer Guild". Adventuring is not a job description. Mercenaries, Hunters, Bounty Hunters etc, are jobs. They would be mercenaries or monster-slayers, and they would do one and only one thing. Second, it wouldn't be called "The Guild". It has to have a proper name like "Sir Robin's Men", "Brave Companions", the "Fellowship of Saint Louis" etc.
So basically S.T.A.R.S from Resident Evil?
You don't understand, if a fantasy medieval world isn't EXACTLY like medieval societies of the real world, how will the That Guys in this thread act superior to everyone else at the table using their useless wealth of information about the middle ages?
It's just like when they sperg out over "Studded Leather."
>be in The Pillars
>!not adventure guild
>guard are incompetent
>mercenary work is cut throat
>pillars take any job, allocate resources to see it done and if the person can't pay, we work things out
>even the beggar child has a place in the bar
>only banned words in this safe haven is all forms of the word "adventuring" followed by any form of the word "guild"
we help people, that is something that is not under a labor union act and we welcome anyone who can do better to try. Hell my character is loaning his guild dues to keep the place running.
The typical adventuring guild is more akin to having one guild for all trades combined.
Thanks cockmonkey, now I'm having flashbacks of that shit. Fucking memetic PTSD.
So fine, your world and game involves the players being part of an organized military. Not everybody does that, nor is that at all a logically necessary thing to happen. If you enjoy it, great tho.
Most fantasy as written is fucking bronze age level society with medieval tech trappings
what a drama queen
This. Adventure guilds are basically murderhobo unions, they consolidate and organise the work while representing the workers in exchange for a cut of their profit; sometimes this is an ideal setup where everyone benefits, sometimes it's a corrupt and extortionate system. Either way when people try to bypass that system the union isn't happy, which can result in legal action (turning local authorities against the players) or straight up murder attempts. That doesn't mean they can't bypass the system, just that there will be consequences for doing so.
In terms of one player not going along with the party, just tell them that you're going to DM for the majority, and that if their character can't find some compromise and must part ways with the party then that character will have to leave the game. If the entire party decides they're going to head for Skull Mountain to fight the lich and one guy says, "No, I'm going to go to Restovia and run for mayor," you're not going to DM his whole political campaign while simultaneously DMing the rest of the party hunting the lich, because that's retarded.
Can you actually name a western version of the adventuring guild that's like what we're talking about?
>Ill defend my opinion
>but not right now
Is op not a faggot? There are 4 of these threads up last I checked
hell yeah
Peasant: Who the hell are you guys?
Me: We're the monster rescue team.
Peasant: Wait? There no way we can afford your service. How you plan on getting the money?
Me: Don't worry about that. Once we save you from sucking the monster's dicks, you're gonna be sucking our dicks.
That just sounds like the maffia.
No military. There were no standing armies. Standing armies are a pretty modern thing. Armies would have been form and organized by the rich dudes and their servitors for specific campaigns unless you are a mercenary. Generally soldiers should pay for their own equipment.
Even as late as the 18th century, many armies were formed by colonels receiving a fee to raise regiments, which remained their personal property and command. They could appoint friend and relatives as regimental officers. Of course, this contractor system allowed unscrupulous officers to fill their pockets with non-existent soldiers. It wasn't until the 1760, there wasn't anything approaching uniformity of drill, equipment and regulations, became the norm.
"Adventuring jobs" encompasses a massive number of things, though, especially in a fantasy world. It won't all just be, "Save this princess," or "Hunt down this lich," you can retrieve rare ingredients for potions or even food recipes, deal with a local infestation of giant bug creatures before they get out of control, bog-standard bounty hunting, investigate a company or township suspected of corruption (or work for a corrupt company or township to undermine another), go through a portal a wizard accidentally summoned, infiltrate a cult, all kinds of shit. Any high fantasy setting which includes large churches (with clerics who go out and fight), magic colleges, organised cults, thieves guilds, etc. has more than enough reason to also have an adventuring guild, even if said guild amounts to just one small building offering work in every major settlement. When there's a large offering of mercenary work available to any random-passerby, it's only a matter of time before someone tries to organise and consolidate it all for a cut. When there's money to be made, someone will step up to make it.
That's pretty much how some unions operate. I did a security course and one of the trainers warned us to never take cash-in-hand jobs because they would almost always be about bypassing the unions, and one club he used to work at was burned down for exactly that, and another guy had his car bombed. Since the security industry has so many ex-army and ex-police, their unions are a lot more dangerous than others, and the same would apply with one run by high-level murderhobos.
The biggest problem with 'Adventuring Guilds' is having them as a job board for murder hobos. It actually makes more sense to have them than not - what ruler of a country wouldn't want a big list of the most powerful,independent, self-motivated people in his nation for when he needs shit done, and also to keep tabs on any potential threats among them. Having a big building to pass out quests on a team by team basis is retarded, having a list of registered, regulated heroes who can get certain jobs by recommendation, or sent to certain death should they become a problem, can fit quite well in any setting.
What's stopping me from running my own adventure guild as a player? Pop a 2k gp building, hire an accountant, and watch the quests start filling in. If I think the quest is not worth my time, I'll have some other adventurer go deal with it.
The usual.
>need static source of trouble
>need to hire or attract highly individualist adventurers
>position yourself between them and costumers
>make yourself known
>fend of suspicious authorities
>fend of monster retribution
>facility maintenance
>quality control of other murder hobos and bright eyed idiot "heroes"
>deal with competition
>proactive government ending your source of trouble
>not being to effective in solving problems to ensure constant income
Doesn't it make it worse? Now you have a big group of individuals that could easily assemble itself into an small army of potential kingslayers and conspirators. I don't think any king would want that. There's a reason that these groups and secret societies are often ruthlessly purged by the powers that be.
I'm not even sure what the adventuring guilds we're talking about are like, despite having 3 or 4 threads on the topic up at a time.
Worked in a factory as a summer job for several years. Wasn't a member of the union but still had to pay them in order to work there, even though as a seasonal employee I made half as much for the same work as a regular employee.
>if I don't have a board with random quests materializing on it my players won't find anything to do.
Nice group