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!Not Empire Engineer Stormcast Edition

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>kicking off Malign Portents with a Stormcast

that's not a shoop?


I'm mildly buttmad that it's yet another Stormcast, but he legitimately looks great.

I feel like if the Stormcast had a distinct Empire inspiration like him from the start, a lot less people would have issues with them.

Almost makes me want to jump back on mine.

It's annoying because they put effort into making him look like not a stormcast yet he's still a stormcast so it makes me wonder why the fuck he's a god damn stormcast and not a fucking free people or dwarf hero

Because Free peoples players are a fucking blight and deserve every slight to them.

Just like every Aelf player, Skaven faggot and "Muh gobbo" asshat.

All your shticks are belong to us

Because go ahead, make a Free guild Hero.

Now the dispossesed are fucked over.

Go make a Dwarf hero.

Now the Free Guild are fucked over.

Stormcast represent the Alliance of peoples Sigmar has created, without actually picking a specific one.

Might I ask why you hold that opinion?

>Stormcasts getting another chamber was suppose to be a joke
>They won't actually do that, do they?
>G-guy, t-this isn't funny anymore

He's mad that people constantly make fun of his precious Stormcasts

>Make a dwarf
>Give him an imperial skin
Ironweld and nobody gets angry

Oh, I can understand fanboys getting upset, but he seems to have a particular hatred for those four specific armies, and as a Skaven fan myself I'm just curious as to what about them drew his ire.
Why not get pissy at Chaos players, or Lizardmen players?

Because AoS threads have had nothing but Whining and moping by these groups of fucking dumbasses since it's inception.

They're WHFB holdovers utterly incapable of understand that the older factions either will get a small scale update like Beastclaw, or will be replaced.

Instead they're clamoring and bitching why they have not showed up, when AoS is fairly fucking mercurial anyway, the game literally let's you play with a mixed army and it's been shown to be the best way to play the fucking game anyway.

It doesn't help that every single Elf, Free guild and Skaven players always seem to be the most inbred autistic fucks ever.

Play Grand Alliance, use anything new that comes across and accept AoS is a more open fucking game.

They sell, legacy armies don't and GW doesn't like it.

Because Chaos Players and Lizardmen players don't spam rehashed Macro images and cry like children each release isn't specifically about them 100%.

Did you see any Chaos Daemon players complain the Darkoath Warqueen wasn't a Daemon?

No, but you sure as shit heard Skaven players bitch.

Malign Portents: Lore deeping uh?

The Stormcast battletome has always had a bunch of unknown chambers. Don't expect this to be the last.

That's a shame, I love Skaven, and although I don't have the autism to paint 80 clanrats, I'd love an army. But hordes just aren't my thing.
And I also think the WHF elves are pretty cool, and I hope they get some degree of update, even if it's along the lines of Wood Elves to Sylvaneth, Drukhari to some weird Shadowstuff(?), and Asur to slightly more stuckup Asur probably.

Lizardmen sell? That's cool, I've been thinking of starting a Lizard army soon, I love the Carnosaurs and their new lore is one of the few I think did justice to the old.

Ah, that'd explain it then, I wasn't looking into the AoS stuff at the time the Warqueen was announced, I only saw the reactions to the Knight, Gobbo, and this fella. Thanks for the rundown.

Is all of AoS this heavy with Stormcast?

I was thinking of getting into it, but it seems like there's one army that's supported.

>Is all of AoS this heavy with Stormcast?

It's impossible to find a single publication about the age of sigmar that doesn't in some way mention, involve or contain stormcasts.

Stormcast are a new army that is popular and mutable to the designs of hobbyists.

They're the new Warriors of Chaos.

People like you are the whole reason "these groups of fucking dumbasses" exist.
They could literally screencap this post and complain about it for months on end in this general, and they would be right.
Congrats for giving them more fuel.

Are they actually popular? At my LGS hardly anyone plays Sigmar, but those that do no one plays Stormcast.

>Bunch of autistic losers whine the entire release isn't always about them.
>Y-You just give them fuel for the fire.

When the Khadaron Overlords were released, they little whined for ages that "We already had some Dwarves, Where are our elves"

As popular as Warriors of Chaos were in Warhammer.

So yes. They're not a problem unless you're not a hobbyist and are so fucking whiny you don't care about your own shit and just like to complain about the entire release schedule.

This whole thing is people who don't play the game complaining about shit they don't play.

Come as an Aelf player, Wanderers specifically, AoS is still more fun than WHFB was for us.

>every army is intended to be but part of an alliance

>but stormcasts deserve to have an unit for even the most peculiar of niches

GW chosen faction, oy vey

They are the new "Hero" faction that was created for Age of Sigmar.

They are probably the brainchild of whoever is in charge of AoS at GW and therefor not going anywhere unless they stop selling entirely.

>Are they actually popular?
Considering GW has to delete negative comments when they announce new stormcasts and every release that isn't stormcasts get praised to hell and back flying off the shelves... of course they are!

Maybe you should fuck off back to /v/. Because basically, that is how I can tell each of you inbred fuckers never even play the hobby.

Because the Stormcast are literally Warriors of chaos.

They always get a release or a model without fail every few months just like Warriors of chaos did, even if it's a few hero sculpts.

Anyone who didn't join the hobby at 8th edition would understand this, so they need to shut up being so fucking stupid.

I like the design and the idea behind the model, but couldn't he have been Freeguild instead? I mean, I play SCE, so I'm down for more stuff, but I feel like Malign Portents might have been a good occasion to explore some other Order armies for a bit, like they did with all the other Grand Alliances' Heralds.

>When the Khadaron Overlords were released, they little whined for ages that "We already had some Dwarves, Where are our elves"

and at literally the same time all dwarfs whined incessantly about how they werent happy with two full armies and GW needed to give them a disposessed release. They still bitch about it, in every thread, constantly.

I'm excited to start up a Death army soon, so I'm hoping the Malign Portents release is equal in quality to the Shadespire skeletons, they're great.
Also any new Seraphon shit would be incredible, but I don't expect anything until the next big Chaos (or Skaven) release.

I have the only LGS that sells GW and organize tournaments and stuff in a range 100km, and I can safely say there are exactly zero Stormcast players here.

Almost all Order guys are Seraphon here

Except they weren't, you're just angry I'm finally calling out your autistic bullshit.

Dwarf players don't make constant CONSTANT barrages of stupid image Macros just to express their stupid wrong opinions.

>Posts an image macro insulting Dwarf players
>Makes a literal lie about Dwarf players
>Cannot argue against the "No Aelves" posters were cancer

Go back to WHFB general you fucking scrotum.

I've just managed to get enough players to start a fairly large campaign this month.
There's about 10 people interested but none of them want to do Stormcast.
I personally think GW is deluding itself with all of this.

The only people who play Stormcast at my local GW are the people who work there.
I mostly see shitloads of Dwarves, Daemons, and Orcs.

I question the wisdom of making a backline architect into an immortal demi-god of lighting and fury when the materials for doing so are hard-capped, but othersie this is a legitimately great mini and possibly the best-looking sigmarite released so far.

I'm glad it's over
Hows it looking?
I'm gonna rebase them when my chinaman comes.

>Stormcast fight the battles.
>Stormcast have their own scouts.
>Stormcast secure the conquered areas.
>Stormcast guard the Free cities.
>Stormcast now also build the Free cities.
Why the fuck are Free Peoples' a thing? They do nothing but exist, they don't even build their own cities anymore.
Just fucking squat them already.

oh. wow. a new stormcast chamber. what a... surprise...

the only thing worse than dwarf players complaining about disposessed when they have been given two full armies are the delusional Empire players who refuse to accept that their faction got replaced by SC in the fluff.

>Letting the mortal plebs build your buildings
Hell no, they'll probably try to build something practical and not coated in gold.


get out of here with your potatosacks-wearing, squarebases-standing, rank and file low magic crap.

Please kill yourself.

Are you retarded? There are a shit ton of players that never touched WFB but play AoS.

That is the entire fucking reason they burnt down the game and setting and started over, no one was fucking playing it except for old grognards that had been playing the same army for a decade.

So no, people don't realize that the current Stormcast treatment is the treatment Warriors of Chaos got because a good portion of the players were not around back then.

>make an on topic not shitposting post
>shitpost to it
You're a cunt
Ill have fun drowning you in bodies with these guys and my seawarden as you cry about legashit

>stormcasts are the footslogging crusaders who reclaim the lands, but they still need the help of the normal humans for scouting, cavalry, rebuilding, defending and rooting out the enemy within

>stormcast now have vanguards, cavalry, civic engineers, city-guardians and stormcast witch hunters

who's ready for stormcast wizards, stormcast artillery and stormcast flagellants next?

That's the plan. Tomb Kings and Brettonia got squatted outright because no one played them.

Empire had too many players to kill off entirely so they are killing them off gradually through a lack of support.

you go aelf friend, tell him what for

please consider getting sisters of the watch instead of the ugly inferior handgunners

>I'm glad it's over
My thoughts exactly after my first 40 skeletons. And I still have another 100 to go and probably 60 zombies. I love them, but damn...
Also nice work, though I feel like they could use a bigger banner.

Sigmarines soon lads.

Get ready for that and proper Storm tanks.

Pic related:

Best Sylvaneth color scheme?

>stormcast artillery
>stormcast troop transport

it was always inevitable

Make them look like Autumn, the leaves look lovely that way.

I think the model looks aweful to be honest. His narrative doesn't match his design whatsoever.

Man looks like hammertime and isn't about that.

So it occurs to me I have like 60 Handgunners/Guard dudes on sprue just sitting around gathering dust over here. I wasn't really planning on using them, but Free People seems like a halfway decent army if you ally in some Ironweld or Dispossessed to help out the sturdiness front. Plus, Great Companies look pretty fucking meaty. Block of Greatswords supported by Handgunners. Good shit.

Agreed. GW should just go on with it and not slowly choke them out.

Plus the beauty is that then they can join the other Tomb Kings and Brettonia autists.

but i like them more and guns are cool

>J-J-Just play Grand Alliances g-guys, you can play any units you w-want
>Oh, you can't use half the units as battleline unless you limit yourselves to one faction?
>Just use a bunch of units that you don't want or like as battleline!

The fucking nerve of GW to split all of the factions into small 4-5 units armies while giving SCE 56 (FIFTY FUCKING SIX!) different options is ridiculous. The excuse of "well just play Grand Alliance" or "Just play open instead of matched" is sickening.

Fuck anyone who says that. Why did GW split Skaven into 6 different factions and then make clanrats the only universal battleline? That way, if someone wants to play Masterclan they have to paint about 100+ Clanrats for the list to be viable.

Fuck the ally system as well. It's pretty obvious to anyone that looks at it that it's at best a shitty patch. The fact that it's limited to 20% of the total list should make it obvious that it's only for people to "add the latest SCE hero to your Order force for an awesome twist!"

>some anons claimed it was going to be a new Lizardman

i knew it was a stormcast, but part of me is still disappointed.

>but they still need the help of the normal humans for scouting, cavalry, rebuilding, defending and rooting out the enemy within

This was never the case.

Anything that the Stormcasts don't have right now is just an excuse to sell you that same thing later down the line.

I say this as a Wood Elves player, you might as well just squat all the legacy armies.
If you're not even going to PRETEND to support them, why bother?

Lizards are fun, the bigger Dino's could stand to get a warscroll update to be better. Otherwise they're great.

Its been a few hours without a stormcast release
Getting worried they are squatted

fair enough
have you thought about how crazygood some phoenixguard would be with that seahelm command ability?

>B-But muh Skaven Clans

And here we have the crux of this. You're literally whining that if you're not going to be playing a SPECIFIC Skaven Clan, than the Battle-line is clanrats.

That's the fucking point of the Grand Alliances. You don't get the specialist troops as battle-line.

Like legit, did you start playing Skaven in AoS? Because the army composition is literally the same.

I've been thinking of picking up a Start Collecting kit of them recently, either that or the Mechanicus one in all likelihood.
What're the chances of Lizardmen getting squatted like everyone seems to think the old factions are?

Thing is I play Free Peoples. I'm just tired of the constant cockteasing or outright ignoring of other armies.
Fucking squat the armies they're not gonna support already, stop drawing it out and riling up the autists or making it confusing for new players.

They have a battletome and a start collecting, I don't think they're going anywhere.

Because they get minor support until one Designer decides to do something with them.

They want legacy players to get bored and buy new armies. If they outright squat everything a player owns, that player is more likely just quit.

Probably unlikely, since they have a Battletome and they got some updates in GH17.

I don't think very likely, it's a popular faction and the only legacy models were the jungle swarms and the two heroes who just became carbon copies of other heroes.

The only thing that sucks about the start collecting box is you need more warriors (or run them as guard), and knights are fucking awful. Carnosaurs are cool but feel lackluster compared to newer monsters, and they have a shit save.

Carnosaurs are cheap as shit for their damage output, and can fucking teleport.

Saurus Knights are also fairly cheap and effective.

It's just everything gets compared to Saurus Guard.

I'd disagree with you, but considering that nowadays I just run Sylvaneth and Wood Elves together I guess you have a point.

That's good to hear, I've always loved the look of the Lizardmen! And I'm not too fussed about how they play so long as they're not absolutely terrible, I mostly want a carnosaur because they're one of my favourite models that GW has produced. Although I admit I haven't looked too deep into their catalog, so I might start taking a more serious look at building an army of them.

Yes, this. The time for cutting armies was at the launch of AoS.


Guard are just too good for the cost. Carnosaurs are just really easy to chart now. A 4+ save just doesn't cut it with all the new stuff.

Knights are just... I don't know, I have like 40 of them and they've never been worth the points or the formations. Just about every game has them charge in, fail to cause any mortal wounds and just flub. Rippers are infinitely better and don't cost much more.

Do I build my chaos kniggits with glaives or ensorcelled weaps?

Maybe a stupid question but will I be able to use the FW nurgle stuff with the new tome or will the allegiance abilites etc. etc. stop me from mixing and matchng?

Enscrolled Glaives.

I lol'd too.

Much as I hate it, I agree. I love Dispossessed and Wanderers but if they're not going to get a rework I'd rather know now and deal with the butthurt all at once, get over it and move on. I don't dislike any of the new factions, but while my favs still exist I have trouble getting on board with them or justifying investing in an entire new army.

Fuck you

That dude is not terrible for a Stormcast, but his name may be the most 40K Name a Stormcast has had yet. Lord-Ordinator? What subfaction of AdMech do they work for?

Should i just give up and sell my freeguild to buy stormcast?

Weak bait is weak

>it’s these warrior-engineers that oversee the construction of new cities, walls and Stormkeeps, working in tandem with Dispossessed work gangs to create wonders unseen since the Age of Myth
>oh so I guess stormcasts just do everything and the free people don’t matter!
Lern too reed

>Use malign portents heroes to explore and introduce new and interesting factions to the game

>Order is yet another stormcast chamber

Fucking kill me, theres no possible way they can have ANOTHER FULL STORMCAST RELEASE

Stormcast have more units than fucking space marines

Convert then all into zombies for the big death update and then cry when the update is deathcast eternals

So, I've been talking to the local GW manager and he told me this about the Malign Portents heroes: >Darkoath Warqueen
- two melee weapons, one strong with damage 2 and one weak
- 5++ against wounds and mortal wounds
- rerolls to hit and to wound against characters
- only herald with a command ability of the four, which makes every Chaos unit within 12" immune to battleshock

>Knight of Shrouds
- supersize Spirit Host with the same special rules and weapon profile except Damage d3 and d3 mortal wounds on a 6+to wound plus a 3+ save
- enemies within 6" take -1 to all hit rolls

>Fungoid Cave-Shaman
- can cast and unbind twice a turn
- unique spell can make a nearby Moonclan unit have +1 damage on all attacks but all attacks that don't hit cause a mortal wound to the buffed unit
- lots of random attacks
- can reroll d3+1 hit, wound, save or casting dice each turn, but if any of those dice show the same result the model takes that many mortal wounds

- average melee
- can reroll the turn order die once per game
- can cause one piece of terrain within 6" to have a permanent additional trait or give a unit cover while in the open

Take with a lot of salt, obviously.

>Free people

I think I'm gonna pick up the Ghost and Chaos lady if only to have their models.

Hey its all the same shit if it doesn't have a battletome amirite?

Since when are gw employees given info ahead of release date?

You know an ordinator is an actual thing, right?

Is it just me, or are Skaven Skyre Stormfiends insanely good? 300 points for a minimum 6 mortal wounds per turn, they're pretty tough, and they're even decent hore mulchers in CC.
Further, if you play a 6-strong unit you can give one dude rockgrinders to pop your entire unit up infront of your opponent on turn 1, while he needs to do at least 13 wounds to decrease your MW output, and then the next turn you casually walk up to his army and do somewhere between 10 and 30 mortal wounds.

I mean holy fuck, that sounds insane. Is this as strong as I think, or am I just retarded?
>t. Oblivious Newfag