I'm curious. What setting has done a decent, if not novel, take on vampires? Fantasy, futuristic, contemporary.... anything's fine. Personally, I only know about World of Darkness stuff, and very little of it, and Strahd from Ravenloft.
Vampire the Masquerade is pretty much the gold standard. Just dial back to the 2nd Ed players guide and don't use any supplements at all.
I really like the weird mosquito-themed vampires of Darkest Dungeon.
Star Wars
WHF vampire counts are pretty neat, although not that unique.
Just use V20.
You know what? I unironically agree. Nihilus had a very real 'alien' quality to his thinking that made his Force-Vampire nature more like an eldritch abomination that your typically "so tortured but sexy" vampires.
Vampires need to be horrifying.
WoD was heavily influenced late 80s early 90s vampire movies and novels, but mostly by the works of Anne Rice, so do yourself a favor and at least watch the first movie, the one with brad pitt and banderas and child kirsten dunst
Moive The Lost Boys was also the basis of Brujah
If you cannot fathom sexuality as a horrifying tool for predation you're not experienced enough.
>and Strahd from Ravenloft.
Strahd is actually a perfect example of a well-done vampire, and for good reason. The Hickmans wrote I6 specifically because they were tired of seeing vampires being used as canon fodder for random encounters, without any sort of personality or drive or, yes, predatory nature.
The only vamp films I watched are Midnight Son, John Carpenter's Vampires and Near Dark.
i think you fundamentally misunderstand the origins of the 'sexy' vampire.
I really liked MTG's take on two versions of vampires:
Zendikar's vampires, a non-undead version. Alot of neat things about their life, and how they spawn. Kind of a let down when you find out they are Cthulhu corrupted humans, but they are interesting enough by themselves.
Ixilion's Dusk Empire: Wish I could say more but their story is currently unfolding. Hope they end up interesting because I like the theme they have.
Here is a list of movies I've seen, all recommended:
30 Days of Night (2007)
Blade (1998)
Blood: The last vampire (2009)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
Daybreakers (2009)
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
Lifeforce (1985)
The Hunger (1983)
The Lost Boys (1987)
Queen of the Damned (2002)
Underworld (2003)
Vampires (1998)
No, I get it. The whole "forbidden fruit" and "wild abandonment of human norms" is a tried and true thing.
I just want more...weird vampires.
In Darkest Dungeon, vampirism is called the Crimson Curse. Carriers are either giant mosquitoes or afflicted humans. The humans display insectoid physiology akin to bloodsucking insects like ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes.
They made a series loosly based on blood the last vampire called blood+.
I'd recommend it as well.
Let The Right One In is another pretty good vampire movie.
The Mighty Max cartoon did that as well, like twenty years ago. Might not even be the first time that connection was made.
>No Vampire Counts
You dissapoint me Veeky Forums
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has pretty interesting vampires.
I'm guessing the more humanoid ones are more recently infected or is there some sort of caste system?
Its probably the other way around, as in most powerful ones are better at hiding their hideousness
They got mentioned already, my dude.
Honestly, I can't say I like the aesthetic of the mosquito lads unless they're just nameless mooks. I'm a huge sucker (hah) for the refined vampires. The countess lady looks the part.
Fucking humans.
Everybody should watch Bram Stoker's Dracula with Oldman and Hopkins and Winona.
The Vampires in Sergei Lukyanenko's Watch books have the whole Night Watch enforcing how they are allowed to feed deal. Needing a licence and so on.
For me? Unironically Jojo vampires. Not only are they, in my personal opinion, among the most powerful vampires in fiction and actually feel like that, vampirism is 100% a choice. No curses, no disease, no parasites, nothing that in any way, shape, or form makes it anything but OUR choice. All you need is a Stone Mask and a little blood. Not only that but becoming a vampire, despite what DIO says, isn't really a rejection of one's humanity - the Stone Mask activates parts of the brain that already exist within human, just merely dormant. Vampirisim is not a rejection of humanity but an ascention of it.
>weird vampires
See >Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
Space clowns who drink blood from a straw
>Lifeforce (1985)
Aliens taking away your "life force"
>The Hunger (1983)
An ill man who ages unless he drinks blood
Yeah I've seen it, totally recommendable. And if we are going to for anime so is Sola and of course I have to at least mention Hellsing.
The original that is, and even then is a bit dry if you dont like niche stuff like Valerie and her Week of Wonders.
That one's funny as shit though.
Except the brides of Dracula. Man, Monica Bellucci as a vamp is a dream come true. Shame she didn't get more screen time.
>That one's funny as shit though.
I disagree, maybe for millenials though.