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Square & Rectangular Bases Edition

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Second for the maddest

Can you turn it down, user? I've got a cold.

my dudes > your dudes

Really hoping we get some more information about the Daemon Dex soon.


Possible, but not likely.

To all you 40k players, would people find it weird if I had my models on Square bases..?

I think it looks better and is easier to measure.

my blue skin > your blue armor

What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on mixing in regular old CSM with Thousand Sons. I wanna do it for fluff reasons related to my guys, but I'm not sure how well it would actually work on the tabletop. I'm not just talking regular CSM, but also shit like hellbrutes and raptors.

amen to that

So how does Primer improve painting on a model?

Probably won't get much at this point.


He'll anons

I'm going to be starting a new dark eldar army and wanted my fellow archives to share the best way to start a new force.

The start collecting box seems great but reavers and the raider aren't in many of the lists I've found.

Gives paint a decent layer to bind to, makes it a bit harder to get paint off.

I wouldn't like it. Models should be on the base they came with. It can lead to issues when it comes to measuring distance for charges and the range of aura buffs.


I’ve never seen anyone with helmetless tau models. Are they hard to paint up?

Can make shading easier, might let you skip a base coat (depending on the color), and makes the model more resistant to wear and tear


Damn auto correct on mobile

do you want your paint to stick to your minis?

but can your dudes beat my dudes?

But what about the look of the paints? I'm on the east coast, and our weather won't allow me to prime until around February.

I have such a backlog of models to get through, but I am not happy with my painting ability, and I do not wish to possibly ruin a paint job on expensive models.

I want Golden Demon level paint ability on my plastic men, but know i can never do it. So my models sit unpainted

Anyone else have this problem?

For the user wanting to start necrons...

You're probably in luck with that limited budget! Necrons don't need many paints.

As for what looks good, it depends how much detail you want to go into with each model.

> Basic metal robots
> Aged copper or bronze robots
> Robots with a painted face, e.g. steel with white faces
> Robots with sandstone plates and bronze joints
> Full-on marble effect statues with blue steel joints

Go to the mega links in the first post, get hold of previous necron codices and look at the paint schemes in there. Plenty of ideas.

Also download Pinterest (srs) and search necrons, you'll see all sorts of inspiration

I really want to paint necrons. Those are my favorite. However, I don't want typical color scheme necrons. What other colors even look good on necrons?

Also, do people often run their own color schemes.

I know. I just want to feel like all my Tzeentch Daemons (besides horrors and the changeling) are going to be usable again. So many models just collecting dust because they're trash.

>I think it looks better

You may have a brain tumor.


Prime in your bathroom - turn on the draw fan. Or make your own mini venthood.

Start painting. You'll get better with every mini. By the time you get to the expensive shit you'll be more comfortable.

Reavers would be great if they weren't fucking 30ppm. I can only hope the Codex fixes that. Raiders are fine and surprisingly tanky with their 5++, Venoms even more with the -1 to hit. That said Start Collecting is an EXCELLENT deal. 2 of them make you a very decent force.

Invest in brush on primer

Yes absolutely

>Bretty gud modeller, make gud conversions and dynamic poses with scenic bases
> Half paint one model, looks average, never start the rest

Such is life




World Eaters when?

I gotchu senpai

I personally like Oval bases. They just look cooler than round/Square bases.

NEVER! Legion/ thread theme coming trough.

>That chaos primaris


My OC.

My regiment only has 5 infantry squads per platoon so I figure conscripts can just be filler.

Build a spray hood and get your minis primed.

I prime models in the garage. It's cold as fuck BUT I keep the minis and paint in the house until I'm ready to spray. Jump outside, spray minis, boom back inside. Check for coverage and wait a few for second coat. If you can do it fast enough you get good results. I won't be fucking with any sealant until March or April though.

My Nurgle demons were already solid so here's hoping for a few bonus toys and a good go round the block.

It's a million times better and these people are babies. It's so fucking aesthetic.

nah, its pretty easy, just use the colors of the citadel paint app (russ, fang, fenrisian with drakenhof shade iirc)
>Pic related, some of my first models

Why do you believe that user? The codex goes on pre-order in 5 days. So i assume that this week will be spoilers. I think today is new years so they wanted to do an article for that instead.

Thanks man now I won't have to wait a month to prime, and my models won't look like crap.

>Also, do people often run their own color schemes.
I do, half the fun is finding what looks good.

I think we got Loci and maybe one post tomorrow but if you look at DA and BA they got 1 day a piece. They each got a Monday with a few bits and that was it.


The dark angel codex came out last year.
Old news old man.

Cheers m8


Is that a female warrior on the left?

Better yet just buy some gesso from liquitex or comparable brand. It's basically impossible to screw up with it because it doesn't need thinning, and it shrinks dramatically as it dries.

Shouldn’t CSM be smaller than the Primaris because they’re marinelets? All the art I’ve seen of the two fighting they look the same size.

>Paint model fully in unit
>Looks great and motivated me to do the rest

That's what I do. It only looks good when it's done.

We could have such a fun army if GW gave half a shit about us. Voldus was only created so they could sell Guilliman and 2 extra models for $90 as a "Triumvirate".

I think that was mostly because Blood Angels and Dark Angels are just Space Marines. There isnt much to hype up.

yeh, quite a decent amount of my dudes are actually my dudettes
[even tho most wear armor]

I probably will include those 2 in my list anyway, but I was wondering if it was a good idea to aim for more Dreads and/or Land Raiders.

I plan on fielding Vanguard Vets and deep-striking Termies to compensate, with maybe a squad of Scouts infiltrators. The LRC would probably be transporting a big squad (or 2 MSUs?) + supporting HQs/elites

Well I heard Razorback spam was good. Also, this implies I can't take 2 Devastator squads, or 2 Tactical/Crusader squads, which seems a bit weird.

Thank you all for the answers by the way


They're still likely more popular than Daemons. Plus we just had a full week of new Nurgle models to hype etc.

Don't get me wrong I'd love more previews but I don't think we get much if anything else pre-release. I'd love to see some stratagems and demon traits and relics given that I play the army but I just don't see it happening.

Do armies just not have natural ways to handle hordes? Like I don't think you can naturally kill all that many dudes.

I'm curious as to what the chances are of us getting a Codex. A few years ago I would have laughed at the suggestion, but now it seems like GWs is going into overdrive in the new models department.

Why are people saying you can't prime in winter time? I live in New England but wanted to start painting minis. Would I fuck the up if I try to prime outside?

I have 0 issues with my Eldar army.

Kind of.

Humidity ruins the spray primer. And cold affects it too.

I'm 90% sure they intended to make the new Leadership mechanic exactly that, but then the monkeys writing the codexes decided to give everyone and their mother fearless and rerolls.

Take heart brother, the forces of chaos ("new" nu-GW) are against us, but they cannot take away our glorious history or our will to fight impossible odds!

if its too cold/outside, the primer wont dry as good, leaving you with quite the messy models when it runs down.
jjust wait till its a bit warmer, and build your models in the meantime

They took our templates

What do you field?

Nah man, Tzeentch for life.

Round bases can lead to issues with measuring if using improper tools, stealing 1/16th of an inch is still stealing 1/16th of an inch.

It does to me, I'm sorry.

It's much more clean and crisp looking.

I'm being serious. I just don't know how Aspy people would get if I went to a game with square bases.


I primed today in about 20 degree weather - sub 40% humidity, no problems. A lot of stems from people not using primer properly (I also paint cars for a living so I may not be able to do shit with a brush but I know air and paint).

They're Chaos Primaris

20 celsius or fahrenheit?


My anti-horde pieces are

2 units of 9 Shining Spears w/Exarch w/Star Lance. One of these units comes in via webway, the other uses the saim hann stratagem (both are in Ynnari detachments)

1 unit of 20 Guardians w/2x Shruiken Cannons deploying via the webway

I am thinking of buying the cheap ones that snap together or comes with the painting kits

Or it's a mark 4 helmet and the same additional leg armor that normal marines have



I just wish GK were good.

>They're Chaos Primaris

They're not. The helmet is jazzed up mk4 and Kharn and rubrics have additional leg armour.

I know a guy running bluecrons, and there's another guy at the lgs with black and white. Necrons are simple models for the most part, to simple schemes work well on them

All other marks of armour don't have that additional armour plate.


Serious question here since I am genuinely curious
What is the lore reason for the majority of humanity save the Emperor being Caucasian?

What kind of whether would you not prime in? Like temperature wise.

Cheers user, it's good to know they come together when the unit is done.

I've just gotten back into painting this last 6 months. I've done and redone my own custom colour scheme, tested the colour scheme on bitz lying around, tested different basing schemes on blank bases, had to wait for dry non-freezing days to prime, then invested in an airbrush and all the kit and had to learn how to use that.

So basically I feel like I've given myself an enormous learning/preparation curve, but now the hard work is done and I'll hopefully fly through my models!


I hate the fucking mega-horns on these helmets