Do knights ever get to wed the princess in your fantasy setting? Specifically commoner knights:
Do knights ever get to wed the princess in your fantasy setting? Specifically commoner knights:
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>Commoner knights
There can literally be no such thing.
Such promotions do happen.
If someone is a knight, then by definition he's not a commoner. Knights are nobility.
So someone who is a commoner, who was a war hero, cannot be knighted and then marry the princess?
No, the princess in my world are usually major sluts and they love fucking Orcs too much to marry any beta knight.
It's conceivable as well that such a person would make an eligible bachelor, so long as the man's reputation is storied enough and the princess isn't especially important.
It certainly wouldn't happen often in any case.
And a commoner promoted to knight would have a different social standing than someone born as one, so the moniker of commoner knight won't necessarily be wrong.
No, because Orcs are way more sexy than any little cuck knight. Princesses lust after big Orc dicks, not little human knight cocks.
Why are the people pelting their princess with veggies?
Because she fucked Orcs. The poor (white) knight is just a cuckold marrying a literal whore.
If I remember correctly, the plebs consider her cursed.
She's a literal Orc-fucker, a Greenburner.
Because that princess is a THOT (redundant, amirite) and the knight is a WHITE KNIGHT BETA ORBITER SOYB-
Beat me to it
I think that they might be saying that tgey become noblemen upon being knighted, but that's just semantics. They know full well you meant a common born knight and are being purposefully obtuse.
The best a commoner knight can do is marrying an Orc-fucking slut of a princess. It's sad but true.
No, because it's a matriarchal theocracy, and thus there are no princesses.
Now that's just racist. Not all pointy eared people screw orcs.
It's the truth. It's widely known that most Princesses are nothing more than Orc-fucking whores.
You fucks need to go back to /pal/
>Knights are nobility.
It depends.
A landed knight would be gentry, but not necessarily nobility. An unlanded knight would be gentry and definitely not nobility.
You need to stop fucking Orcs.
It happens. Usually as a result of eloping.
Its more likely that a common born warrior leads a revolution, names himself king, and marries a princess from a neighboring kingdom for allies/legitimacy. Which isn't particularly common.
In the case of a politically powerless individual with no family connections marrying into royalty because of his martial accomplishment, queen regnants (or even regents ruling in their child's name) have been known to wed adventurers due to their lack of loyalty to any noble houses. In that case he essentially serves as her enforcer/bodyguard in the capital city.
It's not a problem, I can stop any time I want!
Most human princesses, you mean. They're sluts in general.
Human AND Elvish are all Orc-fucking sluts, nothing redeeming about those whores.
wow i was gonna read that comic but that website is formatted like hot cancer
You're going to have to clarify what you mean by gentry because it has been used to mean a lot of different things.
Sorry, in the English sense. Which is to say aristocrat vice noble.
Typically including: gentlemen (aristocrats), esquires (aristocrats), knights (aristocrats), and occasionally hereditary knights/baronets. Although the latter are also typically the first place you find actual nobles in the Peerage.
t. 4th in line to a Scots barony
Wrong, I bet you are addicted to Orc cocks, you filthy whore.
>Implying that filthy mud-eating commoners can even become knights
As long as the royals don't think he'll ever actually inherit the throne. So probably the second or third daughter.
That heavily depends on the nation and time period in setting. Not all of them even have knights and the title of knight can imply different things.
The Kryn Empire actually prefers princesses to marry knights, especially those who have been promoted from the ranks of the common soldiers. The royal family is an entirely different class from the other nobles and is always trying to marry in the strongest and brightest members of the lower class in order to improve their bloodline. The royal family is intentionally large in order to facilitate its weird succession laws. The emperor later purges the nobility and establishes a more dictatorial empire, so knights eventually transition into a class of administrators while professional soldiers and mercenaries take the role of armored cavalry. Late period knights might marry into the royal family, but it would be rare since bureaucrats don't distinguish themselves in battle very often.
All other nations in the setting that have knights would not generally approve of such a union. Some Aiter kingdoms or republics might allow it, but their populations are so focused on gaining wealth and power for their family that they would only let a high noblewoman marry a lower noble if he was incredibly successful or as a political stunt of some kind.
Okay, well to be fair you have to remember that fucking nothing is based off of english nobility.
Like, most settings have a hard time getting the basic underlying structure of feudalism right, let alone the details.
In most settings, english gentry would be referred to as 'petty nobles', 'unlanded nobles', etc. They're nobility in all senses that matter.
I would like to point out that the princess is the kings daughter, so whoever marrys her will likely be crowned king. A knight from an extinct or weak family probably wouldn't be rewarded with such power.
Knights are not aristocrats so no, they can't marry princesses.
Not even if he manages to save the kingdom?
>posts a picture of the grandson of a jumped up migrating merchant
America was a mistake. No respect for social classes!
Not necessarily. Whilst prince/princess has become associated with the non-ruling members of a royal family, it's a title used for a wide variety of nobility.
Do. They. Ever. Sometimes they even marry princes. Its hot.
The real question is why is he using a pavise?
Typically only in times of strife when charismatic young men become heroes and warlods whose loyalty to the crown is of the greatest value and princesses of the time tend to be of the rebellious kind enthralled with that sort of man due to their lack of a father figure in war time.
Otherwise men of high status and their sons tend to win the ladies hand in marriage.
Thats oddly specific. and I like it.
He doesn't normally, but he knew ahead of time that produce was going to be flung and figured he'd need the extra coverage.
Let's not be anal and assume OP meant a gendarme: a commoner who took up arms and is for all intents and purpose the exact same as a knight.
In my setting, Knights are of equal or greater nobility than a princess. Common-born full knights are rare but not unheard of.
I would assume that either female children of the ruler are useless even for political marriage or knights are hella rare.
Or you're being obtuse and have 'princess' mean something other than 'female child of the ruler'.
Knights are about as uncommon as princesses in this setting and hold immense martial might and political power, and can levy armies as a commissioned proxy for the God-King.
If a knight wants to marry a princess, generally speaking the princess doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter,
Depends on the laws of succession. He might just end up as prince-consort to the Queen, and then their kid could be King (Although the important part is that it's her kid).
It takes a rough sort of man to tame a woman whose had free run of her household and heel licking ladies in waiting as friends all her life. The fae blood the Royals tend to have in their veins doesn't help the situation either.
I disagree. I think it takes a sort of rare gentle persistence to show a women like that, that she doesn't have to stop pretending
>He thinks someone is actually going to read all of that
>plate armor
>still uses a shield
user, that's not even a particularly long post. Are you alright? Are you sure you're even on the right board? Most fa/tg/uys are at least somewhat used to reading things.
It's not really /pol/, user - inspired by /pol/ memes, sure, but what we're witnessing is all homegrown.
Basically, accuse anyone of fucking Orcs and lusting after Orcs. We do it for Elves all the fucking time, why are people getting so angry when we extend the accusation to Humans?
>Lorica Segmentata
>Plate armor
It's good armor, but it ain't no gothic.
It's the original plate armor.
This actually is kinda dependent upon where’s and whens.
I mean in feudal heirarchy they weren’t common anymore, but neither did this mean their parents were nobility of any kind.
No it's not, if we're going to assume any hunk of plate strapped onto a person counts as plate armor, than the Greeks did it WAY before the Romans.
Plate armor refers to a specific kind of armor, namely the suits worn by 16th century Knights.
>Partial plate armour, which protected the chest and the lower limbs, was used by the ancient Greeks (muscle cuirass) and Romans (lorica segmentata)
No, but plenty of knights do get to marry the prince.
But I don't want to marry the prince, I'm not gay.
White knights never get a girl
Fake propaganda!
But all knights are white, user.
In my setting they wed the prince.
the prince is a girl(male)
Doesn't the (male) just mean they look like a girl, but they're actually a guy? That's still gay - hell, I'd say it's worse since it's tricking you otherwise.
What if they are not tricking the groom, just the rest of the nation?
Well, that wouldn't happen because I specifically said the dick makes me not interested.
She's actually extremely popular among the populace and all the commoners want to provide their agricultural tribute in person. Sometimes they overexcited.
But what if you met the prince and you too were tricked, but after you developed a crush and saw them as a beautiful person they told you the truth the very knight you expected to ask them out?
Then I'd feel hurt by the revelation and either gently break off our relationship as nothing more than that between a knight and his liege, or try and move away from the romantic affections and settle into platonic friendship.
Then why answer the question?
Yeah, the common people are like that sometimes, we had to ban masons from these public events, since the unfortunate events with late sir Richard and his wife.
i believe you meant to say"hand held tactical anti tomato device"
They are water balloons
Why not?
Only if they get the king to agree to it in a weird, circumspect manner.
>so long as the man's reputation is storied enough and the princess isn't especially important
Still mad Sharpe didn't marry best girl
>Let's not be anal and assume
C'mon this is Veeky Forums the top internet community for anal assumptions of all kinds.
Because it's unnecessary weight, I know you've probably never had to hull around anything more than 15 lbs in your life but given the weight and limitation of plate armor alone I doubt you'd fine an additional shield worth it
Because in this thinly veiled metaphor, human women are falling for Orc (read; black) dick. With elves (less obvious, but let's say asians), it's elf women falling for human men
it's cucking vs being cucked user. This is basic autistics user
No reason to when your entire body is covered in the same material as everyone's weapons resulting in them either having to wrestle each other down and kill each other with daggers or use big blunt weapons
>so whoever marrys her will likely be crowned king
why are princesses always only children?
If she have a brother, than he will become the future king
There are freelance knights that can swear themselves to any individual of any wake of life for literally any reason. Since these knights serve as a sort of diplomat to whatever country they hail from, they’re held to an extremely high standard and are very well respected. A knight sworn to that individual is expected to be so dedicated to that person that they would die for them without hesitation, and stop at nothing to serve them well. I imagine that if a king found out one of these knights decided to swear themselves to their daughter, I can’t imagine they would have a huge problem with it. And the whole diplomatic immunity thing they come with would probably be great for them politically.
To be a knight in early europe you had to have,1, martial training,2, enough funds for a panoply, and 3, a horse.
Caballeros Villanos, or Pardos (meaning tanned, because being free men they had to work they lands), than translates as Village Knight, where common as fuck in Spain, specially early one because they needed any able bodied men to fight the moors. You could gain Nobility (the least important one, but being free of taxes is sweet) when you got the prerequisits, so yeah, an able young men with martial training and a horse could serve a princess.
I'm only ashamed because I had to defend a friggin fetish thread...
What does the text in Spanish say?
I did read something about Arab bows being too weak to pierce chainmail back in the days and the Knights basically going throughout it like rain.
Having it pictured is definitely more awesome.
"Heavily protected be they helms, shields and mail armors over padded robes, the Muslim javelins and arrows barely dented the Christian charge, or so the chronicles of the day said, in that situations some knights looked like porcupines (with all the arrows sticking in them).
You had some crusaders talking about that too, and Spanish account are choke full of that. And the Muslim bows where strong, it's only is very difficult to kill a man in full armor, only Javelins could pierce all that, or the strongest crossbows, and outrigth kill a man with them wasn't easy. So even if they where deathly wounded, they still charged.
>So even if they where deathly wounded, they still charged
Some say even the dead themselves charged.
Yeah, one of those beloved legends be the Spanish.
There is a lovely film about the Cid, than I watched several times as a kid, than, for the understanding of the time, had a good grasp of the weapons and armors (you can see they inspired themselves in Funcken drawings a lot), tough lots of pieces of gear for both sides where more common a hundred of years in the future.
Here the final charge of the Cid as that movie.
Also, for the ones than scratch they head about why the muslim guys also say that of for El Cid, God and Spain, the muslim than where allied with el Cid where all of (mainly) Spanish stock themselves, fighting the Almhoades invaders.
No, but they often get to wed the princess (male)
I always wondered what she did to make the crowd angry, at least I think they are angry
That's called a prince user
No, Princesses marry into nobility. The exception is if the person they're marrying has enormous personal power.
It's like, if someone's a Solar Exalted, obviously the Princess can marry him. Or if he's a Level 20 Wizard, that's just as good too.
No lmaoo
So a Knight'll do? They're nobility after all
One of my players was a peasant who received divine powers, and met a very popular priestess. Many months of mercenary work later, he and the group founded a mercenary company to help their nation fight off an invading larger army.
In the end they also fought off an undead king that sought to use the bloodshed to awaken, with the help of some noblemen. The peasant holy warrior dealt the final blow. After all that was resolved, the mercenary company was elevated to an order of knights by the new king. The divine knight married the priestess also, so that's the closest there is in my setting.