How would you play a witch/wizard with below average INT?
Or whatever the equivalent is in your preferred system?
How would you play a witch/wizard with below average INT?
Or whatever the equivalent is in your preferred system?
Make up for it with high Luck?
Like an absolute dumbass?
Maybe something like this (but with magic)?
What kind of dumbass, Larry, Curly, or Moe?
Sort of like a trickster deity like Jesus.
probably Moe.
Moe: Wizard/witch
Curly: Fighter
Larry: Rogue
What about Shemp?
>witch with below average INT
some sort of Charisma build
Can you have negative INT? Because I'm pretty sure floof gremlins like that have a pretty big penalty to it.
sure, negative karma is a thing so why not negative intelligence?
What if she's also autistic?
Plz don't bully Akko like this, it's not her fault and she's trying her best
Alternatively, Charisma Constitution Witch (male)
I strike a deal with another player if they could chaperone.
Akko is many things user, smart isn't one of them.
This. Akko doesn't deserve bullying.
She might not be very smart or good at magic, but she makes up for it with a level of determination which is ridiculous and highly admirable.
>she makes up for it with a level of determination which is ridiculous and highly admirable.
If we're talking in D&D terms, she should have picked a CHA or WIS based spellcasting class instead of Wizard.
She's short on both, though.
shes magically disabled by having her INT ability drained, it gonna take YEARS for her to recover fully. shes lucky to be able to cast a spell wrong in the first place! would you bully a kid who wanted to be a boxer, only for their arms to be royally fucked up for life?
>would you bully a kid who wanted to be a boxer, only for their arms to be royally fucked up for life?
Well, yeah, if the kid were annoying enough.
Just being honest. Not a saint.
I think the major difference here is that Akko can and will eventually become a witch, and more than likely a damn good one. Unlike arm kid who has chosen a poor choice in potential career and won't realize the error of his ways until his very first match and he hits with the force of a wet noodle.
Back at the highschool, I totally would.
She should retrain into the Seducer Witch archetype. They get Charisma casting
>D&D terms
Little Witch Academia witchcraft is not even close to dnd wizardry. Maybe if you squint after a few shots you might say something retarded like "well they can learn it from books and it's limited in some cases", but even then the scope, progression, lore, and limitations aren't even in the same ballpark.
Also, akko is not very wise or charismatic either. When she manages to convince people to do things, it seemed more through sheer effort and pity than personal magnetism. I guess if you ignore basically everything about wisdom other than willpower, I could kinda see that.
I did that with a sorcerer once. She fancied herself a pally, with a big broadsword and everything.
Make a Fighter with a magic focused subclass that is delusional and thinks he understands magic because he can cast prestidigitation.
Give it an item that sometimes let's it cast using other stats and focus on spells that don't require INT like Alter Self or Polymorph.
My setting has channeling, which is magic you get for free by performing interpretive dances. The more interesting the dance, the more powerful the spell. Is this groovin' magic?
no I meant
I think you meant
You gave me a heart chuckle, Santa
Don't worry OP. I get the feeling you'll be really convincing as someone with low INT
Fuck you, Santa. I wanted a watch, not some dumb card game. We had a deal!
was just trying to think of a quick analogy. im not saying the hypothetical kid wouldnt be able to box ever, more like by the time he can he would be behind in terms of practice but could still make it up by being smart/fast. or just play fighting games to make up for not being fit.
she has traits that give bonuses to willpower and endurance, given that she spends more time studying to make up for being hindered in terms of magically drained and plain no trained knowledge outside of her cards. she has a magnetic personality with all the friends she made(not to mention, cute as heck)
Actually this is what I had in mind. I basically can't focus for shit.
Also I'm mildly dyslexic. Oh and I don't know how to make conversation appropriately. Oh and I don't have a lot of friends...
Was she actually good at fighting?
That's more low WIS, low CHA
Which stat governs self-esteem?
Charisma. It's literally self image and confidence.
A idiot savant, duh.
HO HO HO, you can't make deals with santa little boy. I don't exist HO HO.
−20% to all XP earned.
…That's it. There are no other effects or consequences.
Making the character completely broken is tard-mode. I'd put a clamp on spell selection, make them work for new tricks, but let them run their magic off a different stat.
I said below average, not full retard.
Idiot savant also reaches bellow avarage.
It literslly means "guy clearly not smart enough for the things he's really good at"
Doesn't really sound very fun from a gameplay perspective..
Seska did nothing wrong.
make an orc wizard in 5e once, with 6 int. he had a magical coloring book, and was mildly retarded
>Making the character completely broken is tard-mode
And yet fighters soldier on, the poor bastards.
Play a Sorcerer instead.
Dumb blonde is literally the low int, high cha archetype.
eat shit weeb faggot
They have a plethora of magical knowledge, as wizards do, but don't know jack shit about other shit like survival, nature, or basic shit.
They wouldn't be fucking retarded, they'd just have weird gaps in their knowledge.
A wizard as in "person who approaches magic methodically as if it was science" is entirely dependent on intelligence to be useful, a dumb wizard PC would be nothing but a load to its party, its a bad idea
It is possible to be a gifted scientist while also being an idiot.
Thomas migdley poured leaded gasoline on his hands as a PR stunt, leaving him crippled for months.
>16 int
> 4 wis
Dumb, but with natural talent. Maybe also make them a klutz to hit a few more squares for trope bingo.
Thank you GURPS, for letting me do this.
Thats foolishness not stupidity, he knew he was doing something dangerous but wanted to believe his invention was succesful, its low Wis
Expecting me to do percentile math with low int.
Seska literally did EVERYTHING WRONG
I cast fist.
But he's a oracle, user.
You're welcome, my son. Now go, and spread my word further!
>Thats foolishness not stupidity,
>Implying there's a difference irl.
Best wizard.
Best hero.
Underrated post.
You have a few more options outside Illusion of Choice: the RPG. Hell, OP can work right out of the book in most systems.
I see what you did there.
>having so much charisma people only think you're a witch
Louie casts from STR, his low INT and Wis ire irrelevant.
So that guy from the second Harry Potter book?
>Below average INT
Literally everything we know about her life contracits that.
Imagine being so upset about a peasant girl you're still mad about it 600 years post date.
Anyone with the slightest idea about Rasputin would know that he's a textbook meme Bard. Persuade checks anyone into anything, fuck everything with a hole. No other talents whatsoever.
>Everyone thought he was protected by God because a poisoned cake didn't kill him
>In fact the poison used in the cake evaporated when it was being baked, meaning the chef was actually more likely to be poisoned than Rasputin himself
Akko is actually pretty good at magic, considering that she is from a nonmagical family, started her training super late, and had most of her magic sucked out as a kid. For the amount of penalties she starts off with, she actually does pretty well. She just aims for the top and gets disappointed that she isnt the best.
well there was that time he was gutted by a prostitute, and the time he got shot, and the time they all beat him up afterwards, and the time he got thrown into a river to drown only to die of hypothermia on the river bed.
The eternal Anglo's best noble'men' got BTFO by a qt French waifu and they still can't get over it
I think I read this greentext
Play a bumbling apprentice with a snarky, wise-cracking familiar.
If i knew how would Ippo fall, iď rather never red a single page. Fuck Kamogawa.
Well in esrpg willpower and endurance are way more important atributes for those that need to reliably cast spells on move/underpressure/in combat. If she can overcome magicka deficit from low Int, which shouldn't take more than few levels of points sinking, less if she fancied more of spellsword-y aproach with bit of enchanting and posibly alchemy.
>In 1940, at the age of 51, Midgley contracted poliomyelitis, which left him severely disabled. This led him to devise an elaborate system of strings and pulleys to help others lift him from bed. This was the eventual cause of his own death when he was entangled in the ropes of this device and died of strangulation at the age of 55.
That is pretty cartoony fuck up.
This should have been obvious.
Thats only because brainlets like you dilute the meaning of words
I used to think they were separate things when I was younger, but after years of dealing with otherwise "smart" scientists who do things like abuse drugs, sabotage relationships out of spite, and falsify data in completely transparent and egregious ways, I've come around to the "stupid is as stupid does" conception of intelligence.
So you went ahead and executed a monumental mental gymnastic to catalogue anyone who does something you disaproove of as "stupid" in order to not recognize that intelligence is not the alpha-omega measure to asses the quality of an individual
Good fucking job m8
All I'm saying is that if it doesn't make sense for us to say "he is a good person but he frequently does bad things" or "she's honest but she frequently cheats", then it doesn't make sense to define 'stupid' as 'not smart' and say "she's smart but frequently does stupid things." I.e, stupid is as stupid does.
>Magic not related to any of the stats
I would play an ugly, stupid, foolish, weak, sickly, slow wizard/witch if it wouldn't be a really annoying character roleplaying wise.