How do you wage wars inside an O'neill (8km wide 32km long) or a McKendree (920 km wide, 4600 km long) cylinder? Once you have managed to get your troops onboard, or there's a civil war within the cylinder going on, what kind of troops to do you deploy? Would you use tanks, planes, etc?
How do you wage wars inside an O'neill (8km wide 32km long) or a McKendree (920 km wide, 4600 km long) cylinder...
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Assuming you're not suicidal, you'd use weapons that have little to no chance of breaking the cylinder.
(Sleeping) Gas everything if you are in a smaller one and limited to modern-ish level tech. Drone swarm otherwise.
If Gundam has taught me anything, it's that you use giant robots.
Nerve Gas
>O'neill (8km wide 32km long) or a McKendree (920 km wide, 4600 km long) cylinder
What is going on in sci-fi? Can anybody just name a space station size after himself?
if your certain its stable, long range explosives of any variety your comfortable wirh using up to gorram field artillery
otherwise stick to small arms or gas like the boys earlier said
fighting For a space habitat sounds worth while, fighting In one sounds like a huge annoyance
well, first of all you have to make sure neither you nor your opponent wants to see this thing destroyed as that would severly fuck up your options.
Then obviously we need to know the tech level, but I'm not sure planes would work there, space-fighters and such might work.
Tanks and other armoured stuff is probably a good idea if the terrain isn't too urbanized, even then a few APC and such could be useful or just some mechanization.
If you want to capture or loot the stuff you will obviously need a lot of manpower, but the gas thing others mentioned probably won't do shit if the other guys still controlling the main systems.
About systems, that's your main objectives, capturing and holding them.
>Sleeping Gas everything in an 800 cubic kilometer volume
That's an awful lot of sleeping gas
Unless you're using some crazy high strength stuff, the station has to be strong enough to support itself and the forces it'll undergo due to it's own mass, so it would need to be strong enough (not to mention thick enough) that artillery fire and relatively small explosions shouldn't do much to its structural integrity.
If you're facing an entrenched and well-armed enemy, you bomb them from orbit and starve them out. You don't want to try to invade something like this, when they can fire on any part of the station from any other part of the station with even conventional artillery.
If you're not up against that, then as said, set up field artillery and bomb the fuck out of anything that organizes, and then dig in to iraq in space for a long fucking war.
>Would you use tanks, planes, etc?
Even moreso than normal I could see artillery becoming king of the battlefield, at least in an O'neill - once your army's nerds had figured out the mechanics for firing in a rotating reference frame with no real gravity but plenty of momentum, in an O'neill cylinder at least you can hit pretty much anywhere relatively easy.
Vehicles become a bit harder to work out, but I'd say you'd want something small and manoeuvrable, with excellent ECM - after all, worse-case scenario for an air vehicle you're getting fire from all 6 planar directions (relative to you), and heavier ground vehicles become even more vulnerable than usual to top-down attacks (also there's less need for them in a small space that can potentially be "cracked" by using weaponry that's too powerful).
McKendree is much harder to work out because of the much vaster internal volume, aircraft would likely see increased effectiveness and ground vehicles would likely return to a more conventional usage (though what "conventional" means in a situation where you can build a McKendree is quite debatable)
>What is going on in sci-fi? Can anybody just name a space station size after himself?
The difference between the O'neill and McKendree designs is what material is used to construct them; steel for the former and carbon nanotubes for the latter.
Despite that, you're completely correct. It is fucking stupid for each proposed cylindrical, spin for gravity, space habitat to have it's own name.
Returning to the idiot OP's "question" which has been asked here 1000s of times, if destroying the habitat isn't an option, any war in going to be a "nexus" style campaign. You're going to use commandos, special forces, and other such units to seize the control centers and other systems which make the habitat "work".
If you just want everyone inside dead you could try to accelerate the speed it spins. Assuming its structural integrity can take it.
Not really
I don't think a O'Neill war would make sense: really too small for industrial warfare. Maybe terrorism.
>I'd think for a society that actively uses something like that going mad max level of scavenging is even possible: even if somehow they did fall back, they'd understand what would mean using bombs
A McKendree would be interesting tough, but honestly? Siege the shit out of them. OUTSIDE the habitat. If they're not sucidcal they're gonna comply.
Now what would be more interesing is the possibility of terror resistence. Small arms, small bombs. But I have problems seeing actual "normal" warfare inside the cylinders.
Just shade their solar panels and let the second law of thermodynamics do the work for you. They'll either surrender or die.
Space superiority is everything.
What if they have an emergency fusion reactor? A canister of fusion fuel cpuld last a couple centuries.
>Just shade their solar panels and let the second law of thermodynamics do the work for you. They'll either surrender or die.
Any object in space in sunlight has more problems with staying cool than staying warm. Cylinders measuring in kilometers are going to passively soaking up a lot of "heat".
Destroying or threatening to destroy a habitat solar POWER panels - which is what you might have meant by solar panels - would be a quick way to force a surrender even if the cylinder has other power sources.
>>Space superiority is everything.
Oddly enough, you got that right.
The answer is no, one idiot simply did because he thinks carbon nanotubes are sooo original and 'mine is bigger' even though it's the exact same damn thing. Very few people have done this and for the most part it's actually different designs that have different names.
Drone Spam.
>Destroying or threatening to destroy a habitat solar POWER panels - which is what you might have meant by solar panels - would be a quick way to force a surrender even if the cylinder has other power sources.
what would be more interesting game wise if you can't threathen them with this because it's well known you need the station intact BUT the other guy need it intact too. Something that is too valuable to destroy but not so valuable that it would make a fuckhuge difference so people won't get desperate.
This could happen if people aren't fighting for their survival.
So yeah, a space station can be fucked in several ways without even landing troops there but if the game is about landing troops on a space station we have to figure out those reasons and sound them plausible.
The funny thing about space is that conventional ideas behind warfare, strategy, and tactics virtually don't apply at all. There's only a very, very short list of conceivable ways to justify why the attacker MUST keep that station intact. He could simply rebuild or repair it, go a different way around it, kill everyone inside it then re-inhabit it with his own people, or simply ignore its existence since space is vast and allows full unrestricted 3D movement in any axis.
What if the orbit is crowded by such objects? Wouldnt the debris be a threat to your own cylinders?
>He could simply rebuild or repair it
not necessearily. It takes a lot of time and resources to repair something like that or even more to rebuild it.
I mean what if it's growing food in a place that only started terraforming a planet and probably a few other science stuff is there.
If you want the whole new planet for yourself damaging the station too much would likely render it inoperational for way too much time that would probably kill of many of your would be workers (and you probably don't want to bring in new workers AND rebuild a station too) So it would be the sensible solution to capture it intact.
Meanwhile the defenders probably doesn't want to blow up the whole thing either because that would also have a terrible impact on the civilians and their side might be able to come back later and capture it again.
Or OR you stock up on weapons that so exactly that and then you put some crazy randian in charge of the big red button. No one dares do anything other than what you tell them cause they know the objectivist will just send them into space as soon as they lift a finger against you.
>simply rebuild or repair it, go a different way around it, kill everyone inside it then re-inhabit it with his own people
It might just be me, but this sounds expensive - conquering might not be the done thing, but it's still cheaper than destruction, and you get a mostly-intact structure and population (though this depends on your ability to integrate or buy them off)
it's not just you. People tend to think war is about total destruction and they are mostly retards
>There's only a very, very short list of conceivable ways to justify why the attacker MUST keep that station intact.
>lists highly specific circumstances why you would keep it intact as if making some kind of counter-argument
It's like you didn't read the post at all or something.
Improvised weaponry from converted industrial equipment. Tractors turned into tanks, cargo drones converted to bombers, magnetic slugthrowers, etc.
>Once you have managed to get your troops onboard
that's going to be your biggest problem right there assuming it has some kind of reasonably competent defenders and you don't want to destroy it
Zeek scum get out.