stat me, Veeky Forums
Stat me, Veeky Forums
Slutty Clown with ranks in Slutty Mechanic
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
I'll do more than just stat you if you catch my drift.
>pack of ravenous milfs with improved grappling
They can sniff out the virgins!
TITS: natural 20 (higher than the usual max of 18)
>Next match will be in The Angelic ruins!
Borderlands was a terrible game and so was the sequel.
>"You might think you're shit hot, but you haven't seen the BADASS WAVE, yet."
Has to make will checks when under duress not to slip into the accent.
Size/Type: Large Magical Breasts
look at you with your shit opinions.
good for you.
He's not wrong in some ways. The sequel was definitely a step down in the place that mattered: guns.
More of a side step rather than a step down. Focus on manufacturer characteristics made for weapons that had more predictable designs so you could more easily tell if one weapon was more your flavor than the other half dozen. But a lot of the unique guns and some of the missing styles from the first and crazy powerful random rolls missing was a disappointment.
Youre about as autistic as the dude who spams spiderman on /b/.
Won't stop me from wanting a third game where I could play Tina grenades festival.
>Being a redditor
It's bottom of the barrel trash with awful gameplay, awful characters and a stone-age level story and aesthetics stolen from a short movie (but done worse in every way).
Only absolute imbeciles like it. I'm glad the sequel managed to be even more terrible because it ruined the series for the fans and that's what they deserve for liking such piffle.
Meteor Shower > Rolling Thunder
...Is that a goddamn Owlbear?
Yes, user.
There is a lot of grenades better than Rolling thunder, but I just happen to remember only that one doing massive explosions.
I magic missiles anyway.
Level 15 Delicious Clown Slut
The original was a fun concept, the sequel substituted memes for an actual plot. It was like the Mad Max reboot was written by the Big Bang Theory staff.
Vagina: Clowncar
How so? What's wrong with bl 2's plot?
The telltale game was actually pretty good, unlike most of the TT games.
Meteor Shower mirvs twice. It is less like a grenade and more of a localized carpet bombing.
I enjoyed that DLC...except...well the feels
Contrived bullshit where the entirely human villain can just walk in, one shot a badass from the first game and kidnap his girlfriend... all while the players just stand and watch instead of filling him full of lead.
Thats the example I've seen of the game that most stands out in my mind personally.
Not him but the one that stands out to me is preventing the heroes from BL1 from resurrecting at the New-U station. Why wasn't that done from the get-go during BL1 or why doesn't happen to the heroes in BL2?
I know.
Anthony Burch made New-U stations non-canon in BL2, so glad that that hack left gearbox.
>Despite in-game references and explanations of New-U stations, Borderlands 2 head writer Anthony Burch has confirmed that New-U stations are not canon, and do not exist as far as the plot of any Borderlands game is concerned.[1]
Holy shit you weren't joking. Man fuck that guy.
There's plenty to complain about in BL2.
Of big note, to me, was that at the higher levels, character and build tree mattered way less than the guns you had(if you weren't Kreig).
All the cool talent shit just stopped mattering because enemies were so insanely strong.
It's not one person, newfriend. Owlbear posting in stat me threads are one of the oldest Veeky Forums traditions, only slightly younger than shitposting "stat me" threats.
Its not that old
It wasn't around when I first started posting on Veeky Forums
To be fair, very little of any of the Borderlands games' plots make any sense if the people you're murdering can trivially decide to just not ever die.
Isn't he the dumbass who wanted a tranny character just to check the diversity box? What franchise is he gonna crap up now?
Further proof that krieg was the best part of that game.
They could've come up with an interesting alternative explanation with barely any effort, like:
>Jack removed the old Vault Hunters from the New-U system since he's at war with them
>the reason the new Vault Hunters are still in it is because Angel hacked into the system and managed to make backups
>entire mission dedicated to breaking into the New-U database and removing Jack from the system so that he can be killed permanently
New U stations fit the tone of Pandora perfectly, they made the planet even more nightmarish than it was already by ensuring that not even death allows you to escape.
He works at Riot Games now, I doubt there's a way he can turn the clusterfuck that is League of Legends lore any worse.
Looks like he took his contract with Gearbox as seriously as his wife took their marriage
Oh, Snap
It's bullshit. It used to be orc posting but newfriends came and fucked it up
Well, it made absolutely no sense to have them as canon. It'd be like Skyrim fast travel or quest markers being canon.
Those aren't very large
How does it not make sense?
The equivalent seen in Bioshock were canon.
Because why wouldn't everyone just respawn then? Why are hand-held weapons not levelling mountains if these tiny stations placed everywhere can convert enough energy into matter to produce human bodies? I mean, if anything it's weirder that fast-travel stations were still canon, since there was that time you had to go to the Highlands and all that.
Everyone did respawn, by and large. It's why Pandora could be so damn dangerous and yet not have everyone wiped out within a year.
Are respawning bandits canon?
Why do you think all the named bandits you kill keep showing back up?
Because otherwise the game would be unplayable?
I dunno, why do the named enemies in Diablo II respawn? retard.
Although in the Son of Crawmerax DLC they do talk about killing Crawmerax over and over.
BL is not a hard-science setting
I feel like "only Vault Hunters respawn" isn't really a leap of logic that has much to do with soft/hard divisions of sci-fi.
>Why are hand-held weapons not levelling mountains if these tiny stations placed everywhere can convert enough energy into matter to produce human bodies?
Gaze sadly at your (you) while you tighten the rope.
Yes, that was one of the examples.