So Veeky Forums what are your thoughts on MagicGate?
Do you think WOTC knew about the pedos and covered it up?
So Veeky Forums what are your thoughts on MagicGate?
Do you think WOTC knew about the pedos and covered it up?
we don't care. M:tg fanbase is toxic as fuck also a thread died for this
How are we toxic? Because we don't hand hold noobs who think 80 card decks are good?
Judges aren't WotC employees.
The video you linked is absolutely retarded. Is this dude really using Rick to represent himself?
Is this your video, OP?
Glad to see the chemo's working.
Maybe .....
people who unironically use the word toxic are toxic desu
They also usually suck. I had some dude playing Temur go off on me after I 2-0ed his ass with Mono Red at store champs.
There are probably layers to that question. It's not a secret that mtg players can be creeps. We kind of accept that but we should not go so far as to accommodate predators, which has definitely happened due to lax regulation. A lot of us here may be old school nerds and trolls, and therefore bristle at the idea of searching computers or invading privacy, but actual convictions are a different subject. Personally I don't see any huge problem with letting literally anyone be certified as a judge, but anyone judging an under 18 event must be cleared for blatant crimes. That's all. The excuse that WotC doesn't control the judge program is a poor one, and their lack of oversight is not good for them to focus on. Their nepotistic choices seem to compound this error. I can make a lot of excuses for their behavior too, but none of them make anyone look good, just lazy and incompetent. I'm one of those assholes who thinks literally everyone should be welcome to play magic, but it seems necessary to state that not everyone can be a judge for anyone they want to in magic. That's different.
Fuck off retard. We know if that imbecile did not get that ban for being a asshole to that woman you morons would not be making threads in Veeky Forums, you would not give a damn about these judges at all.
>aren't WotC employees
Is that suppose to be a fucking excuse for supporting pedophiles? It isn't.
Good points. I think the issue is that pedos can be in a position of power over children . I mean how do we know someone wasn't forced to suck dick to avoid a round loss or DQ?
Hipsters of the Coast writer detected. I bet you unironically believe pic related.
The fact you posted that pic proves my point about this is really about fighting the SJW boogeyman. You know that if you talk about that dumbass and the ban that he had coming or you whined about card art not being all white guys your stupid thread would be removed so you attack WotC with shit about the judges.
Hmm.. well they are not WotC employees, so the call for scrutiny isn’t as stringent. It’s their community we’re talking about, large one at that as well.
Little bit like Reddit/Imgur/Veeky Forums/Tunblr having rapists, pedos nazis and the likes visiting it and staring discussions.
Should they manage their community (and events, which can and are mostly organized by independent actors) with heavy hand to prescreen the people applying for judges..?
Hmm.. nope. Invasive and unfeasible in their global role. They should terminate the guys judge license though to make sure he doesn’t get to participate to those events.
Posts modernists give lifelong bans for pepe memes but Pedos get priveleged access to minors. Glad to see what side you're on.
no, i think you need to go out more
>Posts modernists
user, i dont think that words means what you think it means, becasue you sound like more of a retard than a philosphy student at a genetics class
>Magic is game of skill
>No women have currently demonstrated the skill necessary to win or top 8 a PT
>It must be sexism the post-modernists claim
Seriously go back to /mtg cuck
I think Magic is popular enough crack they can stipulate a process that requires would be judges to pay a fee to get their background checked in order to be licensed. Other than that not much that can be done.
>game of skill
user, i love magic, but what fucking skill? It's a deck building game where all the best decks in any new meta are made for you withing 10 days of a new expension. The only parts of magic that requier any kind of skill that is not "having enough money to buy the cards you need for the deck you found on the net" is pauper and drafts
Yes, whine more about how you dumbasses can't post your stupid meme. After you /pol/ retards shat up Veeky Forums with whaa Magic's art is not all white guys, and whaa some asshole got banned because he acted like an asshole I find it hard to believe you shitheads really care if a pedos is touching kids or not, in fact I think you faggots are making up most if not all of this shit.
Its a coherent legal defense.
What a stupid simplification. Standard metas change weekly as new decks rise to the top. Having an expensive deck means nothing if you play like a retard. I bet you go X-3 at FNM and you blame every factor except for your self. People like you never get better. I've met thousands like you over the years.
That bulge. I recognize it.
Magic takes skill.
>No women have currently demonstrated the skill necessary to win or top 8 a PT
Melissa DeTora has a PT Top 8.
Even ignoring deckbuilding entirely, which is fair for constructed, there is a great deal of skill in play itself.
>Standard metas change weekly as new decks rise to the top. Having an expensive deck means nothing if you play like a retard
user, the decks are still pre-made for you most of the time and most of the time all it takes is memerasing 3-4 combos and knowing what the deck will and wont work ageitns, magic is not complicated and learning how to play a deck is not hard. Stop thinking it's 4D chess, i have freinds who are probobly clouse to being considered legally retarded yet they can build some of the most powerfull decks i'v seen within seconds
Isn't she a tranny?
Also limited is a format. Drafting takes skill. You can't buy better picks.
Yeah its called MTG TOP 8. I know a guy who net decks the "TOP DECK" every week but he still gets rekt because he can't play for shit.
>Its a coherent legal defense.
Well that statement sure inspires brand confidence.
Out of curiosity do GW store staff have to have background checks?
They tend to spend a lot of time looking after kids. Much more so than any MtG Judge.
It's the same salty shithead trying to shill views for shitty videos.
can someone link a real news article, i got halfway through the video before i couldn't take it anymore
The video maker, and OP, might be cunts (or the same cunt), but the core point is interesting.
That proven cheaters and paedos don't get their DCI numbers taken away, while an internet troll and a guy who set up a containment board for trolls did.
Not exactly correct in the priority department.
Even before you get into the whole shit quality product stuff.
Not in Aus.
if you look up i said that drafts and pauper are the only two types that take skill
Doesnt have to. There are tons of idiots doing that for them.
To be fair that's less of a choice for them than for the mtg judges. There are probably always going to be bad parents.
in poland they dont
I work in retail and kids come into the shop all the time, yet I've never had a background check WTF THIS IS RIDICULOUS
Remember Zach Jesse and how all of you are crying for WOTC's head? Why is it the other way around now?
There is no real news article
You have no proof you fucking retarded nazi, just fucking go back to .
Post feet
>Can't shuffle the cards
Actually if you can't shuffle your deck you can't play.
I think that was a rule to avoid people with absurdly large decksizes.
You hear this a lot: "A thread died for this." While accurate, this phrase generally carries no weight. But just this once, if you would do me a favor and hear me out, it would do all of us a lot of good.
A. Thread. Died. For this. You woke up this morning, poured yourself a bowl of Faggot Flakes, moistened them with your impotent Faggot prostate milk (which IS in fact impotent, because you're a fucking faggot) and, within seconds, decided that today of all days would be the time you decide to cut your synapse firing quota by just a little too much.
So you hopped online, carved out this uninspired chicken scratch, probably failed the captcha once for every strand of peach fuzz on your half-empty sack, and clicked Submit.
At that moment, a thread died. A thread that could have been bumped. A thread that could have been resurrected with content, or valuable discourse between its denizens. Hell, it could've even been bumped for absolutely no reason. And that would've been okay. Because, had it survived, a few more seconds could have been spent without having had your abortion of a post been born in this world.
Get AIDS twice, OP.
/pol/ nazis getting fucking DESTROYED!!!
Fuck off with your """raid""""
Too late. I gave it to your dad last night.
>trolling this obvious
Remember to sage and report kids
Zack Jesse got banned but other sex offenders didn't. Rlly gets r nogging activate doesn't it?
Don't you find it funny that the guy in the thumbnail is basically Jeremy with darker and less hair?
Don't you dare insult a beautiful pedolover and skilled judge like that, you're being a fucking pedophobe and toxic like Jeremy.
Post your DCI so I can ban you.
someone can shuffle your deck for you, she's a kid, and if it's true i find it extreamly funny that she is wrecking neckbeards
Huh, that does make sense.
Also weird they state a 7 year old can't shuffle a deck, I was able to shuffle a deck when I was like 6 or so.
Please stop bumping your own thread, OP.
Jesse made a mistake and served his time. The girl even retracted her statement. There was literally no reason for SJW asshats to persecute him.
I repeat.
If jesse got banned pretty much days after.
Why haven't other sex offenders (judges, mind you) been banned in a similar fashion too?
it might have to do with hand size, if you have small hands, and 7 year old girls tend to have really small hands, you might have trouble with a standard shotgun shuffle while still not having the hand cordination needed for more advanced shuffling
Is there any actual proof of sex offenders in the judge program outside of one retards youtube video? And if there is, why are they on the registry exactly? Is it a case of ""pedophilia"" because the guy was 16 and the girl was 14? Did this person already serve jail time and tu4ned his life around? There are a number of factors that need to be considered.
Also, in Jesse's case, WotC made a rash decision because angry lesbians were breathing down their neck. No one seems to be upset by this except Jeremy's Internet Defense Force.
Stupid Americans all look the same, they're all fat neckbeards.
wait wait wait, if he was 16 and she was 14 it wouldent be pedophilia would it?
It is in some US states where the legal age of consent is 16 and there's no protection for when those 16 year-olds have sex with slightly younger people. Yes, its bullshit, but it happens.
Depends on where in the world you are. If one of the parties involved is younger than the age of consent it would be considered rape in most countries, regardless of whether the older party is just two or three years older.
In some countries it can still be considered pedophilia even if both parties involved are above the age of consent. Sweden's laws, for example, state that 15 is the age of consent, but between the age of 15 and 18 a sexual partner can't be more than five years older without being considered a pedophile.
ITT: grown adults trying to defend a card game as a super strategic game, and trying to create drama in their little community.
Magic really is the worst fucking gaming group, even wargaming is not as bad as these fuckers.
That's kind of retarded, anyways if this whole thing is about a 16 year old fucking a 14 year old than this is a compleat non issue and im not suprised wizards arnt doing anything about it
>Every group that doesn't conform to regressive leftist ideology or marxism is "toxic" to me.
You forgot to drink your soy this morning.
Also, 40k almost had an invasion of these ideological washouts. It's a good thing we stemmed the tide. It's like they tried to ruin us right as 8th edition was making the game awesome again.
>wrecking neckbeards
She didn't even get Day 2. That's hardly "wrecking".
both would be perpetrators and victims
depending on the location and its laws
And yet we’re keeping most LGS in business. We run shit nigga.
wew, Sweden is fucking retarded
I don't think we're talking about consenting partners though. The problem is persons with specific convictions having positions of power over minors. I'm as fucking progressive as it gets in terms of personal freedom but that freedom ends at another person's safety. It's just dumb to allow, even if we're respecting people who have served their time etc. Come back and play with everyone sure, but don't have authority over children. Seems fair and so basic no one should have to say it.
>We get dupped into spending hundreds of dollars on new decks monthly because metas change.
>We basically open our pockets up to WOTC and let them ass fuck us.
>Being proud of getting swindled this hard core.
And the world thanks you morons for it.
also if a pedophile is at a kids event call the police, he could be violation the terms of his release and it may cost him an extra 3 years in Prison
When you win locals every week you get to play for free. Sorry but maybe miniatures is autistic as fuck, play an RTS for god sake.
>with fucking trekkie scum
pick one
>Justifying your skill-less card game that all depends on if you drew your wombo combo before your oponant.
>Justifying paying hundreds for shitty paper print out cards
>Literally just going to forms and copying peoples decks.
So how much have you spent on your little Yu Gi Oh game?
Give me a TL;DR and/or fuck off.
They got their claws in in the wake of fantasy by fucking up skirmish with age of sigmar. They'll keep trying to fuck up 40k too if we don't keep standing up for what's awesome about it.
What is Aggro and Control?
I get it, you used to play Magic but your autism kept you from getting better.
Stick to your miniatures kid since dice rolls are all you’re good at.
>What is aggro control
>What is getting a better luck of the draw
Hows it feel knowing your super awesome stratigic play, really only boils down to, the deck got shuffled in your favor.
Congrats on drawing he right cards. You spend hundreds of dollars on shitty printed pieces of paper, only to shuffle them up and pretend you are playing a game.
>Being this fucking triggered over your children's game.
To further prove my point see Congrats a 7 year old can be considered good at teh game because their deck is lucky for them.
I guess LSV got lucky three times in a row I mean how else did he top 8 three straight Pro Tours.
I guess Poker is all luck as well right?
Seriously bro go play autistic RTS
You mean the girl who didn't even progress to day 2? Yeah, really lucky and skilled.
Absolutely would not fly in some parts of the world. Privacy laws frequently stipulate what you can do a police check for
Phaser. Green disruptor beam.
I've got sand in my ass crack levels of triggering going on. I bet some fucking Bazinga "lulz I'm such a nurd" shit stain made that picture.
A guy fishing for views for his youtube videos got banned and now he's summoning the power of we gotta stand against the big brudda. Also remember to subscribe, crush that thumbs up button and gib patreon pls.
it's wrecking when it's a 7 year old vs neckbeards. Winning at all is pretty fucking funny
so that triggers you but not sexually at risk kids?
>I guess LSV Got lucky
Yeah, yeah he did, because he just brought the wombo combos and won
>Poker is luck
Yes....yes it is, thats why its called, ready for this, gambling, because you are betting against other players your hand is better then theirs.
>Being this mad that your little card game is being called names
I can sense the Cheeto dust in your neck beard quivering.
Well clearly not lucky enough.
Okay, so why wotc rrrreeeeeee when one criminal is banned but also wotc rrrreeeeeee when others are not banned?
Everything is connected. It's all coming together.
When there is literally no proof whatsoever, yeah no one is going to get an eye except fucktarded shit-starters.
Proof? You mean a guy who was just banned by wotc spewing shit isn't enough proof? Also remember to subscribe, crush that thumbs up button and gib patreon pls.
Alright dude it’s clear you scrubbed out at MTG, property too poor to afford even standard, and you’re still bitter about it because you know if it were for MTG you wouldn’t be able to play your shitty game at the LGS.
Well this thread isn't being slid by WOTC at all kek.