Would you play an exploration campaign based in your local region/province/department/state/whatever?
Would you play an exploration campaign based in your local region/province/department/state/whatever?
>Washington state
I've done that already and will continue to do that. I love my home state.
Pacific Northwest best Northwest
I'd play an exploration campaign pretty much anywhere, though my local region wouldn't be my favourite choice.
Of course. Fantasy Catalunya has a couple of games and several expansion in more "mainstream" for the country, like Aquelarre.
Really it's quite easy to make any kind of game, from Sword or sorcery to dieselpunk here.
Could be interesting. The various clans of Appalachia dont take kindly to outsiders.
nighty night dont let the cactus men bite
Cause maybe you want to do it in another historical period, or with fantasy elements?
>tfw Ohio
I will have to confront whatever eldritch horrors terrified my predecessors so badly they sought solace is the sky and thought going to space was a reasonable alternative. I will have to contend with hot, humid heat waves followed a day later by frigid cold snaps, requiring we to bring 4 different outfits for weather. I must find safe passage through Cleveland, Dayton, Cincy, and Youngstown. Lastly, i will have to deal with deer that martyr themselves as part of their unending holy war against General Motors, Honda, Toyota, and Ford.
fallout 4 was exactly that for me
Most of my campaigns are set in fantasy North Dakota but since I play with a bunch of east coast city folk, they don't know any better.
My state is actually already a moderately popular fantasy novel setting. I have never read the novels but I assume they are decent and funny from what I have heard. I live on the Isle of View!
I would be much more interested in playing a World of Darkness game on Long Island where I was born though. It has the perfect combination of spookiness, history, wealth, atmosphere, and proximity to a huge city that would make it perfect for Vampire.
This but with North Carolina.
Fuck no
the only areas worth doing an explore are littered with like two millennia of sodding bell pits
(think stereotypical spike pit, except a hundred feet deep and shaped like a hand bell sat on the bell, and the top of the handle is the entrance)
fall down one of them when noone sees and you are Fucked
No. I play tabletop to get AWAY from reality.
I ran a Shadowrun campaign set in our group's city
Where do you live, user?
>Some migrant ridden skyscraper dystopia in the Netherlands
The only campaign I could see working here is by taking that somewhat negative description to its extreme and making the entire campaign cyberpunk, but even then it would just feel like a really shitty discount New York (which is the feel this city is going for anyway, with their "Manhattan aan de Maas" bullshit).
Cactus men have nothing on super gay ausie road warriers.
>Bumfuck Roman fortress in the middle of a swamp, surrounded by barbarians.
>Small, intrigue-ridden country frequently under siege/foreign occupation.
>Political centre of grandiose but clumsy plan to unite an entire country that hasn't been united for over 18 centuries.
>Guerilla warfare-galore in tiny hill/mountain villages throughout German occupation.
Pretty solid setting regardless of the era, discounting current-day campaigns.
Yes, definitely. I love the landscapes, towns, and cityscapes of both Westphalia and Eastphalia.
I actually use every free afternoon that I get to take walks through the city to areas where I've never been before.
Teutoburg forest, the range of hills where the Romans were allegedly defeated by the Germans, is literally five minutes by foot from my house.
I already do.
well get there anyway.
Depends if urban or rural exploration, but either would be fantastic, even if Denver smells like cigarettes and weed.
>NC fantasy setting
The land is mostly rural and backwards, though it is dotted by several sizable cities. There is a brewing (pun intended) war between the largest of the two: the city of good Queen Charlotte and the combined city run by Sir Durham and Sir Raleigh. The Queen's city is larger than her opponents and famous for its role as a cultural center in the region. Sir Raleigh and Sir Durham are industrious types who have specialized their two smaller cities into codependent city-states. They harvest the innate magical power of local crops to better the lives of their citizens, though they make a pretty profit doing so. Magic is outcast and shunned by the common folk for being too flashy and flamboyant, but is most often accepted in these urban centers.
The mountains of the west are inhabited by a backwards people that speak in tongues and worship strange idols. They claim that their religion is the most pure, but they are largely looked on with disdain by those who live in the heartland of the region and especially by the city dwellers.
The coast is dotted by islands, each with their own identity though in most people's opinions they're all pretty much the same. Pirates are common in these areas. Or so you've been told, you've never seen one yourself.
The region is famous for its cultivation of a crop with a mild mind-controlling effect. Sir Raleigh and Sir Durham have made their fortunes harnessing and exporting the crop though they worry that other, more effective alternatives shall soon put them out of business.
Sorry, meant to add this
>St. Louis
We'll, there's a ruined city from a lost civilization of pyramid building savages right across the river, so that seems like a good start.