Is this what catachan women would look like?
Is this what catachan women would look like?
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I doubt women in Catachan have access to steroids
Probably less makeup and more utilitarian clothing.
For people like you than post stupid fetish stuff non stop we will get a Nazi mod.
And we will end welcoming it.
Shave her bald and give her a three foot knife and a pair of world class boots and yeah, pretty much.
No, they'd look like this.
Literally just . Keep in mind though, Catachan is a world populated by millions of people, if not billions and there's probably a huge amount of aesthetic diversity. At least, when outside of the military.
Hey, Vasquez! Anyone ever mistook you for a man?
>population of billions
It's a death world. Unless you're not-Russia or have a cloning facility they don't generally have a very high population.
No, that's what catachan girls look like.
True, she is basically toddler, keep her at home where its safe hunting only little fatal venomous beasties
No, has anyone mistaken you for one?
Stronger. I think they are not baseline humans either.
Irl, feminine females are more likely to give birth to manly man than manly woman. But in Catachan it seems differently.
More like this
Still -1 STR, +1 CHR
Remember, Catachans are strength 4, equal to a space marine in power armour, even though they don't have power armour themselves. So they're stronger than space marines. You can't even comprehend how swole Catachans are.
>Billions of Catachan
>Death world
>Outside of the military
Nigga you what?
Hey, I'd be putting steroids in the drinking water if I was living on a deathworld.
>feminine females are more likely to give birth to manly man
Hey, Vasquez, anyone ever mistook you for the mom of John Connor?
You can't be that ignorant.
Do you know why the female and male bodies are different right?
So no source then
Not even Fenris has billions of humans, and Fenris is a paradise world compared to Catachan
Isn't Fenris nuked in current lore or something
Needs scars and grime. Clean is untested, sheltered imbeciles who will get you all killed unless you frag them first are clean.
>Got damned government, turnin' the catachan devils gay!
If they turned gay that means there would be less hopping WMD suicide-bombers on the planet, so get on it.
>putting steroids in the drinking water
Would you really want to risk leaking steroids into the catachan ecosystem?
nope, she's just incredibly pretty and also incredibly ripped.
i want her to ride me into valhalla
>Irl, feminine females are more likely to give birth to manly man than manly woman.
I doubt it would make a difference
>Remember, Catachans are strength 4,
pretty sure that's one guy
no photoshop, unless you count the filter
A metric fuckton of makeup, though. Which I wouldn't say is much better.
It should be pointed out that Catachan regiments are NOT universally drawn from Catachan, as wierd as that sounds.
In at least one BL novel the Catachan regiment on-hand is drawn from a world called Settler's Bane, which is mostly temperate forest.
Temperate forest filled with razor pine, large carnivorous mammals, and all sorts of other hazards, of course.
I think Catachan regiments are FOUNDED on catachan but (much like the Tanith 1st) can take on replacements from any suitable population. As the regiment is responsible for selection they can presumably only pick those prospectives that fill the physical requirements; the rest stay in the PDF.
Essentially, Catachan regiments recruit from death worlds and then select the top 1% of the (usually multimillion-strong) PDF forces each planet is required to maintain. So of course they're all Thor Bjornnson sized.
They're still only human, of course.
Call the doctor, we've got a case of 4th degree BURNS
Don't Ogryns live on Catachan as well?
I can't imagine trying to keep an Ogryn from setting off a barking toad by accident.
>Teaching pet Ogryn that Mr Frog is not your Friend
Friendly reminder that every Catachan woman has to have at least 10 children just to maintain the planet's population.
The typical Catachan woman is pregnant and covered in baby carriers.
Ogryn are just one of the 15 'stable' strains of abhuman. They show up on high-gravity worlds with thick atmospheres and long colonial histories (IE age of strife level).
here have some official art. Only War core rulebook
And the babies are taunt to hunt before they can walk
Kind of like that scene in the aliens movie with the clone/xenomorph hybrid Ripley
Yeah but aren't they on Catachan?
>Ogryns however - who may well have evolved on Catachan themselves - commonly fight in Catachan regiments.[Needs Citation]
Doesn't suprise me in the slightest, though I doubt they EVOLVED there. They're as tough as your average chapter master (minus the armor) so death world conditions shouldn't bother them overmuch.
>In at least one BL novel
Okay, fair, but it was Sandy Mitchell, not CS Goto or ADB.
Why is the Russia has so many people thing still going, they have 110mil America has 350mil.
She wouldnt have chest fat to get in the way of rigs and web gear, i tell you what
because americans can't understand deep battle
The source is obviously his rectum.
Because of history. Also they are ready to sacrifice their soldiers, americans concede defeat if they start taking losses (see Vietnam).
Either that or, like , she has to tape it down.
Didja know Vasquez's actor opened a business for plus-sized bras?
Vietnam isn't really comparable to Russia in the World Wars or earlier, it's more like Soviet in Afghanistan.
Do we have qt female ogryn pics anywhere?
China lost to Vietnam too
But that's a guy.
>she has to tape it down.
>Didja know Vasquez's actor opened a business for plus-sized bras?
Post pics and tell me more, pls. This is revelatory.
Better question: would they have any body fuzz or be fresh waxed smooth?
Less makeup
More dirt
More scars
I don't know, but the steroids have really shrunk his junk. Don't get why he's wearing the whore chandelier though.
That's a dude.
Technically Women have less muscle mass/fibers then men so -4 STR is accurate, but it's better to say they have -4 STR undergoing opposed checks to men and for some manual tasks that are averaged out by the male equivalent. So it's kind of a integer against rolls or something- They can still get to Male strength average or something it's just their base Strength is -4 or something and they've got to build it from there at cost of gender benefits which are placed under skills and CHA- though the CHA part is conditional- lets say after a threshold of STR they get an intimidate bonus they can't turn off due to being 'butch' which acts in place of most seduction based diplomacy-
>le man meme
a 50% malus on women's strength is perfectly reasonable
I don't know much about Sexual dimorphism in humans, but one thing I do know is that estrogen is incredibly important in both the development of healthy bones and maintaining healthy bones. It's one of the reasons why women stop menstruating if they work out too much. No steroids, no supplements, if their body fat gets too low their uterus shuts down, from regular old exercise that's been taken too far. So I can see how it may be possible that a woman who isn't producing enough estrogen, and thus doesn't have the stereotypical feminine features, could have serious health complications during pregnancy, or even give birth to small sickly babies.
Didn't your thread just get deleted?
But she's actually paying!
That's not stealing at all
Also is GAP still around? I remember the atrocious logo debacle years back, but I don't shop there anymore.
I don't start threads, did someone else coincidentally use that image elsewhere?
The idea that the soviets chucked soldiers into the meat grinder isn't really true. By 1944 they had p much learnt everything the germans had to teach them and by the end of the war they were the best fighting force in Europe. If they weren't the US would have kicked them out of Europe instead of dividing Germany in two..
>By 1944 they had p much learnt everything the germans had to teach them and by the end of the war they were the best fighting force in Europe.
No, dumbass. Look at every Russian and Soviet engagement up to the most recent Georgian war and you'll see the same tactics: choke the enemy with flesh, dig in whenever and wherever possible.
>If they weren't the US would have kicked them out of Europe instead of dividing Germany in two..
Again, no. This is just historically retarded and demonstrative of a lack of knowledge and understanding of the situation. Patton wanted to push the Russians, but he died in an accident. He was the biggest proponent in the US for pushing the Soviets. However, he wasn't the biggest proponent among the Allies. Churchill wanted to continue pushing eastward, but that obviously didn't happen. Why? Not because the Soviets had transformed into some weeb'ish superheroes, but there was a flat out lack of political will to carry on the war.
Part of the reason the US forces in Korea suffered the way they did in the opening of the Korean War was the lingering war weariness in the US. The US didn't really back a war until the opening parts of the Vietnam war, and even then the response was only ever tepid and quickly went cold.
Read a book, user. Read several. Holy shit, you are wrong.
>Again, no. This is just historically retarded and demonstrative of a lack of knowledge and understanding of the situation.
Without oestrogen she can't even ovulate, so she can't get pregnant.
Even on a low activity level having a calorie deficit will fuck up her progesterone ( which is a hormone from the second part of the menstrual circle, secreted so that the fertilized egg can settle into to uterus lining). Progesterone dips have been seen in normal women who run three times a week and are quite thin. However, females being the mysterious creatures they are, it doesn't mean they can't get pregnant at all, just that they have a higher chance of miscarrying. It actually makes sense, because if they have to do a lot of heavy work on low food sources, it's not the best time to start the energy expenditure that is a pregnancy.
>tfw you've studied reproduction
>tfw human fetusses are one of those that most aggressively reroute nutrients from the mother up to actually harming her
wouldn't want to be a woman desu
They look like Catachan Devils, except uglier.
100% this. Give me another Vasquez anytime.