>five years of constant war have left a nation exausted
>war isn't finished yet
How could a king/leader help combat the people's war weariness? Lots of alcohol?
Five years of constant war have left a nation exausted
Other urls found in this thread:
By making a whole new war. With blackjack and hookers.
Remind the people that [insert enemy] is nothing but rapists, murders and baby eaters.
reinforce the fact that the war is one of survival. defeat will mean economic or sociopolitical ruin. this works for most things. invading some place? if you back out, the investment that this conflict represents will have bankrupted the nation, mass poverty and debt will destroy the standard of living. being invaded? obviously just what said
Ask the Court wizard if he has any-cost effective plan to raise country morale that won't backfire, or involve necromancy.
The last person into battle gets shot.
Kill some of the people, destroy their homes and businesses, and blame it on the enemy.
Beaver is the hero we need in these dark political times of division and distrust. Come back to us, Beaver, and show us the way.
>propaganda glorifying propaganda
I don't trust that beaver.
The beaver lost me where it said that propaganda that lies makes people not believe it. No, proof that it's lies makes people cleave to it even harder. That beaver don't know shit about human behavior.
As usual Beaver-kun gets the facts rights but shows some questionable morality underlying it all.
You shouldn't. I don't trust any non-humans who think they can a structure any more complex than a nest or a web.
I want to believe you're wrong, but then I remember Americans still think there's nothing wrong with how they treated France in 2003, when it was practically slapping America in the face with its lack of evidence. But that one vial the entire international community didn't buy into man, that one vial... what if it really WAS valid proof and the French really WERE cowards?
Doubt it. Beaver's solution would probably be enough "journalism" to put even the hardest lefties behind Trump. A bandage on the wound, a cure for the symptom, but nothing relating to the actual cause. His view of propaganda and the implications it has for the nature of journalism and the nature of politics means it's impossible to take unpopular decisions, which is what needs to happen to close the gap in the ever dividing West.
I'm not the user who posted it (and enlightened individualism 4 life as far as my own perspective goes) but if you can hold to "the propaganda must tell the truth" to the fullest extent, as an absolute, then that's a lot more defensible.
Propaganda of course. Keep showing what the enemy will do to their families if they lose
>but if you can hold to "the propaganda must tell the truth" to the fullest extent, as an absolute, then that's a lot more defensible.
Go ahead and call me naive or whatever, but I hold more to independent journalism rather than a propaganda machine (either formally like in the Soviet Union or informally through some interconnected cabal of six media moghuls who are also all part of the Council for Foreign Relations and in cahoots with the government/deep state). Propaganda that tells the truth is still propaganda, and unlike what beaver states it is indeed possible to have journalism without propaganda. The problem is that the masses have bought into the lies of the government-media complex so much, they will now themselves silence dissenting voices, not realizing that they're just unpaid stooges for the establishment.
And it'll only get worse. Even in the best case scenario it'll get worse before it gets better.
Sure, I agree on this point:
>it is indeed possible to have journalism without propaganda
So you disagree on the point that independent journalism is preferable to propaganda?
The best (and only) combat drugs are caffeine, alcohol, and sugar.
>run a campaign
>dont set out for it to be dark
>it ends up pretty dark
>the collective side effects of high level PC stuff end up really fucking things
>there is a war over one of the last stretches of usable farmland immediately before harvest
>PCs are involved with one faction, previously allied with both
>night of the big battle paladin prays for the sick and the wounded
>the cleric feeds the nearly starving men a feast
>both spent the last several days using healing spells and skills on anyone with serious wounds
>the retarded wording of cleric spells makes level 1-2 spells makes them massive buffs when surrounded by many allies (small +1s adding up across a dozen or more men)
>overwhelming victory
If you are in a tabletop system with magic and direct communion with helpful deities then actually hoping for a miracle is not really far fetched. Think how many people fervently believe in God and imagine if most people at least knew one person who had seen an actual feat of divine magic. Not just slapping a cripple and making them walk but turning night into day, restoring a lost limb or any other low-mid level cleric abilities.
Imagine how fearless a soldier would be if they were not only told their comrades would go and sit with God in Heaven but literally directly communicate with them to confirm this as being true. Not just in a "God spoke to me" way but a "Randolf, who died last week, spoke to everyone in the room and said it kicks ass hanging out with Pelor"
Pelor picked up many, many worshipers from that night and most of what the party did could have been done by level 2-3 PCs. It was certainly a fucking miracle for the guys who hadn't eaten in over a day, had gangrenous wounds and were expecting to die horribly in a muddy field.
The dead will know not weariness
See Also see reddit.com
and while I do dislike Reddit's format and general userbase, this was a very informative and sourced thread that came up when I searched on the topic just now, so you're just gonna have to deal with it.
You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I tip my hat to you. You have earned yourself one upboat and a thousand internets.
I searched for the topic "amphetamine use in ww2" on DuckDuckGo, faget.