When are the real villains of MTG going to reenter the grand stage?
When are the real villains of MTG going to reenter the grand stage?
>make incredibly boring and uninteresting villains
>but their leaders are very good characters so it balances out
>they're defeated
>decide to bring them back but remove what was actually interesting about it
With someone like Bolas, he's almost always involved directly so something good is happening whether it's zombies in egypt, Dominaria or Alara, but phirexia is nothing without Yawgmoth or Volrath.
Karn is in Dominaria, and his current goal is finding people to help fight Phyrexians. Make of that what you will
>yfw Dominaria has become incredibly Anti-Walker due to all the fucking apocalypses they cause
>They chase Karn off
Karn is getting the band back together with Jhoira and Teferi so they don't hate walkers apparently
After what they did to Eldrazi you really want to see Pyrexians job even harder?
I'm curious. We know that they have plans for Phyrexia for a long time but I wonder if that was how the Eldrazi were supposed to go down or if they changed it.
>Implying it wont all be ok once Gix returns from the Blind Eternities and becomes the new Father of Machines
Are you kidding? WotC is just making shit up on the fly these days. They don't have a grand plan, they're just doing what "feels right" with no forethought whatsoever.
Mirrodin becoming new Phyrexia was planned well in advance, though.
This is demonstrably false. Everything since around Khans has clearly set up a general plot of story points. Details might change on the fly, I believe the splitting up the Gatewatch during HOU was something they added, but it was clear they always intended for Bolas to beat them.
Were the new eldrazi even that bad?
I mean, from a lore perspective they were horrible, but there were some decent cards among them.
Bolas is garbage and you have shit taste
Not really, my problem was mostly lorewise, they were stated as a multiverse threat to everything, the most powerful beings around, not even old walkers could stop them completely, and then Jacetice League kills 2 with a genkidama like nothing, not even important casualties.
Why bother? All the setting up for the Mirrans making a comeback got completely fucked anyway.
They can't, they were destroyed during the Invasion saga.
Unless you mean nuPhyrexia, in which case
nuPhyrexia is a joke and utterly awful in both concept and design, with none of the things that made Phyrexia great villains.
just wait until they set the phyrexians on fire, by the power of friendship or whatever.
do you really want to see phyrexia completely btfo by the JACETICE league in an afternoon by some plot contrivance followed by some "clever" quips?
I sure as hell don't
It should be payed with C or 2 life
Didn’t they all get chumped by Bolas in like five minutes?
They could always expand on what's going on with the Phyrexians that took over Elspeth's home plane. Perhaps they're more old-Phyrexia style.
...there was setup for that?
I just remember pretty much everything pointing towards Phyrexia winning.
Melira was supposed to be Mirrodin's hope, since she was immune to the effects of the glistening oil and was responsible for a group of survivors in the furnace layers. The shitty novel then made it so that she only had a tolerance for glistening oil and blew up in a great big spray of it. In the latest mothership story on New Phyrexia, Urabrask has been killed or driven into hiding, with his furnaces scoured and all of the remaining Mirran resistance killed. It's also implied that Elesh Norn has become the clear winner of the inter-Phyrexian conflict and has basically taken over the whole plane.
There wasn't much, but they sure did shit on what was there. I personally really enjoyed Mirrodin's flavour and I'm livid about this bullshit.
>No 'colorless only' mana symbols
I always thought it was shit that Urabrask had to die/disappear to cement the fact that NP was flat-out irredeemably shitty.
I liked that parts of the red mana persona shone through him in the form of being somewhat rebellious against the others.
I dunno, I like the aspect of Elesh taking over the other cults and creating Atraxa to be her dirtywork bitch. It could be interesting if they do it right.
>When are the real villains of MTG going to reenter the grand stage?
When the pedophiles get paroled and become judges again.
Jeremy, no one is biting.
Monster Energy Drink? Is Veeky Forums the greatest villain the multiverse has seen?
To be fair, the novel is broad strokes anyways, and the story you're talking about is a first-person account from an unreliable narrator who's been proven wrong on a few things since then anyways - Elspeth being Elspeth, she assumes the worst.
That said, while there is some hope, the only chance of the plane being reclaimed is after the Phyrexians have taken over at least one other plane fully. After that kind of set up, they're not going to just do a reverse Scars and blow them up - the fucks will spread.
Also, there is an approximately 0% chance of Urabrask the Hidden being dead. It's in his name, after all.
I wanted them to give us a set of intra-Phyrexian squabbling, told through a Conspiracy release. Just as a teaser to the next Phyrexian storyline.
But the Eldrazi was completely neutral. Eldrazi are going to return to save some plane from the Phyrexians.
Wouldn't Jhoira be an old woman now that the time bubbles are gone?
All they did was burn the actual Edrazi's finger, technically. The Eldrazi you see is just a very small part of what they are, kind of like the New Gods in DC.
Ulamog and Kozilek are capital D Dead. Their entirety was pulled onto the plane of Zenikar and BBQ'd. The explicitly covered that.
>Pull Eldrazi Titan into plane
>Every centimetre of the plane doesn't get filled with reality bending tentacles
Did you not read the story? It almost ripped Zenikar apart. It's leylines were speshul enough to bind the two entities and grill'em.
>planet eaters
>killed with the power of their food
Imagine someone killing you by throwing brocolli at you.
More like broccoli that has been breaded with a thick crust of cyanide and pure sodium before shoved in every orifice. And eldrazi have tons of orifices
Bolas would have been redeemed if they'd just had him kill the gatewatch on Amonkhet. Murder nissa+jace, chandra and gideon turn to see that lilliana has already NOPE'd out and then follow her lead. Bolas' life experience should have taught him not to be an overconfident fuck by now.
Instead the 4 of their characters continue to stagnate and that annoying blue fuck gets TWO origin stories now because he wasn't special snowflake enough yet.
Yeah but bolas didn't kill anyone. They literally had him do the arrogant villian thing and leave them alive to come back and fuck him up later, even though Bolas KNOWS you never make mistakes like that. His arrogance and laziness got him killed once already, ignoring the lesson of his mistake shits on his character.
Them getting rekt is a good point of motivation to be better characters. Chandra might learn to do more than just use fire and burn things, Nissa could explore her new blue side, Gideon learned that being Leeroy Jenkins with a shield doesn't solve your problems and might pick up his law magic again.
considering phyrexians had degenerate mechanics like infect, living weapon, and phyrexian mana, what could they possibly do to make it worse in any capacity?
Give them the Horror creature type like they should have in the first place?
We'll see. Bolas last statement is that he still had plans for them. Let's see how good those plans are. If they are shitty, then yeah, he should have just killed them on amonkhet.
what is the status on new phyrexia's interplanar travel tech?
I wager about five years after kaladesh, that seems to be the average on which artifact-heavy planes seem to be spread out.
>Chandra might learn to do more than just use fire and burn things
Honestly, I'd love to see her draw on some other red thematics for a bit. It's a pity you can't really do redirect (One of the best things fluffwise to represent her learning other red tricks other than just fire) on a planeswalker because planeswalkers don't do instant speed stuff.
I mean, you could likely kill someone with a coconut.
Remember when Chandra could Dualcaster or learnt how to deal a single point of damage that was so debilitating that the opponent was out of that round of combat? Of course not. No one cares how Gatewatch walker card abilities tie into their story abilities because they're there to be shat out year after year to get played in Standard.
Did you miss the Eldrazi?
Oh boy time for the Avengers 2.0!
Btw doesn't Karn spread oil wherever he goes?
Wasn't Karn's memory of Jhoira removed from his hard drive because his storage capacity only allowed for 20 years of memories?
Bolas has been and will continue to watch every planeswalker so that he can know what is going on. They aren’t going to power level and then catch him by surprise. He probably goaded all of them on purpose so they would go power up if they weren’t stubborn enough to just die. Because he uses people like chess pieces in a game where most people aren’t players.
No, her time in the bubble permanently slowed her aging to a crawl.
It'd be more like dropping several pounds of flaming broccoli on someone.
He had that whole thing about committing Jhoira to memory every night.
He knows "Jhoira is my friend", but doesn't know who Jhoira is. I'm reading Bloodlines right now but I don't know if he meets her later on.
'allo Karn! It's your good friend, Jhoira!
Good question. I think he does but I can't say I know and would love to have an answer
I think that stopped.
That would be hilarious.
>Jeremy, no one is biting.
I would like to see an edit of the Jay Sherman "BUY MY BOOK" scene with Jeremy's face and the text changed to "WATCH MY VIDEO".
he got cured by that girl, to his core. She has a card that makes you immune to poison counters.
Didn't her effects wear off?
She gives immunity, why would it wear off?
to my knowledge no, he seems fine in the dominaria art image, however she was only able to cure him after Venser gave his spark to karn, after which karn left.
Karn is free of phyrexian oil, I think that for the time between then and now (for dominaria) he has been backtracking to find where he split the oil he had on him.
>So, uh... sorry Kaladesh, but I've been visiting everyone. It turns out I got a bad case of glistening oil, and it's contagious. So, um... you might want to get yourself checked.
More like Tezz "accidentally" drops a vial of the stuff somewhere on the plane to fuck the place up for wasting his time until the portal was built.
I think karn's compleated design looks pretty cool. Shame they didn't use it for anything else other than promo art.
The real villains are already center stage. You're talking about the SJWs that have infiltrated the company and are destroying it from within, right?
Come to think of it, SJWs and Phyrexians have quite a lot in common...