People here meme a lot about traps and shit but when have you ever actually done that in a game? I cannot imagine non-autistic people using a "trap" in an actual game.
People here meme a lot about traps and shit but when have you ever actually done that in a game...
She's not a god damn trap you weirdos.
>I cannot imagine non-autistic people using a "trap" in an actual game.
You'd be correct. I only play androgynous guys that could pass as girls if they were dressed up and had a bit of lip-gloss on.
Never, because I'm not a weeb pervert.
People here are complaining about a lot of shit that actually never happened. Welcome to Veeky Forums, sometimes we play traditonal games.
Did you also make this thread?
Pic related was my alrune trap sorcerer for one game. Have had several others, and another player I know plays slmost exclusively traps, futa or genderfluid PCs.
Hell, a third player we know is starting in too, using a pic of Astolfo from the Fate series for his latest character.
The only alraune that I'll accept.
>I cannot imagine non-autistic people using a "trap" in an actual game.
Its because simply put traps are not relatable, most transvestites and the like that people will ever meet IRL are obviously masculine-looking since the requirements for a man to actually look like a cute girl are ridiculously difficult
Speaking in game terms I cannot imagine a situation where traps wouldnt come off as forced except on a luxurious brothel or succubi being able to shapeshift to cater to that fetish (which would make them more of a transexual than a real trap anyway)
The only time I could possibly call playing as a trap being acceptable is if the RPer in question can literally do a female voice. I get that traps exist, and have done throughout history and in mythology and the like, but I don't expect to come across them every day, week or month, they need to be rare danmit.
I would never put a trap in my game because it'll be awkward once I start wearing cute clothes and makeup
I like it better when female PCs and NPCs masquerade as men, honestly. Even if only briefly.
Cross-dressing has been a popular social puzzle solution among my players, if that counts.
I played a character that was raised as a girl because boys born under a certain phase of the moon were bad luck and ritually murdered at birth. He had a pp but wore dresses and danced and casted magic and shit.
I don't get how that solves a social puzzle, user.
I see you have played Dark Souls.
Yes, but we where playing anima so it doesn't count.
One of my players is making one for the VtM game I'm running soon. It's justified as him being pretty effeminate already, and having been a relatively minor celebrity before being turned, and so needing to disguise himself.
Also because fuckin' Toreadors.
Check under the skirt, you fool!
Kill the illusion before it kills you!
(Someone should draw a crazy wizard screeching that)
I once played a reverse trap because it was a very discrimination-heavy game, and she didn't want to have to deal with all that. I can imagine that in a generic drow/amazon matriarchy, the opposite will occur.
>I once played a reverse trap because it was a very discrimination-heavy game, and she didn't want to have to deal with all that
So Mulan?
I've played some traps before, but I've never done it in a game where it wasn't explicitly lewd.
Honestly, I'm surprised there aren't more trap threads.
I played a cambion who was so feminine he was continually mistaken for a woman and we had several 'seduce the royal/important person' gambits using him dressed as a woman.
He later married the party cleric that he had been pretty much doting on through the entire campaign and fathered a line that lead to the Big Good NPC in our other campaign.
Traps are gay, just thought I'd mention that.
Joan of Arc, Mulan, etc are basically reverse-traps. It's not an uncommon fantasy trope for the lines of gender to be blurred, especially where magic is involved.
>many traps looking like that IRL
Hoho, no.
Actually it was before Gwyndolin but now that you mention it...
Well of course not. But it's not as hard as you think, if you're willing to put in any modicum of work and have The Good Genes. Sometimes you don't even need good genes if you're good enough with make up.
You mean here, in Veeky Forums, where traps are fundamentally /y/ and not fundamentally Veeky Forums?
Does Gwyndolin really count though? Lore implies he wasn't really willing about the whole 'gender change' ring and Gwyn's a dick.
I've played an androgynous woman posing as a man on several occasions.
But not for any ulterior reasons. It really was just a situation where men were more expected or allowed, and the character had reason to lie to become a soldier or adventurer or whatever the situation was.
It was a lot of fun though. Keeping it a secret from the other characters is always funny. A couple times, I only told the gm, and we kept it a secret from the other players irl too, and we saw how long it took for them to realize irl, which was a blast.
Still looks like a dude, just a dude wearing makeup.
Imagine harder Op. Tricked the fuck out of my players with two traps, one of both genders. One they found out because the "male" apprentice of a player revealed he was actually a girl when he was preparing for a trip he may not come back from...
The other. Well. To this day they still never figured it out. At least, all but one of them remain ignorant. That poor fellow who knows, well, he knows too much...
Illusions and Creation magic in Anima do strange and terrible things when used together...
I made a trap gunslinger in a cowboy fantasy game. He was trans but there weren't any ways to make it work in-setting so he just put a lot of effort into makeup and various types of padding. It never came up in-game, in fact none of the other players (aside from the GM) ever found out in or out of character. I like giving my characters different sexual preferences and identities in every game I play, even though 70% of the time they never come up and the other 30% they're minor points at best.
NPC in a rival adventuring group was a very short drow male who was essentially an exotic dancer back in the underdark. Woman liked him because he was feminine, men liked him because he was feminine. Lower class slave, hated the lot of them. Actually rather masculine in personality. Once people got to know him they sort of stopped thinking of him as a trap because he himself didnt act like one he was just... girly lookin'
I like traps but I've never put one in a game because I'm not the kind of weirdo who likes to inflict his fetishes on other people.
Trapshit is the worst.
It would be somewhat bearable if a majority of the people who liked it weren't the kind to obnoxiously flag to everybody how wanting to fuck one and/or suck feminine dick isn't gay at all.
And now it's on this board too, great.
So have you personally met them then?
>it's not as hard as you think, if you're willing to put in any modicum of work and have The Good Genes
Haha no, you can keep cherrypicking all the e-famous traps you know about, they are still an overwhelming minority in an ocean of men who try to look like girls and fail miserably
til one of the best guitar players around is only 'e-famous'.
>not having a trap adventuring guild in your campaign
I played in a game with a trap character. The player was gay, if that matters...
TBF probably not many people could tell, with sharks.
Not sure if you're trolling, but the trap was the green haired elf boy.
Senpai, you don't have to lie. Nobody's gonna judge you here.
honestly, this. Without the help of either magic or scifi, the average "trap" in most settings would look like pic related. Of course, in an era when most men don't shave, have bad skin, scars, broken noses, missing teeth/eyes/ears etc, this might still be considered an entrancing object of male beauty, but nothing like your japanese animes. Basically the standard of "passing" would be lower in an age with poorer cosmetics, poorer hygiene, lack of photography, and therefore a somewhat lower standard of beauty over all, but a standard that 99.9% of males cannot meet with 21st century cosmetic and medical technology would be almost impossible without full on wand-waving sorcery or some kind of birth defect.
Age would also have a huge impact (as it does today), and trap enthusiasts would be difficult to discern from pederasts.
>Tzimisce "plastic surgeons"
Is this a thing? Or are they too ebil and crazy
>not wanting to suck feminine dong
Found the faggot.
Extremely common trope for Tzimisce is playing a plastic surgeon
>Without the help of either magic or scifi, the average "trap" in most settings would look like pic related.
Why are you using a picture from a movie that takes place in post-apocalyptic Australia?
This pretty much
I gotta admit this sort of thing is my favorite character type and I play it often, and most groups seem to like it when I do. I generally try to follow a few rules to have it make sense like mentioned. Some guidelines I use are
>try to make him come from a race that is either naturally feminine or can be made as such (elves, incubi, androids, The Thing (I regret nothing), fae, golems, elementals, ect)
>Give them a reason to have feminine features and such if the world is particularly brutal (inherent racial trait, cosmetic magic, shapeshifting, a curse, surgery, really good genetics, nanomachines, and so on)
>Flesh out a reason for why they are like that unless the setting explicitly says that sort of behavior is normal.
I mean this is probably basic stuff but you'd be surprised how many people fuck it up. The last thing is probably the most important, and that is that if its pretty much impossible to play a trap, like in some shit-covered peasant Game of Thrones type setting where the PCs are villagers in some backwoods hamlet, just don't do it. Don't be that guy who tries to force in something that just doesn't make sense lorewise. This probably applies to a lot of things of course but I'm kind of rambling now so whatever.
Also you get to do fun contrasts between body and face.
This is also correct
I do it quite often, but I'm a legit fag so that's that.
>I cannot imagine a situation where traps wouldnt come off as forced
I'd say more but after elves I don't think I have to
Did the trap get that thicc shark D?
I think calling male characters that don't look as ripped as Rowboat Girlyman or Doomguy a 'trap' ends up limiting character design choices.
Goddamn it I actually clicked on this thread thinking you were complaining about falling axes and arrowholes attached to pressure plates and I was about to tell you a what a fucking faggot retard you are and how D&D was made in the 70s when dozens of American soldiers were being killed by ACTUAL BOOBY TRAPS then I realized whaty you actually meant. 9/10 you got me.
geez, user, what are you doing, nobody remembers first NieR
I just like that image
fun game tho
>Disgaea pic
My man!
On topic note: I kind of want to use pic related if I ever roll a trap gunslinger.
Is there any way to use traps as part of dramatic collaborative storytelling instead of just for fun? Other than the Mulan story or royalty-in-hiding story?
I mean, I really don't see why not? That's a really broad term and can mean just about any setting so really there's no reason it shouldn't.
>Hotter than it has any right to be.
Os your filename that doujin of the trap who cucks the guy only to get fucked by him when he finds out so he can save face? I get the feeling it was locon.
I use traps all the time. Every good dungeon has a few traps
I have two in my setting, one trap, the other reverse trap, both of them half-dragons. It's mostly due to the fact thag dragons in this setting have little to no sexual dimorphism in their species and that translates to their human offspring.
Trap as means to express character traits. For example,
>trap character is untrustworthy because he lies about being a woman
>trap character is not physically inclined because he is cute and feminine
>trap character rejects the norm by not adhering to masculinity
and so on. From this you can generate possible stories and also be able to use trappage to represent narrative aspects. Here's something I pulled out of my ass
>Society has a culture wherein the leader is a strong, powerful warrior-king.
>current king is getting too old to fight
>prince is next in line, should be being groomed to become a leader and powerful warrior
>prince does not want to become king
>leadership is tied to physical strength in this culture
>by making the prince a trap this can function as a shorthand to show he rejects the role of leadership by rejecting traditional masculinity and by extension physical strength
Played a cleric who was noted to be often mistaken for female, wasn't out right trapping at first but after a point he didn't care and just went along with whatever gender anyone guessed he was, kept a set of both men's and women's clothes for whatever role he ended up playing, usually female cause that's what the rest of the party was
I made a joke character who thought he was a trap. Then again he was a 6"7' ork fighter.
That doesn't actually use the "trap" part well. You more have a rebellious cross-dresser than a trap in your suggestion. To work well, reveal of the trap's true sex need to make people think about other aspects of the character and situation. Otherwise you just have a Bridget type prank good for a few laughs.
>The realm that the PCs are currently in is a Queendom.
>The current queen was unlucky and had 6 sons before giving birth to a daughter.
>The "princess" is really a 7th son being raised as a girl to maintain the royal family's power.
>A foreign acting troupe arrives and attracts a lot of positive attention.
>A local noble requests the PCs' aid in courting the female lead.
>troupe only has male actors
Hey, I never said I was a good writer
>trap enthusiasts would be difficult to discern from pederasts.
>would be
They are nowadays. No one ever posts images of a 50 year old trap.
No one ever posts images of 50-year-old policewomen either.
False equivalency. For shame.
For what it's worth, I've never seen a PC ever do that. I live in a conservative society, so any hints at effeminacy or homosexuality is considered quite disgusting. I'm not sure why you Westerners seem to like it.
I mean, as early on as secondary school, we would always bully the one wussy guy in the group, do things like throw his books in the garbage and so on. And that doesn't even compare to the hazing you get in National Service!
I've never done it in my games but one of my Shadowrun players had a Matrix stripper contact and he told me last minute that she was a he
I play in a pretty silly, meme-heavy campaign and when we got to a border town there was a brothel there, so I immediately went in and hired what I thought was an ugly-ass whore (this being the rural outskirts of society), to whom I then tied the head of our previously defeated villain and gave a lusty hatefucking in full view of the rest of the party. The whore turned out to be a trap with fantasy Downs syndrome, and I only avoided getting an STI through my ridiculous CON. It's a fun game.
my dm once made a trap npc
he played him as if he was a regular male
Oh I love that one, specially because the wife is so into the husband idea and they end up calling each sisters.
anywhere in Eastern Europe, really