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Oi Italics. In PAG what exactly is a Comfort? Is it a pocket dimension or is it part of the god world?
henlo mah frendz
copying build from last thread for the Magocracy thing.
Social class: Young Bourgeois.
Stats 7/10/5
School: Al Yazuur (+2/0/0). Backstory-wise I'm not native to Egypt - I instead convince my parents to send me there because my orphaned childhood friend wound up there. Of course I write home. 9/10/5.
The Look of my Tulpa:
Spend 1 Mental Energy on her. A forgettable face, maybe, but I think her personality will speak for itself. Above all, she is a person, like me, and thus, I give her a name: Gwendolyn.
My Tulpa's Personality Traits: Loyal (3) + Steel Nerves (3) + Clever (2) + Wise (2). My Tulpa will be my guide, my friend, and my confidant.
My Tulpa's combat powers: Pyromancy (2) and Cryomancy (2) are her primary combat powers, and she specifically dual-wields them. I make sure to teach her of the nature of thermodynamics, and as such she can abuse both powers to grant her a certain degree of control over wind as well. Accelerated Recovery (4) is used to fuel these powers and to grant her survivability beyond measure.
My own spell selection is simple: Mental Barrier and Memory Reading.
My choice of life path is Politics, but I'll be going the classic 'Kill 'em with Kindness' route - subverting the Magocracy's attempts to widen the gap, narrowing it within my jurisdiction. This will, of course, make me a target for government assassins. I have plans for dealing with those.
Anyway, question regarding all reincarnation CYOAs: do you retain memories of your life on this plane of existence in a CYOA that begins with you reincarnated as someone else?
>Custom World
>Love Interest
Just live out eternity in a gloomy gothic world of my own creation, without memory, time, or worry. Sharing the millenia with my true love, forever wrapped up in each other and in the beautiful but dark emotions of our little world.
I haven't seen this CYOA before. Would someone mind explaining the joke?
It isn't one of those 40 page ones like the pokemon one, is it?
Ha ha ha. No, it's not exactly 40 pages.
Every row of girls has their own page.
There may or may not be another page in the list of girls, and multiple pages of Library entries and mystery boxes.
This thread belongs to the turks now
oh for fuck's sake, he should just post the whole thing as an imgur gallery associated to an account and link it from the thread.
Why, when you could just post a link to the author's Google Drive (and specifically to the folder with the other pages)?
>Expertise: [Archaeologist] [Anthropologist]
>Abilities: [Animal Empathy] [Polyglot] [Silver Tongue] [Trap Lore] [Mesmerism] [Occultism] [Clairvoyance] [Use Artifact]
>Stash: [Ring of Kings] [Waystone]
>Civilizations: [Resurfaced]
>Locations: [Ancient Oasis] [Isolated Vale] [Hollow Earth]
>Companions: [Clay Cooper] [Zodi Zawadi] [Helena Horn] [B'kr Birat] [Zaria Xantos] [Daarun Das] [Xi Xian]
>Minor Threats: [The Wild] [The King] [The Primitives] [Ze Nazis] [The Rival] [The Amazons] [The Pirates] [The Brotherhood] [The Machines]
>Major Threats: [The Moles]
can the author spy on me like this?
i'm sorry but is gia legitimately retarded
"people age past 27 on earth because you use electrical power!"
i'm pretty sure people aged past 27 on earth LONG BEFORE electricity was ever used for power.
jesus fucking christ.
Can someone post starry knights? I was on vacation and couldn't open pdfs on mobile when it was getting posted a bit ago.
You could gave downloaded it mobile anoun.
It's 40 pages and one troll likes posting it REALLY SLOWLY.
Here you go.
Nothing says alternate dimension humans don't work differently.
Still formatted like shit.
So I'm a bit confused on PPP+. Do I just pick one region?
Havn't seen special stats in a while. So here we go.
Honestly I think it just influences where you start out, you can probably reach the other regions in world.
Would anybody happen to have Lone Observer's road trip CYOA?
If you are on Ami Island in PPP+ and pick the Free Islander League as your faction does that mean there is only 4 companions to choose from?
Is the helkin an alien species?
Also why are the Androids the only ones allowed to be your companions on Raknarok?
Also do you get back with the Android if you die or you die for good?
What's with you weirdos and shitty imgur?
that's my point - that she continues to insist that electrical power is responsible for OUR aging, in spite of how blatantly this is not the case for humans of this dimension (and in fact that's observable even today in populations that don't harness electricity).
this is the first time i've ever mentioned it on here - it simply seemed to me that the poster had the entire thing in image form, so hosting fourty-something images might be more suited to an image hosting site instead of cluttering the everloving fuck out of the thread. do you have a particular complaint?
Imgur is terrible and the authors you keep suggesting it for have a drive to host the images on already.
I don't think this is the right one unless lone observer went by the scientist at some point.
That's some shitty compressing.
Because the dude summoning you said so
If you die, they die. Of course, being a lich and reforming bypasses this rule as youre technically not dead.
This is the most discomfort I have felt in the past several weeks.
Seriously fucked up.
Yeah, that's not the one.
It's interesting, though. I don't think I've ever seen it posted.
>you're a lizard, Harry
Is there another page or is this the last one?
there's like 20 more
look in the pastebin
henlo budy
More like 30 more. I don't have 'em, but check the pastebin. It's one of Beri's CYOAs, unless I'm having a severe concussion.
Reminder that literally EVERYONE in Constellia is a big fat ho, and did everything wrong.
Constel literally had an entire race genocided because they found out how to open a way to her closet children.
Back in the first version, everyone was likeable and there was no rape, cheating, or genocide, not even a first hero everyone would treat you as an extension of. Can you imagine that? It just got worse over time.
I think it's telling that nobody even wanted to make a build for this version.
Highlander you fucking whore release that Dev Diary.
well googles being a bitch so looks like I can't get to it rip
Here you go user. (This is actually one of the only two cyoas I have saved.)
Ami Island doesn't really have enough content to stand on its own unless you side with The Originals and making a build for Constellia feels like rehashing my old build with maybe one change in companions.
Page 2
And the final page
Thanks user. For some reason trying to find Lone Observer's stuff in the pastebin is like pulling teeth, either nobody made an author category for him in any of the drives or his stuff is a lot less popular than it should be. I managed to find Desert Otherworld though, for anybody in need of it.
No problem.
Road Trip is probably one of my favorite cyoas, if not my most favorite cyoa.
Yeah, same.
Shambler Zombies
28 Hours Later
4WD Car
M4 & M203
U.S.-CAN Map
Extra Ammo
First Aid
Extra Fuel
Extra Water
MRE Rations
5PK Matches
>Your Group
Ivanka Chesnokov
2LT Dan Sinise
Maise MacCloud
>Threat Encounters
Lone Zed Stripper
Roaming Zeds
Zed Killers
>End Goals
Safe Harbour
Since these fuckers can't rot naturally, I'll just go away. So basically my plan is to try and go the safest harbour and then, try to find some island away from mainland to settle in there. Shitty plan but it sounds better than Alaska.
>Oi Italics. In PAG what exactly is a Comfort? Is it a pocket dimension or is it part of the god world?
Good question. Here is a lore dump about it.
In essence a Comfort is a pocket dimension. in the PaG universe you have the Mortal World which is basically us. Then you have the God World which is a higher plane of existence that can't normally be accessed by Mortals. Connecting the God World and Mortal World together is the Third World which is the space between them that acts like a bridge and something that can be easily manipulated by both parties and allow them access to both worlds.
Your comfort resides in the Third World and is a little bubble/bridge between the two world. Its when the Third World got all its bridges shut down did the God World get disconnected from the Mortal World and humanity also lost the ability to use magic and had to replace it with technology.
>91 pages
Is it that good?
What am I in for, is it like PACYOA/StarDust?
Reposting my build
>Small Items
Book of Matches
>Large Items
Amateur Radio Set
Emergency Kit
Red Jackie
Annika Aster
Roland Slater
Misaki Reiko
>Features and Hazards
Easy Money / Suspicion
Bright Lights, Big City / Unfriendly Lack of Faces
Natural Wonders / Supernatural Guardians
Comforting Inns / Bates Motel
Wayside Shrines / Forgotten Gods
So, somehow I ended in this world, out of nowhere. The last thing I remember is that, I was going on my way to visit my parents when I suddenly got lost. I swear I was following my car GPS, but in a normal turn, a turn that I’ve done several times everything changed. I don’t know how many minutes it took to realize it, maybe 3 or 4, or maybe the fact that I realized I was in a back road it what it seems some godforsaken place in the middle of nowhere. I don’t know for sure.
The only thing I know is that I tried turning back but I couldn't find a way back. It seems that I'm here trapped, hopefully not forever.
On a side note, I always wondered how the characters in this CYOA go on the day to day basis, since it seems to be a lack a water to take baths everyday or even changing clothes. Also I wonder if childbirth is even possible or if is there any sort of hospitals in towns to help assist one
I really liked this CYOA, probably on my top 5 of 2017.
It's basically Monster Hunter meets StarDust in space with no monsters included, featuring the Culling.
>It's basically Monster Hunter
>meets StarDust
>featuring the Culling.
I don't understand how that works but it seems really interesting.
Thanks user.
>Carbon Restructure, Star-Silk Weave, Simple Wards, Astra Shield Mark VII, Hazmat Systems, Locomotion Adjuster
>Thermal Vision, Night Vision, Tetrahertz Radar, Astral Scanner, Third Eye, Magnifier, Nerve Endlink
>Automated Repair, Bio;Stasis, Chaff Launcher
>Jump Good Augmentation, Adhesion, Propulsion Jets, Flight, Blink
>Combat, Analysis, Exploration
>Suit Hardware
Just enough money to get everything I want. I wonder, why 1.2M?
>Medicine, Biology, Cooking, Archivist
>Rod, Gauntlet, Shield
>Runner, Climber, Balls of Steel, Pain Nullifying, Staunch Will, Iron Gut, Sleepless, Thick Blood, Alert Sleep, Intensive Training x2, Specialized Training x3, Steeled Bone, Weightless, Blindsight
>Mending Touch, Water Breathing, Always Fresh, Intensive Training x2
153/155 TP
35/35 SP
Str4, Dex6, Con7, End7, AsC2, MP2, Will4, Int3
Could've used some more points and shards but this is fine. There's nothing I want that bad.
>Mystery Box
>Sandra Fullmetal, Deln Surva, Daniel Ripper, Archibald Von Strumach, Alex & Qunara, Stranger, Xert’a Bylor
>None Guide Me
>Explore the power of the Shards, Beyond it All, Better to Rule, Ascendance, Nothing, Something, and (You)
So what's the deal with the mystery box?
It's nothing like Star Dust, though.
>So what's the deal with the mystery box?
Slaughter and rape your fellow knights in pvp
Think that's the point, user.
Who's ready for some crazy, nazi, christian, space pirate adventures?
Hey that looks like my car
I never know if I can take Stamina multiple times. I mean the longevity boost is pretty good. I'd take a hit to Athletics, Dex, for some extra longevity. Like, 3x stamina + one in recall and health sounds like a good way to have a good long life.
Thanks senpai. And thank you for PPP+!
You're welcome, user. I'm glad you had fun with PPP+
This is extremely cool, love it.
Pokemon Personified Plus+ CYOA when?
So, how is PPP+?
Italics always struck me as the kind of person better off not revising their works (like all the authors who I like, but ruin their works by not really understanding what was so good about it).
Does it feature more NTR?
Did it remove any good elements?
Is it even more edgy?
Last thread mister Skeleton
Do I post it?