Recommend me some good Sci-fi cRPG/vidya Veeky Forums because you've got better taste than /v/
Hardmode: No Mass Effect or KOTOR
Recommend me some good Sci-fi cRPG/vidya Veeky Forums because you've got better taste than /v/
Hardmode: No Mass Effect or KOTOR
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star control 2
Dawn of War 2 has some light RPG elements and is surprisingly fun. Deus Ex is something a lot of people go to as well. They aren't 'pure' RPG, but are good.
Fallout is another classic sci-fi series, but I'd never hold it ageist you if you don't put them in this category. NieR:Automata is a great game from last year you might want to try.
Starbound is a side scrolling, crafting heavy game with lite RPG elements. If you don't mind people getting a little fantasy in your sci-fi then the Shadowrun games by Hairbrained Schemes are cheap and good for some enjoyment.
Final Fantasy games are much the same. It's not really sci-fi, but it's also not really NOT sci fi. Star Ocean and Xenonaughts are likewise in about the same category.
Rebel Galaxy is fun lightweight stuff. You sail around in your spaceship blasting fools for 20 hours or so.
Any of the Harebrained Shadowrun games.
A Mind Forever Voyaging. It's a scifi text adventure but man, is it ever good.
From what I played of Endless Space it has great atmosphere and fluff, but the actual gameplay was just a bore
Stellaris, but beware, you'll wind up dumping like 20 hours into a campaign then have some extra dimensional threat/fallen empire wipe out your fleets and rage quit for a few months before touching it again. At least that's what happens to me.
Not necessarily. Hong Kong is a bit different from the other two, in that its text-to-gameplay ratio is skewed far more heavily in favor of text. I get that some people like that, but people should know the differences before going in.
While true in that HK has a lot of dialogue, it also has the best gameplay of the three HBS SR games (and that's not even getting into the Matrix, which is actually fun in HK, unlike the other two). There's a lot of talking, but the action is all quite good and there is plenty of it. I do recommend that OP start with Dragonfall and play Hong Kong second, just to appreciate the growth in the games (and because Dragonfall is quite good). Returns can be skipped though.
>Returns can be skipped though
The level of text and the quality thereof are matters of personal taste, but it's simply not true that SRHK has "plenty" of action. Most of the missions only last about ten minutes and have little if any combat in them.
bumps for the bump gods!
It's pretty mediocre and short.
Shadowrun Returns was made with the idea that players would run "Dead Man's Switch," the adventure that comes with the game, and then use the included mission editor to make their own Shadowrun adventures to share. But making good adventures is harder than it looks, so it never really went anywhere.
Dragonfall, especially the Director's Cut, added a much longer campaign, side missions, and a permanent team of runners who you had on tap for missions, as well as mercenaries and other NPCs you could add for a fee. Dragonfall DC also introduces leveling up your teammates and some different skill tracks that made the game even better. It's generally regarded as the best of the three games, and while I love HK to death, I wouldn't argue the point.
If you're okay with early access check out Star Traders Frontiers and Stellar Tactics.
>Star Traders Frontiers
Sounds a fuckload like Traveller, this is not a bad thing
Just replay Freelancer again.
This is fine too
From what I hear it's closer to Rogue Trader in a setting that's more Dune than 40k. Haven't played Rogue Trader so I can't compare.
I've never played Freelancer user
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri is a fantastic Civilization 2,5 and much better at that than Civilization: Beyond Earth is at being Civilization 5,5.
Not exactly deep or hard SF, but Starbound is pretty fun and chill. Rimworld is not unlike a Scifi Dwarf Fortress, but somewhat less detailed and obtuse
XCOM and it's sequel are both excellent sci-fi games with RPG elements.
nah man Hong Kong is best SR vidya cause it has gobbet and we all know gobbet is best girl
man that image makes me feel funny inside
I mean, you're not wrong. Except for when you're wrong. Like right now. Glory best girl and we all know it.
This is correct.
Is she a cute Troll from an Elite special forces team who hates your guts so you have to win her grudging respect over time before you ask her out on a date at which point she thinks you're making fun of her so she breaks your arm and a few ribs because she has a difficult relationship with her feminine side? No? You're Waifu a shit!
and I'm not into trolls, the cute ork with eating habits that match mine is much more attractive.
No cRPGs but
If you want sp00ky sci-fi then Dead Space 1 and Alien Isolation.
The XCOM series for just general sci-fi.
>Dead Space
what about 2 and 3?
Never had the chance to try it, didn't even know it existed till now
I bought it when I was about 13 and still have the game disk to this day, great game
Not sure how well it would hold up without my rose tinted nostalgia goggles but I'd recommend it
on GOG?
It's one of those games that gets less spooky and more action based with each sequel. I like all of them but found the first the scariest.
I personally feel Dead Space 2 is the superior game overall, but I have to concede Dead Space 1 is far scarier. Both are excellent games, though.
I wish I could take credit for it, but I found it here. Love the Jake Armitage photobomb in the way back.
And no love for Is0bel, anyone? Shy dorf techie girl is my fav.
and dead space 3?
Dead Space is great in setting up atmosphere, which Dead Space 2 does equally well in spurts. Especially the space cathedral level, that was just gorgeous to walk around in.
Dead Space 3 is a mixed bag in so many ways that it feels like it's fighting itself on just what it wanted to do with itself. Still, I enjoyed my time with it, and regularly play the first 2 from time to time because they really are just that good.
Also my contribution here, one of the better Star Wars games.
ladies, ladies, get a room and we all know best waifu is Dietrich
>op asks for cRPG
>all these kiddies recommend babbies first tpsrpg or shit that isn't even RPG
Go play Underrail OP. One of my fucking favorites so far. Also Satellite Reign was pretty good if you enjoy cyberpunk.
It's the odd one out. Focused too much on cover-based combat, and the story was kinda 'eh' and a little messy. Not a horrible game by any means, but deifnitely not up to snuff when compared to the previous games
God, I love Racter. He's such an incredibly unique character, IMO. Definitely have never seen someone like him (him actually being a psychopath) in such a way before in any other piece of fiction I've seen.
written in such a way*
sorry had a bit to drink
Shooteran: Warframe, EYE, Deus Ex, Dead Space, System Shock
Flyan: Freespace
RTSan: Homeworld
RPGan: Shadowrun, XCOM
walking siman: Tacoma, Verde Station
adventuran: Waking Mars, Duskers
meant Freelancer, not Freespace, been drinkan
>Shadowrun Returns was made with the idea that players would run "Dead Man's Switch," the adventure that comes with the game, and then use the included mission editor to make their own Shadowrun adventures to share. But making good adventures is harder than it looks, so it never really went anywhere.
The fact that the editor doesn't allow any custom assets except for portraits, tilesets, and static props certainly doesn't help. There are a few decent campaigns available, but definitely not as many as I'd hoped for.
Dead Man's Switch isn't bad, though. As someone who had no previous experience with Shadowrun, I think it was a good introduction to the setting. I just wish the editor were more flexible and that so much of the game wasn't locked down.
the shadowrun rpg games made by harebrain studios
Wrong. Glory is best girl.
I really wish I could go with her at the end, goddamn it.
Nigga, are your legs ok yet?
It's pretty much Rogue Trader Simulator in an "OCdonutsteel" setting that is Dune mixed with 40k.
Speaking of. Take a look at Templar Battleforce - a game from the same guys in the same setting, only this time it's a Space Hulk/Deathwatch game. The plot of that game could be pretty much ripped as is for your TT Deathwatch campaign.
Yeah. It's pretty fun too.
System Shock.
Has anybody tried Endless Space 2? Is it any better?
My legs are okay
>you gain brouzouf.
His issues actually are more believable.
Psychpathy does not mean what television and films seem to suggest it does, nor does schizophrenia or sociopathic tendencies.
In fact, none of those are even diseases any more then “sneezing” is a disease, but are merely symptoms caused by other problems
ya its supposed to be rad
Im fairly sure that his psychopathy comes from him having really low essence due to all his cyberware
Nah, he was like that even before cyberware. In fact, he's still alive with such low essence because of his psychopathy.
Yeah, and that's what made him so damn interesting to me. I've just never seen someone handle psychopaty in a story that way.
"I was a frontman in a punk band, so, hell no, couldn't sing"
Racter is actually what gives me hope for HBS's further efforts. He is so well written and believable that I really feel like they've got the writing chops to make the upcoming BattleTech game worth playing. It helps that the gameplay is pretty good from what the beta shows so far. Racter is also the reason why Hong Kong is just better than Dragonfall, he's easily the best companion in the two games.
Aurora is about as good as it gets.
Since people are just posting the famous stuff, I'll post the lesser known shit.
- Space Rangers (really good RPG/RTS/text quest/arcade game)
- Advent Rising (the original Mass Effect before Mass Effect)
- Out There (pretty good text quest game mixed with FTL-esque exploration gameplay)
- Pandora: First Contact (Alpha Centauri redux)
- Sins of the Solar Empire (really good RTS)
- Sword of the Stars (same)
- Achron (the best RTS you'll ever play)
Try Underrail. It's Post-Apoc, but since you didn't specify that your Sci-Fi must be the space kind, it fits.
Plus it has a very nice old-school cRPG feel to it.
Did they ever get Long War out for the new expansion?
No. Pavonis decided to not update LW2 for War of the Chosen.
I agree wholeheartedly. I think Hong Kong in general has better more developed characters than Dragonfall. From the party members all the way too the Vendors.
Is0bel is kind of a bitch but I like her
>Racter is also the reason why Hong Kong is just better than Dragonfall, he's easily the best companion in the two games.
He's easily one of the most well-written characters in any RPG in the past few years.
>no love for Is0bel
Absolutely not, for me it's the worst written character in HK, and probably DF too.
Maybe it's not even about the character but more about the exposition of the story, it's like the writer really went overboard with the whole "boo hoo I'm a whateversexual shy haxor with a reeallly sad backstory and this is not my body but I live in the cyber dimension from which I don't ever want to leave".
She is heterosexual and there is nothing in the story that implies she isn't. Also being more comfortable in the matrix is something a huge amount of deckers experience.
A lot better.
>And no love for Is0bel, anyone?
Not really. I never really liked her mechanically (she's a shit shot and isn't a hotshot enough decker to make up for it) and I'm not the biggest fan of her as a character. She's the only party member in Hong Kong I really don't like. Everyone else is pretty great, even "I smolder with generic angst" Duncan who at least is understandable and human (even if his fate at the end of Shadows over Hong Kong sucks if you choose to stay a runner).
Duncan is a selfish gay asshole. I am glad Ares killed his dumb ass in the epilogue.
>she's a shit shot
Doesn't matter as much when she has a grenade launcher. Or at least it *shouldn't* matter as much, but the Shadowrun games like to have characters miss in ridiculous ways and pretty much every enemy in the expansion has that cyberware that lets them throw grenades back instantly, even though that really shouldn't work for grenade launcher rounds.
>I am glad Ares killed his dumb ass in the epilogue.
Oh shit, is that what happens if you go SIN again? Hah! I knew staying SINless was the right move.
And that's why Is0bel is terrible. She can't shoot worth shit with the silvergun and the nade launcher gets tossed back/misses constantly and has constant reload syndrome. She's just kinda shit.
>Oh shit, is that what happens if you go SIN again?
Different user: No. Or at least it's not the only factor. I got my SIN restored, and Duncan started his own security company. I would have preferred an option to continue being a shadowrunner, but one who doesn't operate under Kindly Cheng's thumb. I didn't like how the game inextricably tied shadowrunning to Cheng and sort of forced you into the role of enjoying being a triad enforcer.
Yeah, that's true. I wouldn't have minded making a break from Cheng if possible but I was still in favor of being a runner over going SIN again and becoming a corp wageslave or something. Once you taste the runner life you can't give it up again.
But the way the game presents it, you're either a corporate wageslave or a triad wageslave, effectively.
I don't know. Maybe it's because I wanted to roleplay an idealist at heart who comes to realize that shadowrunning is a way to fight the system and would want to go independent.
System Shock
>because you've got better taste than /v/
Veeky Forums thinks 40K is good, tried to make a setting with anthro corgis and sergals, thinks Angry Marines are funny, and you think y'all faggots have ANY sort of judgement on taste?
Why are Chinese organized crime groups called "triads", anyway? I've never found an actual explanation. Do they all have a ruling council of three people or something?
No him dying is what happens if you stay sinless
The Elder Scrolls
>- Achron (the best RTS you'll ever play)
Shit, I forgot I have it in my Steam backlog. I'll have to play it some time ago.
There is nothing wrong with Sergals my friend.
Deus Ex 1/HR/MD each meet basically all the criteria for a Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk RPG. Really I'd say Human Revolution is probably the best to start with but I'm not sure how "Sci-Fi" you want your Sci-Fi to be.
Also a solid choice
It's cheap on Steam too, no reason not to buy it, really.
I try once every few months to get into that shit and it just makes my head hurt, is there a class I can take or some shit to understand that setting?
10/10 choice
>- Advent Rising
My nigga
>pic related
You should also play Torment: Tides of Numenera, best sci-fi game I've played in a while.
Rogue System
Aurora 4x
Sins of solar empire
Children of a dead earth
>Torment: Tides of LGBT
No thanks senpai. Modern Obsidian is pure garbage.
What really irritated me was that they deliberately wrote several stages of dialogue specifically to set you up to possibly say the wrong thing and completely turn her against you, basically undoing her whole arc with you. It's admittedly fairly obvious what the last straw is, and I didn't fall for it, but it still pissed me off that they teased the fuck out of me by making me think maybe I really can convince her to let me go with her.
Biggest vidya cockblock since Serana in Skyrim.
wasnt Obsidian. It was inXile, people who did Wasteland 2.