Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Shitty Tyranid Edition

>Warhammer Community

>Daily Painting Video

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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations
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>Math-hammer Updated for Tyranids? Math-user requests vetting

First for Beastmen

Second for Knights.

Aggressive t'au is best T'au.

Third for Khorne beastmen

I am sorry khornate brother. I had to post my T'au list for all of Veeky Forums to see.

Xth for Necrons

Plastic sisters when ?

>every one says people in the hobby are really helpful and don't shit on bad paint jobs
>whenever someone does show their bad paint job they get nothing but immense hate


>we don't need marines
>the backbone of 40k sales and fluff

now i'll agree that everything terrible is because of the marines/primarchs but they're trying to fix things. i don't think GW could survive without marines

Speaking of, how would you describe the playstyle of necrons? Someone asked me what they're like and I have no clue.

It’s almost as if you’re on Veeky Forums, the meanest most contrarian place in the internet.

That's in general, this is Veeky Forums though.

Here watch, im gonna post my WiP Acolyte leader, watch how everyone says its terrible.

Slo-mo brick through a window.

There's bad paint job and there's THIN YOUR PAINTS-tier horrors. People show kindness when they see effort. When we see terrible paint jobs that were clearly made with no respect for the miniature despite its huge price, it only brings anger.

Go to /wip/. This is shitpost territory

The paint is thin, the colors are fine, and it seems well painted. That's a fine basecoat. It will be neat once it's been washed and highlighted.

So I have been pouring over the rulebook and cannot for the life of me see the distance needed to contest an objective point.

I'm also looking for the stats on a generic bunker, but I don't remember if that is in the chapter approved or core rules

Wash the grey parts with black.
Use a blue wash and highlight a pale purple for the skin and a pale blue for the arms and you should be pretty good.

wip is just the same from my experience

>watch how everyone says its terrible
its terrible, kys
you're welcome

that blanket looks itchy

Dude the rubbernid in the OP is legendary-tier bad
It's beyond thin your paints, it looks like you can peel the paint off if you dug in a bit

Just need to get everything cleaned up and finish the whip and it will look really good. Not too thick in any areas so you are fine.

Only if it's just fundamentally wrong or the person get butthurt by constructive criticism

Any ideas for the lash whip? Skin coloured or maybe go for something else like yellow/green?

Not sure though.

R8 my DG army, 2000pts

++Bataillon Detachment++

Typhus – 175pts
Winged Daemon Prince – x2 Malefic Talons, The Suppurating Plate - 180pts

x20 Poxwalkers – 120pts
x20 Poxwalkers – 120pts
x20 Poxwalkers – 120pts
x8 Plague Marines – x2 Blight Launchers, Champion w/ Plaguesword - 157pts
x7 Plague Marines – x2 Blight Launchers, Champion w/ Plaguesword - 140pts

Tallyman – Plasma pistol – 62pts
Hellforged Sicaran – x2 Lascannon, Heavy Bolter, Twin Accelerator Autocannon - 295pts

Myphitic Blight-Hauler – 142pts
Myphitic Blight-Hauler – 142pts

Chaos Predator – Twinlinked Lascannons, x2 Lascannons – 190pts
Plagueburst Crawler – x2 Entropy Cannons, Rothail Volley Gun - 152pts

We only criticisize painted models, not basecoated one.

Try to correct your purple and blue in the skin opening and on the hands before inking though.

I don't play Space Marines.
that said, should I get the single Primaris from the getting started booklet?

When they glue Cadia back together

6$ for an amazing model? be my guest

not terrible, just mediocre

Why do you want it?

If you want it and have the money to spare, why the fuck not?

Good painting practice if nothing else.

help a brother out

how does one glue a mini to a base that has coated with texture paints? Would i use Plastic or super glue? And if super glue anyone know a brand that doesnt melt plastic very much?

Make it a different color from the rest of the model, it'll stand out better

After having converted up some characters, I'm not overly sure what to use the remaining 4 Inceptors for.

Could always make Raptors? Never really used them.

I was thinking less that size and more human sized. But alright will keep it in mind.

This. Rubbernid was made as a successor to the mighty blingfish because it had been nearly a decade since a paint job that bad had been posted.


I like that list user. Take the fight to the enemy... Then stop 18" in front of them and light them up

I feel like your anti-tank portion is a bit fragile though. 3 hammerheads, and if they go, you've no monster/armour problem solvers...

Also why a single gun drone on each ethereal?

This was the first one

We got 3 plastic sisters recently, GW fuffilled their promise dont you know? They will now ignore the faction again

n'th for the House of Iron

guess I'll get that together with my next purchase then
I like it more then the old space marine model, and I think if I play 40k I at least should have 1 Marine in my collection

Powerful guns, slow troops that are literally the terminator

Relentless drudgery

It's a cool model, you should get it.

The book has some cool stuff in it, and even after you read it you can always keep it in a closet or something and then give it to someone you know who shows an interest in your hobby. You might get someone into 40k that way.

But user
I'm an autistic sperg who can only tell if someone isn't lying when they treat my paintjob with maximum distain

Kinda makes me want to try to make a list of Naval Armsmen.

By the Emperor...

Post your work, there must be a reason you have this opinion of both threads

> I didn't have any paint so I just used cake frosting and toothpaste

Speaking of shitty Nids, how many of you have signed up for this contest? You can enter via email instead of buying shit.

>that fuck-ugly model tho
holy shit, people pay for this?

If I'm giving the best answer I can...
>You shouldn't have covered your base in texture paint before gluing your mini on it

That said,
>Super glue. Plastic glue won't work now.
>Super glue doesn't melt plastic
>Only use as much super glue as you have to - lashing it on in huge blobs will cause frosting on your lovely mini and base

Which came first, Eisenhorn or Ravenor?

thing is bigger than an imperial knight



Maybe some extra details to break up all those vast expanses of metal plating (which is a problem with primaris, not with your minis)... Chaos icons on the chest, chains etc

>nids will never have a decent-looking LoW

If you are using agrelan badlands or whatever it is called scrape it off and then glue

Is that Hammerhead, is it bedazzled? I don't even know what to say to that.

Like the round Spartan shields from 300? That's a better image... I was thinking you were going to make little bucklers


What's your 40k faction ranking?

imperial guard, squats
>high tier
>mid tier
tau, necrons

>shit tier
tyranids, meme stealers, necrons

>kys if this is your army tier
ALL space memes, ALL eldar, ALL chaos

Could just build 3 inceptors and then have 1 left over

Yeah, tempting to go back and add more hazards. My IWs tend to be fairly low-key on chaos though. Currently the most corrupted stuff they have are a few daemon engines.

Its an old model devilfish, and yeah, it's bedazzled or sequined or whatever. Supposedly the paint job was bad on purpose so that autismos would try and get it off the table even when it was empty and had all of the defensive upgrades.

Its cannon looks so droopy and sad... :(

whats a cheap gw kit to get for conversion bits?

Here's my your list ranking:

>kys if this is your list
your list

Fair, though admittedly I'm just using Primaris models to add to my chaos for the nicer proportions, they're not actually Primaris anything.

Devilfish do not have fuckhuge rail guns, same chassis though.

It's a hammerhead

what are you converting?

ALL space memes, ALL eldar, ALL chaos

>high tier
tyranids, meme stealers, necrons

>mid tier
tau, necrons

>shit tier

>kys if this is your army tier
imperial guard, squats

I don't know yet, but the place I order from has free shipping a couple bucks above my order, so I need something to fill it

Cool I didn't know Micheal J. Fox played 40K

Huh, based on these rumors it seems like Tzeentch is still going to be the only viable Daemons faction, despite us getting fuck-all for the Locus and the Changeling getting nerfed.

The problem being points. I wanted plenty of breachers to shoot at the enemy and some kroot because kroot are cool. That has left me with little in the way of points for anti-tank.
The gun drones was just because i felt like they needed something to take fire off them if they get in a compromising situation.

Assault squads and Devestator Squads come with a lot of extra bits


Ravenor appears in one of his trilogy books, 2nd or 3rd

>the place I order from has free shipping a couple bucks above my order, so I need something to fill it

Buy brushes

What if Japan ever made a 40k anime, but instead of taking place in the game's setting it took place in a world where playing 40k is serious business like in Yu-gi-oh ? Buying and painting new models would be like training and getting a new codex would be a power up.

The main party:
>Space Marines: the main character, a young idealist that wants to change the world through playing 40k. His army is balanced and constantly shows off new models.
>Imperial Guard: the short comedic relief sidekick and childhood friend of the Space Marine player. He plays a lot of infantry and never wins until the end of the season 1 when he upgrades his army to a tank company and beats the evil Renegade player.
>Sisters of Battle: the first person the Space Marine player fights and his first "serious" victory. Once defeated she quickly becomes the tsundere love interest following the main character around, never getting new models or winning anything despite being said to one of the top players.
>Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Space Wolves: a trio of mysterious players that the Space Marine player slowly defeats and befriends during the first half of Season 1, forming the four man group that does the most fighting and growing through the series: the 40k Warriors.
>Imperial Knight: rich bitch with drill hair and many servants that paint her models, plays to kill her boredom before meeting the Space Marine player, to whom she loses and learns to believe in her miniatures and to paint them herself. Starts painting them in the color of his army because she wants his dick hard, clashing with the SoB tsundere.

how come when I post my list people tell me OP is a faggot, and so am I?

High and mid tier yessssssssss

All I know is that Shas called it a devilfish, hence the name Blingfish. I don't play Tau.

Horrors shooting becomes S-User
Flamers get 12" Flames
+1 To Wound psychic Power
Screamers always use their "Bite" profile
Lord of Change/Fateweaver drop ~25pts
Exalted Flamers always have Heavy 3
Reroll 1s To Wound Warlord trait
+1 to invulnerable for 1CP

>Watch out world. Tzeentch Changed from being a Psychic army to a Shooting army

You've got some cool models user. How do you run this one? Using the actual DG codex? Or proxied as something else?

Yea i know, I just got a bit outta hand doing Blood God realm basis because i thought they looked interesting but thanks for the advice user.

Holy fucking shit. I'm fairly new to 40k and am also in the process of making "DG" Iron Warriors. How did you that emblem?

What makes it old model? Besides the drones


Psychic is bad and should be removed from the game, I can't wait to see GK and 1KS get squatted, fuck them.

It's from like 4th ed. I just assumed the model changed since user was calling it a hammerhead when it was supposed to be a devilfish. I don't play Tau.

>t. tau

Oh I have no idea. I bought it because I liked how it looked and wanted to convert it. Maybe a hellbrute? Same base size nd similar size overall.

Forge World IW etched brass.

which factions do you like/hate playing against Veeky Forums?

>cries the Tau

But in all seriousness. 8e somehow made the Psychic Phase worse* than 7e.

>* worse in a different way, as instead of taking forever it's now so half heartedly supported.