Stat me Veeky Forums

Stat me Veeky Forums

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Half-Orc Ranger/Barbarian

>Half-Orc Bard

Compulsion: Narcissism
Compulsion: Secretive
Compulsion: Hatred (women)

Trick Room (Japanese: トリックルーム Trick Room) is a non-damaging Psychic-type move introduced in Generation IV. It has been TM92 since Generation IV.

Trick Room reverses the move order within each priority bracket so that Pokémon with a lower Speed stat attack first, while those with a higher Speed stat will attack last. Individual brackets are still maintained; moves in higher priority brackets still work before moves in lower ones regardless of Trick Room. This effect lasts for five turns, and using Trick Room counts as the first turn. Similar to Magic Room and Wonder Room, using Trick Room while it is already in effect will end it immediately.

Effects that alter the order of specific priority brackets override Trick Room. Therefore, Pokémon holding Full Incense or Lagging Tail and Pokémon with Stall will go last in their priority bracket regardless of their Speed stat. Pokémon activating Quick Claw will go first in their priority bracket.

Trick Room has a priority of -7, so will be used after all moves with a normal priority.

If powered up by a Psychium Z into Z-Trick Room, the user's accuracy raises one stage.

>Compulsion: Hatred (women)
It’s not true! It’s bullshit!

PTS 2000
WS 10
BS 10
S 10
T 10
W 8
I 8
A 7
LD 13
SV 2+/2++
ML 10

Special Rules:
Master of Mankind- every human model in the allied army is immune to fear and pinning. His army can also reroll failed to-hit rolls, failed save rolls and psychic power rolls.
THE Psyker- knows every psychic discipline including His own discipline, manifests them automatically.
Unbreakable will- the character is immune to fear and pinning.
Eternal Warrior


So where's this guy from? His accent is so weird, it could be either French or Eastern European.


>So where's this guy from
Nobody knows, and he refuses to tell. Here's a much better question - why is his face so fucked up? According to Disaster Artist book, he didn't always look like that - there's a childhood photo of him, and he looks normal there.

Age: young*
Place of Birth: New Orleans, LA, USA*

* Not really

Oh hi Mark.

Apparently Poland during Communism.

Malkavian, with the madness "thinks he's a Torreador instead"

We don't know if it was Poland but it is very likely he's from the Eastern Bloc.

My money is on Romania

>Romanian is a Romance language
Might explain why some people think he sounds French. Might also explain the "Wisseau" name. Yeah, you convinced me. Romania is a very likely candidate.

everything is a dump stat except for intelligence, because this man is a fucking genius

o hai mackerel


Ohai (Ex): Wiseau may always make a diplomacy check, even if circumstances would not normally allow one.

Hp : -1

The real best question is: Where does his money come from? He casually blew like two million on the Room , made and bankrolled another film, and still apparently lives quite comfortably. The official explanation is just baffling. It was inherited from a "Pierrre" Wiseau, who only exists on paper and only for the documents transferring the money

>Where does his money come from?
Transylvanian organized crime

IMDB claims he was born in Poland.

Someone hire him to do EP9 immediately. Help us Tommy Wiseau, you’re the franchise’s only hope.

>A ninja leaps through Tommy Wiseau's window and holds a dagger against his throat, Tommy wakes up just in time to confront his death
>Ohai (Ex): "Ohai ninja!"
>Rolls 17, compells Ninja to at least attempt conversation
>She tears off her veil and starts incoherently screaming about what Tommy did to her family and why he must pay
>Ohai (Ex): "Ahaha that's a funny story ninja, anyway how's your sex life?"
>Nat 20

>over 30 takes to get that right

I can confirm that this guy is from Louisiana. We're all secretive with strange accents just like this guy. We do have a sizeable slavic population.

How many Tommys have you met?

How many Frenchmen have you met?

I heard it was 5 mil.

Tommy isn’t French according to Greg’s mom.

Is there a more incompetent movie director? The shit this book says he does is maddening.

Just watch some Mystery Science Theater 3000, and you'll find a number of them.

Charisma: 5 (counts as 20 for all intents and purposes)

Is he a vampire afterall?


Importing leather jackets, apparently.

The Disaster Artist director, obviously.
No vision.

I remember Greg writing that he assumes it cannot be crime simply because nobody would want a Tommy as their crime boss & especially not the publicity from the movie.

Same stats as D.B. Cooper.

...are you saying Tommy Wiseau is DB Cooper?


He is all American guy from New Orleans

He stole a bunch of cash/gold/art/whatever from his government during the breakup of the Soviet Union.

>Oh hi Darth

Max cha

no owlbear statblock
>am dissapoint

We need Tommy.

How was that movie anyway? I got only the book.

He apparently got into a bad carcrash which changed him.

Either Romania or Czechoslovakia a few years after Stalin died.

6 million when all was said and done. And the money seems to have come from real estate investment.

3 hours, 32 takes

No what Street Fashions USA did was it bought in bulk clothes that in manufacture were damaged in some way (missing belt loop, shit like that) which can't be sold by normal retailers, and sold them at discount. It's actually a very profitable business in some parts of the world.

TLJ had the potential man

has he made anything else other than the room?

I heard that he was a German or polack that moved to France at a very young age, got into a bad car crash, and grew up idolising America and American movies

are you saying he isn't?

That's actually rather informative. Thanks user.

Speaking of money, how much has The Room made now? Surely all this time and commotion has turned a flop into a success.

James Franco, the main actor, was also the director. He cast himself as a bad actor and his own real brother as the friend whom he has a seemingly homosexual romance with.

He's some kind of vampire right? Just one that has at most a limited weakness to sunlight.

Funny that you bring it up, the original script for The Room had a plotline about Tommy's character being a vampire but everyone talked Tommy out of including it because it made no sense whatsoever in the context of the movie.


>Car flying off the roof because Johnny was a vampire


Creature - Human


My bet is on Hungary, actually. Talked to a hungarian guy online for some time, his accent was eerily similar.

He clearly hates France, going out of his way to avoid French-derived words ("my future wife") and reacting in real anger when an actor ad-libs with one.

Filmmaking (untrained): 0 points


Wiseau is a name he gave himself, not his real surname tho

God I wish this made it into the movie, ideally with no explanation or follow up.

>Wasting natural 20 rolls on sex
I hate this shit. Especially when it actually works.
Especially when it works on a masked ninja girl.

What stats allow for this character to partake in three different sexual encounters within the first session?
Because that.

>"Ahaha that's a funny story ninja, anyway how's your sex life?"

But user, is it okay that he targets the bellybutton?

What’s interesting is that they’re all with the same character, rather than different ones.
The former says “waifu”, the latter says “player wannabe”

Stat him, Veeky Forums

he needs a pretty high sneak stat
otherwise, how would he be able to so easily hide behind a rail staircase while people are talking ten feet away?

>Navel fucking
It depends on what the race is of the one on the receiving end of the sexual encounter.

-1 vertebrae

Stat me.


Best At Everything

I'd stat him like this

Creature - Human
Cumulative upkeep: pay R


His not my Father. it's not true, its bullshit, his not my Father, he is NAHT

>It was inherited from a "Pierrre" Wiseau, who only exists on paper and only for the documents transferring the money
I've never heard that before. Where did you?

The explanation given by Greg Sestero is that he went from selling toys to clothes and eventually real estate. Considering how ridiculous real estate prices are in San Francisco, just owning 1 or 2 buildings could easily make him a millionaire.

He made some short comedy mini-series, but I heard it wasn't that good. It's not as funny when he's in on the joke.

He has a new movie called "Best F(r)iends" out with Mark/Greg Sestero out that is allegedly a somewhat competently-made movie, but it's hard to tell which ones are genuine reviews and which ones are from The Room fans.

He’s Andy Kaufman playing a European caricature with plastic surgery he botched on purpose

>Oh hi, Mark

Class: Rogue
Archetype: Assassin
The last thing his victims hear is always an ominous "oh, hi mark".

>implying they don’t hear his laugh

He picked his last name from french word for "bird", so this can't be the case.

Romania sounds pretty slavic though even despite attempts to latinise it since independence

I see what you did there

Race: Frankenstein
Class: Vampire-Rapist
Traits: Love (America)
Wealthy (5 dots)

Some guy on Reddit did some digging a few years ago and there's like a 99% chance he's from Poland.

From what i heard, he fled a slavic country in his childhood and grew up in france. Thats the reason he talks so weird, its basically two accents mushed together.

It also explains the name Wiseau, its a frankified version of "Wroclaw" i think.

He also makes a lot of gramatical errors common to slavic speakers.

"You betray me, you not good, you just a chicken CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP CHEEEP CHEEREEEEEP"

>"This cancer thing, does it ever get brought up again?"
>"No, is twist"

Out of curiosity, did they really bring Chris R. to jail or did they just shoot him offscreen?

It doesn't matter, he's gone now.