Well guys WOTC is trying to burry the pedo judge program. They also shut down MTGLion and UM.
It’s clear we are onto something Hasbro and WOTC want to hide.
These pedos need to be stopped
Well guys WOTC is trying to burry the pedo judge program. They also shut down MTGLion and UM.
It’s clear we are onto something Hasbro and WOTC want to hide.
These pedos need to be stopped
Fucking stop Jeremy noone fucking likes you bud kill yourself
Look Jeremy, kiddo, we won, you're a salty retard, just kill yourself.
This actually isn't Jeremy. Lol Would it matter if it was? He isn't wrong. Your literally defending pedos, is this the hill you want to die on?
so, any ACTUAL proof?
Hunting killing and destroying alt-right lying nazies like you, you mean?
Heck yeah!!!!
The Facebook group that shall not be named actively monitors Reddit, Veeky Forums and /pol/ to neg any anti-WotC posts so you might as well just not post it on Veeky Forums. Just keep trying to get mainstream media attention before Wizards gets more kids raped.
Fuck off Jeremy.
Ok this has to be trolls trolling trolls from /pol/ nobody would post this seriously....
Not Jeremy lol get mad stay mad.
You can go look up the judges in that Jeremy guy's video on the fucking sex offender registry you dumb nigger.
sage all hate replys
ITT: handicap kids handicapping handicap kids
I guess the average Veeky Forums user is okay with pedos. Really makes me think.
That or actual children, school is still out until next Monday. I don't like MTG HQ and I don't like WotC shitty pandering either, but this /pol/ boogie man shit it retarded.
Why? It's overused, but /pol/ literally have been spamming MtG threads and this whole controversy is some butthurt faggot getting all /pol/ because he ate a ban. His income is based on outrage, so here's his shot at maintaining a regular stream of it.
>These pedos need to be stopped
Ok as someone who spends his time on /tv/, Veeky Forums, and /pol/, I can assure you /pol/ does not care about fucking mtg, sure when the event happened and mods here started to ban the thread poster here when to /pol/ FOR THE DAY, but after that I rarely see a thread about mtg or gaming in general. Here are the bigger picture
>Yes Jeremy aka MTG HQ is a fucking idiot who makes shitty click bait
>WotC is Currently Pandering to SJW's there is no bones about that, we had Asians, blacks, middle eastern and many female characters in the past. But now we make we have black female walkers with no personality cause they hired a black Geek Girl consultant instead of having their writers make a good character that also happens to be a black women.
>There is nothing wrong with diversity in magic the gathering, however there is issue with a sharp decline in quality of writing, art, and the fact that wizards has to jerk them self off over every tiny "progressive" move, THAT IS AN ISSUE.
>Contrary to one fucking /pol/ post there are more serious issues at play over at WotC, card stock quality, Mythic.deck, 5 bannings in Standard in a year, weak prize support, NO support for Modern and Legacy aside from over priced Master Sets. THIS SHIT not MTG HQ or SJW shit WILL KILL THE GAME.
I like this game as much as you do, I been playing it for almost 7 years, 1000 dollars spent on both fun decks and competitive. I am sorry what happened to that Cosplayer, no should be harassed, but we have bigger issues at hand then faggots like MTGHQ and feminist. And you saying "Hurr Punch Le Nazi XD, MUH POL" isn't fucking contributing to fixing mtg, this one of the few places you can provide some valid criticisms about the game, and share it with the other players.
Since I can't be arsed to look it up myself and you guys obviously like to talk about it, answer me this:
How many culprits were actually identified? One and community extrapolates or is there multiple offenders?
this man has a head on his shoulders, /mtg/ won't listen sadly
Thank you very much, I am glad I am not alone. As for this Judge thing, First of all Judges work but don't work for WotC if that makes sense. If WotC wanted to create positive environments for women and other players, then they need to be like GW and open stores that have staff that run a tight ship, as compared to the shitty LGS that has 17 year olds being paying in cards or under the table, running the place while the owner is out "marking" his store aka drinking with friends or fucking around. Not to say there are not some really awesome LGS, I have one that is clean, friendly, and the owner is almost there every minute of everyday. As for the Judge thing, for there to be this huge cabal of Pedo judges is fucking insane. Now that's not to say no one involved with mtg can not be a criminal or even a pedo. This is a simple fix, run the names of Judges against the sex offender data base. Problem solved, you get a clean record, awesome, you find a pedo, report them to Wizards. This so fucking stupid, mtg does not need an Anita or a Milo, it needs someone with a fucking brain to focus on the quality of the game.
Except the names of certain judges are disappearing from the websites so we CAN'T run the names of all of them in the sex offender registry. I wonder who has access to those websites?
You're trying so hard to shill your shitty channel, please stop.
WotC sure seems corrupt as hell. Banning people who point out corruption, not shutting down shitty judges themselves
Didn't WotC shut down the channel of the dude who originally broke the story?
>tfw you just got back into the game and Standard is the cheapest it’s ever been
25 and not alleged but convicted
Tbh I'm glad he got banned. Watch his videos dude is hiding something.
>Watch his videos dude is hiding something.
How can we when his channel got deleted?
By giving yourself surprise buttsex.
stop spamming your shitty threads, retard.
>all this kvetching
His channel was shut down for spam, there's no reason to be shilling against him
A decent amount, enough to actually scare hasbro and do damage control, it makes me think anyone here on Veeky Forums supporting getting this dudes channel banned actually is pro-cheese pizza and is afraid if wotc enforces regulations that they might be restricted from playing mtg
>/pol/ boogieman
Do you have brain damage, you are saying good on a company for false flagging peoples accounts as spam for whistleblowing convicted felons against minors working around children.
Against state regulations for one, Hasbro and Wotc's partnership with the judge program is completely negligent on background checks that go against the law, it's why they are burying whistleblowers, they don't want to be investigated and have their skeletons aired out.
Why does it matter if Judges are pedos? They don’t spend any time with children, especially not outside of a busy and very public convention centre. It’s probably not good for Wizards’ image but it isn’t an actual danger.
Kids probably spends more time with staff in McDonald’s and they don’t get checks either. As a society we have decided pedos should be reintegrated into society, you can’t do that if you bar them from every job and hobby just in case there’s a kid nearby.
Yes they do, your social security number is tied to your arrest records and you have to pass a background check, only certain fast food joints allow people convicted of sex crimes against minors to work for them and when they do they aren't allowed to interact with customers.
t. fastfood worker
Please stop posting this thread
>instant,frantic shilling by cultural marxists
This is neoFAG all over again. Insane leftist pedophiles doing damage control for insane leftist pedophiles up to the moment everyone finds out and the whole thing blows up in their face
>in my favorite game company
>better start sucking corporate dick and accuse everyone of being /pol/ and shill
MTG-keks everyone
Nice try Jeremy.
I don't care where you came from get the fuck off of Veeky Forums
Wew lad, all these nonces ITT.
>As a society we have decided pedos should be reintegrated into society, you can’t do that if you bar them from every job and hobby just in case there’s a kid nearby.
>he actually believes this
even if you JUST get accused, your life is over. if it gets on your record, you're not working anywhere.
Even if you JUST post once about this, you are still offtopic and not welcome on this board
Who would have guessed a hobby that even Warhammer players look down on is filled with outcast paedo cunts.
>we won
So you like children being molested?
Are you seriously asking why a dude who is sexually attracted to children shouldn't be allowed to oversee an event where children will be present?
Next you'll be asking why wolves can't be sheep dogs.
>Why does it matter if Judges are pedos?
>Why does it matter if the driver is drunk?
This is what you sound like.
It's a sad day when people would rather support pedos than /pol/. I guess people really don't want to be redpilled on the truth.
We don't actually support pedos, we're just being contrarian because you unironically say shit like
>I guess people really don't want to be redpilled on the truth.
You're annoying and retarded, and we want you gone
>players spew some profanities while having fun with a friendly opponent, friendly banter all around
>people use anime playmat
>some MTG judges are pedos, no background check is done on any of them before they're hired for events, not even for big events like a GP
Really gets the noggin' joggin'
>We don't actually support pedos
Um, sweetie, yes you do.
See, this is why we hate you, you condescending prick
Why should I treat a pedo apologist with respect when he's willing to put children at risk just to make some anonymous faggot online mad?
I have no reason to respect you, and it only sounds condescending to you because you know that I'm right.
>ITT: fa/tg/uys would literally fuck a child if it made some /pol/ack mad.
No wonder this place is trash nowadays. I'm glad quests got moved out of here if these are the people who frequent this place.
If you hate it so much than why the fuck are you using it?
go to 8ch's Veeky Forums or something
>If you hate it so much than why the fuck are you using it?
Because I still hold out for the day that you people improve, rather than being swayed by the popular opinion to the point of self-destruction.
Good post, user.
Please fuck off with off with your crazy pol conspiracies about secret pedo rings in mtg, and please leave our board, dont let the door hit you on the way out. Saged and Hidden
It's not really a conspiracy when it's proven user.
If you want to win us over than stop being an enormous dickbag
First day on Veeky Forums huh?
I don't expect people to be nice on Veeky Forums, but you shouldn't expect us to magically agree with you
You're being an asshole, so we're being assholes back
Also, Veeky Forums is a lot friendlier than the rest of Veeky Forums
Saying you support child fuckers because /pol/acks hate them goes far beyond being an asshole.
>Also, Veeky Forums is a lot friendlier than the rest of Veeky Forums
Please, I can only laugh so hard.
Wasn't the captain of the Weatherlight a black woman, and that went on for ten years?
I don't support child fuckers, I'm just trying to piss you off. Unlike you, I don't always say what I mean
>Please, I can only laugh so hard.
Let me rephrase: we're more polite than the rest of Veeky Forums
>Unlike you, I don't always say what I mean
So you're a dishonest pedo apologist?
>Let me rephrase: we're more polite than the rest of Veeky Forums
Let me laugh even harder.
pol arrives again with unproven claims of pedo shit to shit uo a perfectly good board, fuck off and find your marks elsewhere, we wont donate to your patreon
>So you're a dishonest pedo apologist?
No, I'm a sarcastic asshole who says things to piss autistic people off
>Let me laugh even harder.
So you only condone child molestation if it pisses random anons off? Wow, that's so much better.
Please, anyone who has been on this website for an extended period of time knows that claiming that one board is better than the other is like comparing different piles of shit to see which one smells better.
So you want us to be swayed by your personal opinion instead? Hypocrite much?
>So you want us to be swayed by your personal opinion instead?
I'm pretty sure many people hate child diddlers user. Even convicted criminals hate pedos and the people who apologize for their behavior.