What race do you sperg out over?

What race do you sperg out over?

For me it's dragon ogres

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Sperg out in the good way or the bad way?

If the latter then Elves. Not because of any memeing, but because I just find them boring and their subraces are all just shallow stratifications for no purpose but throwing a bone to the creatively bankrupt.

If the former, then orcs. I like most forms of orcs, but industrial orcs especially.


Not really a race but Im extremely autistic when it comes to werewolves, especially because almost every setting embraces the "transmitted like a disease" trope that I hate associating them with

Tell us more about dragon ogres

Honestly, I just removed elves from my setting because everything about them is covered by more interesting races
>ancient race with a closer bond with nature and fears / hates the other races
>Race has a hypnotising beauty and lives for thousands of years
>Tree hugging hippies

I fucking love vampires.

Man, I would hate playing a game with you, your takes on those races suck dick.

>I like most forms of orcs, but industrial orcs especially.
A gentleman of superior taste.

Dragon Ogres are basically centaurs, only the horse part is dragon and the human part is ogre and they’re every bit as old and ornery as Dragons.

Instead of dragonfire, they’re just stupid strong.

Vampires in both ways. One small step one direction and they're awesome mysterious and cool. One in the other and you end up with a high chool emo gothic party.

I realise that I oversimplified to the max but you're just being retarded

I meant what race do you REALLY enjoy / fantasize about

I’ve got an unhealthy obsession with Griffons that started with their design in the Warhammer series.

As for races, I adore Elves.

>Not really a race but Im extremely autistic when it comes to werewolves, especially because almost every setting embraces the "transmitted like a disease" trope that I hate associating them with

How do you want people to be Werewolves, user?

This is ultimately a problem with people who cant decide wherever or not they want elves to be an actual mortal race or wholly supernatural entities who are basically homonimous with other fey or other weird shit, you cant have it both ways

Op here

Dragon ogres are the oldest race in warhammer fantasy, the are essentially the dinosaurs of WHFB.

They are older then the old ones and chaos itself. They've fought massive wars in the past against the lizard men, dragons, and ogres.

Biologically they are humanoid above the waist, though their upper bodies are far larger and more powerful then the torso of a man. Their lower bodies are tauric in nature, with a reptilian appearance. Their scaly skin acts as natural armor.

Your average dragon ogre is 12 feet tall from claw to head, and 24 feet long from tail tip to chest. They can keep pace with a war-horse and arm wrestle anything short of a giant and win.

Dragon ogres only get larger with age, they are also biologically immortal - barring death in combat. Older dragon ogres known as shaggoths are seen to be more than 3 stories tall, and 60 feet long, kholek suneater (the second oldest dragon ogre) is seen to be between 30 and 300 feet tall (in some books he towers over 200 ft walls)

The oldest dragon ogre, krakanrok the black is the size of a mountain.


Vampires, 100%

They're such a sliding spectrum on the scale of how they're portrayed (and even better, used deliberately as such portrayal) with like feral husks enveloped in full blown madness, to regal and imperialistic demigods, to the big bulge in the center of entirely different types of goth partygoers.
that being said, I've yet to actually do Any tabletop anything involving anything vampire related, at all.

I prefer other origins who dont stem from vampiric confusion, my favorite is "victim of lunacy" but im also partial to the "skin wearing" one, I think the "deal with the devil" is kinda trite but I still prefer it over the disease curse stuff.

Generally speaking, I like when werewolves are their own thing and not just another boring beastman, you know basic human instincts and urges set loose, the inner animal given flesh, spooky moon stuff, all that jazz.

No one can sperg out better about elves than me. Already got a reputation.

When have werewolves not been that?

Gotta have My skelingtons. I love the creaky, rattling undead goofs. It bothers me that zombies have taken skeletons out of the limelight pretty heavily. Skeletons can be evil, they can be nice, sapient or the shambling dead, no matter how you do them they are better than zombies. Oh, and beastmen are also dope.

Most times actually, they are just undewhelming wolf people with super strenght and regeneration, WoD comes close to properly fleshing them out but in turnt it gives them faggy "guardians of nature" and "big family" connotations that miss the point entirely, only Black Spiral Dancers come close to what Im talking about.

>It bothers me that zombies have taken skeletons out of the limelight pretty heavily.

I think thats probably a good thing, we might get less skeletons but they are usually much higher quality than zombies.

Here's some meta history for you to sperg over then. Dragon Ogres were introduced as part of release of dragons in 1987 many of which became immense favorites for conversions for years to come. The first model was sculpted by Nick Bibby and was inspired by the completely thematically opposed nature loving wfrp zoat models. (Which in turn were inspired by the character Adzel from Poul Anderson's Polesotechnic League stories.)

Warforged or any form of robotic/construct races.


dark elves and liches

Fanboying isn't sperging. Sperging is when you have an autistic episode of anger, so unless dragon ogres make you really made because badwrongfun it's not sperging.

>Their lower bodies are tauric in nature
Quadrupedal. They're also tauric, but "tauric" means a mix of human and animal anatomy.

Tauric means related to a bull.

These guys.

I like robots.

Not a race but I just really like cyborgs, all flavors of them. I also like goblins.

tauric like centaurs. Things that look like centaurs but aren't are usually called taurs. Yeah, it's wrong, but it's too deeply ingrained to be changed
they're my fetish

>mfw my black chassis computer is a literal nigger
I don't have a face because computers aren't a race.

>mesopotamian aesthetics
>non cowardly attitude towards magic despite the risks
>unrivaled blacksmithing and engineering masters
>best centaurs
I tip my tower hat to you, sir

Pity AoW III isn't this good.
>Expected everything that was good in AoW: Shadow Magic + extra units depending on class
>Get a halved roster with the other half being said class-unique units
>Undead are relegated to being Necromancer-class units
>No Archons for some reason as much as no Lizardmen since first AoW
>It was written that they simply left one day and that's that
>A large chunk of races since AoW isn't around
>Draconians got raped out of Dragons
>Hell, no race-unique end-tier units
>No Wood Elves and Dark Elves
>Instead get High Elves that are supposed to be both WElves and DElves reunited

I was never cucked this hard by a game.

I always liked werewolves that come in these flavors:
1. Are their own race.
2. Are the result of people coming into contact with a artifact that turns you into one.
3. The whole lycantrophy thing is a result of a deity and is actually a blessing for being a good worshipper.

They'll come in Warhammer III. And they will have a lot of crazy warmachines.

Saurus or non-anthro/non-mammaried lizardmen in general

Dragons are rad

Especially rifts ones.

Fae is just a faggy way of spelling elf.

Don't forget also:
*Forging actual daemons to their weapons and equipment.
*Supplementing their few numbers with slaves and mercenaries.
*Negotiating and making pacts with daemons instead of cowering from them like weaker fools.
*Bad ass hats

Beep boop, faggot.

I've never heard of a dragon ogres.

Orcs for sure, of all flavors

My werewulfs are people who have been blessed by The Beast, The Savage Power, for their brutal ways. Basically, if you are extremely unclean and quick to gratuitous physical violence, you progressively become a werewulf, which is like The Hulk. You become even more quick to rage, rage even harder, and become empowered by The Beast. By the time doing this causes fur to grow on your body, you're already pretty much unstoppable, and it's going to take a skilled wizard/cleric to abate your rampage.

Don't forget they bath in lightning.

Funny, the former for me are elves, only because the dearth of mythological grabag origins they have are so fascinating to me. Also I love hybrid and gish characters, which elves in D&D originated as.

The latter it's dwarves. I have a hard time connecting to them. All the blue collar sort of people i've encountered in my life have turned out to be terrible. I also find them to be creatively bankrupt, for those who want to play drunk, scottish, fighters. This is why i'm intentionally challenging myself by using them, drawing from mythology and my own experiences to inform my depictions of them.

I've always felt skeletons as a morbidly jovial sort. They're always grinning and cackling, as if there is some great joke at the expense of the living.

>If the former, then orcs. I like most forms of orcs, but industrial orcs especially.

The ones I made for a dwarf fortress mod. I'm really proud of them and gave them lore and everything. Would probably run a game with a few sprinkled in but I'm too inexperienced in tabletop to DM.

I never understood why on earth would chaos ogres be chaos troops.

Now I'm curious to see how industrial orcs go.

>Dragon ogres fought massive wars in the past against dragons and ogres
Oh c'mon.

This. Because they're not made up, and if you make them behave in ways that are made up, and in ways that their real-world counterparts clearly don't adhere to, then you might as well just make up your own fantasy race that works the way you want them to.

Its like transplanting a real country into your fantasy realm, but then changing it so that its not the same... Its kind of jarring and out-of-place. Oh yeah its the sword coast from Forgotten Realms but now it has Britain off the coastline, except I've completely changed the culture of Britain to fit my ideals of what Britain should be... but its still looks exactly like and basically is Britain. Then you say "But Britain isn't like that and never was, that makes no sense." and they respond with "RREEEEE GO BACK TO POL!"

The mix of engineering, craftsmanship, tradition, honor and alcohol is the best vanilla flavor.
I know that the cliche is beyond exploited at this point, but I never get bored of them.

>What race do you sperg out over?
My favorite races are dwarves and orcs.

Birdfolk, because of their concept of freedom and exploration of the outside world and of self. Also because they can fucking fly, which makes you tons more helpful as a PC ally for your teammates. Not to mention wind is the best element of the western four. They also make it easy to pick between an energetic, free-spirited personality or one that's more internal and focused on self reflection, like with Tengu.

And lamias, because why the fuck not.
They have hips for days, specialize in the art of persuasion, make great fighter-class and spellcaster-class PCs, all that, and they're my fetish.

I can't neccesarily say it's a race, but I'm gonna have to say anything Tzeentch Related.

>Bonus Pts
-Tube Fingers
-Fungoid Robes
-Long Gangly Limbs

Probably like this

frog/toad people

Any one else crazy about Djinn?

I love using them in my world, especially granting monkey paw style wishes. There's just something awesome about this creatures that could give you anything you ever asked for but it comes at a huge cost or ironic fate.

my fellow human being

I once brought up the idea of playing a djinn with my DM. Although I did it under the condition that I mentioned instead of just being a free genie granting wishes to whoever the fuck, I would be a genie that would grant a wish, and therefore become a servant to whomever I granted a wish, and so would by effect be a genie either looking for a master to serve, or a free spirit holding onto his wish granting ability until he feels compelled to grant a wish for someone in need, etc.

The idea was turned down, but only because the Homebrew race I showed allowed for "Major Creation" as a spell-like ability to be used 3 times a day, and we didn't have time to get into how to balance it out.
Especially since I already still had a PC who was alive and healthy.

Bug/reptile hybrids and plant people

I like novakids

high quality info, thanks!

I prefer them as desert fae. Wishes are not out of the question of course but it's not their central theme or the only thing they do. Wishes are a subproduct of the wonders djinns are able to work.

I've been working on a hippotaur race for funsies, and it has some pretty interesting management mechanics since I wanted it to be good in battle but a bit cumbersome outside of that The mechanics are vore related though

How do you prefer it to be transmitted?


Stealing this.

What game is this?



A bit this, a bit sentient golem/robots, but mostly spiderfolk.
But seriously I like a lot of things.

Me, giants and Halflings. I feel they do a good job to rounding out the human/elf/dwarf trio, and should be used more.

Also magical constructs. From golems to elementals.

And lastly portraying Fae as shapeshifting spirits from oter dimensions that are all kinds of weird.

So true.

Thanks homie.


Such a shame that aside from the Shaggoth miniature GW have never released a good Dragon Ogre.

Post deets.
maybe you could change the vore-related stuff to non-vore in order to keep it from being too weird



What's the race like?

Oh right I totally forgot the link


If you download it there'll be a text file with lore for all 23 of them. If you want though I can just put that on the pastebin.

Legion of Everblight in Hordes is getting more dragon ogres if that sort of thing is your jam.

Age of Wonders 3.

Sadly, race only has a small impact when compared to your Leader's Hero class

I like the way you think.

Me too user, me too.

I don't know why but I have a huge boner for Aasimar. They're strong and versatile and I just really like the potential for winged humanoids.

Eldar master race.

Tengu. I've always liked crows in general, both for being cool and cute, and a race of them has a strange appeal that I can't entirely explain. This includes the red-nose ones and the anime/touhou-ish kind, too.

Non-fantasy race wise, I've always liked the Tholians from Star Trek disproportionately compared to how much screentime they have.

>werewolves are born from a mixture of madness and madness-induced desire
>werewolves are born through pure, unadulterated force of will
This is an idea I can get behind.


I've only got into DnD/tabletop somewhat recently but I'm really into Goliaths

it's not quite an obsession though since they are unfortunately just a shitty version of half orcs mechanically.

Someone clearly hasn't played a goliath monk.

>no firbolg
I'm sad. Not suprised, but sad. and mad at whoever volo had write them in his fuckin book cause holy shit they look ugly and now they are just big hippies.

Ogres, not the newer, big, smelly green skinned variety, but the older shapeshifters. You see lots of stories about giant, shapeshifting, man-eating creatures coming from different cultures world wide and that really speaks to me. Especially when the Ogre isn't stupid, as so many are.