Previous Thread: More /pol/ tier putting words in your mouth trolling Edition.
Best gaming experience in 2017?
Worst gaming experience in 2017?
Previous Thread: More /pol/ tier putting words in your mouth trolling Edition.
Best gaming experience in 2017?
Worst gaming experience in 2017?
Worst was either when drunk guy insisted on TtR:euro, said "let's ignore all the special spaces!" and then proceeded to draw a ticket every round for the last half of the game putting his score into negative numbers OR
The next game where I actually realized drunk guy was not just stupid uncoordinated guy when he couldn't even draft cards, kept passing his drafted cards with the hand, would pass with out drafting etc.
Best was probably Terraforming Mars. Both times I played I ran away with the game by 20+ points and both times it was against "seasoned" players (the owner and someone he'd played with dozens of times). Despite it's flaws (rng with window dressing) I love a game I can stomp veterans in.
Biggest disappointment was SoA. I mean pure Euro, most direct interaction, zero mechanical complaints- it just fell flat.
Biggest surprise and score was playing Century: Spice Road and then finding a copy.
2017 was actually bretty gud despite drunk guy and some other group asshats.
>Small World?
Cure worse than the disease
Rate my collection. Any games you would recommend adding?
clank! or clank! in space
>Cure worse than the disease
(And if you reply again with a moronic "cause experienced players do better than newbs" bullshit, I'll punch you in the nads.)
But that's exactly one of the problems with Small world you nad obsessed tard. Once normal people who don't need dozens of plays to start learning a strategy play once or twice they can determine the best race and trait combos. On your first play unless you want to memorize the splat sheet you're screwed. That's a bad game- it relies on tons of information that you either have to memorize or experience to be competitive. As a noob you either have to make a huge time investment or just accept losing the first few, both are a shit waste of time when there are so many better games that can hit the table and with some instruction newbs can do as well as experienced players.
Seriously who the fuck wants to play a game where every time you teach it you slaughter all the noobs, or learn a game where the first one or two (or dozens for nard-tard) games are a complete waste because you'll lose?
The second problem is the stupid kill a whole turn to go into decline which destroys any strategic advantage to going into decline- it's such a major mechanic but it just ends up being wasted because it's impossible to predict the board a full two turns away.
So yeah
tl;dr noobs can't compete makes it a shit game and you're a fucking retard for not being able to recognize that's an actual fucking problem
>That's a bad game- it relies on tons of information that you either have to memorize or experience to be competitive.
That's literally every boardgame in existence, you retard.
Holy fuck, where do you mongoloids come from? Tell your mom not to date any more apes.
> The second problem is the stupid kill a whole turn to go into decline which destroys any strategic advantage to going into decline
Considering that choosing the moment when to decline is the only meaningful decision in the game, how is this a problem? The problem seems with you if you can't even figure out the game you're playing.
best experience: playing more board games with my gf
worst: retarded friends with no interest in learning the rules or taking the game seriously
BSG, Fury of Dracula, Warhammer Quest (only if you like the space hulk card game), Dead of Winter (if you like the theme).
>That's literally every boardgame in existence, you retard.
You keep saying this like it's true. Are you so retarded that you really believe this?
>Considering that choosing the moment when to decline is the only meaningful decision in the game
That and picking race/trait combos don't act like sailing dwarves are the same as trolls with walls. But instead of being meaningful picking your decline becomes pointless as a strategic decision because the delay changes the board to a point where it literally doesn't matter unless you just get totally fucking lucky, which is not how strategy works at all.
Even Cards Against Humanity has a learning curve, however short it may be.
>You keep saying this like it's true. Are you so retarded that you really believe this?
Name one game where this isn't true, retard.
Reposted from the other thread.
While not exactly released in 2017, my favorite has got to be Tyrants of the Underdark. I literally can't praise it enough for what it does.
The D&D cooperative adventure games have also consistently provided entertainment throughout the year.
The last game is a toss-up between Inis, Twilight Struggle and Kemet.
My biggest disappointment this year has been euro players. I love euros and my all-time favorite games are euros but it seems the majority of euro players are either min-maxers or autists, both are horrible to play with.
Best: kingdom death arrived and both me and my group love it to bits
Worst: I also got tragedy looper and new angeles, while I adore both games my group hates them, so now I have two very fun paperweights.
It seems like you think that the board state is important or unpredictable. This is probably why you keep losing in the game. Don't be so rustled and use your brain next time.
Terraforming Mars
Sons of Anarchy
Roll for the Galaxy
Race for the Galaxy
51st State
Evolution the Begninning
7 Wonders
Machi Koro (either version)
Castle Dice
Century: Spice Road
Explain how I'm wrong about any one of those. None of them need anything but some decent instruction to be totally competitive unless you're a complete retard or so autistic you cannot actually play anything without memorizing. I could name several more but you did just ask for one.
Fucking retarded troll making me respond.
Why would I play since the game sucks so bad? I have no interest in dominating noobs and even less in playing Small World again. It's great if you get off on that garbage but I have better games to play.
>inb4 name one just see here
>7 Wonders
>Litterally "babysitting new players so they can even play: the game"
Now you're just trolling.
In one of the earlier threads I some negativity towards SUSD. Why's that? I think their videos are entertaining and the only things I dislike is the occasional mention of sexism and Paul. He seems to be a twat.
> Race for the Galaxy
Really? RftG, literally "memorize all the card combinations, the game"?
Are you insane? Please don't ever, ever post here again.
You're literally autistic if you think you cannot win at Race without memorizing everything.
Look it's a fucking game where you don't have to know everything or have played to do well.
God damn I cannot wait until you summerfags have to go back to school.
But user, it's winter.
At least in the northern hemisphere, which is the one that counts.
They're all faggots from Londonistan who gargle their own farts while Ahmed rails their mums. Whilst nuking the city is inevitable, catching these stains (and their ilk) in the blast would be what turns a mandatory action into a glorious occasion.
>being this mad about a board game reviewer
it's time to stop typing and go out
get some fresh air, a bit of sunlight, some nice hot coffee or even a few drinks, talk to a stranger, get some exercise, whatever makes your existence a bit less wretched
>taking Veeky Forums this seriously
it's time to stop typing and go out
get some fresh air, a bit of sunlight, some nice hot coffee or even a few drinks, talk to a stranger, get some exercise, whatever makes your existence a bit less wretched
You know, if you'd just calling them fags would be much more helpful.
It's all subjective but if you think they're entertaining I assume you're the kind of person who also thinks shows with laugh tracks are witty.
Ain't that the truth...
>You're literally autistic if you think you cannot win at Race without memorizing everything.
You can, if you're playing literally against newbs who are playing it for the first time.
If you're playing against anybody with even a little bit of experience, then no, you can't.
Looks like the retard just listed off the games he never played against experienced opponents.
Thinking RftG (a game with extensive theory and lots of memorization) requires less experience than Small World (an extremely normie game that can be solved in 10 plays) is beyond stupid. He probably has some sort of autism spectrum and/or learning disability disorder.
It's reddit tier stuff friendo.
>reference pear
>Blood Rage has boobs lets whine about it
>Kingdom Death art is sexist
>Ladies and Gentlemen is a great game because you can get literally cucked in it.
No thanks. I'd rather listen to Sam Healey rant.
I agree with The word autistic gets thrown around a lot here but the guy you replied to seems to have some sort of legitimate social disorder.
>Small World (an extremely normie game that can be solved in 10 plays)
Solved's a word you'd use if english weren't your first language. Think he was going for resolved, determined or settled.
Are you, by chance, the retard who tries to argue that TtR is an area control game and Dominion is a tableau builder?
Fair enough, it's just frustrating that it has a very important meaning when it comes to games and some people will throw it out there without thinking.
You're right, I shouldn't use incorrect terminology online where non-verbal cues don't translate well.
Small World isn't solved, it just feels like it is.
And on that you are quite right. Rock on, user.
Looking for smaller boardgames for barnights with 30bucks budject (2-4 players), ive narrowed it down to a few options (already have coup and hanabi)
>8 minute empire legends
Other suggestions?
7 wonders
It's fast but eats up a good chunk of table room. If space is a concern I recommend Sushi Go Party. Pretty much the same game but more compact and with fewer rules.
Love Letter (batman is pretty good)
Ravenous River (better with 7 though)
Bohnanza (Beans)
The Grizzled
Both of your suggestions take way too long. Citadels can often turn into 90 minutes
8ME is more like 45 to 60
I usually play it with other three friends of mine at the bar and it works perfectly.
>TtR area control
are you retarded? It's clearly worker placement.
Fairy Tale is bretty gud and quick
Evolution: the beginning might get stale if you don't have things to rotate with (I've had people begging to play a 3rd game after back to back games but like most simpler games it can get old)
Forbidden Desert if you want that co-op experience. Forbidden Island is Pandemic Light but Forbidden Desert is supposed to be better.
I think everything else is too long, not small, two player, has fiddly bits or one of the above is better.
Fairy Tale > Sushi Go
I've heard Nevermore is good drafting game but my copy is inna mail.
No, its clearly a set collection game.
>draw rainbow engine
>never find a rainbow track
TtR sucks ass
>>never find a rainbow track
There's actually a "rainbow track" in Nordic TtR.
Fucking Gay Agenda
It's not actually rainbow-colored, it's gray. But it requires a locomotive card still.
What about Fairy Tale versus Seven Wonders?
hmmm. Seven wonders has more theme and goes over really well with new players. There are cards and coins and you use everything you draft, last card discarded. There are a lot of options to victory and you're doing different things like increasing your income, increasing your resource generation, building your Wonder tiers. Actual interaction is limited to your neighbors and you can get screwed if nobody produces wood or something.
Fairy tale has more combos but 4 fairy knights gets you nothing but points. Cards once on the table don't do anything. Knights and dragons are just pretty art they literally mean nothing (dragon and cave is a combo but it could as easily be pizza and cheese). Fairy tale has all cards and two "levels" with some extra points in the "expert" for most of X or some other stuff. You draft five cards, play 3 in 4 rounds. Once played they do nothing. You usually only interact with your tableau and the tableau is just there- I mean you might flip or unflip but your cards only get you points in the end, there is no engine building even in the sense 7 wonders has it. There are a few cards which force everyone to flip but otherwise hate drafting is your only interaction.
Fairy Tale has a lot smaller footprint (all cards).
Both are good introductory tier games. 7 wonders has some expansions.
I'll look into these. I'm deciding on a game to introduce to my new gaming group, which has no experienced players. Which of these plays better with just two players?
Fairy Tale although I haven't personally played it with two.
7 Wonders has a stand alone duel version for 2p and the main game has a rather clunky "3rd player" mechanic to make it work with two.