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>How to Jumpchain
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Please tell me about some good perks for developing counters to an enemy's techniques/powers/magic/etc.
So with the recent Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines jump opening up Sabbat and Independent clans/bloodlines as options which clan are you guys intending to go?
Every Underdog Has His Day, Majikoi for techniques and powers.
>Sabbat and Independent
Aren't all of them horribly edgy and stupid even by vampire standards? I'ma stick with being a Ventrue, because I like hot showers and good clothes.
Still Ventrue or Toreador. That place doesnt respond well to pure force.
Eh, still Ventrue because that's what I played during the game. That and I don't know jack about the tabletop version of VtM. There be vampires and lots of edgy tragedy or something.
I don't know, the Technocracy ends up almost soloing a couple Antediluvians with sunlight powered killsats don't they? Seems like it's just a matter of harnessing the sun safely.
>Edgy & Stupid
Yes. Their entire thing is that they want to rule in open. They see people as little more than objects at best. They also got the entire Darwin approach to unlife. Which is why they sire a bunch of people at once, then knock them out & bury them. If they crawl out and survive the night without dying, they’re worthy of joining them.
Anarchs are better than Camilla or Sabbat. There’s no old vampire telling you what to do. Just bunch of dudes & dudettes wishing to ride out their unlife their way, without being bossed around. So long you don’t cause too much trouble, they don’t give shit what you do. Just don’t bring heat down upon the rest the Anarchs.
I'll probably just be the world's least proactive Ventrue just so I can still mooch off the luxurious vampire holdings.
Yeah, but the Technocracy are technically mages. They're just mages whose paradigm is "semi-plausible advanced technology". That's not just some big solar focusing lens, it's also a Forces 7, Prime 4 spell. Got to get some magic in there if you want it to be that effective.
Still Gangrel on main chain, debating on change for the son's chain. Not sure yet, haven't looked at it yet.
>Aren't all of them horribly edgy and stupid even by vampire standards?
Well you're Antitribu in the jump if you go in that direction so still technically Camarilla (or at least that's what your sire was).
Ideologically you could be nearly anything then but yeah the Camarilla clans were designed/released first when VtM first came out so they got all the conventional powers (dementation notwithstanding). Sabbat and Independent clans tend to have less conventional vampire powers as a result (sometimes stupid, often edgy but, hey, it's vampires).
Hey Val, if you take It's Araragi in Monogatari will people react to your perversion as they did to Koyomi's or will it be more negative?
>Forces 7, Prime 4
I remember reading over /cod/ general shitposting that amounted to 2 things:
1. Spirit 6, Correspondence 6 and Prime 6 is sufficient to annihilate the sevenfold curse on Cain.
2. With Forces 9, you may or may not be able to create a "Force of Mage supremacy" which is an omnipresent physical phenomena with the property of...making mages win. Or with Matter 5, a Material of Mage supremacy. Which is more unwieldly because you actually need to hit people with the brick of Fuck You you just mage'd out.
Really makes me wonder where the actual horror in Mage is supposed to come from, when canon mages /aren't/ aware their powers amount to inputing the cheat codes into a TES world engine.
I can't remember if it's quite that easy at high Spheres to win casually, but yeah, Mage was always the least horrific game of the Old World of Darkness. In my experience, games of Mage always had more of a superheroic vibe, this gang of people from exotic and varied origins and perspectives going around using their superscience/Gaian earth magic/really good drugs to fight the Man and his evil cyborg armies.
I just felt something on the cringe wavelength.
>There is now a F/SN cooking show
>Episode 1 is LITERALLY just 8 minutes of Shirou making dinner, 2 minutes of Taiga and Illya sleeping on a kotatsu and 1 minute of handholding with Saiba
>It's like the second coming of Carnival Phantasm but with comfy instead of funny
The absolute madman!
>1 minute of handholding with Saber
Lewd. They can’t show this to kids!
Ventrue has the best stats, specially considering that you can arrive with 5 dots in the best disciplines for just 600 CP: Presence, Domination and Fortitude.
You could add Obfuscation and Protean for later fun, and maybe Auspex, and still have 100 CP to throw at some perk. But for a social vampire (the one with higher chances to survive the locals), those are the three best disciplines.
Entrepreneurs! Tell me about your business?
How many do you have?
What kind of product/service does your business provide?
Is your business(es) always the same type between Jumps or do they change to match the setting?
Are you hands on or hands off type of businessman?
Has your business ever effected the plot?
Has your business gotten you dragged into plots?
I run an apiary and tea garden.
Well it is a shellfish porno.
He still ain’t shit to Servant Jumper and his 1,001 multi-galaxy busting Noble Phantasms and hundreds upon hundreds of invincible super Skills.
How’s the Pathfinder Jump coming along?
Probably True Brujah. I loves me some time fuckery.
Slowly. Holidays and all that.
But I'm about to get off my ass and do as much as I can before Monday, since that's when classes start back for me.
Cappadocian because I will find God and Diablerize him.
>Entrepreneurs! Tell me about your business?
mostly tech companies, some medicine a couple bed and breakfasts,/hotels and apartment complexes ,Oh and the media company.
>How many do you have?
I'd say around A gross?
>What kind of product/service does your business provide?
well I've taken brain tapes of all the great artists from history and popular culture of every kind of art,and have quasi-sapient "art dolls" Based on them creating stuff they would have created if they had access to he processing power, tools and each other as collaborators,They are paid a fair wage and brought up to speed n how things are nowadays but mostly they exist as Emulated LMD brains on mother box Producing product for the media companies. there generally give A fair severance of They wish to quit including their own body and then another copy of the Personality template is loaded and brought up to speed.
the medicine companies and tech companies just resell out of context stuff from other jumps and the bed and breakfasts apartments,and hotels just went out properties I've purchased with CP.
>Is your business(es) always the same type between Jumps or do they change to match the setting
It's one giant company so yes? I generally don't downscale at least,No lesion to let people suffer because they haven't come up with the germ theory of disease yet.
>Are you hands on or hands off type of businessman
hands-off,except for the bed-and-breakfast at the edge of forever which I run out of the house of mystery. my jumper's greatest strength is knowing how to delegate.
Has anyone considered doing a jump for any of the major /cyoag/ CYOAs? Would it be frowned upon?
No and yes. Attempts have been made. They were appalling.
I have the Guild from K6BD and other megacorps, from many other jumps, I guess they produce everything and represent a huge chunk of the global GDP of every setting that I go.
Yes and sort of. People have talked about it before but generally they don't translate well and don't have a tonne of lore (which is admittedly also an issue with some generic jumps).
Like generics or other fanmade settings if someone made an attempt that was good it would probably be accepted but we've never had a successful proof of concept.
I've got a lot. There's a capstone perk in Majikoi, can't remember the name off the top of my head and I'm too lazy to look it up, whose boosted version lets any business that you made yourself follow you from world to world. So I've got a lot of them. Mostly focused into high technology fields: aerospace and space development, materials science, biotech and pharmaceuticals, stuff like that. I'm reasonably hands-off, I trust that the people I've hired will manage them well both because of finding excellent talent and a few "your followers are more competent" perks.
As for affecting the plot, yeah, that happens a lot. Dumping a lot of advanced technology into a setting will do that, it changes the setting significantly when spaceflight is cheap and affordable and biotechnology advances have ended 90% of the world's health problems. It really messes with the modern magic settings, I find. A lot of villains in those just don't know what to do with a humanity that isn't stuck in a miserable existence trapped on a single planet. Gets them all twitchy, they tend to make more impulsive moves as a result.
>"your followers are more competent" perks
Do we have a list of those? Because that would be helpful.
I know Worm alone has three of those (Villain and Rogue capstones), and Diabolical's Overlord origin is all about better minions.
I posed this question a couple threads back, but I didn't get any responses for or against, so I'll ask again, just to know where people stand on the matter.
At the suggestion of an user a while back, I'm thinking of somehow distributing the files for Keitai Sousakan 7 I have in such a way that they'd be easily accessible for the thread.
For those who don't know, I made a jump for KS7 a bit ago, but in addition to the main series being hard to find, I have some of the non-canon videos that are pretty much impossible to get online currently.
For one thing, I'm not sure what exactly the ideal means of distribution would be, but more importantly, I just wanted to know if anyone was against me doing something like this for whatever reason.
They soloed one with the help of a bunch of kuei-jin, werewolves, killsats, and a few spiritual super-nukes. And the Antediluvian was starving.
Make a drop box and poat link here
Do it, I was trying to watch it online but couldn't find it anywhere and the show seems very interesting too.
Ah, no, sorry. Off the top of my head, though, I've taken such perks from Worm, Civilization, and Diabolical.
the evolution power from Worm if you actually want to physically evolve to counter enemies.
NiohAnon. Was working on Foreign Warrior's capstones, got distracted by drawback ideas. This always happens - I seem to be attracted to finishing Drawbacks before anything else.
Tzimisce. Why limit myself to my old trappings of Humanity?
Most likely Salubri.
While I'm waiting for Dropbox to do its thing, I just wanted to say that the Needless manga is a fucking treat. Dear God am I gonna have fun with this jump.
I'm seriously tempted to make traps a species with a full perkline.
So it really is you, OAA.
Do it. Immanentize the meme.
Do eettt!
Go for it.
>It's OAA trying to push more garbage as someone else
Well I guess we're rejecting the Nioh jump claim and giving it to Valeria.
>Bloody Rivalry
I like you.
Perk to be like Schrödinger's cat but in terms of gender. Boy or girl you will know in bed.
Isn't that going to be a UQ Holder thing though?
Sounds silly, but worth it.
Also, could you pick up claim? We're rejecting their jump and if Valeria doesn't pick it up, we'll need another jumpmaker to blow them out.
I still intend on being a Toreador of some description. Looking for an interesting Bloodline.
>giving it to Valeria
Ew, no. Fuck that. Give it to Heavens or NuBee or something. Lock the latter in a dungeon, if need be, to prevent contamination by certain other jumpmakers.
It is? I'm confused, what about the Pastebin identifies it as OAA's? What am I missing?
t. OAA
I thought the reason we were taking the claim was because we wanted an actual jump. Giving it to Valeria seems rather counterproductive to that aim, no?
So what are the best perks/powers to get Vector Manipulation (like Accelerator from To Aru)? Aside from just using a power copier perk I mean.
We're in shitpost mode.
Superscience and brain surgery. No bullshit.
His speech patterns, his cowardice, the fact that he's apparently worked on other jumps, that he's attracted to drawbacks first (which is how OAA WIPs), etc. It's either OAA or someone pretending to be OAA.
Marvel Magic gods domain of vectors.
Gen Xianxia secret art as manipulation of vectors.
Any telekinesis power that can be trained. Accelerator is just a telekinetic that mix-maxed his range stat way down in exchange for really high power and precision. Get telekinesis, and train it to the extreme.
What speech patterns? Serious question, I'm not good at identifying voices in text. Also, what cowardice? It can't be using a fake name instead of "OAA", because that's something you'd only know after identifying him as OAA so it couldn't be one of the things you're using to identify him as OAA. I am so lost.
Plutonian powers could get this, or getting a stand related to vectors. Maybe a third tier Briah? You could also get telekinesis and one of the options that give your powers a mind of their own (thinking of Dies Irae or Medaka Box) and let them defend you.
Generic Isekai
Shit. Posting.
No fuck you it's OAA and we're rejecting it. End of story.
No fuck you you have no proof and we're keeping it. End of story.
Cybernetics. Accelerator can exert forces on any particle that gets close enough to him. So embed a network of micro-scale force effectors just beneath your skin. Everything after that is an issue of power supply and computational analysis, so really get into the cyborgization and replace your heart with a fusion reactor and your brain with a quantum computer. All the cool kids are doing it.
Why do you insist on defending pieces of shit who make this community worse.
how so? If you mean just the process of becoming an esper, I'm pretty sure people couldn't choose their power.
Thanks, those could work
I'm fairly confident that Accelerators power were more/different than maxed out telekinesis. Like, I can try that and it'll probably help, but I'm 99% sure that the power is not just straight telekinesis (though I'm not denying it probably is an element).
What are Plutonian powers from?
Stop shitposting OAA, we know it’s you. Your speech pattern, your shitposting, and your cowardice. Stop trying to pass NiohAnon off as you.
Because anyone is better than you. I'd defend Bancho before I defended you.
Why do you insist on being a piece of shit who make this community worse.
Can... Can someone explain to me how the fuck we spiraled to this from one post from an user jumpmaker?
Hey, as someone who knows practically nothing about Sekirei, would there be any negative consequences of just killing Minaka the moment you showed up? (Assuming you had some way to not get prosecuted through the normal legal channels.)
Do you have any idea how utterly childish you sound?
Also, does this mean the WoW Jump will be rejected if it's ever finished? Because I'm actually looking forward to that one.
He feels the need to say "y'all" and other things typically associated with southerners despite being from the East Coast, as well as "buddy" and a bunch of other random shit. That's also he he solicits critique, up there.
Autism and insanity, I guess.
>What are Plutonian powers from?
>I'm pretty sure people couldn't choose their power.
Then they just need to get better at SCIENCE
Same way it always happens. People are bored and rather than think up anything interesting to talk about, they'd rather shitpost.
>What are Plutonian powers from?
I'm Southern and I'm also on the East Coast. They're not mutually exclusive dumbass.
Meant for
That’s something OAA would say, OAA.
He's from New York, though.
Fuck off already, OAA. We've made it more than clear you're rejected from this community.
And seeing as Discord, Spacebattles, AND Questionable Questing also hate your guts? You may as well kill yourself already and save us the trouble.
Only OAA would so vehemently deny being OAA, OAA.
Not OAA. Fuck off Timmy.
Since you're doing Underdark, I am obligated to ask you to storytime one of your adventures in the Underdark. Or just anything involving Drow and other Underdark gribblies if you never actually got play there.
And you constantly feel the need to defend somebody who shits on you and everything you care about.
Why do you do it?
>Only OAA would so vehemently deny being OAA, OAA.
Isn't that what you're doing, OAA?
Shitposting is standard and it always has been. OAA is the current flavor and they just attribute absolutely everything to him. At this point I'd actually be impressed if he was capable of half the things they accuse him of.
Most of it is unsubstantial and/or false flagging anyways. Just people arguing with themselves to make it look like a big argument and clogging up the thread with boring chat.