We need more emphasis on fungi races yes or no

We need more emphasis on fungi races yes or no

You can't walk straight with a fungus on your head.

What would their role be? They seem like a shoe-in for monster races and not much else, unless you're running a whimsical japanese spirits thing.

We need more peaceful mushroom bros

they're an agricultural race who uses their natural talents to make the absolute best fertilizer out of all the useless garbage you throw away.

attitude-wise, they're like hippie-ass elves, except they actually DO STUFF while they chew you out for being wasteful.

Yeah we need more fungi

No. I welcome fresh stuff, but there is no obligation to any one specific thing.

Worst fungus. Just a vehicle for random spawning.

Oh it's fun, case of angry fungus, so if you want a good natured one, just make opposite of these

Fuck fungi. Slime molds, motherfucker!
>Slime mold or slime mould is an informal name given to several kinds of unrelated eukaryotic organisms that can live freely as single cells, but can aggregate together to form multicellular reproductive structures.

>When a slime mold mass or mound is physically separated, the cells find their way back to re-unite. Studies on Physarum have even shown an ability to learn and predict periodic unfavorable conditions in laboratory experiments.[9] John Tyler Bonner, a professor of ecology known for his studies of slime molds, argues that they are "no more than a bag of amoebae encased in a thin slime sheath, yet they manage to have various behaviours that are equal to those of animals who possess muscles and nerves with ganglia – that is, simple brains."

>Atsushi Tero of Hokkaido University grew the slime mold Physarum polycephalum in a flat wet dish, placing the mold in a central position representing Tokyo and oat flakes surrounding it corresponding to the locations of other major cities in the Greater Tokyo Area. As Physarum avoids bright light, light was used to simulate mountains, water and other obstacles in the dish. The mold first densely filled the space with plasmodia, and then thinned the network to focus on efficiently connected branches. The network strikingly resembled Tokyo's rail system.
Nothing but a mass of unicellular nothings that can group together and move around like snails to look for better conditions, then they turn into mushrooms of stuff anand send out spores or whatever they damn well please.

>accepting the theory that they are fungi
>not being adept of the theory that they come through space holes

Absolutely! They are on my list of beings in need of incarnations. Together with these:
>Jellyfish, your immortal and cute - but toxic - aliens
>Deep sea creatures (lots of light and bait stuff)
>Whales, the Bards of the seas
>Parrots and crows, the clever and flamboyant ones
With mushrooms as the base, you could have a great multitude of ways to handle them. Scavengers, mesmers, lamps, organizers. Poison, mind control, regeneration, weakness to dryness and cold... You even get your hermaphrodites.

They are agriculture of ant races, the Amazon hives. Lamps and slaves (food if you are brutal).


Theoretically speaking, if a race of fungal people could rapidly grow mushrooms out of their body, would they be edible? Could the fungal party member essentially be a walking ration source, cutting off mushroom growths and cooking them up while he/she just digs him/herself into the moist dirty for nutrients?

We need more
>Fungi races
>Plant races
>Undead races
>Construct races

There’s genuinely nothing fungal about Warhammer’s orks except a writer just declared they come from spores.

Like, I can just take a picture of a regular human, say it came from a spore, and that’s the same amount of thought as Warhammer put into making them actually fungus. Genuinely worst “fungus” race.

Do you shave off your skin so your party can eat? It grows back. Same concept.

I'd prefer an emphasis on fun gay races

>It grows back
Not really if you cut into the dermis, it will kinda grow back but as scar tissue mostly, fungi grows back far more rapidly and consistently.

The difference is the cap of a mushroom is more skin to a toenail or penis


Fungi are the Evil Invader Race in my current D&D. Some dumbass wizard let them in though a dimensional portal. They're composed of three different species of fungi, each with their own hivemind.

The first strain makes fungaloids, which are like triffids but they inject you with spores. Sometimes a fungaloid will plant itself and grow hundreds of feet tall if there's enough of them. The second strain makes tree-sized mushrooms that pump out huge clouds of spores. They spread quickly and cover the ground, and if you breathe them in, you'll be infected. The third makes thorn bushes. Imagine trying to crawl through a very dense hedge, but it's writhing and trying to inject you with spores. All three produce various highly addictive fruits that let you control fungus, but if you eat too many, the hiveminds will take over your body.

Currently the fungus covers about half the continent. Seasonal burnings keep it from spreading, but gods forbid it becomes fireproof...

I’ve always loved the use of homonculi as a construct race in order to avoid strait-up magic robots

How would it reproduce?


Getting fuccbois asspregnant in their boipuccis


>race of self-fertilizing beings that happen to look like sexy dudes
>only the best can reproduce
>fight for dominance
>winner will use their ovipositors that happen to look a lot like dicks to have the loser incubate their young inside their warm flesh.
>may target men of other races

There you go.

Well all right then

I agree with all of these, and regularly have problems not getting to play these.


>fun guy races