Do Orcs exist in your setting? How does your society look upon them? Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
Do Orcs exist in your setting? How does your society look upon them...
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Orcs are a humanoid race standing about 7ft tall when not hunched over, but most stand at 6.5ft due to poor posture. The common, wild ones are evil through and through though not for grand schemes, simply for finding great joy in destruction. They aren't stupid but very few live past their 20s making their knowledge quite limited and based around nomadic survival.
Some Orcs create settlements, usually from one they have just destroyed, and over time become more calm. After a few generations some even develop a deep culture and stray from their savage tendencies, and some yet become diplomatic with nearby towns. This small percentage leads to the extremely rare Half Orc, and such beings are revered and despised.
Do Human and Elvish women love big Orcish cocks in your setting?
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
>How does your society look upon them?
Orcs are as varied and as numerous as humans. Elves and dwarves both view orcs and humans in a similar light: short-lived, ignorant, and unable to control themselves. Orcs, like humans, are spread all over the globe and have many varied and unique cultures.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
There isn't much reason to have sex with an orc because half-breeds don't exist in my setting. That being said, humans and orcs in "untamed" parts of the world tend to raid each other and in doing so a lot of rape happens both ways. Orcs, however, are naturally stronger than humans so human men do have a bit of trouble raping orc women sometimes.
My idea for when I finally get to run a FUCKING fantasy game is to make orcs basically mindless thralls to the god who created them. They were created from inanimate matter and revert to dust when killed. They wouldn't be a playable race obviously
But do people still fuck Orcs?
>This small percentage leads to the extremely rare Half Orc, and such beings are revered and despised.
Do you mean reviled? Because having a character revered and despised actually sounds interesting.
If you plan on using your thread for shitposting, it's a good idea to make the thread with your phone. Otherwise the poster count gives you away.
Only if they're trying really, really hard
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
>How does your society look upon them?
As mindless beasts which exist only to cause ruin and death, incapable of even using fire or tools. Which is quite accurate.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
They would be. They also would have to be quite resourceful to manage that. My orcs are assexual, they reproduce by litters spawning from dead orc's corpses.
Please stop shitposting.
Orcs are a primitive but powerful race, the first created by the Old Gods long ago. Many different subraces exist, each bearing the maker's marks of a given pair of Old Gods. The most common are the children of Strength and Freedom. They resemble +8ft gorillas with rust-red fur and the faces of brass-tusked boars. They're looked at as a necessary evil by most races, because while they're a nuisance when left to their own backwards ways, they're a massive problem when set on the warpath .
Very few people fuck them, slightly less than those who fuck goblins (Shortstack magical ratfolk is a hell of a combo for some people, even if they'll use it against you latter) but more than those who fuck elves (Accepting anything from the elves, be it sex food or gifts, is a pretty good way to get trapped in the Court. They also don't look as pretty as you think they do, and you don't want to know what they do look like)
Violent tendencies who cannot into interacting with non-orcs
Not really
Most of the orc racism is in the past
>Violent tendencies who cannot into interacting with non-orcs
Why is Orc racism a bad thing and in the past?
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
>How does your society look upon them?
Depends. If they're followers of the Philosophies of Annihilation, they're fucking terrified.
If they're a mercenary clan, they hope they're on their lords payroll.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
Only those who fuck mercenary orcs survive, so no more than any other camp follower.
>Depends. If they're followers of the Philosophies of Annihilation, they're fucking terrified.
>If they're a mercenary clan, they hope they're on their lords payroll.
Though I can gather the basic gist of it from what you've said already, I'd love to hear more about your orcs.
oh hey, you're still around, good to see you user
Gray-skinned brute-looking nomads with good physical attributes and inborn dislike for education. Some are educated though and some are even fairly good-looking by human standards.
Setting's ancient evil took half their race, made their skin green, mindraped them, made them breed like rabbits, equipped them with edgy black armors and unleashed them to wage war with the rest of the world forever.
Gray orcs really despise green orcs, which in turn makes other non-evil races somewhat respect the grays.
Thanks user. I've just returned, life happened for the last two months.
Orcs are not a natural creation. They were made during the War of Pigs by the War Witches, devotees of Orcus. Combining the flesh of men and giants in vats of demon ichor, they birthed this terrifying thing to fuel the numbers of their armies.
Much later, near the end of the war, the War Witches sought to summon an aborted godling to fuel their power. They were successfull, but the orcs saw the godling, turned on their witch masters, and took the godling for their own.
The Midwives, all female orcish descendants of the War Witches, interpret the mumurs of the foetal godling. These are Philosophies of Annihilation. Orcs raid and pillage to nurture the godling, so it will grow big and strong and be their new god on earth.
Those Orcs who did not adhere to the foetal god and the Philosophies of Annihilation, found themselves purposeless. As they were bred for war, war is all they know, so they organized themselves into mercenary clans, and make war for a living at the behest of others.
It's warhammer fantasy.
So if you can even fuck an orc is dependent on 1e or 2e I guess.
Many people find them a bit picky and snobbish, and often mock their love of skincare products and somewhat excessive cleanliness but they can't deny the quality and quantity of the cuisine and liquor they produce.
Not anymore than any other interracial couple. Well, elves generally don't approve of interbreeding with other races but for the most part it's either a non issue or only mildly disapproved of.
So Orcs in your setting are pretty much this guy?
They're essentially French p'orcs but they care about hygiene because of their delicate skin.
There are two races in my setting that are commonly called Orcs, but only one of them is the real deal. True Orcs are quite closely related to Humans, and aren't that different, being slightly shorter and rather stockier, and generally having large, jutting jaws. They have lived alongside humans at various points in time, interbreeding to the point where they were no longer distinct. The only pure-blooded Orcs left are in the Transhoch and the Far West, the former being mostly nomads like the humans in the area, and the latter being civilized, but only known by the trade in spices and rare materials that goes across the South Sea. Basically, they're like if Neanderthals stuck around in some places instead of totally interbreeding.
The other group, which many mistake for Orcs, are properly called Firj, and are Goblinoids. Several millennia ago, the Firj, along with their Goblin cousins, were cursed by a wizard to only be able to breed with the barely-sentient Feral Goblins, which was intended to doom the Goblinoid races, previously some of the most advanced peoples around, to stupidity. Many Goblin groups, including the Firj, found ways around the curse to maintain their intelligence. For example, the Yugara modified themselves magically to reproduce by sporulation. For the Firj, the solution was simply not to breed. They achieved biological immortality through magic, so they would not have their society crumble through intellectual degeneration. Unfortunately, it eventually crumbled anyway due to constant conflict and a lack of manpower (firjpower?). All Firj alive today were alive before the curse was cast, and they are therefore one of the best sources of historical knowledge. However, the Firj have become few, and since they continue to grow throughout their lives, most are hulking, brutish-looking figures, several feet taller, much bulkier and much stronger than a man. Thus, most people view them as terrifying monster-men to avoid at all costs.
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
Yes, they are in fact one of the most wide-spread races alongside humans.
They have a tribal society. In times of peace, they are hunters and gatherers, but that does not happen often, as they mostly thrive on raiding and pillaging.
They do have their own craftsmen, like blacksmiths, but they rely on resources they plundered, rather than mining ore themselves.
>How does your society look upon them?
Depends. Most civilized societies stereotype them as cold blooded murderers, rapists, and cannibals, and they are not entirely unjustified in this, as the raiding orc tribes do all those things, and do not feel the least bit guilty about it.
Some human nations do however pay-off smaller tribes to work for them as mercenaries, and even allow them to live on the outskirts of cities. These orcs are generally seen with distrust, but are quietly tolerated, as long as they do not go on an unprovoked killing spree.
Some of these Orcs who lived near humans for generations even assume human culture, and pursue careers like pit fighters, bounty hunters, laborers, or sailors. They are still distrusted (and they have a tendency for getting into trouble due to often being hotheads), but as long as they do their job, they are quietly tolerated.
On the other hand, some of the more tribal people of the setting, like the setting's equivalents of the Vikings and Mongolians, as well as monstrous races like goblins, kobolds, drow, and gnolls, and outright monsters like Ogres, Trolls, and Hill Giants, tend to be on better terms with the Orcs, and often join forces for the sake of raiding and pillaging.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
Depends on circumstances.
Someone who was raped by an orc is generally looked upon with pity. Someone willingly hooking-up with one of the pillaging orcs however is viewed as a traitor.
As far as the more "domestic' orcs go, most people who get it on with them are either prostitutes or drunks. Any other person who gets it on with them risks getting a similar reputation. It is less severe with a Half-Orc.
The more tribal people on the other hand have no stigma about getting together with one of their Orc allies, and it is not uncommon to see Half-Orcs among their ranks.
The Drow, despite being common allies of the Orcs, however only accepts something like this if the Orc is being dominated (which the Orcs themselves are usually not very found of, as they themselves prefer to dominate)
The only "original" setting I have created have orcs as feral humans, or dire humans. Or more correctly put, humans are domesticated orcs. Like boars and pigs, and humans are what happens when elves and dwarves took orcs out of the wilds and tried to train them, leading to smaller more docile orcs without the tusks, who are weaker but more enduring and less aggressive and more suited for large scale cooporation. Where orcs live in a constant cycle of great leaders rising to power, conquest and empire building, followed by subsequent collapse as the leader dies, maybe it lasts a generation after that. Humans follow the same pattern, but their nations last longer and tend to mimic dwarf and elf empires, leading to a constant cycle of nations rising to power to devour their neighbors before eventually growing too big and balkanizing into smaller nations again. Where human and orc territories meet, there is often and overlap where human empires and orc hordes are likely to conquer one another and yet another target like the rest, and more than one orc tribe has been added to a human empire, who has then spread them by using them in their armies, and leading to orc tribes turning into something akin to a human nation. Other times an orc warlord conquers human nations and names himself king, leading to several royal orcish dynasties and noble families. Other times, and orcish conquest has lead to the complete collapse of neighboring human nations, forcing them into tribal lifestyles. Human barbarians are often viewed as little different than orcs, and many tribes in areas populated by both orcs and humans contain a mix of the too.
Man I really like warcraft orcs but they're really simple and kinda tropey (although being tropey isn't necessarily bad)
I just love orcs being big muscley savages with a hate boner for humans, just feels so right
Yes, they are ex humans who been transformed by the Smiling Man into a powerful humanoid monsters who are slaves to their own desires and band together into large groups to pillage, destroy and abuse everything around them.
Anyone who have sex with an Orc is immediately lost to the pure and primal pleasures as the dark corruption flows through their veins, breaking their minds and bodies. The person becomes a loyal servant of the Orcs and either stays with the group or goes off into the nearest settlement and to serve as a spy or a lure for more victims.
A powerful sorcceror however, when going through the same treatment can reverse the process, binding the orcs to their will. That's how Dark Lords gain gangs of Orcs as their minions.
This is actually really nice user, good job
As thugs and beasts barely capable of sentient thought. A plague upon the lands of man, elf, and dwarf.
No one fucks orcs by choice. Even other orcs. Even demons. Therefore, fucking them is punishment enough to those that live. Survivors will not be looked upon as anything other then victims. Victims are looked upon differently based upon other relationships with the viewer. Therefore ostracized is in the spectrum of possible responses, so yes.
>Orcs are plague doctors
>the plague is addiction to Big Green Cock
That's it's really just a mashup of all the things I like from orcs, especially those of Warcraft 1 and 2, and some inspirations from Black Sabbath.
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
Yes, newer players appreciate having the classic fantasy races so I worked them in.
>How does your society look upon them?
Orcs are typically seen as a problem more than anything. They're generally 7ft mindless agents of destruction who follow any somewhat charismatic leader until he dies. It's mostly a problem for humans though, as the current story arc revolves around an anti human orc leader who is actually only half orc uniting all orcs under his banner and declaring war on the human civilizations that colonized orc lands five centuries ago.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
That was the plan, but then a player decided to play a half orc, so now they're just kinda viewed as sad rapebabies and are pitied as victims.
They did. But a grand war called the Great Shift wiped out pureblooded orcs centuries ago.
>Societal Outlook
They were seen as dangerous and out of control. They were difficult to reason with, even without evil powers influencing them.
Half-orcs are all that remain. They took on the moniker "orc" after the war because, hey, no more regular orcs around. The stigma against orc-kind faded over the centuries as people died and new generations were never subject to their terror.
Some half-orcs took to farming and agriculture in the centuries since. A prominent tribe wanders the desert wastes, hunting and slaughtering powerful creatures. A third grouping took to the underground to live in its deadly prehistoric jungles, accepted by the elves and goblins that already were there.
No, I decided to substitute them with a certain race from the real world...
Reeeeee green elves with tusks reeeeeeeee
Any more like that?
Is it the race with the biggest cock, lil white boi?
yes, Society thinks of them as crude idiots. Halflings and dwarves like them though for similar work-ethic and general philosophy.
Orcs in my current game setting live by the belief that nothing truly worthwhile in life is easy, and thus, they don't believe in 'work hard just so you can take it easy later' the believe in always challenging themselves and pushing limits. they appreciate halflings and dwarves hardworking natures.
Generally, orcs prefer to live in either small clan units at the edges of society due to a disdain for bureaucracy or live in the militant Northarbor settlement.
As a side note: orcs actually do not hold magic in disdain in my setting. They don't like Clerics, Warlocks, and Sorcs because their powers are 'handed to them' and hold wizards in good regard. But their greatest heroes are mage-knights who practice both magical and martial arts.
Silly /pol/tard, you don't have any friends.
I like this idea. I think I'll incorporate this mindset for orcs into my setting.
Yeah, you guessed right.
There's a reason why it's the biggest, baddest, blackest cocks
The average black dick is only slightly bigger than the average white one, at least in the US.
Orcs were exterminated a millennia ago. They were no more prone to violence than humans are, they just had a knack for it when they choose to along with short growth and life cycles. Reaching maturity in about 11 years, and dying of old age by 55 even without letting the signs of age show. During the height of the calamitous final wars, orcs were bred as shock troopers. Magically accelerated growth, indoctrinated through brutality and savagery, made immune to pain to fight long past when shock would have claimed others. The pitiful light in their souls being snuffed out allowing them to incubate demonic and otherworldly corruption. Their numbers swelled until the world finally split asunder, casting millions of them into the void below. Those that survived the shatter were exterminated by the other survivors, not differentiating between the corrupted creations of the warring factions that doomed them, and the equally scared starving survivors.
The tanarukk; the remaining corrupted former orcs survived in the squalor and horror below the miasma. The mass of sin and death they created manifested into a powerful demon god. It now tends to new seeds of savagery, growing them into new tanarukk. Refining their form into one of his desire for pure slaughter.
Orcs in my setting are physically similar to the Uruk Hai in the LOTR films (pic related). They're a brutal and warlike subspecies of human who, hundreds of years ago, created an empire that ruled over most of the known world until it collapsed into infighting during which humans, led by the Caesar, overthrew the Orcish emperors and established The Empire (which is kind of a conglomeration Austria-Hungary and Russia), which has expanded to such a point that it has driven the Orcish race to near extinction, present only on the far frontiers of the empire, where they are often culled by military governors seeking to pacify them.
Due to culling efforts on the part of the state, most Orc women have been killed, and, to try to bring their numbers back up, Orc chieftains often try to kidnap women from isolated nearby human villages for breeding purposes. While these women at first will resist strongly, eventually the hormonal musk given off by Orc males will win them over, though this process takes weeks before it overpowers the rationality of the person.
This is both so generic and magic realm and altogether bad that I think I might make it into copypasta if it isn't already.
>Do Orcs exist in your setting
>How does your society look upon them
Orcs are the descendants of humans who were cursed by a druid for cutting down his favorite tree. The curse was intended to make them all beasts, but it only went par way. Humans think they're a bit weird, but make good soldiers and are about as accepted in society as 1960's blacks - vocal minority thinks they're animals but most people just don't give a shit. Dorfs respect them for being aggressive, angry, beer guzzling tree haters, short stacks avoid them when possible, knife ears view them the same as humans.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
the curse is carried on the paternal side of the bloodline, and would have probably died out if the race didn't take a certain degree of pride in their heritage.
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
>How does your society look upon them?
Depends on the society but they are usually regarded as savages.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
Yes, they are treated like damaged goods or zoophiles.
>Do Human and Elvish women love big Orcish cocks in your setting?
Orcs dont have bigger dicks than humans because they dont need them to be bigger (think gorillas), plus their society values the reproductive aspect of sex more than anything, a succesful lover in orc culture is the one that always impregnates the female, not the one that makes her feel good.
Elf sluts will love any dick that isnt elvish tho.
Get riced.
That last paragraph sounds like a doujin.
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
Yes. They live in semi-nomadic tribal groups in the setting's polar circle and the adjacent areas, mostly tundra and boreal forests.
>How does your society look upon them?
As the murderous, merciless raiders they're. Orcs are not tolerated in civilized lands, and the governments of different nations will put aside any discrepancy among them if the threat of orcish warbands appears.
> Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
Depends. Some savage human tribes deal with them, believing orcs to be the chosen race of their dark god (which actually created orcs from humans millennia ago, so they're right in their belief). Orc chiefs are not above taking human concubines from these tribes because they like to get some human pussy from time to time, since orc women are as violent and strong as their male counterparts, and practically intractable outside the mating season. Also, half-orcs tend to be more intelligent than pure orcs, but also weaker, so they make most of the clerics and wizards inside orcish society.
On the other hand, even if orc raiders kill most people they get their hands on during raids (to either sacrifice them, eat them or for outright fun), every now and then some woman will get pregnant by an orc raider and give birth to a half-orc. Back in time, half-orcs born in civilized lands would be killed right after being born or left to die of exposure, and their mothers would be either driven out in the wilderness or die in freak accidents, but about one hundred years ago a religious order was founded by on of the cults present in the setting. Bent to demonstrate that good can be found even in the offspring of evil, they take in any half-orc baby they're presented with, and train them to be clerics and paladins in the war against evil (including fighting orc raiders), while also making sure their mothers are relocated, given a dowry and treated well.
are you trying to make this le next epic maxmay?
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
Yes, lots of them.
>How does your society look upon them?
Most people don't actively want to associate with them outside of warfare, but certain Human & Centaur cultures don't mind trading agricultural products with them since Orcs are genuinely quite good swineherds and farmers if they don't have anyone to fight. That isn't to say that Orcs don't make a lot of other products: swords, pikes, plate, muskets, chainmail, coal, iron, steel, etc.. But Orcish products are typically very cheaply made and mass produced under the intention of being deposed of as soon as you've killed someone with better equipment.
Orcs have a preference for Human armor as it fits them the best and Dwarven weapons since they can handle the wear and tear Orcs put their equipment through.
Orcs are generally credited with domesticating the pig, potatoes, and inventing gunpowder.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
Yes, people are at the best shamed or at the worst socially ostracized for fucking outside of their species (you can fuck within your sub-species group though) ; it being an Orc doesn't really help their case.
What's wrong with his setting? It's pretty hot.
It's not a may-may my friend. It's something that gets my dick bigger than a nigger.
The orcs in my setting are one of the three closely related races that fall under the classification of Goblinbreed. As the name suggest, the group consists or Orcs, which are fairly humanoid in shape and posture, the Goblins which are waist-high and scraggly-looking creatures, and the trolls, massive dim-witted monsters with volatile regeneration abilities that often leads to mutation and deformities like extra limbs and heads. This mutative trait is shared across all Goblinbreed but it's most prominent with trolls. Skin pigmentation ranges from grey and black to dull and bright green depending upon the region they inhabit.
I've yet to iron out all the details yet but essentially they were one of the races alongside proto-humanity to emerge after a massive Ice Age. They fought against them to see which civilization would rule the world and lost. As such for thousands of years they've been pushed back into the mountains, forests and savannahs of the world, leading to their eventual warlike and volatile nature they are known for to develop out of anger and self-hatred. Hence why when the first civilization fell, the orc hordes had become too fractured for a single nation to fill the power vacuum for more than a decade before collapsing.
There a no half-orcs in my setting as the seed of Orcs is so strong that even if one where to mate with a human the resulting offspring will always be an orc, though an orc from an orc mother is more likely to be stronger than one from a human one. However, the birth rate of orcs is skewered to produce more males than females. As such, females are highly valued and never killed in raids and instead integrated into a warlord's personal harem or have her breeding rights sold to the richest orc. Roaming tribes of orcs that can't afford a female are more likely to pillage and rape humans should they desire offspring.
>monogender races are magical realm now
nu-Veeky Forums ladies and gentlemen
So, what you're telling me is that I can have a cyberpunk Africa where there is a significant population of blacanese Ugandans. What do they look like anyways?
That would be Japanese and Black. Japanese don't breed much at all, so that wouldn't be feasible.
They probably look like a dark skinned Asian person with curlier hair and larger eyes and lips.
I couldn't think of a good portmanteau of black and Chinese .
That said, given the tone of the article it seems like aside from trying to sweep Chinese who are there illegally they don't sound all that enthused about foreigners getting in their women folks panties. I can't imagine Chinese back in the homeland would be equally as accepting
I mean, I thought the goal of the thread was to create a magical realm setting with Orcs?
OP here, the goal of this thread was to create spank material for me, that's why I asked about people who fuck Orcs in your setting.
Yeah, that's why I came up with a setting that would give you fapping material. You're welcome.
Thanks man, I appreciate it.
Btw, just so we're clear, that wasn't me who criticized your setting.
This was my post
Anyway, when I finish masturbating and jizz, I will be thinking of you. Thanks again.
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
>How does your society look upon them?
They form a significant part of one of two power blocs in my setting. They are now competing for control with their former ogre overlords for "first among equals" recognition. They are viewed as honorable by both friend and foe, and to a lessor degree industrious.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
It depends on who does the fucking. People stay to their own races in my setting, but soldiers from their respective power blocs have been known to find comfort with each other.
That being said, now that humans are on the scene it looks like its a next and neck race between orcs elves and dragons with who will get a new species to dick and be dicked by.
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
Yup. They're one of the more common kind of demon around. But they need a summoner or an even more powerful demon to bring them into the world.
>How does your society look upon them?
To the general public, they're just another type of demon. They're listed as one of the most sensible of demons if you know how to handle them, and are usually summoned to serve as additional soldiers by armies.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
Many would go "what the fuck dude" and they might be killed by a church for engaging with a demon.
Whatever half-breed is born from that would be considered an outcast by most if not outright killed by a church like their parents. This applies to most half-demons
Orcs exist in my setting, they're among the larger of the Goblinoid races with the most peculiar character flaws. The mass majority of them are vile, craven, and cowardly, with a penchant for being roundabout and lazy.
For the most part Orcs are rarely a problem, it's only in the rural areas in poorer regions where Orcs can become troublesome, and it's rarely violent. Orcs only become violent went rallied by the rare individual with enough ambition and gusto or one greedy and gluttonous enough (and big enough) to force his kin to secure more everything. Even then it takes a particularly cruel Orc general to form a major war band and an even more diligent one to actually keep down desertion.
Human (or other races even) and Orc relations are quite rare, and generally stigmatized. Half-Orc births tend to spike during or after Orc mobilization, and even then in very low numbers. Half-Orcs in some parts are treated worse than Orcs, though in others less so. The only reason a Half-Orc would be conceived of willingly would be in the extremely rare case of an attractive Orc, and that is only possible because of the fact all of the goblinoid races (barring Hobgoblins) have very extreme diversity in appearance and shape, with some Orcs being lean and gangly, others being short and stout, rarer few being tall and obese, and everything in between. Even their coloration and facial features can vary wildly from places to place. You would be forgiven for thinking mountain Orcs weren't the same race as, per say, jungle Orcs. Regardless, Orcs are generally the ugliest of the Goblinoids, only being beaten out by Bugbears and Kobolds with their more bestial traits.
The only places that might level a punishment against Orc-lovers would be along the coastal region (which is extremely Human-centric) or the deserts east of the mountains (which simply despise anything that doesn't at least look in part Human), though Orcs would likely be killed on sight there.
Nice. Not gonna lie, that gave me a boner.
The articles also mentions the Chinese are reproducing with the Udangans.
So for the memes.
In my settings Orcs are nomadic peoples that never stay in one place for long. Just don't go to war with them, your average soldier can't win a 1v1 fight against them.
>I couldn't think of a good portmanteau of black and Chinese .
BLASIAN is a thing
There are two real categories of orcs in my setting(s). The more 'civilized' tribal orcs, who live in orcish villages. They do not typically raid/pillage unless they are provoked, and their settlements are typically isolated on the planes well away from established cities and/or villages.
The second category are the more savage 'primal' orcs. The orcs who hear Gruumsh's whispers louder and heed them more often than their tribal counterparts. These orcs are nomadic, and rape and pillage as the 'classic' orcs do. Both types of orcs are not very nice.
>Do orcs exist in your setting
There is, however, a culture that is kind of orc-y. A rogue deity, Wain, is the god of narcissism, physical superiority, beauty of the physical form, strength, etc, has a created race and massive horde/following, both also referred to as The Wain and Wainish. They’re a massive conglomeration of tribe-sequel folks who all wish to be, in their tongue (Wainish), as “Wain” or “Perfect” as possible- so they’re constantly self-perfecting and generally bullying everyone else who they see as “Du-Wain”, literally “Not Wain” or “Imperfect”. At several points in history the Wainish Horde has nearly sacked large parts of the continent the game takes place on, and their constant infighting keeps them both in peak fitness for such shenanigans, and unorganized enough that they don’t outright steamroll the setting. Any race could theoretically be Wainish, but the vast majority of them are human. The Wain (species) are Adonis-like stone giant types who lead such bands, and the Dwarves of the setting (Duwain) are disavowed kin to them.
What about the Lil-Wain?
Yeah, one of my players wanted to be a Duwain who’s name was “Dwayne” at one point.
IIRC, this one has an excuse: she's half orc, half elf.
Makes sense. Chinese are hardworking, African men are lazy. Plus they are something new an exotic with a dash of taboo from the society and the government, that always makes things more kinky.
Lol what are you smoking yellow boi? You really think any woman, especially African woman, would be pleased with a toothpick dick? Y'all know they are craving the mambas, the biggest, baddest, blackest cocks.
Your mom craves them too
Porn isn't real.
Porn addiction might lead you to do things you gonna regret later, so I'd suggest to maybe cut it out a little bit.
mfw I'm attracted to black people without any fetishes but disgusting cucks make me embarrassed for it
they're basically samurai. they're the military and explorer caste of a broader society that spread from a single point of contact to where they are now. most have naturalized to the point that the empire doesn't want them around any more, but a few maintain ports for homeland orcs to land and spread the might of the empire.
keeps the weebs in my group happy.
>Tyrone typed, satisfied with his harsh takedown of the Chinese poster. However, due to having eaten KFC and watermelons while stealing a bike a few hours ago, he had a mighty need for a shit. He quickly ran outside his parent's run-down house in Detroit, ran into the outhouse at the construction site across the street that was cleaner than the bathroom, and he began to defecate. But the shots rang out for the fifteenth time this day, and the hooting filled the air as if there were numerous chimpanzees arguing. Tyrone quickly pulled out his own gun, stored in the loose waistband of his pants, exited the outhouse, and fired a few shots as well. One unfortunate negro was not so lucky that day, and the bullets lanced through his body the way his cocaine needles did. The police sirens were already coming, and Tyrone was already preparing to tell the news reporters of their brutality. Little did he know, the thread was already filling with replies
>Why is Orc racism a bad thing
I didn't say that
>in the past
Because they've managed to integrate themselves into society in a way that's beneficial to both themselves and others without having to actively interact with others on a day-to-day basis. And also I said most of, dwarves still generally hate orcs and vice versa, for instance.
They're basically all not-autistic and have to spend time with company not orcs or animals to learn what is and is not acceptable behavior, and they easily fall out of it if left alone for too long because they rely heavily on instinct to navigate their day-to-day lives. Their instincts are more aggressive than not in most cases. It took hundreds of years to get to the point of being able to not get run out of town or outright killed on sight by everybody else and they're still working on it
Everything on the surface world has a dark and twisted version in the underworld.
Orcs are the twisted, backwards versions of humans. Despite being able to use tools, they prefer to steal then create. Instead of ruling with honor and serving with duty, orcs rule with fear and serve with schemes and backstabbing. Instead of a family, orcs only have a warband- and in much the same way humans dread being called to war orcs dread being called to the inner kingdoms to sire children. Nothing makes an orc more frightened then the thought of peacefully settling down, and they make sure to take out their frustration on their children and teach them nothing.
Orcs are cruel, evil monsters. But I guess this is OP's gay little fetish thread so they have to have 8 inch dicks right? Fuck off.
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
>How does your society look upon them?
Depends on faction. Some Kingdoms see them as nothing more then savages that do nothing but kill with few survivors. A few that put clans under their rule (mostly via asswhoppen) find them to be extremely militaristic and obedient to those they view as more powerful (not necessarily raw strength either). They also have some of the strongest metalworking, and gets referred to as pig iron in setting, in reality the Orcs are the only race that have truly figured out Steel down to exact carbon levels.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
The Orcs more then anything. They view pink skins as incredibly ugly and anyone who actually would fuck one is extremely messed up in the head. In a way like how we see naked mole-rats or a Sphynx cat, mixed in with a maggot, orcs value tooth size, as it helps with eating meat, they do not understand how a human could eat anything, and a human couldn't eat orc foods really, stuff has textures akin to leather.
As for the victim of that, it would be extremely unlikely for the Orc's companions (or the orc themselves) to not mercy kill them. Orc bodies are tough, when faced with something not tough it breaks.
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
>How does your society look upon them?
As a threat that loots, vandalises and kill people.
> Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
There`s nobody remotely degenerated enough to think that, unlike OP.
No people are not punished.
Do you know why Orcs are an uncommon race but Half Orc isn't? I'll give you a hint, it isn't due to monogamy and consent.
When an Orc raids an outer village they take everything. Men who fight against them are killed. Men who don't are beaten till near death. Women can only hide and hope they aren't found. The next generation in that village is typically 90% half orc and everyone knows the reason why
Sort of. They call themselves the Slaugh but they're orcs of the Tolkienian, corrupted elves vein. Or rather, broken elves. Elves in this setting started off as tools and playthings of the True Fae, who had to adapt into actual people after most of their masters died to the mundanity of the real world. Most clades of elves could adapt their role to their new home, but some of them embodied things that just didn't exist outside of Faerie, so those that had the will live became....wrong. Slaugh are half real, violent lunatics for whom existence is pain. They can't process the world as it is, and to an extent it can't process them. They're abominations who exist outside of both the fate and nature of the mortal world and the narrative of Faerie, and the universe hates them for that. Being a Slaugh is misery, because not only does the outside world hurt to even think about, its actively out to get you. It's no wonder, then, that most of them turn their hatred outward and try to kill anyone and everyone they meet who isn't a Slaugh, save for the occasional sorcerer king who can temporarily bind them into Fate and give them purpose and reprieve from the pain
There's no real consensus on people who fuck them, because it's generally not something that is or even can be done. It rates somewhere between having sex with a rabid grizzly and a wildfire on the scale of bad ideas. It's possible and maybe even nonlethal with the right preparation and spellcraft, but why would you want to?
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
Several species and various cultures within each.
>How does your society look upon them?
The differing cultures and species see each other as mutually alien to one another and are either unaware of each other or maintain diplomatic relations or war amongst each other on a case by case basis, other races and civilizations tend to look upon orcs as being either barbarians or enlightened depending upon that races own cultural values and technological capabilities.
>Are people who fuck Orcs ostracized or punished in your setting?
Once again depends on the culture, interracial sexual relations are generally seen as degenerate or simply bizarre by most people but in some of the more advanced cultures it is tolerated at most simply uncommon.
In this setting orcs and all other races are descendants of the long extinct human race spread out over an unfathomably large world where continental drift occurs over the course of days rather than millions of years, some orcish civilizations are among the most technologically advanced in the world having developed metallurgy and animal husbandry and building fortified city states while much of the rest of the world lives in hunter gatherer tribes utilizing stone tools. However some other orc tribes are barely sentient.
If your orc race isn't an exclusively female race whose method of reproduction is raiding villages and raping the men, you're doing it wrong.
But my orc race is an exclusively female race whose method of reproduction is raiding villages and raping the women
my fetish is better than yours
In my homebrew, they are magically made nocturnal super soldiers who don't die of old age, but don't reproduce. Mostly with fear and disgust, although there may be one or two hired as a body guard or bouncer in some big cities, and one is the sheriff in a small city. I don't think they can or want to, but they are ugly as fuck.
As for my group playing Curse of Strahd, so basically Forgotten Realms included, with disdain. Definitely ostracized, I can't imagine any sex being consensual. Yes Half-orcs are mostly rape babies, deal with it.
Nigga, futa is the objectively best fetish
"Orcs" are what the Half-Men call the last remaining clans of pure humans that have degenerated somewhat due to inbreeding and malnutrition.
They are culturally and socially primitive, but are shorter and weaker than the Half-Men. Driven to the darkest corners of the western contintent, their clans can be found in deep forests and on the barren mountain slopes. Hardly any Kings in the west even bother taxing them anymore, since they can produce little more than the most basic necessities for survival.
>Do Orcs exist in your setting?
Yes, but only in America
Orcs are they youngest race in the setting (I made this decision because while other fantasy races have roots in some mythological creature or tale, orcs are a creation of the last century)
They were created by Ocronus, the Last Dark Lord and served as his army in the Great War, about 150 years before the present day in universe.
Ocronus used the blood of Men, Elves, Ogres, and Dwarves, Combined with that of a Warthog (which the animal on his banner and symbol of his army) to create the first Orcs. Because of this, they have the Elves cunning, the Dwarves endurance, the Ogres strength, and the adaptability of Men, albeit in reduced amounts.
Despite being slaves and trained for war, the Orcs had minds of thire own and at the end of the Great War, when Ocronus was defeated, they were left leaderless. The Allied Forces, who opposed the Dark Lord were left with the question of what to do with the Orcs, and finally decided that, while they were Ocronus's creations, they were still living beings capable of rational thought and deserved a chance to live like any one else. It was actually the Goblins who were the swaying voice in the Orcs favor, as they had been pawns of Dark Lords in the past and believed that any creature who was should be allowed a second chance.
The Next Century did not see much improvement for the Orcs. They were few compared to other races, but had been created to have high birthrates. Mainly, no one really knows what to do with them, and being young that they are, they have no culture to fall back on except that of war and military training. Many Orcs find work outside their allotted territory as mercenaries or manual laborers. Many more convert to whatever faith will have them and devote their lives to it fully.
They're is however a prophesy, or perhaps just a pipe dream that one day an Orc will be born that will give all Orcs purpose again, weather that will be a good or a bad thing for the rest of the world, is will anyone guess
>Orcs are porcine-apelike creatures
>Act like a troop of apes (think planet of the apes) only extremely prone to violence
>Rape and pillage outlying settlements
>Eat the fallen
>Wield stolen weapons, stone and bone weapons
>Halfbreeds are "untouchables" and treated like Irish workers in industrial Great Britain
>Work in industrial factories and mines
>Use a bastardized form of local languages
>Live in slums and typically form violent territorial gangs
>do orcs exist in your settings
>How does your society look upon them
Green Germans
>Are people who fuck orcs punished?
Only in the irrelevant city of some fucksville and certain orcish problems becaues 'muh eugenics'