Post those sweet, sweet spoilers and your opinions about them here.
A red-splashed Phantom Warrior with haste? I can dig it.
Post those sweet, sweet spoilers and your opinions about them here.
A red-splashed Phantom Warrior with haste? I can dig it.
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw that one user was right
Which one?
well now since it's spoiled i can post this
next card yet to be spoiled is the 3 mana mind stone
>Basically telling them that if they go below 60 mph, the bus will explode
Onesided when you actually care for it to be onesided!
UR, BR, or grixis pirates for standard?
Why the fuck do you have to tap it?
Is Mogg Fanatic with haste really too good for standard? Not like damage uses the stack anymore.
I have a sprouting phytohydra deck built around layering copy effects for my own amusement and everyone else's confusion. It's very mana intensive and pretty bad and it only just now occurred to me that sprouting phytohydra basically has enrage and maybe I should dinosaur-up that deck.
Out of sheer boredom I made an Ixalan-themed playlist. Figured this would be the place to share it.
Feel free to request songs to add.
So, settle this once for all
Poly 1 comes, trigger 1 damage to poly 1, create poly 2
Poly 2 comes, trigger 1 damage to poly 1 and 2, create poly 3 and poly 4
Poly 3 comes, trigger 1 damage to poly 1, 2 and 3, create poly 5, 6, 7
So 7 5/5 poly (6 tokens) until the forerunner dies.
When do we get the blue dino and the three headed dino?
either tomorrow or friday since spoiler season is one week this time
The only black Pirate worth a shit is Hostage Taker, UR is the way to go
yeah, sounds right.
This one is amazingly good. You tutor the card you need, you deal 3 damage to opponent side, and Mana ramp is easy as fuck in this block, with all the treasure artifacts and cards turning into lands.
The 1 damage is a "may" effect, so you can
a) not activate it for Poly 3, but wait for Poly 4 to have 8 of them in total (7 tokens).
b) not activate it at all once Forerunner is at 2 damage settling for 4 dinos (3 tokens) with option to continue the shenanigans next turn
T2 drover/hasty dino cheapner/channeler/servant
T3 gift/horizon/drover/hasty/channeler/servant
T4 forerunner and drover/hasty/channeler/servant
T5 poly
If only there were a consistent method of drawing forerunner on t4. There is enough ramp spells to be able to draw 3 of them by t4
They didn't learn anything from hearthstone warrior patron did they?
Patron had a haste enabler, though. Without it the deck died
>that flavour text
>Everyone laughed at me for saying that the Immortal Sun looked like the Azorius symbol
The spoilers so far are pretty fucking great, too.
There are only a few cards in the game that have board clears. With whatever this is you can go infinite because mtg doesn't have creature restrictions.
>Still no Zacama, Primal Calamity spoiler
Goddamn i want to see people's reaction at such bullshit mythic, 9 mana 9 damage to the face, or destroys 3 artifacts or enchantments or gains 15 life.
none of those seem like blue effects
primal calamity isn't the blue one it's the multi-colored one
oh are we getting a Not Quetzalcoatl?
>MtG learning from hearthstone
It's a may ability, so you can skip the damage from poly 3 and then get the trigger off of poly 4 for 8 total.
Am I the only one still bothered by how many dinosaur "tribal" cards aren't dinosaurs?
For no reason?
I admit i was among the laughers, shit's stupid , but well memed user, go tell your family you won.
dinosaurs are controlled by the sun people, the theme of the tribal is crazy monsters with humans guiding them. That's why almost all tribal enablers aren't dinosaurs.
From the get-go the "dinosaur" tribe has really been the "human civilization that domesticated/tamed some dinosaurs" tribe with a smattering of "actually wild dinosaurs" here and there. If you expected it to be nothing but wild dinosaurs in the tribe then you were dumb because that doesn't make for that great of a story, and if you wanted dinosaur-men with the "Dinosaur" creature type then you have shit taste because not-Aztecs that ride dinosaurs are pretty fucking sweet.
i think he is talking about mechanics only, it is true that gameplay wise that is an issue.
To make some examples, the new tribal anthem won't work, 3 colours manabase is even clunkier then it should because you cannot use unclaimed territory for both humans and dinos and of course if you draw only lords you get hosed. It is a real problem.
This is what you'll get for an answer
>story factors interferes with mechanics
>mechanics doesn't make sense in story
It's not like you want to run an anthem with how big dinos are, turning a 4/4 into a 5/5 isn't very exciting
It sucks for Gishath though
Yes and no, i believe there is potential for RW small dinosaurs, you have cool shit like kinjalli sunwing (or whatever the name) and ferocidon together with the only 1 mana accelerant in standard. Probably the deck won't get good even with rivals, but it's an idea i really like and it is getting hurt a lot by the fact that humans are humans.
why is it stupid? this is literally a series of stories about PLANESWALKERS.
the pirate lord?
Well that's a beating.
From what I've observed, oldfags only like to shit on MTG storylines being "about planeswalkers" Post-Mending. They're the types who'll shit all over the b8watch while simultaneously creaming their trousers over Urza's Saga.
wonder if the explore deck will ever be a thing. This would help it though.
Is that a girl or just a handsome male?
>everyone turning to gold around her
>makes no treasure tokens
well at least it's a decent card
is this in response to a particular card or what
>Not liking Jace everywhere all the time means you have to like Urza everywhere all the time.
>Ignoring Odyssey
>Ignoring Mirrodin
>Ignoring Kamigawa
>Ignoring Ravnica
>Ignoring Lorwyn
Plebs gonna pleb.
All of them so far look terrible. Really bad, deviantart terrible bad.
All pirates are minorities.
Elenda's art is amazing and the elder dinosaurs are good too
Put the slightest amount of effort into your bait, user.
I mean, I'm not discounting all those storylines at all. I'm just saying that people who like to bitch and whine about Planeswalkers being a focus in the recent storylines seem to treat the older stuff (you know, where Planeswalkers were near-omnipotent god-mages) like holy text.
Mirrodin was ultimately about how bad Karn fucked up. Ravnica was ultimately about how Azor had fucked up and it was only then becoming apparent. Kamigawa was about things that had to happen for Nicol Bolas to GET fucked up. Lorwyn was an aftereffect of the Mending.
Only Odyssey and Onslaught blocks are really not about PW influence.
Oh boy, can't just print Rampant Growth, gotta give it a downside.
A 1/1 goblin with haste for R? Into the Krenko deck it goes!
Rampant Growth is OP, Saffron Cuckive said so himself.
Hm. Bit pricey, mana-wise, but might work well in my mono-Green DinoRamp deck
He whined about it himself.
Even WotC's shills are calling them out on the cardboard being shit and the unreasonable depowering of spells.
>he wants more 4c goodstuff in Standard
Literally all that was needed for a RG dinosaur deck to work, thank you based Wotc I never should have doubted my Jewish overlords
i think they said they don’t want rampant growth in standard
>Only Odyssey and Onslaught blocks are really not about PW influence.
I mean, if you're just going to completely ignore that whole Mirari thing, then sure, I guess.
Pic related X2 and maybe Sun-Crowned Hunters for maximum dino madness.
>tomb robber
>his mechanic puts things into the graveyard
>be MTG player
>spent 500$ for most epic Naya Dino deck
>In duel with some U/B Treasure-playing pleb
>cast Polyraptor with 2 Bellowing Aegisaurs and Forerunner of the Empire on the field
>Polyraptor triggers Forerunner's ability
>damages all creatures
>Polyraptor multiplies
>Aegisaurs' abilities make all creatures and each other strong enough to withstand
Forerunner's effect
>Polyraptors continue spawning
>Aegisaurs continue buffing all Polyraptors
>Game continues in an endless loop of Polyraptors and +1/+1 counters
>The code of MTG is cracked
>All other cards turn into green 1s and 0s
>WOTC's design team kill themselves, realizing they allowed this to happen
>MTG is over
I can't wait for prerelease
he trashes stuff and reaps the reward
>spent 500$ for most epic Naya Dino deck
u wut?
>no game in magic have ever ended in a draw before
This card alone makes me wonder how much more hard removal we'll be seeing in the next few months. Let's be honest, without said removal or a counterspell you're pretty much fucked
if your opponent allows the game to go long enough for you to get all that out then they deserve to lose, and you will never get all of that out in the upper-ranked games of an FNM.
also your entire post has nothing to do with the prerelease environment so maybe im the retard for responding but i know a lot of new players show up every time a new set releases
Makes me glad there's only one IXA pack in draft. Those Siren Pirates will pack some punches with this.
>be me
>be smart enough to read the cards
>realize it says may deal 1 damage
>realize there is a rule against glitching the game into an infinite loop if you can snap out of it
It's 2 ixa packs though
>three mana mind stone
>conditional rampant growth
Oh wow, can't wait for the Grizzly Bear with a downside. Strictly Worse Magic sure is fun Mr Rosewater!
Really? This is what i hated about drafting 2nd set. I want to open new cards and they're doing 2 old set pack.
Hush, user. You just got strictly better Cancel.
>Irrelevantly better version of a card that has never seen play
>realize there is a rule against glitching the game into an infinite loop if you can snap out of it
Shame Wizards didn't realise that when they made Hostage Taker so they had to day 0 errata it. Too busy making sure the character was the right shade of brown I guess.
>be modern player
>bitch about low-power cards in standard on a mongolian manga board
Chupacabra has got you covered.
Rivals is leaps and bounds better than Ixalan and we don't even have half of the cards yet. What the hell was the Ixalan team thinking during design?
i actually only now realized you said draft, in prerelease it's 4-2, in draft it's whatever the hell you want it to be i guess.
Also, the Forerunner would die to its own damage before the loop is infinite.
2 ixalan right? God I'm glad the new sets will be played alone in limited.
Damn I only get 8 5/5 guys at the prerelease :^(
I'm really exited about this guy. Wall of Omens/Elvish Visionary for black. Will see lots of play. I would pick up foils early.
True, it'll probably see quite some play
It's a smaller but cheaper rager, i wonder if it will take its place in pauper decks.
I don't even play Modern, I play Pauper. You know, the format full of common cards Wizards deems "too powerful for Standard".
It has an uphill battle in MBC where Coumbajj Witches will end up shooting it down.
FTK was a Standard staple and is considered too good for Modern.
Chupacabra is the closest thing Standard is ever going to see to FTK ever again.
Hell, having 2 power instead of 4 actually increases the playability in non-Standard formats (lots of recursion affects for power 2 or less).