Previous thread: ITT: we create a mechanical framework and sample settings for a game intended to affectionately parody formulaic YA novels, from futuristic dystopias saved by nonconformist girls to lovestruck vampires, angsty demigods and boy wizards.
Several system ideas were suggested. Current issue of interest: creating a relationship mechanic that models the typical progress of the "love stories" in YA literature. It should probably be pretty central to the game.
Settings suggested so far:
* The Enforcerate Trilogy: a sort of generic parody of the "conformist dystopia" YA subgenre, from Divergent to the Hunger Games, starring the plain yet beautiful Flowername Weaponheart.
* Untitled, direct expy of the Harry Potter books. Doesn't have much so far but someone did create a pretty cool house framework for the Hogwarts expy, so that's something.
* A more serious "conformist dystopia" based on rampant eco-alarmism. Everything is green, all the energy is solar, and people are executed for littering. All of this may or may not be actually useful in preventing the repetition of an environmental catastrophe which might or might not have actually happened.
* A Percy Jackson and the Olympians clone, based in Texas and revolving around figures from Aztec mythology (and their demigod children).