Who hyped for the sequel here?
Check out that cheeky Shadowrun reference at the end. What do you expect we'll see in the sequel now that Netflix is not just acknowledging Shadowrun but actually teasing us with it?
BRIGHT Sequel: Shadowrun Teased
I'm pretty sure they've known for a while how many times Shadowrun is referenced when talking about Bright, so it was a neat easter egg to throw out. I'm more impressed by the comments trashing the movie and wailing that "Sense8 died for this" or some shit.
I'm not impressed, but pissed with people speaking lies about a guy I don't even know who is. Bright is not as deep as some 4deep8you critics wanted, but is a good flick. And I loved and knew how "they" would react when seeing Trigger Warning as production
It's not as deep as merely slightly nerdy people wanted either. Bright is the Shadowrun equivalent of having a LotR film about the farming life of Bree peasants.
I know we'll never get it but a movie about the times right after the defeat of the Dark Lord would be great. I don't want a move about the actual war though; they'd never do it justice. Leave it to the imagination.
It's a buddy cop action comedy movie with a fantasy setting, what did people expect?
A Bright series would be really fun, but I would probably prefer it was like a precinct house rather than the concept of the movie.
People didn't expect shit. But the film keeps hinting at a larger setting: the other races that we only know about through details in a couple frames, the off-hand mentions of other cities or countries with completely different power dynamics, the whole War against Evil thing or the suggested metaplot of elves controlling the world through reality warping magic. There's a whole setting outlined there and they did less than nothing with it.
It's normal to be left disappointed when people raise your hopes up where you expected nothing, only to leave you hanging.
Sense8 was a product of 2015 and should never have had a second season. It was made for the period of trannies pretending that they were some sort of beaten down, closeted majority and not a handful of psychopaths that they really are, plus there was just too much gay. Not even real faggots are comfortable with that amount of peacock gayshit parading around as a storyline.
At least Bright is topical with its racism, that's always going to be a thing.
So I got a chance to watch Bright and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. There were certain things that could have been executed better but I didn't see where all the vitriol directed at it was coming from. 28% on RT is totally unwarranted, I would have placed it in the 60-65% range. I suspect it's partly because Max Landis and David Ayer were prominently credited.
It scored low with critics because critics get paid to review theater movies. Their overlords frown upon them if they say nice things about movies they aren't getting a % of.
The critic reviews and viewer reviews are totally different on RT.
>why didn't the first film of a franchise explore every worldbuilding aspect they brought up
Are you one of those retards who watches Star Wars and complains when they mentioned how the Emperor brought down the senate but don't actually do anything with it until 4 movies later?
>A film can't have substance without three sequels, two spin-offs and a seven-seasons long serie to prop it up
Let's not pretend that Bright is anything more than a 90 minute firefight starring Will Smith as Will Smith. It totally had the time for more exposition scenes like the Shield of Light interrogation. But I guess it's okay, the producers can rely on people like you to make their franchise milking extremely profitable.
This is actually more factual than bullshit for once. There was a brief scandal at the Cannes film festival last year where many of the attendants didn't think that direct-to-stream movies should ever been given the same sort of recognition theater movies had. Will Smith was literally there getting interviewed right next to the guy saying this knowing that the conversation was partially around his movie Bright and got (understandably) salty over it. He defended it saying that films are films regardless of the distribution. There's a section of hollywood that isn't happy with their market being chipped away by these services, and they largely employ or grease critics.
>shadowrun exists in the world of Bright
>there wasn't enough exposition
Mate, there was quite a lot of lore thrown in. It just wasn't shoved in your face with people talking about it.
And some was included in the dialogues, but a lot of it was showing, not telling. I get it, you're used to having an NPC telling you shit. That's normal in tabletop and /v/shit, but it's poor form in films.
Okay let’s get meta here... what would Veeky Forums be like in the world of Bright? I wonder what their Veeky Forums is like.
Exactly the same.
Greedy Hollywood Jews up in arms over losing their profits to streaming services?! Color me shocked! Shocked!
more racism
I am utterly disappointed that they are making this instead of a Shadowrun movie.
>go to /pol/
>Orc hate threads
>Centaur girl thread talking about the degeneracy of fucking horsepeople
>”user how can you call him /our guy/, don’t you do know his mother is (((elvish)))
>The Unibomber was a Drow or some shit
Who has the shadowrun movie rights?
>go to /pol/
>Orc hate thread
>Nig hate thread
>Elf hate thread
>Jew hate thread
>Bright hate thread
>Cenaur hate thread
>Lizard hate thread
>Mexican hate thread
>Praising the shield of light thread
>/pol/ reaches hate singularity
I agree it's OK. It was fun to have Will Smith doing Will Smith things again like in MiB etc., and the action sequences were all right. The last 30m or whatever after the big fight were a big letdown, though, and the rip-off of Training Day was also pretty weak.
I think the critics didn't like it because unless you are already hyped about a Shadowrun-esque world (e.g., because you're an RPG fan) then it's pretty generic, obviously ripping on Training Day and 16 Blocks and the like, with some lame-duck characters (in my mind: the internal-affairs douches, the federal douches, the traitors, and the orc gangbangers), action that is OK but not spectacular, and the ending kind hits a stupid reset button that doesn't even make sense. The level of violence that the movie proposes Los Angeles experiences on a daily basis is simply unsustainable -- where are all these cops coming from, signing up for a literal *dead*-end job?
I'm a little excited to see a sequel but unless it's got more Will Smith quips and buddy-cop action then it's probably going to suck, because that was the only worthwhile feature in my mind.
I mean, I would for sure watch a buddy-cop movie involving jaded veteran cop Will Smith learning to do magic world-savin' crime-fightan shit alongside his bumbling but goodhearted orc buddy and underage-now-but-maybe-sexy-later elf girl. Like a Harry Potter type thing except Harry Potter is fiftysomething Will Smith pretending to be Thirtysomething Will Smith and Ron Weasley is an Orc and Hermione Granger is a weird waifish elf.
I got about halfway through Bright before dozing off (What I get for starting it at like 3 AM), but the one thing that was standing out to me that was a little odd was how Will Smith's character would go from defending Jakoby and orcs to suddenly just hating on orcs in general and him specifically.
We're gonna need a bigger board.
>constant “the dark lord did nothing wrong” threads
>constant “redpill me on Jirak” threads
People wailing about Sense8 need to get it through their heads: when a show costs $9 million an episode, it needs to get some serious goddamn eyeballs and engagement if it wants to continue.
the high-crime part I thought was particularly jarring in a modern movie. It felt more like Escape from LA/Predator 2 90's hysteria, maybe that was the point? Just saw a trailer for a fucking Death Wish remake today so maybe that's just where we are headed back to culturally
The same, except poltards claiming that elves are secretly controlling everything would be right, and claims that Orcs/walrusmen/dwarfs are an inferior race would actually have biology to back them up.
Lets get really meta here, what are pornsites like in the Bright Universe?
I’m hoping that Bright 2 is to Bright what Purge: Anarchy was to The Purge. Tons of people fell for the premise of the Purge but were disappointed when the scenes of glorious slaughter in the streets were pretty restricted and the main story took place in one house. Purge Anarchy was what everyone was expecting the first one to be. Hopefully Bright 2 delivers more of the fantastical elements and background world that we were denied in the original
There are some really weird choices in this movie. Like when the kid Orc cop saved is the Boss's son, and doesn't kill him, but he gets shot anyway 5 sec later? Completely pointless plot point.
Its weird to me too how orcs are looked down on for serving the dark lord, but apparently the hero who united all the races against him was an Orc??
Something something protect my partner, only I am allowed to get mad at him, something something clan blooded.
The Veeky Forums of bright would see magic and different races all day every day irl, so pure sci-fi would be more popular than fantasy as an escape from reality
>Oh boy another derivative sci-fi setting based off J. R. R . Tolkeins "Director of the Codes"
>Soft sci-fi is basically real life magic done with machines, why even bother playing? Just go outside
>Alternate History Thread: What if humans were the ONLY race on Earth?
>Do you omit any IRL races when you make your sci-fi setting, Veeky Forums?
Were orcs in Bright actually dumber than humans? It mentions they are less agile, but stronger.
The movie never even tell us what is the bright rate among orcs, might be on par with elves for all we know.
I got you user.
I saw some centaur cops but are there any other races in Bright-world? Dwarves for example
I think it’s just a common way shitty writers try to make their setting seem gritty and realistic even if it’s retarded and doesn’t make any sense
Even in the shittiest times of the later 20th century American cops were not getting offed on a rate where the death of two or four would not bring down a hellstorm of swat teams. At least in Training Day the gangbangers were being paid & coerced into murdering a cop, almost happy to have an excuse to not do it.
A lot of crappy action movies do this shit though, tossing out fatalities like they’re going out of style. Mark Wahlberg kills like a hundred fucking US soldiers on US territory in “shooter” but the bad guy still thinks he can cover everything up? Yeah no pal even without the recording those men had families and friends and that shit doesn’t happen without inquiries and senate hearings and what have you.
The orc gangbanger mentions throwing parties with dwarves, so those are in.
According to the promotional material there are also giants, dwarves, lizardmen, and this other race of midget-like walrus people and a few others. I don’t have the screen caps.
>This was released by Landis
So was the girl at the stripclub a Brezzik or part of the rare and endangered? I thought she might be a changeling.
>More elves than dwarves
That's odd. I hope the dwarves in Bright look more like pic related and less like the goofballs from the Hobbit trilogy.
Most settings have elves as a dying race that either went through some huge war/doomsday event or through attrition unsustainable through their birth rate. In bright it’s implied that elves have always been on top, so no reason they’d be a dying race. Then again this is just America, we have no idea what the demographics are like in other countries or if the human majority is the norm or just an American thing. For all we know there could be countries with dwarf majority or lizardman majority, and most members of the species live there and have no reason to immigrate to America
Just watch pic related again or hope someone makes a Deus ex movie, missing all the fantasy stuff though I guess
>what would Veeky Forums be like in the world of Bright?
>you guys are alright, don't go to elftown tomorrow
>what did he mean by this
“Serving the dark lord” is an excuse the other races use to justify their racism towards Orcs. If you listen to the comments the humans make about them throughout the movie, they see them as dumb, ugly and violent, it has nothing to do with the dark lord. Irl, people Don’t even hate all Germans just because of Hitler and the nazis, and that wasn’t even 100 years ago.
>The movie never even tell us what is the bright rate among orcs
I remember the movie specifically saying there's never been an orc bright before implying only elves and humans can use magic and shit.
This shit makes me wonder what the population break down is state by state.
Like are most dwarves in west virginia and kentucky working in the coal mines?
Are the Giants in utah or somehwere else where there is a lot of open space or are they window washers in newyork
From extended stuff, they've mentioned Jirak was a bright. But he's the only orc bright mentioned.
>hi, Ellion Elrondger here
I like to imagine most Giants are working on/running farms out in the country.
There was a thing they released that had a description of each race in the infographic but I can’t find it. However I remember them saying that Centaurs often took up jobs in Forestry and worked as Park Rangers and Outdoor guides and could be found in more wooded parts of the country. Cool stuff.
Here’s the Giant one. I wonder what they think of Paul Bunyan?
Bright was pretty meh. Which is a let down because I was pretty excited for it.
A sequel also ranks "Meh" on my scale.
I don't trust it. Bright was a pretty boring movie in an interesting universe. I don't think that an already greenlit sequel will be any good.
I think it would be cool if we got to meet an already trained Bright with their own wand. Like, let’s get a full blown fucking wizard up in this shit.
Just give me something that isn't a generic buddy cop movie combined with the boredom of a generic "you are the chosen one" story.
Where's my nice, smart, short 9' tall giant waifu?
As someone who HATES chosen ones, I liked how they did prophecies. The way they talked about them, they made it sound like Prophecies were like these events that normal people could find themselves in. It's hard to put my finger on, I just liked the execution.
Paul Bunyan was probably a real person in Bright's world.
I didn't really mind the one about Jirak.
Will Smith, however, I called from 10 miles off, and it was pretty grating.
I wonder what a bright hate thread would be like?
It would be interesting to see things like bogposting where half of the things about them might actually be true.
Yeah, that was pretty obvious.
Because the Shield of Light guy literally told us that Ward was special, or blessed, or whatever. And then the elf cop saying that humans can be Brights too. So a good bit of the movie is just waiting for Will Smith to do magic.
And also watching the s00per special elves murdering dozens of SWAT officers and gangers before immediately jobbing to the protagonists.
Wonder who made these.
Goddamnit I want all of these. I can see the fucking Goblin one hiding down there.
>the movie is called Bright
>sword guy says Will Smith is special in some way at the beginning of the movie
>thinks it was supposed to be some huge twist that the Main Character turns out to be a Bright
I mean, did you watch the movie? It was pretty fucking clumsy dramatic tension. What was the point of the last minute reveal if not for failed tension?
>blatant namedrop
>cheeky reference
It was certainly cheeky, but a bit too lazy for my taste. Just like Bright itself.
I’m really curious about the Panahu
It's like I'm really on /pol/.
>56% of the population
Growth. 56% of the population growth.
>produced by a company called Trigger Warning Entertainment
I thought that made fun of trigger warnings.
Does anyone know where to find the rest of these? I’m really curious about the more obscure races
I don’t think there was ever supposed to be a “twist” that he was a Bright, anyone could have figured that out in the first 20 minutes. The way I saw it, that was the pivotal moment where he finally accepted that “fuck it, we’re in a prophecy” after being so adamant that those weren’t real
Apparently the races can interbreed (specifically the guy asked about a human and a centaur, since the centaur population is so small in the US) but it results in genetic deformities and death.
>Does anyone know where to find the rest of these? I’m really curious about the more obscure races
I haven't managed to turn up any others. Apparently they were tweeted out, so it's probably teased material. Maybe they'll put out official info in the future.
And not just hypothetically, "halfsies" have actually been born. People be getting freaky.
>(((critics))) hate Bright
>11 million views guarantee a sequel practically before the movie is even out
Always heartening to see elite "tastemakers" get comprehensively BTFO
Fucking elves man, keeping us all down.
Whats the elvish version of the jewish parens?
>Jewish elf bright
You can just hear /pol/ ascending.
>>Jewish elf bright
this is exactly why critics hate the movie, it's pointing out at (((them))) in very unsubtle metaphor
Elves are ^them^ on account of the ears.
well done
For people and centaurs, or any race mixing?
I wouldn't say that, One of the teasers was a video of an orc training to be a UFC fighter (the first orc UFC fighter even.) and getting knocked the fuck out by a human.
You punch an orc in the head and they go down just like everyone else.
>Like when the kid Orc cop saved is the Boss's son, and doesn't kill him, but he gets shot anyway 5 sec later? Completely pointless plot point.
nah that was great. not being cliche as fuck was nice to see there.
Not ?
>gas the elves
Please, in this setting, if anyone is doing the gassing it’s the elves. They’re clearly in control of every aspect of society, it’s not a secret conspiracy
For any race mixing, I assume. Maybe the more similar races can get away with it.
This is actually true
Rotten Tomato is owned by Fandango for fucks sake. They make their money on selling THEATER TICKETS. Of COURSE they're going to make sure streaming movies tank.
I liked it as well. It showed that orcs do honor that kind of stuff, and are principled, but shit still has to be done. And totally confirmed Jakoby's story, if there was any doubt left.
How do you make something tank when the people don't pay per view...? Folks with netflix probably just watch it 'cause it pops up and has will smith. Then they buy the merchandise and talk about it. Reviewers have very little power in this situation.