>GM decides a PC has to die nomatter our choices, what we do, what we try. It's unavoidable
Why GMs think this is good storytelly?
GM decides a PC has to die nomatter our choices, what we do, what we try. It's unavoidable
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Probably because the character dying is more important to the story than your frantic insistence that things are supposed to go the way YOU, the player, want them to.
Any GM that plans things like that is a bad GM
Yeah, you're retarded.
Unconvinced, what's the story. Perhaps player agency set you on the path of somebody needing to die. What exactly is the context? You're doing a dungeon crawl and some omnipotent being demands a party member's life to progress? I'm just imagining
>murderhobo someone important
>get found out
>party member jailed facing death
"Gee DM are you sure there's no way we can break him out or change the judge/magistrate's mind?"
>Person dies of old age
Wtf we couldn't save him
Reincarnate does that.
We were railroaded hard into an encounter, we tried to avoid it by all means possible both mechanically and roleplayed (diplomacy, negotiation, bribe, walk away, teleport, fly, actually not going into dangerous place, etc), it was unavoidable. Once in combat we couldn't even withdraw as the GM didn't let us, we tried to buff ourselves and we buffed the pal with a +15 to AC, attack and damage (he ended with 42 AC at 7th level, 24 to hit and 37 per hit on average). GM once he saw we were starting to suspect foul play (as the monster couldn't be of our level with all those immunities, HPs and shit) he decided to go with infinite damage attack into the paladin that not even hero's defiance+breath of life collar could bring him back. Then curbstomped paladin's head, laughed at us and teleported away, "giving us" a reason to be in the mission/campaign
Why I think was the reason he went against the pal? he was trying to make him fall for a few games with petty reasons, we backed the paladin player on this so he pretty much decided to remove the problem from root and kill the PC.
What petty reasons?
>You refuse to be railroaded? then I say you're ignoring innocents in danger so you fall
Why did the pal "ignore" innocents in danger? he didn't he simply couldn't help because it wasn't in his power at the moment
Also, does it really matter? is removing player agency ever good?
>we munchkined and minmaxed until our numbers were bigger than what the enemies' numbers should have been, but our numbers still weren't big enough
>the bad guy did a bad guy thing
>the rules say that things X and Y should get us out of this scott free; we bought them specifically to prepare for this situation because we're so savvy
>it didn't work
>cry about it on Veeky Forums
Also pic related
Notice that the buffing was our last resort as we tried to avoid all conflict even by not going there but yeah, here's (you) and that's why I didn't want to reply to you. Serves me right.
Because he is bad at telling stories.
A good storyteller makes a player say "Well, I guess today is a good day to die friends!" and enjoy how epic his death was.
t. shitty GM
Thats what you get for playing with and autistic control freak of a GM, you dont solve situations like these by trying to outsmart him, you avoid them by stopping the game.
Tell GM that he is a autist, fag and retard and walk away as a group.
Problem is not dnd as if they played within the rules, then that amount of railroad would probably not happen.
>but muh story!
One should ask important question if they are playing a game with a story or are playing in GM's bad theater.
If they play as equals then railording is a shit. If they come to hear GM's story without any player input then why bother with all game trappings?
Well he never removed your player agency, he simply used his GM agency.
>DnD for literally anything more then a dungeon crawl
>you go there and die whatever you do or dont do
>not removing player agency
Not like it even matters, just do an errand and buy a resurrection
I never understood that fucking flower's weird hand motions, like what is he even supposed t be doing?
This kind of things makes me certain im dealing with a megalomaniacal GM who is not sharing with me in the experience of RP, but rather dictating how I should be enjoying my self
Present the challenges, let the players conquer them.
Oh boy, I can't wait to hear how the contrarians justify this level of bullshit. Oh wait, here it is It's a good thing nobody on Veeky Forums actually plays or runs games, otherwise we might actually have had a problem.
>>We were railroaded hard into an encounter, we tried to avoid it by all means possible
I seriously doubt that. Not the railroaded bit, but the all means possible bit.
>>is removing player agency ever good?
Player agency doesn't equate "no consequences" despite what spergs want to think.
This situation sounds like spergs were playing with a sperg GM who out-sperged them and inflicted maximum butthurt.
To be fair, the way Veeky Forums goes about it you'd think any GM who tries to have any semblance of a story is just a moron who doesn't understand how games work.
It's a delicate dance between the megalomaniac "You die because STORY IS KING" GM and the over passive "O-oh, okay, you guys can kill everybody in the village, that's cool" GM that I wish I saw more of around here, rather than the standard "You fucking belong to us, GM, now shut up and stat us some skeletons to kill" mentality.
To be fair, what exactly can you do to avoid the GM's railroad short of not playing the game?
He didn't, he's apparently some control freak faggot who has problems with the paladin's player, you and the others should've called his stupid ass and left immediately.
It's a direct reference to Swing You Sinners.
fuck it didn't embed right. Skip to 3:30 to see it.