>The queen abdicates the throne and moves to another country so she can study alchemy and fuck hot ladies
What happens?
The queen abdicates the throne and moves to another country so she can study alchemy and fuck hot ladies
Someone else fills the power vacuum, with either some legitimacy or none at all. Expect at least one faction to try and recover the errant queen to convince her to retake her throne because the new political landscape is worse for them than when she was in power.
What prevents the queen from studying alchemy and fucking hot ladies at home? That's the real problem that needs solving.
All that occurs is inconsequential, her world is absorbed into the wider Imperium and stripped bare for it's minerals. She, along with her people, are all enrolled into a Guard regiment and shipped off to fight the nearest Imperial crusade.
> not taking advantage of the existing authority structure to create a sense of continuity during the change in power, opening the door to decades or more of pointless rebellion and resistance that will not only reduce the benefits of this newly absorbed world but also require resources to be redirected from other worlds to pacify it
Consider yourself stripped of rank for wasting the Emperor's precious time.
Lesbo Alchemist Queen coming back to take back her own throne sounds like a dumb/great idea
I agree. This kingdom is markedly deficient in both alchemical schools and hot bitches down to fuck.
Power struggle in her kingdom eventually sees one of the pretenders prevailing. Under the threat of local aristocrats and foreign powers overthrowing him he either assassinates the former queen or sends her to monastery (where she can still study alchemy and fuck ladies, why didn't she do something so obvious?)
The cousin of hers that she adopted as her son-in-law gets the throne
Because some of her courtiers might have killed her famous philosopher tutor for implying emotions were caused by chemicals and not the whims of a god. Also because she would rather munch carpet and buy indulgences from the Pope than stay in protestant renaissance sweden.
Whoever takes the throne next has her killed, because no one wants an alternative to their rule existing so blatantly somewhere out there.
They also outlaw lesbians and condemn them to death by flaying because while I can accept men being with men, women being with women disgusts me on such a profound level I think I'm genuinely misogynistic.
She also absconded with a lot of stuff from the treasury, mostly things looted in her few military ventures, and is living with the only people further from the light of god than pagans, Jesuits.
That's funny. I once literally played a prince that passed his right to the throne to his sister so that he could move to another country to study alchemy and fuck hot young men and women.
Unfortunately, it didn't go so well since the third reason he left was because his sister was a possessive, psycho bitch with a lady-boner for him, which ultimately just made her a jealous, psycho bitch with assassins and a standing army.
I never said there wouldn't be continuity, I merely neglected to mention it because it ought to be standard practice by now. Consider yourself stripped of rank for assuming a superior officer doesn't know what they're doing...and wasting the Emperor's time.
The important question is whether or not her alchemy lets her grow a dick
Then why are you acting like a moron here when /r9k/ or /hm/ is more your speed?
>pretending to be retarded
That's a blamming.
I don't hear mopping, private. You've got to work your way back up from the bottom rung now.
>some of her courtiers might have killed her famous philosopher tutor
Lol, "tutor" my ass, she didn't care about him one bit and let him die like it's no big deal. Nobody killed him. Also she was ugly as fuck.
She actually tried. Swedes decided it was a dumb idea.
It does. Unfortunately it's contagious, and seems to have a shrinking effect on infected male humans, reducing their equipment to roughly pubescent stage.
Asking the important questions.
Queen comes back.
Steals the throne back and steals the kings wife.
The best of all possible outcomes.