Have you ever had your playgroup ruined by girls. My college tabletop group/club just lost 20 members because of a member girlfriend cheated on him with our VP.
Have you ever had your playgroup ruined by girls...
Ruined, no. Split, yeah.
But then again, we had it done by boys as well.
The key is to go and side with the superior crowd, and that is usually not the side with the most individuals. Side with the ones you trust. Hang with them. Treat the break as a purification that got rid of the dross.
>Same thread
>Same text
>Same image
fuck you
sounds like your club was ruined by boys, you little bitch
Girls pretty much ruin everything, but we need them to continue our civilisations existence, so you gotta put up with it.
Yep. Also by guys. It happens, because people are dicks.
Even when escaping to a fantasy realm I cannot escape these thots
Fuck off retard.
t. moron that ruins things then tries to blame women.
Cool, I guess those members all would have been fine if the VP was fucking around with a member's boyfriend, huh? It's a shame chicks have the frightening power to sunder all systems like that.
>member finds out about her cheating ass sooner rather than later
>thot gone
>whiteknights and sensitive members who care more about group drama than about the game also gone
sounds win/win/win to me hombre
>Outside girl ruins the group for attention without interacting with the group
Yes, very often.
>Outside girl ruins the group through manipulation of people in the group
Yes. Relatively often.
>Girl in the group who isn't invested ruins the group for reasons.
Yes, somewhat often.
>Beta soyboys ruin the group because they're thirsty for the non-invested girl and she leads them on.
Yes, a couple times.
>Girl in the group who is there to play ruins the group, on purpose or by accident
Hasn't happened yet.
>White knight is black knight
What technology is this?
Am I in fucking 2009 right now?
Our group has actually survived gay guy A cheating on gay guy B. They talked it out and got over it.
Women can't get over shit, specially if it involves admitting they fucked up or are guilty of something, it's like trying to reason with a toddler and they'd rather go nuclear than let an enviroment that knows of their fuck up go unscathed.
No, seeing that these threads would not be shitting up Veeky Forums if it was that year.
So the only woman you know is your mom.
tumbleristas don't bother to keep up with the memes
Maybe you work more on thinking than keeping up with the memes.
And yours.
Nope, for that to happen you would have to go outside.
Anonymous white knighting is the saddest.
Naw, you are the saddest here
this is bate
bad thred
go away
>He invites women into a man's hobby
Your group deserves everything they get
user are you having a stroke?
No, but you should.
>reeeeeeeee roastieeeeeees
This is bait
>admitting it's bait
>biting anyway
dont you know? most crusaders in iberia where actually hired muslim mercenaries.
Are you supposed to play this with all the threads on the board at any one time?