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Tzeentch Faction Focus Edition

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Was about to post this. Nice dubs by the way.

What do you do when you start burning out /40kg/?

Talk about dark eldar instead of boring shit guys

Buy things and half build them then put it in boxes

>le ebin kinky torture elves xDD

Neck yourself edgelord.

Thanks mang. May your shots be markerlit and your goods the greatest of goods.

Explode in a white-hot ball of thin paints
>Seriously though just take a break, do normie things like watch TV and talk to people

Repeat question, how many chainswords in a vanguard vet box?

Sororita leviathan penitent engines when?

thats kind of a stupid design, heavy armor everywhere except where you need it.

I don't know the answer but sometimes GW put pictures of the sprues up. If not, you should be able to find pics of full sprues on eBay or Google to check them out



The stuff they've previewed seems right so far in this leak. Big changes:

Blue Horrors now 5++, Pink Horrors now 6++. Changeling no longer gives -1 to hit but a 6+++.

2CP Tzeetnch Strat. pick a char, 6" aura of reroll psychic test.

1CP Khorne. pick a banner, that unit charges 3D6 instead of 2D6.

1CP Slaanesh. pick slaanesh daemon unit, all units within 3inch of that -1Attack for that phase.

1CP Nurgle. pick a unit with an icon before battle. during 1 fight phase. dmg characteristtics of a plaguesword carried by that unit increased to 2

1cp to summon something at 8 power level or below, 2cp to summon something with 9 or more.

Insensate Rage Bloodthirster have two attack profiles now. Second (new) S:U -2 1 dmg , make 2 hit roll instead of 1 if use this attack. All Bloodthirsterss get a rule that for each unmodded hit roll of 6, they score a 2nd free hit.

Flamers are 12" range now

Exalted are 3 shots instead of D3.

Anything with screamers lost slashing talon but their attacks became Lamprey bite.


Khorne: 1 model. Each time you make wound roll of 6+ fr friendly khorne daemon unit within 6" of bearer, can make another free attack.

Tzeentch: 1 additional TZ power.
Tzeentch: +1 to smite cast

Nurgle: everytime bearer kills a model in fight phase while within 7' of a plaguebearer unit , on a 4+, add a PB to that unit.

Slaanesh: 1x per game, start of phase, select enemy char within 12" roll 3d6, if exceed enemy char ld, it cannot do anything, and its abilities dont affect anything.

same the normal penitent engine in that respect

>Being this retarded

It's almost like you don't know the fluff behind the unit.

excellent dubs

Welcome to 40k

Kinda the point.

I run dreadnought heavy lists but it seems to me that techmarines are terrible at their job of keeping shit repaired, D3 wounds per turn doesn't seem like much. How would you fix this? D6 wounds per turn restored? Additional wounds restored for each servitor near the techmarine?

Looks so much like a girl I dated off tinder. I can't unsee it

Actually that mini doesn't have bad tattoos on its thigh and toes

>tfw I got a demanding job just as we were getting close and it fell apart

i dont actually
thanks, i like it so far. just bought my first set of guys the other day

WC6. Reroll a single dice roll later during ur turn.
WC5. Pick friendly tz daemon unit within 18". Until next psychic phase, +1 to wound roll.
WC8. nearest enemy model wihtin 12, that model's unit and every other unit (friend or foe) within 3' of that model , suffers d3 MW. Suffer D6 MW, if power manifested with more than psychic roll of 12+.

Wc7. Roll D6 for every unit (excluding nurgle) within 7" of caster. 4+ D3 MW.
WC6. Pick enemy unit visible within 18". -1 Toughness.
WC6 Miasma of Pestilence same as DG contagion but targets Nurgle Daemon.

WC5. Select friendly slaanhesh daemon within 18". 6+++ FnP
WC6. select enemy unit within 18 visible. Roll d6 for every model in that enemy unit. on a 6, 1 mw.
WC6. All enenmy unit -1 ld within 12 inch of psyker.

Do note that most attacks even shooting are Strength User, so +strength buffs actually are worth something now.

There is also a warlord trait for tzeentch, with reroll 1s to wound in 9".
Get reroll 1s to hit from a DP.

S10 Exalted Flamers.

S4 Tzeentch Horrors, Assault 3 if 20+ pink horrors. (30 horrors shooting 90 S4, with reroll 1s to hit and wounds, and +1 to wound)

S5 Flamers.

you can add +1 to wound .... quite interesting. Major shooting buff bubble.

Generic Stratagems:
1) you cannot reroll saving throws but it gives a daemon unit +1 to invulnerable saves. No better than 3++.

2) when enemy psyker suffers perils of the warp, use this strategem, they take 2d3 MW instead of 1d3.

it was for the best bro

Iron Hands chapter tactics and bit the bullet.
If you want a buff to techmarines you get +1 to the amount of wounds repaired if the guy's got a servo harness

should finally be able to get my first game of 8th edition soon, I've got a small marine army, what chapter tactic is the most fluffy for exorcists to take?

Glad your having fun. Remember to get the sexy pin-up models to show everyone your a fun guy to play with.

Long story short the person in the thing is a heretic and being grafted to it is their atonement, thus being exposed.

Clearly batting above your average user

It sucks but you know what they say
>better to have banged a smoking hot psycho-bitch than to jerk off in your bedroom or something

As far as Tzeentch goes:

Changling goes straight into the trash. Unless they give it good buffs elsewhere, this unit no longer has a place in the list.

Also your horror saves are incorrect. Brimstone are 6++, Blue 5++, Pink 4++. On paper this kills horrors all together, but with the +1 to wound power it makes Pinks decently spooky in the shooting phase.

Everything else seems like a solid plus.

She was going to cheat on you with some dumpster who had a lot of free time anyway. You got out early which is good.

oh shit, thats actually really fucking cool. thanks for the info bro

>He doesnt like tattoos

i'm so lonely

Horticulous Slimux:

WS2. T6 7 wounds ( i think). 4A.. 4+
melee S+1 -3 D3 reroll fail wounds
1 time use attack S7 -4 3 dmg

D6, 4+ D3 mw if you fallback from him (1inch bubble).

reroll fail charge for beasts in 6 inch. add 1 to hit for beasts.

start of turn, if any model friend or foe slain during last turn. 1 nurgle daemon model within 7 inch of mr snail gains 1 lost wound.

ends of movement phase, plant a tree but forgo daemonic ritual. set up within 3 inch of him but 1 inch away from any other model or terrain feature.

Skull Cannon Heavy D6 48" S8 -2 D3

47 pt drop

Soul Grinder

Phlegm Bombardment D6 instead of D3.

New nurgle herald. Spoilpox

5" 2+ 2+ S5 T5 4W 3A

6" pistol D3 3 AP0 1
Maw S user -1 1 reroll wounds of 1
PlagueSword S User AP0 1 , reroll all wounds roll

Ability 1 : Add 2" mov to plaguebearer infantry

Ability 2: Add 1 to hit roll of PBs within 6". On a hit roll of 7+ for a PB within 6" of a model with this ability, you can make one additional attack. Does not generate more.

New nurgle herald. Spoilpox

5" 2+ 2+ S5 T5 4W 3A

6" pistol D3 3 AP0 1
Maw S user -1 1 reroll wounds of 1
PlagueSword S User AP0 1 , reroll all wounds roll

Ability 1 : Add 2" mov to plaguebearer infantry

Ability 2: Add 1 to hit roll of PBs within 6". On a hit roll of 7+ for a PB within 6" of a model with this ability, you can make one additional attack. Does not generate more.

Basically if you're super-duper-sinful, and the Sororitas capture you, your penitence is to become a walking clusterfuck of hacksaws and flamers with minimal protection to your body.

You're basically crucified on a machine and sent to charge into battle. If you die because a manufactorum labourer-turned-heretic had the sheer luck to hit you somewhere vital, you weren't worthy of the Emperor's mercy.

If, on the other hand, you miraculously survive, then you're one grain of sand closer to redemption, only a few hundred more years strapped to the Penitent Engine!

Great Unclean One
WS2 BS3 S7 T7 18W 5A

Armed with Plague Flail & Bilesword

Plague Flail 7" Assault 3 S User AP-3 2 Dmg. Can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit and can target enemy unit within 1" of friendly unit. Excess damage is not lost, spillsover.
Bileblade Strength User AP-3 D3 Dmg . Reroll Failed Wounds.
Bilesword Strength +1 AP-3 D6 Dmg. Reroll Failed Wounds.
Doomsday Bell. Str +1 AP-1 D3 Dmg.

Cast 2 Powers . Deny 1 Powers. Knows smite and 2 from Nurgle Discipline.

May Replace bilesword with doomsday bell.
May replace plague flail with bileblade.

Putrid Offering (bileblade): Suffer 1 Wound (Can be FNP) , add 1 to a psychic test before rolling .
Reverberating Summons (doomsday bell): Can summon on 4D6 instead of 3D6. At start of your turn, Roll D6 for every Nurgle Daemon unit within 7" of a GUO with Doomsday Bell, on a 4+ return a single slain model to that unit.

Crushing Bulk: Roll D6 at end of charge, on a 4+ do 1 MW to an enemy unit within 1".

Greater Daemon: Friendly Nurgle Daemon unit within 6" can use GUO's Ld (10) instead of their own.

Just over 300+ points.

The fun part is when not in combat they have chemicals injected into their brain that make them feel constant guilt and pain.

Going into an escalation league and starting with this. Planning Saturday to fight tyranids in a practice game, and I know he has an assload of genestealers, broodlord, and trygon for sures. Dunno about his other options.

Next month I add the other centipede, triarch stalker, and a single destroyer (starting on a cult for funsies)

Gonna try and avoid wraiths, scarabs, and acanthrites this league, cause I feel I’ve overused them thus far and haven’t been getting stellar results

It's not edgy. DE torture for a reason, a edgelord would torture for no reason.

sorry you can't into awesome

they could always wear waystones

How do the 1K Sons have Helbrutes if they're all dust?

Man, the leaked rules for Tzeentch Daemons and Nurgle Daemons seems so good.

Makes me wanna play an army of them... all those cool buffs and synergies.

because GW doesn't understand their own lore.

the sorcerers aren't dust, but more likely they probably just buy them or stick slaves in them

So, building a Deathwatch/Inquisition force from the ground-up. So far I've got a box of Deathwatch veterans and a ten-man squad of Marines I'm working on.

Any advice on weapons choices? What else should I take besides the Inquisitor and their retinue to bring the force up to 1000pts?
Is stormbolter spam somewhat viable for the acolytes? A friend mentioned it and I'm not sure if he's trying to fuck with me or not.

I went from playing Black Templars in 5th to playing Tzeentch in 8th, after a bit of a hiatus. Even now the army is a lot of fun, and the new stuff seems like they'll just be getting better. I say hop on, brother.

What do you think of this color scheme?

They are 10 points for a Storm Bolter, it's really good. Put them in a Taurox Prime with Gatling and 2 Hotshots and you're pumping out a shit ton of S4 fire power. I'm not sure how many to take or how many per squad. But yeah, definitely not fucking with you. Every other weapon besides Bolter and Storm Bolter is overpriced for their BS4+.

Looks pretty good to me, how does it translate to your infantry?

Either blue body and white head or reversed. Ive been really indecisive about how I should paint my eldar

Looking at your tank, I’d say maybe the blue for the helmet and white body armor

Remember that named characters are cancer and should be removed from the game.

compulsory primate.

I dig it.

How do we fix Dark Eldar?

I tend to feel this way in general when it comes to war games. I'm here to play an army, not make believe with someone's RPC donut steel.

Marines are gonna want to stick with boltguns as much as possible because special ammo. A dreadnought is also good. Use Inquisitors to get transports

I want referring to GW named characters, Vect, Guilliman, Calgar etc. The game should be about Your Doods, not Their Doods.

bring back the duke

Immortals seem pretty great so far.

Tbh I was planning just to have 10-12 acolytes for the retinue, and let the rest of my force be Deathwatch.

I was also considering taking a squad of bikers and giving them melee power weapons. Any suggestion for building on that?

You mean a Jokaero, yes?

what's wrong with them?

but with a "your dudes" "your dude" creation ability. i want to give traits to what i want to give traits to.

>noughty boxes don't have great traits to hand out.
>where is my venerable brother captain?
>and my iron-clad brother lieutenant?

So was I.

This is true. Plus I fell back on another tinder girl with huge teddies so that helped haha.

I like that the wounds are starting to spill over in combat. Is this the first example of it? I haven't kept up with all the codexes

user what did you need from that issue of WD?


Usually I just convert my hq up and then counts as him as a named character

To be fair it’s kinda hard with a primarch but I’m an npc so I don’t care

until silent king model

>tfw you make a list and realize that it probably won't work


Dark Angels and Death Guard terminators have the option to take flails which cause damage spill.

I feel you. I always have problems because everyone I play against takes some huge super thing like Mortarion, Baneblade, Wraithknight, Knight, Magnus, etc. I've started to use Old Grudge for my WL trait because I always end up facing something huge that just stomps through all my fun units.

So this is what Boreale felt like.

>When you make a list and realize you'll probably never get to play it

too many traits and you end up with a totally unbalanced herohammer game. 40k was there already.

In my case I just don't own the models for a decent army. There's certain units I need to get but don't really feel like buying at the moment.

(There's also the fact that I like to play what looks fun instead of only going for wins like the person I play most often.)

Someone explain why people want demons to have access to dark hereticus spells when those spells' keywords don't actually work on anything but CSM

>already love Flamers of Tzeentch/Exalted Flamers
>They're supposedly getting buffed

God damn my rock is cock hard

same tbqh, one day ill have the balls to make friends in my lgs

Combat Cocaine is love
Combat Cocaine is life

Hey Veeky Forums. I'm naming all of my guard, and I ran out of names. odd posts is a name

I just don't think GUO are worth 300 pts even with the buffs

>Go to the local GW
>Everyone is already friends there
>Break into the group after 6 months and everyone there knows my name
>Still can't get past just being a random person who plays there after 18 months
>They still all huddle together and tell stories about hanging out together outside of the store

I'm grateful to have friends at the store, but it would be nice to hang out after too.

>Aspect Warriors will never get updated lines
>Phoenix Lords will never get plastics or new resin

Tom Clancy


Lord Tachanka

You aren't their friend and never will be. You are merely an acquaintance.

Telarn Sint

Just testing camera settings don't mind me. I've found this thing changes up or down resolution when posting for god knows why. Say hi to Bullgryn and Eggs

I got interested in Malifaux. Anyone here played it? Is it good?

This is Veeky Forums not Veeky Forums.

This is also /40kg/ not /r6g/.

Needs highlighting/shading.

Me and my acquaintences meet up for drinks outside of game nights all the time and I've met some genuine friends through gaming. I pity you.
I think it's great, no one round me plays it at the moment (only get to play in tournaments every few months) models are really nice and the card based gameplay is neat.

play a different game for a while

The blues look good together and with white, but it's really bright overall. If you desaturated the blues a bit (and maybe the white also) and used the base color for highlights, it might be less loud. Just a guess, I'm not a good painter.

Jatt Screeboh

One day, GW will remember Vespid exist.

Seems like they feel that way so I could see that

Forgot to reply, fug.

It also grants the advantage of making ex-wives harder to identify if they get found.

>pity me for pointing out that the poster I was replying to isn't friends with people who clearly have made an effort to not extend an invitation into their friend circle after months of this guy trying
