What are your experiences with solo RPGs?
RPG Self-Love
It's a bit like jerking off.
Sure, it's alright in the moment, but when your finished you're just left unfulfilled and realizing it would be more fun if you had at least one other person with you.
Also, if you're playing a solo RPG you might as well just write a book, at least then you can pretend to act pretentious.
I mean, I've done them when on a long night shift with hours of nothing to do, they tend to be short one shots. I would love a good CYOA type of thing but I can only find Porn CYOA that comes close to what I'd like in a solo "campaign".
I mean there are plenty of good solo boardgames
>Porn CYOA
Which ones are you talking about? The only ones I've seen are 'choose between what harem you get' or 'choose if you're going to be a DD Amazonian futa or a loli succubus', and nothing that would be campaign like
Google "porn CYOA" and don't pick the Reddit links. The website I found is text based.
Oh, you mean gamebook style CYOA's and not the CYOA's that get spread on Veeky Forums
Also google battle sluts. Click the Reddit link and click the Google drive Link.
If battle sluts had a story module added to it and was combat focused itd be golden
Veeky Forums cyoa Adventures tend to mostly suck. Ive found a few good ones and they can sometimes entertain, but they tend to be "comfy" cyoa and not have any Adventure, real story, end goal, or challenge. So they are more of a CYO than a CYOA.
>solo RPG
How does that work? Is it just elaborate daydreaming?
It's imagination with a ruleset.
It sucked. High school was just work, isolation, and never getting laid. College took forever and I have a mountain of debt. The NPCs all either ignore me or are vaguely disappointed in me. Now I just grind gold and my stats are all dropping except wisdom
You can always multi into Rogue
it is like writing a story with extra steps
what about solo wargames
anyone have experiences with those?
Just playing both sides of a normal game. It's interesting if you determine a strategy for each side beforehand and try to execute for each side. I have no friends cool enough for wargames
Solo games archive: snip li /SyYY
It has gamebooks, solo rpgs, GM emulators, and everything.
I've played some of Two Hour Wargames' stuff. They support solo, co-op, and normal head-to-head in pretty much all of their games.
If you like moving your plastic army guys around and rolling some dice to see what happens, it's pretty fun. There's a snip li for them, too, at /TwoHourWargames
I'll admit to testing the encounters I plan for the group I GM for ahead of time. If a solo character can clear the combat encounters reliably, it should be safe to put up against a trio of players with middling system mastery.
Don't do them at the building site or pit head during your lunchbreak. Your workmates will laugh at you.
link is bad, the mega folder is down
I'm pretty sure you could just link directly to mega, I don't know why you needed a bad url shortner.
I just tested both links, They're both up and working, just like they were yesterday when I last visited them. Maybe you should learn to copy/paste better, user.
Also, the idea of the url shortener is that the links stays the same even if the mega link changes, so it doesn't go down ever unless the uploader stops maintaining it. Both of those are actively maintained. (Though I don't know why the solo maintainer doesn't give it a better link name than "SyYY", that's hard to remember)
>snip li /SyYY
are you sure?
Wait, no, you're right. The Solo trove really is down this morning, I guess that's what I get for having a lot of megas open and responding before I've had my morning coffee. I think I got a couple tabs mixed up, because I went to close them and there it is, just like your pic.
There are a lot of options these days, not just playing both sides. Dan Verssen Games makes the Leader series and Field Commander series. Legion Games makes all the updated B-17 QotS games. They may not be everyone’s cuppa but they exist.
Does Lone Wolf count? Those gamebooks are great.
No reason it wouldn't.