Don't mind me, /b/, I am but a humble follower of the teachings of Edgardo and A Guy Called Squid. But I come to you with a tale, one that is ongoing. Will it lead to triumph or downfall? We shall soon see. ITT: The Human Revolution.
>be me
>be 18, bongistani
>unsure if beta or alpha, feel somewhere in between, leaning more towards beta, scrawny and lanky fuck.
>also almost a sperg but was never close enough to be diagnosed, so halfway in between.
>none of this is really relevant to the story but it kinda seems like tradition to point it out.
>be really into roleplaying (any kind: larping, tabletop rpgs, computer rpgs, even text-based over messages)
>be chilling in voice chat on a discord rp server one day, chatting with friends and playing yugioh.
>one of my yankee friends off-handedly mentions “this fantasy rp server i joined and left today.”
>as in he joined it and left it on the same day
>ask him why
>”they’re treating humans like shit, they’ve made them both the weakest race and they’re treated like shit in character due to shit past humans did”
>have an idea.
The Human Revolution
>possibly one of the most autistic ideas i’ve ever had but god dammit i see kek potential
>remember the ballad of edgardo and a guy called squid and how they protested the bullshit rules by rising to the top in spite of them.
>get inspired.
>decide to make human character with the weakest class (the server calls classes jobs like final fantasy) possible that had some potential. but then i realised one thing.
>you can’t have an edgardo
>without a guy called squid.
>try to convince one of my more rping capable friends to join me first, thinking the yankee friend wouldn’t join in as he left. no luck, he has social anxiety.
>decide to join it myself first, set edgardo up, squid can be brought in later
>ask yankee friend for the invite link
>doesn’t have it, got it from a mutual brazilian friend
>brazilian friend happens to be in the server
>brazilian friend happens to be in the voice chat
>brazilian friend also left after a mod freaked out due to him literally talking to him.
>somehow convince yank and braz to join in, as well as two others from the server, i’ll call them loki and lyra.
>go to another server to gather more ‘troops’, get three i’ll call doe, cap, and wyatt.
>get braz to give me the link
>join server
>look at races
>yank wasn’t wrong. the two paragraphs describing humans and the lore behind them describe them as scum of the earth.
>weakest, dumbest, shittiest at magic (for a while the way they phrased it made us think they weren’t even capable of magic but we later found out they were. there’s an upside i guess), but at least they weren’t the slowest naturally.
>also caused a lot of shit before the rp started in something called “the scorching” which i assume is a war but the lore isn’t mentioned, like, fucking anywhere.
>side note, the channel they left their welcome messages in was called “welcome-owo”. they were using owo unironically.
>fucking. seriously.
>it gets worse from here.
>look at mod characters.
>all edgy mary sues or the always happy mary sues with the flawless personalities, obvious protagonists and anti-heroes.
>there was one that was weak and abused, but it was the shallow kind of weak and abused, obvious attempt at a “poor baby cinnamon roll” character.
>the most embarrassing one is the one of the head admin. the prince of vampires, julien dracule.
>is a vampire, with a job called “dragon rider” which is basically what you think it is, minor magic and connection with a dragon. julien’s was… bloodbending.
>create a group dm, add the people.
>tell them the plan.
>we’re all going to play humans. just normally, no bullshit until we have bullshit done unto us or see bullshit.
>immediately we see julien as our end target if we ever meet him, i haven’t seen him used anywhere.
>anyway, i look for the weakest job with potential to be badass.
>choose fisherman, starts you out with a spear and light armour.
>decide to eventually become a pirate and rule the seas.
>we all set up characters, much better than like 90% of the characters who were either edgelords or overly innocent. there was basically no in-between, it’s like everyone was trying to be the main protagonist.
>our little group doesn’t have a main protagonist, we work as a unit. or we will.
>i set up james “jim” mccarthy. a fisherman that’s got a strong moral code and a bit of wisdom from his ex-knight father but isn’t that smart. fishing’s all he knows. and cooking, he’s a damn good cook.
>braz makes an assassin whose family was killed by furries. made him kind of a racist prick and a bit edgy, but he was aware of this, it was intentional. kind of looks like vega from sf mixed with inigo montoya
>wyatt makes an antisocial tsundere kind of cryomancer, but not in an edgy way, is just kind of socially inept.
>doe makes a cartographer that wanted to travel but couldn’t due to ill family, ill family is now dead and she can travel the world.
>lyra, loki, cap, and yank haven’t made their characters yet
>braz and i jump in the game, braz a few hours before me in a tavern where he meets some weird people and an edgy demon guy called ziege (we’ll get to him later).
>spawn jim in some plains, by a river, trusty nimbus (nimbus is kind of like a cute derpy flying snake thing you can ride on. took one in case i need to retreat to the cut with the swiftness) by his side, fishing gear all set up.
>fish for a while, not much going on in the area, decide to move down to the larger part of the river with a dedicated channel.
>two angels, both with wounded wings are talking.
>they’re basically the same character but reacting to situations differently, one being ‘cinnamon roll’ and the other being tsundere or edgy
>hard to tell the difference wit that one.
>have jim sing a shanty, a river shanty
>i know river shanties aren’t a thing but fuck you i wanted him to sing.
>apparently me posting every line of the song got annoying and they did not hesitate to tell me so
>just say he continues to sing, some other guy joined their conversation earlier.
>this freaks out the ‘cinnamon roll’’s player because “i’ve only ever played with a max of 3 people”
>lord help this woman(?) if she(?) plays dnd.
>wasn’t gonna have him join the conversation anyway
>decide to have him go to town.
>whilst this was happening, braz’s character gerendor came across ziege hurling abuse at another pc. decided to throw a smoke bomb down and run out to see what it would do.
>turns out the guy had a bounty on his head
>at the exact same time gerendor threw down the smoke bomb, some other guy came to collect the bounty, and almost dropped the ceiling on ziege.
>ziege threatened to ragequit and said something about the ceiling being wood and not stone, as the bounty claimer was going to turn part of the ceiling into a stone pillar to drop on him.
>we’re claiming that bounty if it’s still up by the time we can.
>gerendor heads from the guild out into town, where jim’s selling his “fishy dishes”.
>gerendor buys some fish soup from jim, they have a chat, gerendor tries to talk jim into going into adventuring, talks about big dreams.
>jim’s big dream right now is basically to own a seafood company.
>gerendor says he’s going to a more populated city.
>jim asks to come with in exchange for providing food and aid along the way.
>they agree to leave soon.
>jim sells his fish dishes, gets ignored in a really rude way by some other human called gaelen (humans were slightly more common than expected, people enjoy being the underdogs).
>jim offers fish to another passerby, another one of our group, wyatt’s cryomancer.
>wyatt goes offline.
That’s all I have so far, this is actually a true story. Will continue to post more as it happens whether you fuckers want it or not.
Side note, I tried posting this on /b/ first, didn't really fit there. But I had it saved in a google doc, hence why I say /b/ and not Veeky Forums at the beginning, and how I posted all this so quickly.
I applaud you for having it all typed out ahead of time.
Promising start
but I feel like there's too many people to remember
also op
Give some screencaps?
Watching this thread. Also, you better have at least one screencap as a proof, fag.
>Don't mind me, /b/,
Fuck off and return to Reddit.
>I am but a humble follower of the teachings of Edgardo and A Guy Called Squid.
Actually, just kill yourself.
I dunno, man, why would an admin in a presumably small server be an asshole to people? It's like they don't want to have players or something.
Are there a lot of RP servers on discord? How did you stumble into one?
Anyway, good luck with your plan, man.
cool story, bro
my thoughts exactly
Veeky Forums is full of good people, but sometimes they're just too nice and it feels like tumblr
Sorry, Trump kiddie, but this is a storytime thread.
>why would an admin in a presumably small server be an asshole to people
It's a question and an answer.
Making my interest known for now
I too am interested
Y'all want screencaps? Screencaps on the way.
Screencaps, go!
Here's the first part of the human roast.
It's not exactly a small server. It's pretty fucking huge actually, at least over 100 members, though the amount of active members is another story. Still pretty high though. But there are a decent amount of servers, you just have to know people who are in them or see them advertised around the web.
And second part of the human roast.
Roast is definitely the wrong word. Barely even a re-heat.
And here's the man himself, Prince Julien.
If y'all want some more specific evidence let me know and I'll see if I can find it along the way.
Yo, what the fuck is this guy?
Are you actually required to fill that all out or did he just do it because he's a cringelord?
Oh shit, sorry for name.
Yeah that's all the shit you're supposed to fill in. It's cringey for sure, have no idea why the sexuality was needed, but this man managed to take it to a whoooole new level. By the way the "tribe"s kind of work like the nations of Avatar TLA, but only culturally.
Tell me more about the tribes.
I want to know how many there are and what kind of cringe each one is.
You betcha. I'll copy-paste the descriptions.
First one's Earth Nation it seems.
Tribe: Torekk. (Tor-eck)
Attribute: Earth/Rock
Capital: Cragen (Cray-Gen)
Region: Mountain Range
Colours: Brown, and Grey.
Summary: The Torekk are one of the more powerful tribes. Not because of their intellectual property, or lack thereof, but more because of there brute force and power. The strongest people are born here, and the tribe is a rich one due to its large mining business. The most powerful Terramancers (Earth magic) reside here.
Leaders/Rulers:The man with control over the mining tribe of the Torekk, is the well known dwarf, named Gratehörn. The one thing he's famous for, is his kind heartedness. He would even have a drink, and a party, with his greatest enemies. This almost happened once, when he set up a negation between them, and the Scriven, and both leaders of both tribes got completely smashed, and ended up becoming close friends.
Although a ruler, he isn't a warrior, and never was. He was a blacksmith, and a very good one at that. The best in his tribe actually, and one thing led to another, and he now rules a tribe. A man, with a heart made of gold, and laugh that's hearty and true. A true leader.
"Tribe: Stark. (Stark)
Attribute: Ice/Snow
Capital: Nixstorm (Nicks-torm)
Region: Northern Peak
Colours: White and Grey.
Summary: The Stark are a tribe that centre around "The Wall". As a child, you spend your life roughing your edges, and making yourself a soldier. The wall is a list of names, with 7 "Circles" on it. The richer families have children on the higher Circles, where as the poorer families are near the bottom. Depending what Circle you are in, will depend if your job us within the palace, or in a lonely outpost for the rest of your life. A strict tribe, but also one with the toughest, and most lethal warriors. Truly, a tribe to fear. The most powerful Cryomancers (Ice magic) reside here.
Leaders/Rulers: The Queen of the ice kingdom, is Queen Shaerd, is the pristine definition of royalty. A woman who may also always have her Verticulian nose, pointed into the air, she is certainly not afraid to get her hands dirty. Legends say that she fought off an entire army of Iessen, with nothing but get claws, and extremely powerful Cryomancy. Possibly the most feared, yet most respected woman to exist, she leads the tribe for a reason, and her tribe will follow her, even if certain death is over the horizon, she is truly, a magnificent spectacle of a Verticule."
They literally called the ice one Stark. Fucksake.
"Tribe: Iessen. (Eye-ss-in)
Attribute: Fire
Capital: Ashen (Ash-in)
Region: Volcanic Plains
Colours: Orange, Red, and Black.
Summary: Iessen, the tribe who's hearts burn with the deep passion, and joy of cruel slaughter, and mass-genocide. Their battle hardened souls, and spirits, full of alcohol, and Bloodlust. The most powerful Pyromancers (Fire magic) reside here.
Leaders/Rulers: Not much is known about the leader of the Iessen, as he never shows his face, not even to his generals. No one knows what race he is from, but they know what his name begins with.
He communicates by sending letters through to his generals, normally saying where the troops should be sent. And every letter is signed, with the his signature. An L."
Also I have no idea what the fuck a Verticule is they have a fuckton of races to the point of them basically being pointless and impossible to remember them all. Apparently they're what you get when a humanoid race fucks a dragon.
Sprite. Fucking Sprite. What kind of bullshit name.
Tribe: Sprite. (Sprite)
Attribute: Water
Capital: Curta (Cur-ta)
Region: Eastern Ocean
Colours: Turquoise, Green, and Blue.
Summary: A peaceful, and intellectually advanced tribe, the Sprite offer the vast extent of knowledge and literature to all other tribes. Mostly made up of Merfolk, as their Capital, among most other settlements, is underwater, in the deepest depths of the oceans secrets. The most powerful Hydromancers (Water magic) reside here.
Leaders/Rulers: "Mother" is what she is best known as, as the Tribal Leader of the Sprite acts as a mother to every tribe member, whether related or not. A very smart and sweet Merfolkian woman, Dracon is not just a ruler, but an author, and a great one at that. Infact, she is such an amazing author, that it is said that her pieces have even brought the heartless Scriven, to tears. A poet, an author, and a beautiful leader.
Okay this is especially good but after this I'll just write down the basics, behold Scriven, the tribe of darkness and edge.
Tribe: Scriven. (Scriv-en)
Attribute: Darkness
Capital: Ent (Ent)
Region: Abyssal Canyon
Colours: Black, Grey, and Brown.
Summary: More of a terrorist group then a tribe, the Scriven the ones who have succumbed to the Dark God, and serve every will of his, which apparently includes butchering innocents. Not a nice tribe, and Information regarding them is valued highly, and sought after by both the Black Market, and the Rulers of each other tribe. The most powerful Necromancers (Death magic) reside here.
Leaders/Rulers: The infamous tribe of the Scriven, have an equally infamous leader. Traite is an Elf who is terrifyingly smart. He can outwit almost anyone, and uses his expertise to stay multiple steps ahead of his targets. His friendship with the Torekk leader, Gratehörn, make him even more of a threat, as his troops get formidably made weapons and armour.
Beware, of the Scriven, even more so, about their leader
Is the server set up as one big world or are there multiple smaller games running simultaneously?
>Capital: Ent (Ent)
Why the specification?
Also, why do all these people write like 6 year olds?
Okay, then you have:
>Aman, the tribe of light, typical bullshit healy pacifist types.
>Varnia, tribe of nature, typical peaceful savages in endless jungle.
>Skal, tribe of wind, normal floating civilisation with some weird mystery behind the monarchs disappearing. This one actually seems somewhat interesting.
>Terra, tribe of sound, naming makes no sense I know, typical exotic desert market nation with lots of entertainment and debauchery.
>Gyle, tribe of time, very "mysterious oooo" kinds of people.
>Kraiven, tribe of illusions, constantly moving floating island with a bunch of mind tricks. Someone get a Toydarian.
>Auron, tribe of the moon/night, religious moon-worshippers.
>Platina, tribe of the sun/day, yuge trading center and market, decided to make Jim hail from here.
>Teneres, tribe of electricity/lightning. Very solitary, no reason given whatsoever.
>Kalhaldren, war war war, also very anti-magic. Nords, basically.
It's like a planet of planets of hats.
I suspect that a few of them are at most 15.
One big world. Though there does seem to be specific groups and obvious protagonists
>Terra, tribe of sound
This makes me hurt
Me too, my friend. Me too.
Remember when your entire identity wasn't wrapped up in making sure everyone on Veeky Forums knew you were on Veeky Forums and not another website?
That is simply painful.
Have you gotten any idea what the fuck "The Scorching" was?
Also,I know 12 year olds who write better than this.
Not a fucking twinkle of knowledge. The lore is either nonexistent or not posted fucking anywhere.
Sorry if i'm being annoying with this all the questions but I really wanna know about this dumpster fire.
What's the cringiest player you've seen aside from the vampire faggot?
Probably Ziege, he meets every single edgelord cliche. At least Julien has SOME interesting things like the bloodbending. Ziege is just... Edgy demon. From what I've seen so far.
No prob, nothing wrong with liking monsters, you fuckboi.
I fuck around in /qst/ a lot.
What I like changes depending on the quest.
His character sheet actually seems pretty good. May have just caught him on a bad day or something, but he's still the demon that grew up around humans and then was outcast when he was found out. Alcoholic, "oddly very handsome" (bleck), scar over an eye, bipolar.
Well, that's all I wanted to know.
Make another thread when something interesting happens.
Keep an eye on this one, the story will be continuing here. Maybe after a week or so.
Got an invite?
Yeah, can you spare one so that we can witness this horrible trashcan of an RP in the flesh?
Maybe at some point. But a bunch of channers joining the server may spoil the cringe and the journey. So once we've done our thing and if the server's still there I may share it. I make no promises, though. I don't want any raids happening.
Dude. This server sounds screwed up.
It's glorious in its cringe.
bump for interest
Judging by my personal knowledge and trope detection sense, it's the typical "muh apocalypse" caused by not-weaponsofmassdestruction, plus "scorching" can refer to the act of purpisely destroying land just so your enemy won't be able to use it aftermath, and would also be used in the case of a mutual atomic destruction;
this post-apocalyptic shit is very frequent by now, just mentioning it without explanations and just relying on the fact this was caused by the arrogant humanity blah blah is in my top red flags for unironical edgelords.
If the creation/release of magic was caused by such event, then I'm glad to announce their setting is basically adventure time without fun, originality and the nice easthetics.
Tell me if they go full Laputa/nausicaa with some old world relics market/plot points or some of them waking up.
remember when it's a common trait of humans to flock around groups that have ways of thinking and acting similar to their own?
I don't know if it'll go straight over your head so let me explain
when I say it feels like tumblr it means that it feels like the group of people who frequent Veeky Forums is similar to the group of people who frequent tumblr. Good people, but just a bit too cringy
With all that has been said, what I will recommend is that you wait until all this has transpired, and the server inevitably blows up, due to your feats. Write down important events on a text file or some such, then report to us your tale, your ballad, so to speak.
this is Veeky Forums