Tell me about that Fantasy System that almost no one knows and you like for me this three:

Tell me about that Fantasy System that almost no one knows and you like for me this three:
Retro Phaze
Far Away Lands


what the fuck is up with her left arm

is she a crab

Shes wearing very odd armour, that makes her look a bit like a crab.

please don't hate me. It's fun.


No, look at the length of her arm. Her wrist reaches below her cunt.


yeah, I've genuinely run some really fun games with it

But everyone knows about MYFARGO because Kristian spams it here on a weekly basis.

oh, I'm sorry, I don't cme on here too often and usually when I bring it up to people it's the first they hear of it, any time I've brung it up on here people have a really negative response though.

this game's also really fun and I never hear anything about it

> (You)
>oh, I'm sorry, I don't cme on here too often and usually when I bring it up to people it's the first they hear of it, any time I've brung it up on here people have a really negative response though.

That's because we've all read it and understand that it's a babby's first fantasy heartbreaker. The only interesting parts are the windows into Kristian's mind, like vaccines causing autism, or "sunlight vitamins".

who's Kristian? I just some of the mechanics dude

Kristian is Wolf Vikingguy's real name.

that's actually pretty funny, it'd be better if it was spelled Christian though.

DCC was pretty fun.

SeeD, motherfuckers.

They talk about it in the osr general

Third edition?

Whats that?

Eldritch Ass Kicking

That is perspective

I'd rather play Fourth Edition or d6

A FFRPG made with IRC bots in mind.

whats your experience with both, 4e and d6

Both 4e and d6 are better with character customization and allowing combos, as 3e's single-job rule means that you're stuck with whatever your job gives you, at whichever level the job gives you. Also there are fewer dead levels and character advancement feels better.

All in all, it simply feels better playing those two instead of 3e. 3e feels too rigid and limiting in comparison.