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>How to Jumpchain
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>realizing the only reason I'd want high-tier casual reality warping is to rub it in the noses of malevolent reality warpers (e.g. Bill Cipher)
Anyone else take perks for exceptionally petty reasons?
I took pretty much every Magic and Telepathy perk I have for the explicit purpose of fucking with Young Justice Wally West and M'gann in Season 2
Thought Acceleration [200 - Discount for Alchemist] - Even a human brain operating at peak capacity has its limits - it is, after all, what amounts to biological software with set limitations. But what if those limitations could be surpassed? You are able to accelerate your thought processes to twice their normal speed, letting you quickly multitask and react faster than body and nervous system would normally allow, running calculations and strategies in a blink rather than a minute. In time, you could even accelerate this to three, or four or more times in speed. However, much like overclocking a computer, this is a stressful technique that is exhausting, and if overused, can burn your brain out like an overheated engine. Practice and careful moderation may let you overcome this, but for now, be cautious in how you use this.
What's old is new again.
Yes. Pretty much every perk I take that isn't purely for survival is to increase my "trickster" potential.
So this is happening.
I wanna do a similar one for the world chalice/stargrails but that one seems to be a work in progress...
Do you ever keep your promises? I remember you said you'd stop using shitty "previews" to attention whore, and yet you seem to have done it almost every single day.
So, how much longer do you think it'll be until everything here:
-has been covered?
Excluding the obvious lewd setting.
I honestly base upwards of 90% of my purchases around waifu-related factors.
Is the Gem of Cyttorak in X-men Evo actually mystical or was that changed from the comics?
I don't recall anyone saying anything of the sort, and I suspect you're only upset because Heavens is drawing attention away from your constant manufactured outrage.
gib pic related or i'll riot
I've long since become comfortable in my own skin, but I still stockpile appearance perks so I can pull shit like this
>More Duel Monsters jumps
Yeah, I know pic related would be better for Duel Terminal Part 2, but it looks cool!
>True King Capstone
I got you.
>Heavens is drawing attention away from your constant manufactured outrage
As he well should. That factory outrage is shit, I only respond to fresh, ethically sourced, artisanally brewed bait.
Yeah, the latter parts are going to get fuckin awesome to see in perk form. Can't wait to fight the god of destruction bois
In the cartoon it worked by producing an odd type of radiation.
All these Duel Monster jumps confuse the hell out of me. So they're like a weird composite of "lore" grabbed from all the different cards? Is there like a book or something containing all this shit? I seriously don't get it.
Ah, ok. I just watched the episode but with Azazel actually being in the cartoon (he is right? He's still Nightcrawler's dad or did I get that wrong?) I thought that maybe Magneto just didn't know it was mystical.
It'll be awhile. At least if people are reasonable and wait for Ava's Demon to progress.
The Digger ones are pretty much 90% OC, but yeah basically.
What settings do we have that offer proper shapeshifter races? There are a fair amount of shapeshifting powers available (Animorphs, NGE, etc) but I mean dedicated races.
Depends on the one in particular.
Duel Terminal is notable in that it does in fact have documentation. Shadow Realm took a lot of filling in the blanks.
Pendulum Wars(name pending, possibly calling it the Dracoslayer Saga or the Draco Wars) is a bit of both. We KNOW there's a storyline there, due to a mix of flavor text and the card art lining up really well, but the actual sequence of events requires a bit of interpretation. I had to piece together a bunch of incomplete theories(due to the posts often being made piecemeal for each constituent archetype or made before the storyline hit its conclusion) for this one.
>want to be a demon in demons of astlan
>still want to look decent
>Not too ugly, not too terryfying
>just want the demon king look
>jump requires goat legs and cloven hooves as well as horns
Plus side is theres loads of art for this. Minus is that its all women and succubi.
What jumps offer to let you be a god or a demon?
Marvel Magic.
For Duel Terminal, at least, you have these. Mind that the two versions of the stories are mutually exclusive at places, and that the first guide has stories completely unrelated to DT (at least one user was wondering when the Six Samurai were gonna show up).
>>just want the demon king look
They can shapeshift into whatever they want.
Im not sure if he was in the cartoon or not, I do know nightcrawler was mystiques son. I dont remember seeing azazel. But there was an episode where they slowed down nightcrawlers teleportation, turns out he pops into hell, flies around a bit, then pops back really really fast. Turns out slowin it down was a bad idea because that allows planehopping demon dinosaur dogs to follow.
Yeah they can but their true form is generally pretty ugly iirc. And I want my altform I revert too when tired out to be more workable than orcus.
What Origin(s) did you happen to get in the Type-Moon jumps? If you actually went to them anyway.
So, what your saying is, we need more hipsters for you to be properly outraged.
>that plot
Damn, that's...actually pretty crazy. Though I have to admit, I kind of like the first part of it the best. Evil alchemist infects the world with a plague that turns them into dragons he controls? Main hero becomes a dragon, but maintains his free will at the cost of his memories, left with only the desire to defeat the alchemist? Liberates the tribes oppressed by the alchemist and gains a great power from them? Finally confronts his foe after liberating the people, but is nearly overwhelmed by his transformed enemy and his dark creations until he regains his memory and promptly stomps both the transformed alchemist and the monsters he created?
That sounds fucking awesome. The rest is cool, don't get me wrong, but that whole first part would make for a great story by itself.
So while I've mostly been treading old ground with the Alchemist tree, I have a question regarding an idea I had with the perks. How's this sound to all of you:
>Adorkable [200] - People judge you by your intentions rather than your social skills
>Heir of JUMPER [400] - Inherit skills/powers from your ancestors or immediate relatives, more diluted the further back it goes. Can also be used to cut blood ties, which can free you from a curse or just being related to someone biologically.
>Bonds Across Time [400] - Make close friends that have absolutely unbreakable loyalty to you.
>Artificer [600] - Mostly the same as the original
>Merge Memory Partition+Unreal Precision into a [600] to make a capstone
This sound fine to you folks as far as Alchemist goes? Wanted to see if I could add more without following the old perkline each step of the way.
I actually like them. They fill me with hope.
Make it so.
A brain would be hardware, not software. The mind/soul would be the software in this analogy.
Also, thanks for the previews.
Yeah, I'd actually consider everything pre-Master Peace to be "Act 1" and everything after it to be "Act 2", if I'm being honest. It definitely feels like it with the introduction of the new tribes and the True Kings. It's ambiguous so far about the fact that the True Kings were evil before or after, I just liked the idea of Vector corrupting them. There's enough wiggle room in the sequence of events to say that the True Kings were already a threat that was awakened by the Amorphage...
While I like the story of part 1 is better, I like the archetypes involved in part 2 of that more.
Sounds good. Question for Heir of JUMPER though, if we use it to cut blood ties do we lose everything? Both the good and the bad? I presume so, but I figured I should ask.
Gotcha, thanks Archetype-san. I promise not to destroy any moons today.
Very well!
Thanks Heavens, these previews are keeping me tided over till the jump is complete, and it lets me know that yes the jump is being made.
this ratty son of a bitch is enabling stupid xyz otks even in the link format and basically, you are fucking stupid
How clingy are you Jumpers?
I grabbed every mental fortitude/willpower/psychicsfuckoff skill I could, just so I bathe in telepath tears.
I'm only really intimate with my waifu.
Heir of Jumper sounds a bit gimmicky for 400 cp. Otherwise it seems pretty representative of Alchemists and balanced.
That is a cute rat.
>immediate relatives
...Would this work on any kids we have? I feel like it shouldn't but reading it makes me think so.
How is it gimmicky? It's got two effects, one being really broad and potentially getting you a bunch of new skills and powers and the other being defined but good at what it does. If anything, I'd say it's too good for 400, but that depends on how generous it's going to be with what skills and powers you can get.
Don't support it! It'll swarm the field with copies of Broadbull and Drident and it'll fuck us over!
He's cute but he's also the harbinger of pure anal devastation so rightfully tends to get a near existential hatred from anyone who's had to deal with the little shit
I agree.
...Drident is also pretty cute. I can call Sleuth_user if Broadbull becomes a problem.
>Meanwhile, in another meta
>*laughs in protagonist*
Konami should never make bouncing cards
What is with those arrows on the corner of the card? It reminds me of that card game in FF9.
Fuckin' Fred Wall, man. How do you even defeat such a foe.
Link monsters, basically you can only summon monsters from the extra deck (Fusion/XYZ/Synchro/Pendulum) to wherever a link monster points to outside of the initial Extra Monster zone
That being said most Link focused decks relied on intense degeneracy from running 2+ Firewalls on the field until they finally bothered to limit the fucker, basically becoming the new Synchro spam of our time
But does anyone remember dungeon dice monsters?
I believe in Zero I picked up Beginning & Ends, but I never came up with a good use for it other than 'starting a new project and finishing an old one is easier'. Another one I considered was 'Metamorphosis' or something of that nature, but I forget what the idea was there.
I do! I think I have the first episode of when it appeared on VHS.
Bitch fuck yeah I do
It wasn't even a bad concept just horridly executed.
when the fuck are we getting a Duelists of the Roses jump
i want to fight an english civil war via children's card game goddamnit
Yeah I am just gonna go with as my response too. Thanks for explaining it to me though.
It's part of the Link Format. Now location on the board iis important because effects on Link monsters can deal with them, and in general a link monster allows special summoning where the things point and "links" to other Link monsters. I actually am not too familiar with the format since I kinda dislike the two major nerfbats they swing with it. (A) A section where extra deck monsters go, only allowing you at base a single extra deck monster...unless you have a link monster, who opens up the board for you(no it's not blatantly pushing our new shiny cards for you to buy)
and (B) Pendulum spaces now are part of the S/T zone instead of their own spaces which means they're a factor in your backrow now. Which limits you to 3 backrow while you got the bitches on the field
It's a real pain.
Your talking about the PS2 game right?
I barely understood Synchro monsters, why did Yugioh have to get so confusing? Thanks for the explanation Digger, and good luck with Pendulum.
It's easier to see it in practice than it is to explain it, from what I understand.
But basically nowadays your Scapegoat cards and other tokens actually make some disgusting fields
That would be it. Game was and still is pretty fun even if it's not aged terribly well.
I loved it too, but didn't you constantly have to change your deck after almost every fight because of a cost limit or something?
I actually think it's relatively fun that there's many options to get out good things. It helps if you learn layer by layer, the main issue with explaining why Links is a bitch is that it's biggest impact is on how the previous Extra Deck types work, and then to people who at best remembered the fusion era around GX it seems like having to learn 3-4 totally seperate special summoning methods just to understand what the deal is.
See above point. It looks better than it hears, I'll admit, since you see the board and the arrows and it kinda clicks. Thing points at thing, things effected by that.
Sounds about right. Game was pretty hard if I remember right. Or maybe I was just retarded like 12 years ago.
Because in the majority of settings you don't necessarily have any strong or competent relatives? Like how do you see it as being broad and useful?
Yeah, every (or almost every) duelist had a different point limit that you had to stay under in order to even challenge them.
Jumpers, what sort of things do you do purely to fuck with people?
post here
I'm still mad they call the graveyard "GY"
They're running out of space, have you seen the wall of text on Cyberdark inferno
Well, that one card doesn't mention the graveyard, but I see your point. However, it's their own damn fault for making cards with such unnecessarily complicated effects, and if they want to free up more space, they could just come up with more keywords, like how they changed "removed from play" to "banished". Like, change "return it to the hand" to "recall" or something.
>Controlled "Cyberdark" Effect Monsters that are Equipped are Invulnerable, and Untargetable. You can target 1 Controlled "Cyberdark" monsterl; recall it, then immediately Normal Summon 1 "Cyberdark" monster. This card is Periodic. If this Controlled card is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: Conjure 1 "Polymerization" or "Fusion" Spell.
Most of my perk choices are simply because "that sounds cool"
I only occasionally consider my "build" and how perks choices fit into that, and only very rarely to I try to pick the "most powerful" choice.
I have NO fucking idea how those twin Origins affect(effect?) my magecraft.
When's a good time to visit Adventure Time?
Jumpers! I have a question pertaining to the morality of Charisma Perks. Particularly, Harem Perks. Would you feel like it's or somehow like mind controlling a person you are attracted to (In this case, several someones) and having them fall in love with you because of your perk? Do you draw a line where you no longer find it right to use your charisma to befriend/seduce someone?
Don't start this shit. Persuasion =/ Mind Control.
Why not?
We have had this conversation before and we will have it again. And again. And again. Etc...
I swear it's like the cockroach of shitposting. Nobody cares about it but it just never dies.
I haven't read it before. Not that it hasn't been talked about, just never read it. Just curious what people think.
I only use charisma perks to try and ensure that there's no resentment
otherwise >needing charisma perks
Never liked the show. But if you want a serious answer to your question then it seems like a decent mid jump thing.
I consider charisma perks different than harem perks, but no I don't consider it inherently wrong to use any level of charisma. I only draw the line at convincing them to harm themselves/innocents.
Pretty much whenever. There're a few Reality Warpers here and there, but you have to go REALLY out of your way to run into them. Like, literally into other dimensions and shit. Although I would recommend picking up a Perk or two for resisting corruption, for both physical mutation and poly-morphing, as well as mental brainwashing and control.
(Fallout) #51
-Background: Vault Dweller (900CP) -OH fuck me, where am I.
-Skill Tags: Medicine, Repair, Science (Free) -I wander the Wasteland and fix things up.
-Chemist (800CP) -My drugs are more effective, longer lasting, and don't addict SHIT.
-Educated (Free) -I learn very well!
-Fortune Finder (700CP) -I am superb at finding loot.
-Certified Tech (300CP) (Discount) -I am smart, and can reverse-engineer technology!
-Cyborg (-300CP) -I can integrate tech into myself, implants are twice as effective, and I can implant things!
-Food Purifier (Free) -Aaaaand need it.
-Robot Butler (-400CP) -I'm going to need someone else to talk to.
-Pip-Boy 3000 (-500CP) (Discount) -Fuck yeah, a nice glove-mounted PDA.
-Physical Implant (Free) -Boost my intelligence up some.
-Bloody Mess (-400CP)
-Shunned (-200CP)
-Hated (0CP)
Dice Rolls: New California Republic, 27 years old
-End Choice: Next Adventure
You know what's more infuriating than realizing a lot of people despise you, you have to go at it on your own, and the concept of subtlety has been drowned in the mutilated corpses that you can't help but make?
It's having a snarky robot commenting on it.
>"Madam, if I can interrupt your latest impression of Sweeney Todd, you're drawing quite a bit of attention from the local militia."
"This isn't an impression! I'm trying to be quiet by using a sword!"
>"Ah, I see. Rather than burn them alive gruesomely, you find it more efficient to butcher them as they scream and flail. Blood loss will do that."
"...the point is to leave less of an impression.
>"One would think simply not fighting them would be less of an impression. Records show out of the myriad of fights you took part in, whatever you simply ignored or bypassed all died in exceedingly gruesome ways. You have accrued a large bounty that perhaps risks exceeding your chest measurements."
He was also kind of an ass about it.
On the plus side, I learned a lot in this place. Plenty of chemical creations, I became better at finding loot, and I finally gained someone else to talk to aside from Finduilas. So that was rather beneficial for me, and Mr. Handy being a robot meant I would be able to upgrade them significantly down the road. At least this way assuming they could keep the snark in check, it would be a good way to help keep me in check as well.
...the cyborg part was weird. Very very weird. On one hand, cybernetics is all a part of transhumanism and eventually bettering oneself. On the other... there was something very visceral and strange about voluntarily installing machinery inside of you. There's a part of you which tells you that you shouldn't be chopping or removing pieces of yourself. The part that keeps your self-preservation intact. This sort of thing kind of flies in the face of that. It's one of those things that's a real eye opener when you realize what you're willing to do to give yourself an edge.
>risks exceeding your chest measurements."
Fuck you, I laughed
Taking Heir of JUMPER with the Dead Apostle background wouldn't let us inherit from whatever DAA we're descended from, would it? I guess that question also goes for any other kind of "second life" lineage, although only World of Darkness vampirism is coming to mind as an example.
(Fallout 4) #51
-Background: The Institute (Free) -SCIENCE!
-Race: Courser Synth (600CP) -Hell yeah. I'm pretty awesome.
-Crafter (500CP) -I build shit quickly!
-Chemist (Free) -I'm good at my chemical elements!
-Wasteland, M.D. (300CP) (Discount) -I can fix most things.
-Scrapper (0CP) -Bitch, I am breaking this stuff down and taking it.
-Cyborg (-200CP) (Discount) -Better organs, and better everything.
-SCIENCE! (-500CP) (Discount) -And I can make a lot of awesome shit.
-Starting Gear (Free) -Uh... cool?
-All Roads (-500CP)
-Hate Newspapers (-300CP)
-There's a Settlement That Needs Your Help (0CP)
-Scenario Two: Kill the Machinist
-Robot Sympathy (Free) -Understand more about robots to improve and upgrade them.
Dice Rolls: Bunker Hill, 35 years old
-End Choice: Next Adventure
>"Madam, I can't help but notice your social etiquette has degraded considerably."
"I'm alright, Handy. ...just a temporary thing."
>"Is it related to your additional modifications?"
>"Need I remind you that your body has taken on additional modifications? While you have increased your own physical strengths and efficiencies, it does mean you have begun to become something other than human."
"...well maybe that's not a bad thing for me."
>"I am not denying the need to improve. I am merely expressing concerns. Not every path is a wise idea... and as your aide I am obliged to ensure your goals align with each other. You would not wish for any kind of power that sees your face slough off."
"...Fair enough."
>"Additionally, your breasts wearing your face would be very poor etiquette and would risk accusations of being overweight."
>"It is because of how much your face would need to stretch to fit them."
While I was busy going between towns and scavenging other things while taking out the Machinist, I'm slightly dismayed at how quickly Mr. Handy adjusted to this new lifestyle.
I don't tend to bother with harem and charisma perks, but I wouldn't consider them straight mind control. To me, unless otherwise stated, they act as more fate-bending than anything else.
>While you have increased your own physical strengths and efficiencies
That is not what I thought he meant by "additional modifications"