Try to refute this
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Swap Slannesh with Nurgle
>liberal authoritarian is slaaneshi
u wot
You fucked up the entire left side.
gb2/pol/ and think about what you've done.
I think this makes sense.
Khorne is honor/warrior culture, so easily fits into authoritarian-right
Papa N is all about family, not too much of a stretch to make him a commie
Slaanesh is hedonism, so left-anarchy fits
But Tzeentch is maybe awkward in the right-libertarian ancap spot. I guess you can make the case that the hyper-dynamism that Tzeentch represents is semi-capitalistic.
This gets at the more general problem with Tzeentch being truly the embodiment of Chaos itself, and having less specific character than the other 3. In my headcanon, Tzeentch is the head of the Chaos pantheon.
If Khorne is right-wing, will he respect my property rights?
He will respect it if you fight for your property
Well then, he's got my vote. So long as no daemons arrest me for protecting my land
The daemons cant arrest you if you murder them first
really all of them are bottom right
you wouldn't have any land. Khorne would own all the land because he fought for all the property the strongest.
But he might lease it to you indefinitely for a rent that he likely would make dependent on your income, and would have no problem if you defended that leased land against others in Khorne-approved ways.
Suddenly makes US home defense look like pussyfooting.
>Khorne is honor/warrior culture
is that ultra marine crying metal?
He's literally the chaos god of honorable combat and everything associated with warriors
>Khorne would own all the land because he fought for all the property the strongest.
No, he would unite all properties in the world, to a single household and let all owners fight in an eternal battle over it until one comes on top.
Khorne doesn't care about honor at all. He just wants blood to flow.
Canon contradicts your words
Do cite your "canon", memelord.
>Plays the game
>Does not know the lore
>Calls others memelord
I don't even play Warhammer
Where is Malal?
Malal doesn't follow politics and lives as a hermit.
Two things wrong with your post
1) You mean left authoritarian. Liberalism is the idea of putting the power directly in the hands of the people rather than in the state. Liberalism and authoritarianism are incompatible which is why both commies and nazis hate liberals.
2) You mixed up Nurgle's and Slaanesh's symbols
Makes sense. The prancing foppery and excess of slannesh is an affront to khorne's sense of martial honor. Nurgle's blessings in equal to all followers and eternal state of unchanging decay is anathema to tzeench's sense of constant change and evolution fueled by subtle manipulations of mere peons by the powerful and gifted.
Ah yes, Khorne the God of Honorable combat who very much Cares from whence the blood flows, which can be seen by the actions of one of his champions: Kharne the Everloyal.
>Things no one said
Who's the memelord now
Who’s bottom left and why is it in Great Horned Rat’s spot-place?
Here's (you)r last (you).
More like this desu
Tzeentch represents change, Nurgle represents stasis, so Tzeentch aligns with revolutionary leftism and Nurgle aligns with conservatism and reaction.
Khorne and Slaanesh should be self-explanatory.
>Hates Slaanesh due to excessive self-indulgence
GHR is right-libertarian desu
Top middle has aspects of both Khorne and Nurgle, but that seems pretty correct apart from that.
t. actual nazi
Shouldn't Nurgle go in the green square, Tzeentch go in the blue, Slaanesh in the purple, and Khorne go in the red?
Are you colorblind?
>implying nazis aren't top-right
We aren't. Concepts from the left and right are combined. Traditionalism, having a mostly free market, and nationalism from the right, while government ensuring labor is fair, giving workers rights, ensuring monopolies don't form, and stopping big businesses from ganging up from the Left. That's why we're enemies of both capitalists and communists. I don't like posting this stuff outside of /pol/, but pic related is an example of the mindset.
But you still support production driven by profit and trade, and ownership by a Capitalist class
Your still a capitalist, and you try to bandaid over capitalisms inherent self contradictions (profit is unsustainable, either because of effective demand or the falling rate of profit) through government spending (esp military). Your not third way, you're a stooge
But user, if it were orderly, it wouldn't be a chaos grid
But there's no conservatism in that axis you mong.
It's right vs left in the capitalist vs socialist angle, conservatism would fit in the upper right area (to an extent since they believe in a lot of state intervention in the economy), but there's literally - nothing - in the image that deals with the crap you're assuming.
I didn't come here to argue politics, user, just to clarify why NatSoc isn't just Khorne. This is the last post I'm going to make since I'm not a fan of shitting up threads.
>But you still support production driven by profit and trade, and ownership by a Capitalist class
This literally doesn't matter if all classes have good living conditions.
>Your still a capitalist, and you try to bandaid over capitalisms inherent self contradictions
No, there are just aspects of it there.
>(profit is unsustainable, either because of effective demand or the falling rate of profit) through government spending (esp military). Your not third way, you're a stooge
That's why the economy isn't solely for the sake of profit, but rather for enriching the nation.
Profit works as a motivator as long as there are other factors (nationalist government) to keep morality in check and the nations best interests at hand. This way, we aren't exporting jobs and leaving workers to fight over scraps, which is the main problem now. Profit for the sake of profit, in Capitalism, expects unlimited resources to plunder from the planet, which is why they encourage population growth and ignore recycling resources - to sell more people stuff.
NatSoc recognizes and tackles these problems by using profit as a tool for the nation, rather than for it's own sake, and protects the workers, environment, etc at the same time.
/pol/ never realizes that it is just a meme board at this point.
No, I'm saying that fascism/national socialism/whatever you want to call it is actually to the right of modern capitalism. Left and right are admittedly pretty nebulous concepts, but most definitions associate the left with a combination of preference of lower-class interests and societal change leading toward equality, and the right with preference of upper-class interests and either perpetuation of the status quo or a revival of more hierarchical forms of order. This places fascism clearly on the right.
You're describing mercantilism, which was an early form of capitalism that gave rise to the bourgeois revolutions, leading to the emergence of liberalism as a dominant political ideology.
No, he hate's Slaanesh because the dark prince confuses him sexually.
>Profit for the sake of profit, in Capitalism, expects unlimited resources to plunder from the planet, which is why they encourage population growth and ignore recycling resources - to sell more people stuff.
You have a faulty understanding of Capitalism, choosing to make it more then it actually is.
Capitalism at its root is founded in the concept of creating a free market to allow fair trades of equal value as decided by both parties. The west does not have free markets nor true capitalism right now as the government has seen fit to regulate many aspects of the market, favoring some over others through litigation and lobbying.
NatSoc fails because it doesn't recognize that human incentive is not something you can force upon the masses. A third party cannot come in and force people to value things at different rates and thus attain true fair trade. Because of that the economy gets clustered by un realistic demand and supply of various resources until it weighs down the system till collapse. Add the fact that humans with their own value systems are put in charge as well and the system gets even more clusterfucked as their preferences harm the system even more.
Its death by a thousand needles.
Capitalism consists of private property, wage labour, and production for exchange. At present, the global economy generally incorporates these elements and so would a fascist economy.
>Tzeentch is the best chaos god
>liberal right is the best socio-economic system
I agree with this
>Try to refute this
The Chaos Gods are works of fiction and don't belong in a political alignment chart.
But the political alignment chart is also a work of fiction, user.
Stfu (((tzeench)))
TIL fascism is just social democracy without the democracy
That explains a lot, actually.
Khorne is pleased more by his champions killing strong opponents who can defend themselves, then he is of them stomping defenseless peasants. He values all blood, but some of it is worth more then the rest.
>Authoritarian Right
That makes no sense. Authoritarian Right requires dedication to some form of hierarchy and authority. Khorne cares not from whence blood flows, only that it does. Clearly he's egalitarian.
>"Followers of Khorne have no friends"
o shit, i ship this unironically now
Khorne likes armies, armies make a lot of war.
U ran them all through the polictical compass based on their and their daemons behaviours in the 2nd and 3rd ed 40k books and 3rd to 5th ed WHFB book. They all align with their respective colours
Nothing to refute, the WH40Kid "chaos" gods aren't chaotic at all.
nazis are fucking idiots
t. actual anarchist
Nazis please die
Better but Nurgle and Tzeentch are still wrong.
Which of the Four would you rather serve?
And which one would you despise?
Basically this
Khorne is so tsundere
>But you still support production driven by profit and trade, and ownership by a Capitalist class
But the negative sides of profit driven thinking can be nullified via government action. Banning advertisements for certain products, strong consumer rights and so on.
>and ownership
True untouchable property ownership doesn't exist in almost any western state. The government has powers which, fortunately, breach those "rights" to make them more fair. Rent stablization, plentiful rights for the tenant and so on.
>Capitalist class
Socioeconomic mobillity can be ensured by free education. Having only public schools helps.
Stop drinking the commie kool aid. When your shitty revolution comes the chances are you're going to be killed. t. soc dem.
>Followers of Khorne have no friends and few long-term acquaintances
Khorne is like that guy who is a social reject but longs for friends. But because he is so socially inept its a vicious cycle.
Poor guy. Though its definitely put Khorne bottom tier for me now. PRAISE THE GREAT GRANDFATHER!
Enjoy your super aids and maggot pregnancy
>not knowing Nurgle makes you immune to the gifts he grants you
>you become a joyful happy follower who embraces disease
Nurgle is a generous and loving God!
Looks about right, Ancap Tzeentch for life.
Great arguments, really convinced me.
Will Nurgle dull me to the symptoms of my seasonal flu?
You will have super aids without feeling the symptoms as your intestines fall out while you shovel on for thousands of years as a brick wall of a corpse
Tbh tzeentzch would exist outside of all of it, hovering somewhere over the middle because he is just about changing what ever the status quo currently is. No all the chaos God's represent some form of good in them, this is canonized in fantasy for example
Khorne: blood, murder, violence, death. Also the god of honor, courage, battle, and strength.
Canonized by various Norsca tibe that belive that
Slaanesh: god of excess, pain, lust, desire, and greed. Also the good of passion, love, and faithfulness( to the point of zelotry)
Nurgal: lord of rot, decay, disease, and pestilence. Also the god of tenacity, consisticy, and willpower
Tzeentzh: god of magic, change, betrayal, and trickery. Also the god of knowlege, and power.
Each God has both a good and bad qualities to them. If you look into the lore of the norsca tribes they all worship the chaos god in both good and bad ways. For example, tzeentzh is refered to as the Raven god and seen as a god of wisdom and power, despite him being a total dick. Khorne while yes all about blood and guts, only rewards those who do so in glorious combat, he does but reward subtrifuge.
So it's social democracy that actually does something? I can see the appeal, though it's not for me.
Profit has nothing to due with the fascist mindset. Those who seek for it are just tools for the nation. Fascists don't care about the longevity of the capitalists system, only the state: the state they can adapt. I'd rather not get into how fascists frame their nation as being proletariat in nature.
The real point of all that third position stuff is that economic materialist ideologies aren't an end goal in themselves and are petty shit: both systems undermine daily most peoples regular values in pursuit of economic prosperity. It's the things we love and enjoy that we're trying to give to with our political ideologies. It's family and friends, it's being able to have a cup of hot chocolate on a snowy day, it's your favorite sport and the small restaurant down the road that makes good steaks. Fascist just contextualize all of that as products of the nation-state and it's people, while communists contextualize it as products of the laborers as a class. Both initially view the self as a product of the society. On the other hand Capitalists contextualize all that by the willpower of the perfectly isolated individual, that imaginary island man who, alone makes wealth. They're all simplifying and taking these simplifications to draw often incorrect conclusions about what should be done to preserve and promote those things they enjoy. The funny thing to me is they contextualize those things in terms of the stuff and not the experience. Only those of them who've really dug deep into the more esoteric elements of fascism, the intellectual elite of this odd crop even begin to account for this.
That's why it's so argued about where to put it on the chart though: it's up top, but it doesn't specify or particularly care where.
As long as you're talking about economics you're not confronting that crowd. t. Distributist
Khorne's political compass - he strongly disagreed with everything outside his sphere
Political compass can't distinguish motives so the various "freedoms" that Slaanesh wants it wants for hedonistic reasons rather than egalitarian ones.
eg, a liberal/libertarian might want gay adoption to be legal because they don't think the state should involve itself with family life, whereas Slaanesh wants it to be legal because he gets off on conservative tears and the possibility of a interfamilieral spitroast
I figured Nurgle want less industrial regulation because pollution and famine are good(?) similarly doesn't care about nations because he wants his happy family to spread beyond its borders, like religion and astrology because he's a god, doesn't want indoctrination because his children must come to him etc etc
Of course political compass doesn't really wok for 40k because a) we don't really know much about the various faction's economic policies and b) virtually all the factions will be authoritarian to some degree because they're in a constant state of war, the only lot I can think off who wouldn't be are the Eldar offshoots and rogue traders
>you become a joyful happy follower who embraces disease
No joy for mortals.
Not even in death.
I haven't once read besides one or two passages where Nurgle's gifts actually make the carrier suffer and kill them. They were in the older books but most recent ones its suggested once you turn to Nurgle proper, he will grant you more disease and corruption but will also render you immune to them. From my understanding.
>that fucking Khorneholio
goddamn i just spit beer at my monitor
So Malal is the crazy tin foil hat wearing hobo who yells about government conspiracies all day?
Your point?
He said he doesn't care about politics, not that he's purple square.
40k, and to a lesser extent fantasy, has done a lot to strip those positive qualities from them in favor of making them monoliths of evil