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What is your favorite dwarf variant? have you ever played a dwarf character?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
What is your favorite dwarf variant? have you ever played a dwarf character?
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A dead dwarf.
/pgg/ I have a peculiar opportunity as a DM. I've started running Council of Thieves to test myself against this difficult AP and decided to use the Central Casting backstory creator. One of the PCs rolled a companion that made me question a lot about the future of the campaign.
First of all the companion is a loyal hellknight with a veteran status so I guess a freshly baked full member of the order around 6th level. Second she is the PC lovable younger sister who is absolutly loyal to her rather revolting and sex-crazy older step-brother.
As I contemplate it I can only think of "My little sister can't be this lawful". Should I pursue this plotline to my players enjoyment and doesn't this break the character since hellknights are obsessed at being Lawful while will be doing a lot to destabelize Status Quo in Westcrown?
All dwarves are terrible.
We've now got three /pgg/ threads. Check the catalog before you post, omae.
I just stumbled across the sacred geometry feat, Jesus Christ.
Do those two metamagic feats qualify you to pick feats that have them as prerequisites such as spell perfection?
Can you do heighten spell with it? Can you use this feat, then spell perfection followed by a metamagic rod?
Jesus Christ.
You can effectively do none of those things, as it is literally always banned.
And you'll never fail the roll past what? 6th level?
It's one of the many cases of non-quality control.
Paizo just isn't into math.
Which is funny, because this system is almost entirely math dressed up in a game of pretend.
>GM told me my character is on the campaign island because he's in search of magical items that are specific to his religion
Is this the best character motivation there is? Not only does it give a pretty solid reason for him to be there, but also a reason for the GM to give specific magical items to my character
Does your gm give your characters motivation to actually be in the campaign outside of "Lol adventure"
Anyone ever uses a prestige class? Are they good? Did you do it for flavor or crunch? What was your experience?
The vast majority of Paizo PrCs are utter trash. There are, of course, always exceptions like the Evangelist which (especially after the Favored Prestige Class feats) is pretty much required for any 1/2 BAB class.
DSP has some pretty decent PrCs, though.
Its a 50/50 thing with me and my players. They have a background I help them come up with and that's why they are at "A" when "B" happens. Then when "B" is over they are either continue to "C" because it's what their Character would do or they are simply stumbling forwards without reason to try and change their fate.
If you end up saving a town from hobgoblin and the Queen wants to meet you of course you'll go. Then when the Queen asks you to kill the Giant causing problems you'll probably do it. Whetger because you're a hero, you want money, you want to be in the queens good graces or, you're too awkward to tell her you saved the town from hobgoblins by luck and accident and not skill.
Any good releases coming this month?
>want to run a game with a vampire sorcerer big bad
>look at other undead big bads for inspiration/stats
Holy fucking christ am I sick of liches.
Anyway, the big bad is a vampire who spent his unlife figuring out how to actually be an effective undead, and eventually figured out how to overcome most vamp weaknesses (direct holy attacks notwithstanding, it's kind of hard to challenge a god) and give other vampires the same advantages, thus earning their loyalty and becoming a king of vampires. Problem is, I can't decide between having his handout being an actual item or a rune of his own creation that gets branded on the skin. Which seems more feasible for a centuries-undead sorcerer to come up with?
use a siabrae
Just Disciple's Doctrines, so nothing groundbreaking expected.
I don't know how the fuck to play a Dwarf. Every concept I have is incredibly generic because Dwarves are always the fucking same in every piece of media.
Lean into the caricature, user.
Play a dwarf that is so stereotypically dwarven that other dwarves look at him and think he's mocking them.
Just take the generic "gruff, straightforward old man" stereotype and put a twist on it based on your class or background.
You didn't notice this incongruity when Pathfinder first came out and repeated nearly all of 3.5's worst mistakes?
Are you kidding? It's why I love the system.
Interesting takes on Dwarves come not from fucking with the personality, but rather pushing the character in more interesting directions than the bog standard fighter/barbarian/cleric roles they usually fill.
Dwarf Spiritualist whose lust phantom looks like an elf.
And have the dwarf be super racist
Approximately how long should it take to run through all of JR with weekly sessions?
Anywhere from six months to two years, maybe more.
RotJR has been running for over a year now and they're not even in Kalsgard yet, so quite a long time would be my guess.
Jewish Runelords?
Rise of the Jewish Runelords?
I'm not asking about a squad of memequeens who fuck around for months on end in between plot points to fellate one anothers characters, I'm asking about a regular homegame where we don't need to wait 20 minutes for somebody to type something before they can respond.
Jade Regent.
Thanks user.
Jade Regent.
Help me out Veeky Forumss.
I am thinking of joining a Pathfinder game as someone that has barely played any DnD or the like in his life.
I looked around and found a piece of the pie that I think I can enjoy, I am unsure however how well it will be taken by others.
Insinuator Anti-paladin Arena-Bred Half-Orc. I play as if I am a Paladin in the service of some divine Orc-god of justice.
But really I am a BLM activist and SJW.
My skin is grey, I rub green moss all over my body daily to tinge it green. If anyone asks it is part of my praying to my god. I also use moss time to contact my Outsider of the day that I must pledge my service to.
I constantly go on about how evil Humans are and how they need to be taken down and destroyed. How important it is to help Orcs and promote Green power. I tell any Human woman I encounter how important it is for them to have a mixed race baby with an Orc, I volunteer my services, especially if their spouse is around.
Any time anyone asks me of my origins I tell them, "same as any Orc really." If they push beyond I will say, "my father took my mother by force." If anything else comes of it I will point out how racist it is that they thought my mother was a Human, my father ran the breeding pit and took my mother because she was useless in the fighting arena. "It's $CURRENTYEAR, don't be such a bigot."
Speak terrible Orcish, so badly as to be insulting to actual Orcs. Always tell examples of how Orcs are better than anything else, how they created civilization... These are always complete bullshit.
I just don't know if that would get too annoying or if it would be an amusing parody character for those that get it.
Did you just watch Bright and take all the wrong cues away from it, or were you merely dropped on your head too often as an infant?
Embarrassing and annoying.
You had me until you dragged in the stupid BLM/SJW crap. A Half-Orc Insinuator who secretly worships Orcus or something who views themselves as a Paladin of justice would be cool.
I want to say this is bait but you put far too much thought and effort into this.
I talk to some of the players in the discords. Apparently FotJR has been in Kalsgard for a week or two, but SotJR is only now knocking on the gates because they've been doing a non-AP segment in Riddleport since the beginning of November.
>they're already moving this slowly and they add 2 months to the game just faffing around in riddleport?
Sounds like I dodged a bullet just being an honorable mention for RotJR
It's in the other /pfg/ thread too. Just bait, maybe a new copypasta at most.
Sounds like a mess, though I imagine a good part of last month had to have had skipped weeks due to the holidays.
fuck off rory
>maybe a new copypasta at most
Don't give the shitposters ideas like that.
>I imagine a good part of last month had to have had skipped weeks due to the holidays
They only lost one week for christmas.
>No denial of the spoiler
Jesus christ, you're spilling the personal secrets of another game now? Didn't you get enough hate for the log leaking or your reddit meltdown?
Could you attention whores please shut up, nobody cares about your game.
This is all just manufactured drama from outside shitdisturbers, if the real RotJR players were having problems they'd backbite one another on the various private discords they infest, they wouldn't spill it in the thread.
This user is wrong
This user is right
Rory's gone, anons.
>that spoiler
That's exactly what Rory would say!
I don't give a shit either way, so could you all shut up about this RotJR game already?
>He's still sad he didn't get to rape Onryou
It's time to give up on those tears, user, you're crying over spilled musclemilk.
About as long as any AP, which is in my experience a little short of a year.
I literally have no idea what you're talking about. All I know is you people won't shut up about this particular RotJR run.
Some are good. Some are great. Some are shit.
I'm a big fan of Chevalier. Only three levels, but it gets you some really nice paladin-lite toys without being as restrictive. No code, and just 'good' rather than lawful good. And no blurb about what you lose if you change alignments, so you can finish it and become disillusioned with the world, but still be able to smite evil for when someone inspires you with their own display of heroism and the two of you stand back-to-back against the oncoming hordes.
Shadowdancer feels like it's missing one or two things that would make it good. Maybe a sneak attack progression.
Shadowdancer is unmitigated shit. If you want that flavor ask your DM for PoW so you can use veiled moon. Bonus points if you use it with a ravenlord harbinger for extra edge.
Seriously, fuck all you faggots who keep bumping this garbage thread. Report, sage, and move to the real thread:
Go fuck yourself, friend.
You first. The real thread is older than this one and has more discussion going on. The only thing you're doing by bumping this thread is confusing people and directing traffic away from the real thread.
>The real thread
They are both very real threads sir, unless one of us is hallucinating this entire discussion.
>The only thing you're doing by bumping this thread is confusing people and directing traffic away from the real thread
I'm also riling you up, which is a plus in my book.
Fuck off and fuck your thread wars. The other thread was posted first, it's the real thread.
>When he so mad he forgets to sage
> fuck your thread wars
I haven't said anything about which thread's *the* thread but I'm the one starting a "thread war"? Okay pal.
Fuck off, you retard. Who the fuck are you to say what should and shouldn't be in the thread? You don't get to say that one thread is better than another just because you don't like it. The other thread was posted first, it's the real thread.
Crossingposting from the other thread because I don't know which thread is real and which is just fantasy anymore.
I use Share Spells to cast my Monstrous Physique II spell on my familiar and cause it change from a small creature to a large one. Does it get +4 strength like the spell says, or more because it started as smaller than medium? I'd really appreciate if you could point to exactly where in the rules this is spelled out. I use to think the answer was that you'd only get the +4 STR regardless of starting size, but one of the other players in the game is telling me otherwise and I didn't actually see anything supporting what I thought was correct in the rules for polymorph effects. Was I just wrong all this time?
>Who the fuck are you to say what should and shouldn't be in the thread?
Who are you to say which thread's the real one and which isn't? How does your autistic screeching aid in unifying discussion to a single thread, as opposed to using sage and reporting?
>Who the fuck are you to say what should and shouldn't be in the thread?
>You don't get to say that one thread is better than another just because you don't like it
>the real thread
>the real thread
>the real thread
>the real thread
I can't tell if you're a special kind of mongoloid or you're just baiting now.
Monstrous Physique has the stat and size changes baked in, no provisos about starting size. Your familiar becomes large and gets +4 to Str.
Your player is ignoring half of the rule because he doesn't like it. You could just as easily counterargue his "more than +4" with "actually your familiar doesn't size up to large, it just goes up two size categories." You don't get to pick and choose which parts of a rule you want to ignore.
That's actually the basis of his argument. He's saying that for a creature of non-medium size, you first adjust the creature's abilities scores as if they grew to medium and then adjust them again as if they went from medium to their new size. Of course, you don't actually apply any adjustments for going from small to medium, I'm very certain of that (because PC races normally come in small and medium). But I said small in my last post when I should have said tiny; my familiar is an imp.
Also, I'm just another player, not the DM. The DM actually agreed with the other player, passing a Monstrous Physique of similar spell onto my tiny familiar will give it an even larger STR boost than it would give me or any other medium-sized caster. I'm not going to argue the point with them since it doesn't matter whether it's right or not if the DM says "it works this way", but I'm still personally curious whether it's correct by RAW or not.
These are the conflicting rules in the polymorph description, I can see reasonable interpretations going either way but I think your DM/other player is right.
"If a polymorph spell causes you to change size, apply the size modifiers appropriately, changing your armor class, attack bonus, Combat Maneuver Bonus, and Stealth skill modifiers. Your ability scores are not modified by this change unless noted by the spell."
"If a polymorph spell is cast on a creature that is smaller than Small or larger than Medium, first adjust its ability scores to one of these two sizes using the following table before applying the bonuses granted by the polymorph spell."
The way I read it, your scores are only changed if the spell mentions changing them, but if the spell does you must first change the scores to adjust yourself to small or medium and then apply whatever bonus the spell itself grants.
Not if it started as small or medium, but yes if it started as any other size.
The last line of that should give you all the information you need.
First, you're wrong. Second, don't argue with your players; discuss with them, there is an important difference.
>"If a polymorph spell is cast on a creature that is smaller than Small or larger than Medium, first adjust its ability scores to one of these two sizes using the following table before applying the bonuses granted by the polymorph spell."
This makes it pretty clear cut, size the familiar up to small (applying appropriate modifiers for that size change), then apply +4 from the spell for going to large.
Specific trumps general, I'd say. That means monstrous physique's rules trump the general polymorph rules.
This isn't a case for specific trumping general, though. As said, the polymorph rules specifically call out that a creature should be sized up to Small or sized down to Medium before applying any other polymorph effects. So that's what you'd do: move the familiar up to Small and then apply monstrous physique.
This is some next level autism. Your mother should be proud of you.
Don't hide it from me, /pfg/.
What's your favorite small race to play?
Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d6)
"noko+dice+2d6" works
Depends. If it's a normal game, gnomes. If it's a lewd game, still gnomes.
Depends. If it's a normal game, usually kobolds. If it's a lewd game, definitely kobolds.
Also back in 3.5 Whisper Gnomes were pretty cool to play. I never was fond of smaller Base Land Speed so that was a happy medium when I wanted to do something small or cheese up the quickrazor.
>QT3.14 Gnome Scarlet Throne Warlord
My favorite days are ones where I learned that I needed something in my life that I hadn't even thought about previously.
>make a kick-focused Prodigy with spell attack
>spring for electric focus, why not? it's cool
>realize this gives her literal thunder thighs
When was the last time you or your group made a terrible, terrible pun?
Why are the archetypes for Warlords absolute trash while Warders and Stalkers get pure gold?
Because DSP hates Charisma, user.
>think the Mimickin archetype from Legendary Shifter is some cool shit
>is probably absolutely worthless outside of an urban campaign
Well urban campaigns ARE hella cool.
What would be the most uncharacteristic class to use for a dwarf without being completely useless?
Don't get me wrong, they are, but my group doesn't really play them.
Spiritualist immediately springs to mind. After that, if you can optimize, Kineticist is next. Vigilante and Inquisitor could also work
That one sorcerer that runs one Wis.
I feel like that one plays against type so hard that it comes around to being on type again as a matter of contrarianism.
Well, looking through an alphabetical list just from 1st party...
>Alchemist: You're a sacred brewer, tasked with keeping the water supply clean, the sacramental wine potent, and the people happy
>Brawler: Trained in wrestling and the unorthodox combat style of your hated foes (the orcs), you fight fire with fire
>Hunter: You and your pet bulette (or other underground creature) keep the tunnels safe and free of scum like the vile drow
>Spiritualist: Your phantom is an amalgamation of the heroic spirits of dwarven history, given a semi-physical form to protect their descendants
Wouldn't literal thunder thighs deal sonic damage?
How do I hint at the idea that the party is not operating of their own will without blatantly stating it?
Assuming they're being manipulated by someone, have some subtle signs like an enemy saying "but you're not supposed to be here yet" or some other offhand comment implying they know more about the party and their actions than anyone should. Do this frequently enough and the players should start to wonder.
Be the wisdom based sorcerer.
Prestigious Spellcaster doesn't apply to Evangelist because Evangelist doesn't specify that you lose a spell level when you take the class; it just grants you all your class features a level late.