Why don't you play a good-aligned character, Veeky Forums?
Why don't you play a good-aligned character, Veeky Forums?
How short is that knightlet?
Call me a faggot but I like that image
it's a -4 STR knight, cut her some slack
Why don't you make a good thread, OP?
But I'm always lawful good
Man, I try, but it's damn hard when you've got a GM that's in love with the whole morally gray thing.
But I do. Being conventionally heroic is my favorite way to play.
I am right now playing a Paladin and roaming japanese Subways all the time.
I already smited twenty Businesmen.
I do - all my villains are nice people...also source?
Me too, I wish it updated more often than it does.
I have in the past, but not lately. I’m overdue though, my group has recently been building parties that lack a moral center.
Shoujo Kishidan x Knight Tale
it's not hentai, but it is an entertaining sport manga.
It's also kinda gay, in the female to female kind of way.
Shoujou kishidan x knight tale
Because I have no ability to play a 'good' aligned character in the sense of DnD alignments.
I either play Lawful Evil or my characters come across as a a poorly scripted Saturday Morning Cartoon villain posing as something else.
I wish the one with the office lady and knight updated more often as well
I like pretending to be things I'm not, but it's never believable when I try being Good. Good people don't agree to commit arson to save their friends from unfair imprisonment, that's going too far.
Become Chaotic Good my friend.
>I wish the one with the office lady and knight updated more often as well
I'm sorry, what? What's the name of it?
It would be chaotic evil.
Or perharps chaotic neutral. No good character would kill innocents to save their friends.
Because I'm GM. I get to be all the bad guys.
In some arenas, the only clean acts are nihilistic ones.
Because killing people and sewing chaos always seem easier. Because if i do the right thing i lose my cult like followers and gain nothing but if i march all the followers trail of tears style to the bad guy i gain a sweet ass crib.
Also if i murder the small town sherrif with portals and leave all the deputies alive after they saw my face there will surely be no consequences.
Honestly i think most of my players are villains because they just have horrible decision making skills.
Had already played as LG Paladin with splash of Monk who punch for justice.
Because I never grew out of my edgy faggot stage. That's it.I play NE selfish characters, I work with the party, accept that the risk/benefit is regularly better doing good things but I don't know how to be a selfless person unless its coming from a place of plenty already.
My next character might be at least lawful. DoW tier chaplain shouty conquest paladin
I should have. In my current campaign, I'm playing a more mercenary character than usual, borderline lawful evil, and it's nowhere near as fun as I thought it would be. It's amazing how uncompelling a lot of adventures are when you're not morally invested in the situation. I'm constantly having to just go "whatever, I'll tag along I guess" when the rest of the party goes off to do something with little to no reward. Normally, I would've rolled a new character by now, but I get passable amounts of fun from essentially being the party face and the DM seems to like the character.
That said, next character I roll up is gonna be a paladin just so I can FEEL something.
All you wanted was to post an image from a yuri manga you like. Kys faggot.
Yoroi and Office Lady
I usually play neutral, but end up being closer to the ideal of good than any of the good aligned characters in the party.
I play good-aligned characters plenty, but sometimes it's fun to be the bad guy.
Well I need to look into that now.
hypothetically if I hadn't read a comic since full metal alchemist and I had no idea where the kids are gettin' the mangos these days, where would I get this?
>Lawful Neutral paladin
Because being Dredd is too fun sometimes
All of those villains suck, senpai.
>trying to Peeve the Sheev
I get it if you don't like meme triangle (I'm okay with Bill as a villain but a lot of people aren't and I get that), but really? You're going to rag on Dick Dastardly? Just like that?
Yea yea, "Chink in my armour"
Westaboos get out!
You have shit taste, kohai.
That restaurant you like so much?
Fuck that place!
I do. Lawful at that.
It's a goddamn nightmare, there's innocents in peril and all we're doing is running in circles. Every little thing that seems to be a clue to solving that conundrum ends up being a dead end. I have no idea what the DM wants us to do.
On top of that the rest of the party seems pretty damn murder-prone. Good luck convincing the priest to listen to you about the wrongfully convicted "witches" when first thing that happens is a crossbow shot from our ranger. Not to mention despite having 17 Cha I keep rolling 2-8 on social skills. My own lack of them as a player is not helping. At least I got over being infatuated with our cute DM
And I can't just murder peasants to save some random women, but I can't let those women get murdered either!
I went from a cheerful, smiling, gay in both senses of the word elven paladin to pic related in like two or three sessions.
That's why I usually play reserved snipers or rogues.
>literally try to play sheev in some homebrew weebshit
>get disembowled and lose most of my body
well, the dudes wife is still alive, so i can make this work
>cute dm
I feel you
got cancelled due to poor sales last month.
Huh, it's got some nicely drawn mail.
because I don't believe myself to be a good person, so I play Neutral chars, as I feel I can relate more to them
generally LN or TN, or arguably chaotic leaning neutral
As much as I find alignments a retarded thing, my favourite one is NG, and half of my characters could be considered such.
Why don't you try to be a good person? It feels nice.
I don't try to not be a good person, I just look out for myself first.
I'm decent to people because I've got no reason not to be. from what folks appear to think of me/what I hear, I'm a friendly and nice person. I know I'm terrible though. I just try to keep it wrapped up
>the emperor
Megatron literally fought for the rights of the everybot.
And the Emperor was trying to save the galaxy from being torturefucked to death by the yuzang vong
Gee, Sheev, maybe you could've TOLD SOMEONE about the invading horde of extragalactic aliens?
You know things are going wrong when a guy can't even bang a hooker without being accosted by manlets.
After years of playing only good guys, I realized that being an asshole is way more fun... As long as you aren't being disruptive that is. I ain't a monster you know.
Because I'm the DM
Innocents don't unfairly imprison people.
The EU is trash and its death is the best decision Disney's ever made.
I always end up playing jaded assholes that have a code of honour, although i guess the asshole part comes from being way too accustomed to getting shot in the back by three quarters of all NPCs we have met in a campaing and some PCs.
I think the only character i've played that wasn't at least a cynic is a warrior priest that acted as the party medic and cook, only thing that could make him get angry were the undead.
They sometimes do.
It's a qt girl who pretends to be a guy while in that armor
I pretty much only play good aligned characters, even if that wasnt my initial plan.
Noncanon bullshit. The EU was as bad as comic books with how fucking convoluted they get with so many different writers trying to leave their mark.
Let's assume he actually WAS trying to prepare the galaxy for invasion. In order to do this he literally orders the slaughter of children who can easily be built into incredibly adept force warriors, and eliminates the order who throughout history have used their force connections to lead entire armies.
Eliminating all your future generals is not a good way to prepare for war.
The 'only looks out for himself' character is utterly boring, especially when you get the people who only ever play as that. Don't play yourself. Play who you could be. Be the shining light in the an oppressed world. Be the damn hero you idolized once. Do it hard and often enough and you'll see those changes in yourself as well.
>Eliminating all your future generals is not a good way to prepare for war.
It is once it's clear that the Jedi are willing to engage in acts of terrorism if they feel as though you're not fit to lead them. I mean, ignoring the fact that Palpatine was a Sith lord, Mace Windu and his posse attempted to assassinate a member of the senate. Whose to say that the rest of them wouldn't attempt the same?
Same. When I'm not the one stuck DMing because I hold onto my games I run that much more then every other person at the table, I usually wind up playing the good guy. I encourage the rest of the table to play as good guys, no matter which hat I wear for that game. But everyone always going selfish prick, and I wind up becoming the team conscience, even when I start out with the intention of being an evil bastard.
Though in one game I've managed to hang on to my easily enraged, abandonment issues Not!X-23 with acid blood asshole teenager. It's... cathartic.
I'm not talking about the current sitting Jedi Council. They were stagnant terrorist cultist pricks. I'm talking about the younglings, and every other Force User Vader hunted down afterwards. They represent potentially invaluable resources. Sheev getting rid of them is just cementing his personal power base, not preparing the galaxy for invasion. Because, you know, that was his goal, and the Youzang Vong is just some extra shit shoehorned in by a random author who wanted to feel special, in blithe disregard of the established canon.
>I mean, ignoring the fact that Palpatine was a Sith lord, Mace Windu and his posse attempted to assassinate a member of the senate. Whose to say that the rest of them wouldn't attempt the same?
Said guy was also a traitor to the republic (You know, since they'd found out he'd been the guy who started the whole civil war/had assassinated the last head of the Jedi himself).
Children are easily corrupted and people in general are difficult to sway once they've been taught to think that something is good or evil. Killing the younglings was Palpatine's way of making sure that the teachings of the Jedi order were as annihilated as possible, though his only mistake was not killing Padme while Anakin was busy with other bullshit.
>Said guy was also a traitor to the republic (You know, since they'd found out he'd been the guy who started the whole civil war/had assassinated the last head of the Jedi himself).
And yet, rather than revealing this information to the proper authorities to get him expelled from the senate (or at least investigated so that he couldn't make his power grab), they decided to do some shady bullshit that ultimately secured Palpatine's reign across the galaxy.
>Shoujo Kishidan got cancelled.
Fuck. Fuck nips and their shit taste.
That would have gone over well, no doubt a senate committee would have no problems investigating an evil mind controlling space wizard.
It would've looked better than the Jedi seemingly deciding to engage in terrorism against members of the senate committee. I mean, why couldn't they send Jedi's in to help them with the investigation just to make sure that Palpatine wasn't doing any mind tricks?
Well fuck. Here's hoping someone else picks it up, sounds like they had some dedicated fans, just not enough to drive the sales their publisher wanted.
I do play good though. I played true neutral once and everyone hated me.
there is no justice in the universe
Not G1 Megatron. He just wanted to rule the planet.
>And the Emperor was trying to save the galaxy from being torturefucked to death by the yuzang vong
Noncanon bullshit, and not even his motivation back during the old EU. He wasn't trying to save it from the Vong, he was trying to take over the Galaxy and spread the Dark Side, and knew he'd have to deal with the Vong eventually. That's it.
Almost all of these are from things that are intended to be comical and/or for children.
Everyone else in the party is a psychopath so I had to change my character's alignment from CG to CN to explain why he hadn't left.
Because it's not what I'm into right now. Had some good times while LG, though.
Lawful good, every time.
Honor is dead.
I like playing good characters. I also like playing my current evil-aligned character a lot. She's a very nice and polite woman, as long as you're not opposing her. Then she's cold and vicious (but still polite). Good characters are interesting, but I find evil characters with plausible motivations to be even better if you can pull it off. Most people are a little bit selfish.
But I always play Good characters.
Even when I force myself to try evil I go for "the greater good" villains that are trying for some ultimate better.
At worst the best I can do is Dr. Doom.
The series got cancelled unfortunately.
the author does Japanese HEMA
I was born with a heart full of neutrality.
What is it that makes a man turn neutral? Lust for power? For gold?!
"Good" simply means that the ones i'm genociding this time is evil.
Nice manga, thanks OP.
i live in Japan and that train is way too fucking spacious and uncrowded.
Immersion broken.
Is this the dark souls of anime?
nah, its a harem manga but about typical anime styled highschool HEMA shenanigans
>Eliminating all your future generals is not a good way to prepare for war.
okay mate
I do.
Well, shame, but that was to be expected. I still hope that somebody else will pick it up and he'll rework it into something with more impact and a more distinct profile.