>For me it’s just really hard to look at his track record, especially concerning the Old Testament stuff, that he’s unambiguously good.
If you suspend your disbelief to entertain the notion that the biblical "God" exists, then He defines "good" and "evil". There is no other objective standard. To argue with God about whether His decisions are "good" is like arguing with the sun about how long you think the day ought to be. It's not merely impossible, it is illogical.
This concept is pretty constant in every religion, monotheistic or otherwise. Anything that is incomprehensibly greater than man is utterly beyond man's judgment.
Leo Robinson
I was considering this idea that Ogres are more a category of thing, rather than just a kind of lesser giant.
Like, Ogres were once humanoids who have gorged on so much humanoid flesh they have become swollen with power. There can be Ogre animals, who have fed extensively on humanoid flesh.
I associate Oni, because they were once Ogre Mages, and I love the idea of magical flesh eating ogres.
Rakshasa are there because they're man-eating creatures with crazy demon tiger faces.
Carter Collins
>tfw you just made elves vegan ogres
it makes so much sense now
Jackson Fisher
>Speaking of world building, does anyone know what happened to the Storythread? Conventionally they pop up every other friday (or later if the previous one managed to stay alive 14 days). Sometimes, we end up skipping one, resulting in a four-week long gap before getting back on schedule.
Brandon Torres
Jackson Thomas
I'm working on a neo-feudalism with some low-key cyberpunk stuff mixed in there for a setting, maybe even a novel.
Dou you have some recommendations of things to check out for inspiration for that kind of setting?
Chase Cox
If you have a strong stomach, DEFINITELY check out Telluria by Vladimir Sorokin. You might even want to check out Day of the Oprichnik by the same author, arguably set in the same universe.
That said, be warned. It's not an easy read, and at times (especially in Oprichnik) also some of the most fucked up, disgusting and disturbing shit you may ever end up reading. The guy has a lot of issues, and has quite a lot to say about the state contemporary Russia is turning into.
Benjamin Watson
The removal of writers crippled it.
Cooper Edwards
>The removal of writers crippled it. "Removal of writers"? What do you mean by that?
Cameron Turner
that's what I figured a small island kingdom with generally poor health because reasons, but plenty of metal in their mountains and one genius inventor who made first clockworks
in general they remind of Crete patrolled by Talos, from greek myths. when some warlord actually buys several clockwork monstrosities for his army, people mostly seem them as weird demons and treat as such