What system would you recommend to a group that has never played before? We'd like to rp a lot, but, again, we've never played before. GM was thinking dnd 5e because of "super easy ruleset and customizable characters".
What system would you recommend to a group that has never played before? We'd like to rp a lot, but, again...
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5e might be a turnoff for some players who just want to try playing. Character creation takes hours and the first few sessions can be slow until everyone learns the rules.
Maybe try a rules light system like RISUS? A few one-shot adventures can help you figure out what you want from a game - either more narration or more tactical crunch.
>customizable characters
Just about every RPG in the market offers this
>super easy
It's quite easy relative to other versions of dnd, but in the broader universe of roleplaying games it still leans toward the 'rules-heavy' side.
>what system
It's really a question of what sort of scenarios and settings your group wants to try out first. Game rules and settings have their own strengths, weaknesses, and assumptions. I want to suggest one of the ORE (One Roll Engine) games like wild talents since the core mechanic is quick and elegant, and the game has some great ideas. The main thing I'd want is starting outside of the dnd-sphere (dnd, PF, OSR) to avoid being snagged on roleplaying paradigms like alignment, bbut if you do want to start there, then 5th edition dnd is a quality system overall. I've also heard great things about Mythras, though I haven't had a chance to play it myself.
Also . I think you'll want to start roleplaying with a game which is easier to learn and play, so you can get your feet wet without having to slog through the weeks-long learning processes typical of mainstream RPGs.
Go with DCC
Its got all the standard fantasy stuff without bogging itself down. You add flavor to your characters (which take no time at all to make) by roleplaying them how you want them to be. It doesnt have skills only rolls on a d10 or d20 provided your character does or doesnt have reasonable justification for knowing something or being trained in something.
Its pretty rules lite unless youre a wizard or you're retarded and wanna play a priest
It gets a lot of hate but d&d 4e can be smooth. If your gm isnt a dolt then the skills wont matter that much and its combat is smooth as butter.
Depends on what you want to play.
Fate's great, but if you're willing, try Mouse Guard, because it's narrow enough the GM doesn't have to deal with people trying to build fucking cyborgs, but it's fun and has the basics and a good intro the Burning Wheel.
Dungeon World
>We'd like to rp a lot
>dnd 5e
Maybe go with something that actually has mechanics that facilitate roleplaying like FATE
Savage Worlds
whats so good about savage worlds with regards to new players
I'm a shill for ffg so I'd recommend either star wars, or if you wanted to do literally any other setting, genesys. It just came out but it's a generic rpg and the narrative dice that drive both these games are great for group storytelling. Dnd role play can be very binary and boring. Need a 12 to accomplish that goal? You got an 11, so you fail. How boring. Narrative dice is the solution.
its fast as fuck and easy to play but no to master
Go with this it is easy for a start
I like PbtA stuff. What is your group interested in exactly?
heard good things about those as well
>needing mechanics to roleplay
nice try rollplay fag im on to you
>I say some creative dialogue
>ok, roll a d20 creativity check
>*rolls a 4*
>your dialogue isn't very creative
Savage Worlds
-Affordable (all you need is $10)
-Easy to learn
-Customizable characters and settings
Basically EVERY RP under the sun has customizable characters. Savage worlds is even easier for beginners than D&D is, especially with casters. That being said 5E is ok.
If you are RP heavy go something with narrative dice.
Narrative dice games work well as you can technically never really fail an action assuming you RP the results and you rarely need anything more than whatever starter box they come in.
Literally I'm like the only person who saw WHFRP 3rd Edition as something with potential.
Mouseguard is pretty good. It is made for beginners in mind and explicitly encourages role playing. It's easier than 5E in my experience, though I can't argue with the Risus guy.
>"super easy ruleset and customizable characters".
haha no. Don't go down that route.
Pick something simple to learn with quick cgen. Retro-clones are good for this sort of thing, I'd point you at Beyond the Wall as probably the best newb-friendly system there.
savage worlds has quick character gen (compared to something like WoD or modern D&D), and a pretty smooth, streamlined mechanic without anything too unintuitive.
Plus in a lot of ways it's a baseline middle-of-the-road type system that can cover lots of settings and styles of play well, and is easy to customise.
Dungeons & Delvers is cheap, easy, and like 80% retro D&D clone, but streamlined and with a twist towards traditional mythologies.
I'll dig out a pdf to post as well if anyone is interested.