Do you love me don't you? Also, could you please kill this girl for me?
Do you love me don't you? Also, could you please kill this girl for me?
Alright, who are you and what did you do with VV?
Still a slut, OL vampire still a best.
I don’t normally play the douchebag characters in these kinds of games, but being Nosferatu and telling VV to stop being a manipulative whore was one of the most satisfying parts of that game. Just goes to show you how ugly the Toreador are underneath that skin-deep beauty.
poor vv :(
No, NOT poor VV. Fight her wiles, user. She’s just controlling you.
The sad part is you can find out how empty and sad her life was, and how hard she tries to make up for it in her damned unlife.
I had more pity for VV than for any other character.
It’s been a while since I played it. Did Isaac mention how bad her life was, or is it her who tells you? Because I wouldn’t trust her if it’s the latter. Remember, she’s in love with a writer, so it’s not hard to imagine she loves to spin some fiction if she needs to.
I'm more interested where did that hunter pull that katana from
>The sad part is you can find out how empty and sad her life was, and how hard she tries to make up for it in her damned unlife.
>I don’t normally play the douchebag characters in these kinds of games
neither do I, but my last caracter was melcavian with whoom i butchered my way throu the game. All those bitces in the clubs payed
tfw no undead insane gf with daddy issues
>Be a Nossie and enter the club
>ISOLATED starts playing
There is not much dialogue in vtmb, you can install it an persue through the voice files of characters. Evet characters like Jack etc have 15-20 minutes of dialogue at best
VV iirc gets quite defensive if your character is a Malkavian, for in one instance you tell her name she used when she was a kine.
I don't know whether it is source engines facial expressions, voice acting or writing but the game really shapes the characters so well in your mind while giving so little information. Your imagination, your assumptions just fill in the gap.
I just perused Maximillian Strauss's dialogue and was surprised how short it was. Yet I feel I know so much about the man.
damn bloodlines was brilliant, wish they kickstarted a sequel
Bitch, I wish I was that cute.
Yes and yes. Fucking hell what a convincing character. Would do it all over again, except the final reward is shit.
> When you breach the masquerade.webm
How can you breach something that doesn't exist?
user no! Never stick it into the crazies.
I never back video games but I would back this.
Tbh, VV is downright benign and straightforward compared to Smiling Jack, Lacroix, Nines, or even the Voerman sisters. I don't get why she makes people so asshurt.
>damn bloodlines was brilliant, wish they kickstarted a sequel
No you don't, given the recent last VtM vidya.
Come to think of it, yeah. You're right.
Wait, they made one? What was the title?
It was a shitty western VN.
Sure, as long as she drops a cheap katana.
But I love it
Begone THOT you shall not take my virginity!
Cleopatra detected
Umm, you Kindred already joined the Camarilla right?
I'll see you at YOUR execution traitor to the Camarilla
But the crazies are the only ones I'm interested in! It's a sickness.
Now I have to reinstall the game, you faggot.
If you get Troika team back together sure I'll back it
>m-muh freestate
>rules are for doodyheads
money 1.4
Do you think I want to be a pawn of the antediluvians?
>I don’t normally play the douchebag
>Mfw I always play an edgy gangrel and get the lowest humanity and just be a general murderous piece of shit
I wish I could play other characters but I just get so bored
Mercurio, VV and Beckett are the only people who don't activelly want to fuck you over. Jack's not antagonistic but he's enough of an asshole to not clue you in into the bomb business. Everyone else either wants you dead from the start or only cares for what they can get out of you and wants you dead or out of their lives immediatelly after.
I'd argue that Max doesn't actively want to fuck the Fledgling over, but he doesn't really want to be your friend either.
According to the slut on the beach beckett and mercurio are the only two people you can actually trust, everyone else wants to use you or fuck you over
After playing as an extremelly social Ventrue and a Grangrel tank. My wouldnt-turn-my-back-on meter goes from least to most:
Of course that's only non-activelly antagonistic characters able to harm you. I wouldn't think too much about most humans.
I beat the game 5 minutes ago. Who else /didn't open it their first playthrough/ here? I thought the thing inside would just eat me or something.
>tfw you didn't get to hang out with Mitnick more
>tfw you didn't get to banter with Gary more
The Nosferatu were pitifully underutilized. Imalia can fuck off - thot begone.
I opened it, remembered Beckett saying not to open it, then immediately reloaded before the cutscene had played. I was glad I didn't go through with opening it.
>not wanting to get into the Nossie axe wound (which could very well look like an actual axe wound going by the clan curse)
and made by some giant pretentious douchebag, iirc.
My Tremere went for the Camarilla ending, so I wasn't given the option.
At least she kept her girlish figure and didn't bloat up or become a literal blood elemental.
Visual Novels shouldn't count as games.
Especially when were discussing an RPG series.
Max was surprisingly nice to the player, given what a Tremere PC represents. Sure, I'll sign up for your creepy mage pyramid scheme, but only if I get to work for you.
>Do you love me don't you?
What do you want me to fucking say?
>Forgetting based Fat "Baby girl! I got watcha you need." Larry
Yeah, I thought Imalia was still cute somehow.
I opened it, I stuck with Lacroix the whole goddamn time, even after all the bullshit.
I did that on my second play through years after my first. Legit didn't know about the bomb all that time. Gave it to the Camarilla the first run.
>except the final reward is shit.
You didn't play with the clan quest mod, did you?
Cute little girl, this is my helpless flower at night, my wife is in the moonlight for a month. I understand and say the blood and the joy the animal can take. I killed all the hunters. I have no handwriting, but I do not care because you do not want to eat sweet tea
You guys talking about vampire:prelude?
I bought it the other day and thought it would be fun to play after vtmb.
you’re a clanless tremere thinblood hats fangless, your sire is killed and you have no idea what the fuck is going on
I still have no idea what the fuck was being said half the time, I’m stuck in the chantry and it’s weird as shit.
Does give you a different perspective though.
Pic related
It’s set out that you’re texting friend about what happened the day before.
oh hey it's strauss, I didn't recognize him because he's not blue.
You can trust Jack. That he's gonna fuck the shit up, as long as you're fucking shit up too, he's with you.
Cover yourself, woman.
>The most beautiful woman in Prague.
She was great because despite everything that happened to her she was still more human than any of the Nos through how incredibly vain she was.
>"I have crossed centuries. Fought the worst horrors of the Haus De Hexe and every horror of blood magic, an army of hunters, Pink being an annoying bitch and a cathedral of flesh."
>"All of this I have done for one reason. To smash some nun pussy"
>"I shall not be denied"
Everything about this video is confusing. Gender is an absolute mystery. Was it all practical? How big is its mouth? What were the extent of prosthetics and makeup? The whole thing is just uncanny.
that's because it's a masquerade breach, run before cainite SWAT teams descend on your home
It's a shame the faggots at WW retconn him and Anezka in V5. Now Christoff is just tailing after his sire in New York, even though they use his background of fighting and defeating Vukodlak. Not sure why Anezka was removed.
>undercover hunters
>"this girl"
>when she sends dorky love poetry
Because she's hot and frames her requests in a really unbusiness-like manner. People hate ambiguitity and having to ponder the possibility that they're being subtly manipulated somehow. That why they'll say stuff like "the enemy who stabs you in the front is better than the one who stabs you in the back" and such, even though you're stabbed in both cases, because in one you at least know your enemy, while in the other you can't be sure you know your friends. Uncertainty is stressful.
>the possibility that they're being subtly manipulated somehow.
At the very least, she gives you the courtesy of telling exactly what you're dealing with: a Hunter stripper. No Tzimisce surprises.
>he's actually Venus' sub
>fan patch content
As much as i like the idea i don't think it's anything more of fanfiction
The logical extension of what you said, is to consider gamebreaking bugs of the un-patched original game, as indicators that there are forces that destroy the universe mid-game.
I mean, I know, I'm on Veeky Forums, so that probably sounds cool and all, but come on.
Holy shit the faggot who did this had no idea about spanish. My eyes hurt.
There is a red star in the night sky. The blood of mortals and the blood of ages, all will be consumed. They are coming. These are the final nights.
Am I the only one who thought that Max was entirely irrelevant? I was even surprised to see he was the one on the camarilla ending. The dude makes no attempt to approach you so if you have no business with Tremere stuff or you're one of those dudes who makes all the optional quedts you barely interact with him at all.
I, for one, enjoyed Prelude.
It's not amazing, and the writing is pretty contrived, but the thing is that it shows what happens to the Kindred who are shaped by circumstance and chance, rather than their own decisions.
Your character has to cooperate with an insane cannibalistic tranny, fend off one obsessive Nosferatu yandere and be VERY careful around another cold-hearted Camarilla bitch, all the while he;s being hunted by his mother who has control issues.
Basically, if Bloodlines reads like an epic story with a complicated web of intrigue where YOU are the one who's responsible for the outcome of the story, Prelude reads like a drug-addled fever dream akin to Fear and Loathing where you flow downstream with no real control, struggling all the while but not really achieving anything.
Prelude is just very, very different from Bloodlines, and I can see how some (many) people wouldn't like it, but, personally, I enjoyed it.
I killed Lacroix and opened the sarcophagus. For me it was the only sane thing to do considering the "trust nobody" vibe and all the people telling me not to open it. There's nobody who tries to tempt you to open it, surprizingly, even Lacroix who is the pro-open boy wants you to fuck off while he uses the key himself.
That's the idea
>makes no attempt to approach you
Except literally sending you a letter of invite. Whether you go to meet him or not is your choice.
The Fledgeling, although obviously the reason for LaCroix's fall, is completely inconsequential in the workings of Camarilla and the power play going within it.
Strauss saw an opportunity and took it. The PC really doesn't factor in on that. If LaCroix would have fumbled in some other way Max would have still made his move.
>cooperate with an insane cannibalistic tranny, fend off one obsessive Nosferatu yandere and be VERY careful around another cold-hearted Camarilla bitch, all the while he;s being hunted by his mother who has control issues.
I was intrigued for a moment when I heard of this whole thing, but reading this my interest has utterly vanished.
So I just found a copy of pic related and Dark Ages in the attic. New to the whole RPGing thing but I played Bloodlines.
How do I find some nerds to play it with? Only place in town I know of that might have some is a store that sells mostly WH40k stuff. Isn't it awkward to just show up to a group and tell them you want to try a campaign of a setting few people are familiar with?
Is this the place vampfags go after being BTFO'd by archmagefags
*block your path*
Ask the store if you could hang up a notice that you're looking for a group.
The Tremere pyramid isn't that tight in California so I guess Maximilian has some space for independent decisions.
You win this round.
If I were Nosferatu I'd target and embrace the most beautiful women to make them suffer.
I feel like a stop sign would have been a good substitute for the velociraptor in the museum if you’re playing Malkavian.
>not spending eternity shitposting on shrecknet
Do you even Jyhad?
They're just a burnt victim of tumblr vague gender identities. Check you Sun privilege.
>Your character has to cooperate with an insane cannibalistic tranny, fend off one obsessive Nosferatu yandere and be VERY careful around another cold-hearted Camarilla bitch, all the while he;s being hunted by his mother who has control issues.
This sounds like the sort of drivel someone from TV Tropes would come up with. Hard pass.
Huh, that's actually a good idea. Thanks m8.
He's looser with the sorcery than he is the politics, too, not only making a secret Gargoyle but contracting out of Pyramid to clean it up. I got the impression he went west to occupy a chantry basically by himself so he could experiment weirder with less supervision.