>Rhodesian Elves
Why is this a thing? Is it to prove to the masses that elves are just thinly valued supremacist colonialists?
>Rhodesian Elves
Why is this a thing? Is it to prove to the masses that elves are just thinly valued supremacist colonialists?
Other urls found in this thread:
OP it looks like this has been mentioned exactly 4 times on Veeky Forums before, probably by you. It is not a thing, and your prompt is more likely to lead to political shitposting than an actual discussion of how to base elves on Rhodesia in your setting and/or campaign.
>more likely
But yeah this is the lamest raid I've ever seen, and I've been on Veeky Forums pretty much daily since 2005.
If there's more than one art or multiple discussions of a subject, its a thing however niche it might be.
As much as this is probably just another elf based shitposting thread, x + elf is pretty much standard for this creatively bankrupt board that will slap pointy ears on a thing and calls it a day. Or do the same thing with russian orcs or swiss dwarves, or anything by taking a real life culture and painting it fantasy.
Elves with modern guns are cool, though.
>supremacist colonialists
Isnt that a foregone conclusion when the colinialists are objectively superior? So, calling them supremacist is a little disingenuous
>Why is this a thing
Because the Venn diagram of /pol/fags, animefags and virginfags has a whole lotta overlap
I'd be totally happy to actually talk about Rhodesian-inspired elves in a Veeky Forums context.
Of course you would, OP.
Just copy past the entire wikipedia page and put pointy ears on any white person. Done.
>supremacist colonialists
Rhodesians weren't all that supremacist. Large portions of their military were black.
The Selous Scouts - the toughest forces in the Rhodesian military - were at least 85% blacks.
Thanks for providing example of creative bankruptcy with your own dumb post, board fun police.
Hey, I dumped some world-building posts about my elves in the other thread, which got almost zero attention according to the replies. But this is not the thread for that. I mean, seriously, do you really think that taking an entire human culture and their history and put some pointy ears on them is in any way creative? There is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from real life cultures, that can be great for world-building. But human culture + pointy ears and keeping it at that only results in humans with pointy ears. Not great elves.
My old work mate was in that group. Shit fucked him up to this day.
His old comrade wrote a book about them called Selous Scouts. I forgot about him telling me until just now.
>Hey, I dumped some world-building posts about my elves in the other thread, which got almost zero attention according to the replies
If you are the OP then you should realize that 3 meager sentences talking about vague and generic stuff would never gather much attention and it's simply lazy on your part unless these are inflammatory routine for typical troll thread
Selous Scout life was hard as fuck.
You could read "Bush War Operator" if you're interested. They did some pretty insane stuff. Whole idea of the scouts was to operate among the enemy for long periods of time, live of whatever they could (usually rotten boiled chicken - known as "bubble gum" because of how chewy it was).
Their lives were suffering, constantly surrounded by biting, stinging flies (including ones that try to fly down your throat and up your nose in search of moisture), no sleep because too many mosquitoes, constantly on edge, constantly surrounded, always hungry and tired.
The white guys had to wear black camo cream and long sleeve shirts and trousers - you can imagine how fucking hot it must have been, sweat causing the camo cream to run into their eyes constantly. Stinging eyes, stinging insects, always tired and hungry and sweating, and surrounded by people who will gladly chop you up with a machete or just shoot you.
Selous Scout training was also very interesting - no food for the first week, and then only given a rotten baboon. Not even joking, this is the kind of hardcore training to prepare you for the field - boiling the maggots of rotten meat in order to survive...
They probably look operator af (like pic related) purely because of how far pushed past normal limits of endurance they are
>If you are the OP
Are you drunk? Why would you think I'm the OP? The same guy as
Can we just have pictures of qt elf girls raping unwilling orcs? That shit is my jam
>Are you drunk? Why would you think I'm the OP?
Why should I identify you on anonymous imageboard of all things? Are you seriously that dumb? You sound like a really miserable and dumb person.
It's not my jam, go find them yourself
>Rodesians were supremacist
I have a soft spot for elves with guns riding dinosaurs or other large reptiles
>Why should I identify you on anonymous imageboard of all things?
You know sometimes user says
>not that guy
Because sometimes you could confuse someone for the same user. But you barely here anyone proclaiming
>the same user
at the start of a post, because most around here are able to follow a conversation, especially if the reply chain consists of only one reply per post each.
I mean, how retarded is
>>Why should I identify you
after assuming that I am I specific user in this thread? You did try to identifiy me, you moron. You started this. This is why I called you drunk.
>after assuming that I am I specific user in this thread?
>Hey, I dumped some world-building posts about my elves in the other thread
I was refering to the other thread you've mentioned yourself but you are too much of a mongoloid to understand such simple thing
Brown elves are okay, I like some bronze "Desert Elves"
Ah, now I understand, you think I'm the OP of that thread . Which is stupid as well. I posted in that thread, but I didn't start it and nowhere did I imply that I'm the OP of it. So you still made the same mistake.
>you think I'm the OP of that thread
>If you are the OP then you should realize
I've seen birds with better reading comprehension than you. You are really stupid.
Is that a fucking goat slung under the fuselage?
This is probably all content made by the same guy and you're such a fucking loser to like Rhodesia of all things.
Well user, you are still drunk for implying that I'm any OP. You again tried to identifiy me and any "if" doesn't change the fact that trying to identify me as anyone else but the user you replied to earlier was dumb.
I've always thought Shadowrun had the right idea- gritty urban fantasy- applied to the wrong setting. Consequently, fantasy Bush War makes me happy indeed. Which system works best, folks?
Well shit, that's ultra-hard-core.
Guy looks completely burned out, like something from Dark Souls but with guns.
What is the next dumb thing you are going to say, board fun police?
Well, we can get back to my initiate question you ignored.
>do you really think that taking an entire human culture and their history and put some pointy ears on them is in any way creative? There is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from real life cultures, that can be great for world-building. But human culture + pointy ears and keeping it at that only results in humans with pointy ears. Not great elves.
But answering this is probably not your kind of fun.
no, that's just someones feet
RIP Rhodesia. The good die young.
>thinly valued supremacist colonialists?
>Implying Zimbabwe aren't completely and irreversibly dysfunctional racists.
I don't think anyone is arguing that point.
I mean, OP brought it up.
>Veeky Forums will obviously reply to my retarded /pol/shit if I put pointy ears on it.
Fuck off.
You too. Fuck off.
>I have no argument so I'll just close my eyes, cover my ears and shout fuck off until they go away
>Why is this a thing?
Crossposting between Veeky Forums and /k/?
Yes, I think they want to not have a /pol/ argument here.
That seems to be the entire point.
Having a large non-white military does not necessarily mean the culture of the nation you're fighting for isn't plagued with serious issues of institutionalized bigotry against blacks.
There were a shitload of black guys in the US Army back in the Jim Crow days, for instance.
Then don't respond. Just fucking ignore it. If you don't want to have an argument in a thread, don't go into a thread screaming and telling people to fuck off. Just hide the thread and move on with your life
Holy fucking christ, go back to tumblr. You’re in for a fun few decades, you goddamn egalitarian.
ah, you seem new here.
Going into places and screeching about how much you don't like it has been the gold standard for getting things removed from the board for as long as things have been removed from the board.
The opposite works just as well
Not historically, no. Everything that's been officially removed was predicated by HUGE shitposting against it.
Judging from the how far the quality of life has fallen from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, the White Rhodesians had every right to be racist bigots. There has yet to be a single black nation worth a damn in the last 500 years. They seem to be the only people incapable of civilization
If you're talking about shit like "This is no longer allowed on the board" then yes, save for everything /d/ lost to /aco/. For individual threads like this, screeching at it only makes things worse. And screeching isn't gonna make off topic /pol/ more banned than it already is
Historically, it makes moderation much more severe on whatever the topic is.
There's a reason screeching about things you dislike is getting so popular. That's behavioral evolution at work, baby.
>the high-elves invaded/colonized the dark-elves land a couple hundred years ago
>today the high-elves living there feel like they have much more in common with the elves living in their land than the old high-elven heartland
>Eventually the distant realm declare themselves the independent nation of Elfdesia
>the old elven motherland considers this bullshit and refuses to recognize the new nation, as does most other nations, since they don't want to be on the high-elves bad side
>at about the same time some of the dark-elves decide that's it's time to kick out the high-elves and start a guerilla war
>some of the dark-elves join and some stay loyal to the government, which side they decide depending much on personal history, opinion, political leaning and so on
>The isolated nation now has to fight a gruesome guerilla war while largely isolated and against rebels facing increasing support from the second world
Not a 1:1 copy of Rhodesia but you could probably play something like that without bringing in more difficult aspects like racism and such. Just say the dark-elves got shafted pretty hard in the beginning but that many have it about as good as the high-elves. And that some would like their own land even though they have it good.
>colinialists are objectively superior?
Rhodesia's white majority got it's ass whupped by Zimbabwe, a country mostly famous for hyperinflation.
This is why if you're gonna have white supremacist elves you have to make them british analogues rather than South Africa, Rhodesia, nazi germany - don't worry, britain has some good ol genocides under its belt just like the others, but they were able to cash out when shit got tough instead of trying to continue the empire thing past the point of its viability so that they got brutally defeated for no other reason than their own stupidity.
So elves with Stens, L1A1s (FN-FALs) and Enfield Rifles and more berets than you can shake a stick at.
Rhodesia 'got its ass whupped' because the blacks were being backed by commies and out of country mercs while the white Rhodesians were embargoed to hell and back, and even then they kicked ass for as long as possible.
Thats not their own stupidity. Thats the stupidity of the rest of the western world.
Sounds like the Rhodesians were cucks and I'm glad they got owned. Colonialism is garbage.
>colonialism is garbage
Yeah damn those pesky brits bringing civilization to shitholes like Australia.
What a load of shitty opinions and bumps for a shitty thread.
The longest and worst period of African suffering was post Colonialism and it had absolutely nothing to do with the previous Empires and everything to do with the dysfunctional nature of African societies in running modern countries and the influence of the USSR.
>Why is this a thing?
I'll try to put this as neutrally as possible as to not trigger the tumblr snowflakes: during the decline and fall of Rhodesia, the Rhodesians were a small but effective minority who were demographically in decline whereas the native Zimbabweans were much less trained and had shitty gear but were the majority. Fighting effectively against the odds, often resorting to guerilla tactics, is the thing elves do in many fantasy settings. That's their gimmick. It's only natural that elves are the fantasy equivalent of Rhodesians.
>The longest and worst period of African suffering was post Colonialism and it had absolutely nothing to do with the previous Empires and everything to do with the dysfunctional nature of African societies
A lot of Africans wouldn't even mind Europeans coming back. Hell, some are still stuck in that master-servant relationship. Look at Macron's last visit to Burkina Faso, where he had to explain Burkinese students(!) that it's not his job to make sure the country has electricity all the time. Yet the Burkenese want him to make it his business, because if Burkina Faso was still a French colonial territory it would at least have consistent electricity and clean drinking water. Also
>Asshole gatecrashes my house party
>Breaks all the things
>Eats all the food I bought for my friends
>Have to spend days working to fix all the damage
>"The longest and worst period of user's suffering was post-gatecrashing and it had absolutely nothing to do with the assholes and everything to do with the dysfunctional nature of user in keeping his house in order..."
Bonus round:
>"user, you should be happy that the asshole gatecrashed your party, he really improved things by livening it up and the vomit in your couch is just the cost of having fun parties!"
This would be accurate if the asshole gate-crashing your party beat you up every day but also cooked, cleaned, paid the bills, and built schools and railways in your party. Eventually he stops beating you because he gets bored and the other guests are looking at him sideways but he is selling your furniture to them (and they're happily buying). Somehow though you're eating better than you ever have and your house is nicer
Basically, it's an abusive marriage.
>my house party
There was a party?
I'd laugh at you, but you probably believe it.
I don't think I was being too kind to the colonials? It was an abusive relationship. They built infrastructure and improved the standard of living but only to benefit themselves and their exploitation of the locals. These things were sideways good for said locals, which is why some of them still long for it
>Rhodesia 'got its ass whupped
It technically didn't. Rhodesian forces won every engagement they fought.
The main reason the "war was lost" is Ian Smith (the Rhodesian PM) was forced to hold elections due to ongoing outside pressures and embargoes. He held elections, expecting their nominated black guy to get in, but instead Mugabe got in - the leader of ZANU who they had been fighting the whole time (well technically they were fighting ZANLA, the military wing of ZANU).
The Rhodesians were also fighting ZIPRA, the military wing of ZAPU, and sometimes FRELIMO who were the Mozambican army
ZANU were generally Marxist/Maoist communists, supported by China, while ZAPU were supported by the Soviet Union.
Both sides were nationalists first and communists second in order to get support from the big players.
And yet so many people insist I should be grateful this asshole forced me into marriage against my will and tell me that the worst thing happening to me was when he left.
There is no such thing as "infrastructure and improved the standard of living but only to benefit themselves." If you build up the country's infrastructure, that is benefiting the whole country. Colonialism was a massive boon to Africa in that it transformed a land of mud huts and subsistence farming into a modern society with industry, electricity, running water, etc. That helped everyone, including the locals. The idea that it was somehow a bad thing is leftist propaganda that they've only managed to push by seizing control of the schools and universities and ostracizing anyone who dares question their narrative.
>here we go
It was. You immediately went on a massive binge, got aids, killed your neighbor with the gun your ex left behind, forgot to pay your taxes and got your power and water shut off, your car broke down and you just ignored it, and the moment some other guy who is even more abusive showed up you put your head down between his legs and let him take control of your life again.
Literally the only time in your life when you were presentable was when you were living with your ex.
>The idea that it was somehow a bad thing is leftist propaganda that they've only managed to push by seizing control of the schools and universities and ostracizing anyone who dares question their narrative.
If you just wanted a Rhodesia thread, you could just made one.
Not him, there are plenty of very real negatives colonialism brought, but schools lean left. That's been the case since the 80s.
>There is no such thing as "infrastructure and improved the standard of living but only to benefit themselves."
What, Banana Republics are a myth?
Sure. But there's a gap between "schools lean left" and "leftist propaganda they've only managed to push by seizing control of the schools and universities and ostracizing anyone who dares question their narrative."
Small wonder, given "the Left" didn't try to stop schools from teaching about Evolution or Safe Sex.
Imagine being retarded enough to think colonialism was good.
No, instead they try to get schools to teach that every single hero or leader from the country's past was an evil racist sexist bigot and that we should be ashamed of everything we've accomplished because Jamal or Stacy might feel excluded otherwise.
You're just upset no one takes phrenology seriously anymore.
In any case most schools are centrist at best. Universities are businesses and anyone to the left of Sanders and Corbyn are anomalies, not majorities, within the university system. Most people are liberals, yes, but liberals aren't leftists. The narrative that right wingers push, that communists have infiltrated the universities, is ridiculous.
Its good for the colonizers.
Or would you prefer that the U.S. was still native Americans?
Sorry if it wasn't clear; "universities lean left" I can generally agree with, but I don't think it legitimizes some weird, delusional conspiracy theory.
It'd be good for me if I stole your fucking lunch money, nerd, but is it ethical?
>Thinly veiled /pol/ bait gets 81 replies
Phoneposting Was a Mistake.
Ethics haven't really factored into global decisions until very recently. Even then, they still don't factor into the decisions of many large companies.
Because shooting niggers *cough* I mean orcs is fun.
... they've still lost, so what are you going to say? What are you? Polish or something? "We wuz winners and shiet". Yeah, and lost the peace deal.
More art like this?
>Torment Group X out of fear they are going to destroy your country
>Group X radicalises because of your paranoid attacks
>You deny them in turn any rights or education, as such dangerous radicals should be kept away from public
>Group X radicalises further
>You organise entire state toward opressing them
>Get surprised they get even more radical
>End up fighting a civil war out of paranoia
>Outside power-players decide to support Group X
>Get rekt hard after protracted pseudo-civil war fought over nothing of importance
>Get even more surprised when Group X, once winning, decides to make your life hell out of retribution for decades of being treated like dirt
They've brought their own downfall on themselves. The exact same shit happend in SAR, to the point of developing fucking nukes "just to be sure".
Imagine being such paranoid bigot you literally create your own downfall.
Only when you learn to sage
having your enemy placed on the polls by the international community and getting voted out and losing a war are quite different things.
Hell, the Rhodesian minister of defense stayed on as the Zimbabwean MoD iirc.
There was a point in the war where the rhodesians had reduced the number of terrorists in the country to less than 100, but they were forced to curtail their military actions by the international community.
Won every battle, but lost the war due to world politics deciding apartheid was more despicable than communists chopping people's lips off.
They also dismantled said nukes before they had to hand over their Government to the ANC. Ostensibly to strengthen relations and credibility via voluntarily dismantling their nuclear deterrents.
Communism is cool and good, as evidenced by Thomas Sankara boosting up Burkina Faso immensely during his regime before getting assassinated by some punk bitch who immediately sold out to bankers and French fuckers extorting them for "colonial debt". Robert Mugabe is a punk bitch who didn't do anything socialist following the revolution and as such Zimbabwe turned into garbage.
Rhodedians still deserved it though
He also did the popular communistic things such as: removing the free press, trying his opponents in the 'court of the people's opinion', seizing private property.
If you can glorify Thomas despite the "unpopular" actions he took, then you can glorify Rhodesia for the good it did.
>Communism is cool and good
I haven't seen any evidence of this in the last 100 years
He really likes the heat and hot weather, and is a tough old bastard to be sure.
You are factually correct, its true that the SS was at least 70% black (many rteformed "terrs").
But its also like saying Hitler/Nazis were not antimsemitic/homophobic because the were gays and jews that supproted and even fought for them. Hell the confederacy allowed black soldiers to work in non-combat rolls (menial jobs despite being slaves). That didn't change the fact that both Confederacy and Rhodesia was supreamacist. They just happened to be pragmatic as well. In Rhodesia blacks couldn't own dogs, or buy and ride bikes unless given very specific papers on it.
>F-frontline army never surrendered!
>I-it was communists backstabbing on home front!
I think I've heard this one before.
And daily reminder the international community took interest, because Rhodesians started this fucking war to begin with. So like the other user said - they've brought it on themselves.
Check how it worked for them.
Also check how it worked for Ukraine to get rid of a really impressive nuclear arsenal and nuclear capabilities of their army.
>I think I've heard this one before.
Because that's the only way marxists can win most of the time. Their retarded ideology makes them militarily incompetent, so they rely on subverting a nation's population and the media in order to undermine the nation's culture and will.
Still lost a war to black commies on their own turf. Truly the hailmark of white surpemacism