Why are reveal lands considered trash? Coming from Hearthstone, it seems like revealing a basic land in your hand is a small price to pay to play duals untapped.
Why are reveal lands considered trash? Coming from Hearthstone...
They aren't considered trash at all. However, they're not used as much as pain lands for a couple reasons. Firstly, pain lands contain basic land types, which means they can be searched/fetched. Secondly, they can always be put into play untapped assuming you have the health to play. Lands that require a reveal get worse the later in the game it is since you'll have less lands in hand/deck overall.
Er, I mean shocklands. Pain lands are a different thing altogether.
>Coming from Hearthstone
go back
Lets say I have 3 mana out already and I need a fourth source to slam a big 4mana cost creature or else Im fucked. It is currently my opponents end step and I have no lands in hand and can only pray for a topdeck land. Would you rather:
A. Top deck a reveal land and lose
B. Top deck any other land that doesnt come in tapped.
Bad example really but its the best one I can think of for when you really need a land
They're not terrible but compare them to Fast Lands, Slow Lands and Shock Lands. As long as it won't kill you, Shock Lands can always have a 100% chance to come into play untapped if you need them to. Fast Lands start at a 100% chance to come in untapped on Turn 1 and steadily decrease to 0% sometime after Turn 2 or 3 (Based on any ramp spells). The inverse is roughly true for Slow Lands. By turning around your deck's mana needs and tempo you can have Shock, Fast and/or Slow Lands provide a fairly reliable, consistent flow of untapped mana when you need it.
Reveal Lands can never meet that. You can never be certain when you're ready to play a Reveal Land if you have another land that meets one of its two criteria to come in untapped. That is the issue: a lack of predictable consistency.
They are called Tangolands FYI.
Also, you need to go back.
Tangolands are the BFZ fetchable duals.
Because they're duals you can't fetch with added drawbacks.
they're good, but in eternal formats they're powercreeped out by a ton of land. ABU, shocks, pains, fast, fetches, and various deck specific others (mana confluence, city of brass, cavern of souls, etc) all outclass them.
In standard, the format that only runs new sets, they're seeing play. You can get away with them in 2 color edh or 3 color budget edh as well. They're just not as good as your alternatives.
They're called Handlands if you're not a ding dong
They are middle ground
>revealing a basic land in your hand
And he failed to read the card like clockwork. It's any Island or any Swamp, not just basics.
>In standard, the format that only runs new sets, they're seeing play.
They rotated out over 3 months ago.
They're fine but there are plenty of better options
It's not very consistent. It will come in tapped a lot if you try to make a deck with several colors. Hell, it'll come in tapped if you keep an opener of island/swamp and pick up that on turn 3.
Lands are good based on the consistency they provide vs their cost. This is low cost but also low consistency. Being able to enact your game plan is worth larger costs, like paying two life.
I'm more shocked that modern doesn't see more cycle duals.
ESPECIALLY this one in 24 or maybe more lands Celestial Colonnade decks. If you can hold up Mana Leak you might as well cycle a land end of turn. Fucking Think Twice is getting played but these are not.
Forgot picture.
UW control sometimes plays it. But taplands...well, they're bad. REALLY bad. They better be doing something VERY powerful to put them in your main deck and want to draw them in any old game. A tapland at the wrong time can mean that you time walk your opponent; the risk is huge. The reward had better be amazing, and honestly, UW control doesn't usually hate just playing out more lands in the late game. Being able to cryptic, then snap cryptic, then snap cryptic and negate any response...
They also run some very good taplands in the form of collenade, and at a certain point you just can't justify any more. Modern is all about speed.
So yeah. UW control is the only traditional control list in modern, and so cycle lands see play in it and nowhere else.
>Lands that require a reveal get worse the later in the game it is since you'll have less lands in hand/deck overall.
True, but isn't this downside mitigated a bit by the fact you don't need it untapped as badly as in early turns?
0% truth. Many decks want untapped etb lands even up around 7-10 turns. It depends on the format, though, some formats see longer games than others.